Thomas James Mccoy - Tumblr Posts

"Firefly" is a nickname given to him by the staff who are fond of him, he does not know his birth name. He ostensibly was found by the foundation when he was a baby and his birth family is not known.
Anomaly allows him to take on the injuries or sicknesses of anyone he touches (NOT NEURODIVERGENCIES THOUGH HE CAN'T TAKE THOSE), along with being able to recover from them at a somewhat accelerated pace as opposed to a regular human. He will also experience the physical signs of the emotions of anyone he touches, and he has discovered he can manually transfer his injuries onto other people he is touching. And the anomaly can do nothing else. Nope. Totally not.
he's used as kind of an "emergency medic", tossed around between sites and mtf squads
perpetually stuck looking like a college student but if you talk to him for any substantial amount of time it becomes apparent that he's a very autistic middle-aged man
semi-verbal, often uses ASL to communicate, more comfortable speaking around people he likes or trusts
sarcastic and kind of jaded but really compassionate, tries to make the newcomer anomalies feel welcome
he's very loyal to the foundation, full-on drank the Kool-Aid despite literally being in containment, it's the only family he has OBSTENSIBLY
draws a lot in his spare time, sketchbooks full of very detailed drawings of beetles and other such creatures
not even really supposed to have cigarettes but through the power of bargaining with favors (sfw ones get your mind out of the gutter) with the mtf operatives he has developed a nicotine addiction
generally pretty well-liked but not really that close with a lot of the people he hangs out with. But people leave his life pretty regularly when he gets transferred to a new assignment so its fine riiiiight
pretty mellow guy overall which is partly due to him being dissociated half the time but we're going to ignore that it's FINE