This Was Written By Windy - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

A Night to Truly Remember

Pairing: Porcelain Honey [Metier ♥️ Amoret]

After a lengthy tea party with her moirail and CO, Amoret was making her way back to the theater hive where her matesprite asked her to meet him. The seadweller had requested that Amoret waited for him in the lobby area of the theater hive. As the Purpleblood stepped through the massive double doors, she went over to one of the comfy little lobby chairs and sat down, adjusting her twin buns. The lobby area was always the quietest part of the theater hive.

Amoret always did prefer the silence herself. A comfortable silence amongst the noise of the theater hive. She leaned back in her seat slightly and closed her eyes, placing her hands gingerly onto her lap as she waited. Certainly Metier wouldn’t keep her waiting. It WAS Quadrant’s Day after all, and Metier always seemed to be “on the dot” with things like this. And luck would have it, Amoret didn’t need to wait too long as hurried footsteps came into the lobby. And there he was! Metier Hollow skidding slightly to a stop, pushing up the velvet carpet that he promptly smoothed out with his foot before turning to his beloved, smiling gently. He, like always, was dressed up all handsome like in blacks and golds, little specks of purple could be seen on tonight’s attire.

Amoret stood up and smiled right back, holding her hands in front of her as she approached the seadweller. Metier leaned down and took one of her lithe hands, bringing it up to his lips and giving her knuckle a soft kiss, beaming as he noticed the delicate purple hue decorating his darling’s cheeks. “// My deepest apologies, my love. Have you been waiting /ong?”

“No, I haven’t. I just got here actually.” The seadweller relaxed as he straightened his back, running his fingers through his hair. “// Good then! I wou/d hate to keep someone /ike you waiting… I have something very specia/ p/anned for us. Sha// we?” The seadweller held out his arm, that charming smile decorating his face. Amoret giggled and grabbed onto her matesprite’s arm, staying close as they walked out of the building. Instead of some big fancy scuttlebuggy, a rather sleek and high tech-looking motorcycle was waiting outside. Metier chuckled and in one swift motion, hooked his arm around Amoret’s waist, using his other arm to hook under her legs and lift her up bridal style. Amoret gasped and giggled at the gesture, wiggling her legs in delight. Metier could feel his heart swell as he carefully placed Amoret onto his motorcycle, his hands resting on her little waist. Amoret admired the bike for a moment before she turned her head, glancing up at the seadweller.

“Metier… I don’t have a helmet. Wouldn’t it b⋈ dangerous for me to ride on your motor⋈ike like this…?” Metier, without saying a word, produced two helmets seemingly out of thin air, he always came prepared. Amoret giggled and clapped her little hands as her matesprite placed the helmet on her head, adjusting it to make sure it would fit. “// There we go. A// better now.” The seadweller cooed before he put his own helmet on and got onto his motorcycle. The bike roared to life as Amoret wrapped her arms around Metier’s torso, holding onto his shirt as they sped off into the night.

The rest of the night seemed to go back in a pleasant blur of noise and excitement. Metier had gotten them a lovely spot at some aquarium-themed restaurant for a wonderful dinner together. Amoret’s little eyes lit up with wonder as they moved towards their table. The shimmering blues and purples that radiated from the walls, which had been mostly replaced by massive tanks of water, amazed her. Colorful corals and a plethora of cute little decorations lined every tank they passed. Metier had gotten them a small table in the back away from everyone else. Amoret, even if she didn’t say it, truly appreciated this decision. Metier knew she wasn’t the best in big social situations, and this just proved how attentive he was of her feelings.

The atmosphere was calming, the food delightful and the chatter between the two of them made Amoret’s heart swell with joy. Every Quadrant’s Day, even if Amoret hadn’t been aware of it at the time, was never this pleasant. Was never this exciting for her. Metier gave her feelings that her ex-matesprite never could. He listened to her, took active interest in what she was doing, and what she had to say! This seadweller made her feel so many things that no one else has ever been able to. And she loved it. Deeply and truly loved it. Being with Metier was like being in her own little world. Just the two of them and no one else.

The dinner date soon came to a close, Metier paying for the whole thing before they left and hopped onto his sleek black and gold-accented motorcycle once more. The ride to the seadweller’s hive was fairly long, but ultimately quite pleasant. The wind gently rustled some of Amoret’s hair that stuck out from her helmet, the warm glow of the twin Alternian moons bounced and glinted off things as they drove past. Even if the views were brief, they were majestic in a manner that Amoret would’ve never experienced on her own.

Amoret didn’t quite know what she was expecting once they arrived at Metier’s hive, but the 2-story hive that rested on a cliffside overlooking the ocean was something she didn’t normally see most seadwellers doing. Metier pulled up to his hive, getting off his motorcycle and helping Amoret down before heading up to the front door. Amoret watched him type in some lengthy passcode before the door opened, allowing the pair entrance.

The inside of the hive was comfy and cozy. A clean space that was lined with ocean-themed decorations. Amoret took notice that Metier didn’t seem to fancy normal doors, most of them being replaced with shimmery silk curtains. Metier took her small hand in his and led her to the living room, letting out a small sigh. “// I be/ieve this is where the second part of my /itt/e date p/an comes into action. If you wou/dn’t mind giving me a moment.” Amoret nodded and watched as her matesprite wandered off somewhere. She looked around the living room before settling down on the couch, undoing her little buns as she waited. And after a bit, Metier came back and was dressed down, holding a movie case in one hand with some clothing draped over his arm.

“// In hindsight, I had forgotten to ask you to bring something more casua/ to wear after the date. I do hope wearing some of my c/othes won’t be too much of an issue for you.” Amoret felt her face flush as she shook her head, it wouldn’t be a problem at all for her. She stood and took the clothing from the seadweller as he gave her directions to the restroom. The outfit was simple: One of Metier’s shirts and a pair of his boxers. She giggled at the mere thought of wearing them, only taking a couple moments to change before meeting up with her matesprite in the living room.

Metier smiled as Amoret re-entered the room and patted the space beside him with a smile, wrapping his slender arm around her body to pull her close once she was seated. Amoret felt heat on her cheeks once more as she cuddled into her new lover’s side, watching him lift up a remote and turn on some cheesy little romance movie he got for the pair to watch, Amoret relaxing against the seadweller. This Quadrant’s Day was going to be one Amoret would remember as the best she’s ever had.


Written by @windy-trickster , posting it on my account by his request! Amoret - @windy-trickster Metier - mine :)!

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