Character Ref Sheet - Tumblr Posts

I now present: Dave!! It's been soso long since I've updated him as well so this was super nice to draw too!
(info is below the read more)
Wispy's room mate, co worker, and (sorta reluctant) friend, Dave Fitzgerald is a deadpan, stony, stoic, and overall quiet "Eeyore" personality type that had decided to be room mates with Wispy due to convenience since they both already knew each other prior to living together
His mother is a rabbit while his father is a goat, making him a hybrid with high speeds, agility, climbing, vertical jumps/leaps, and having a very strong kick, but he never seems to use these skills very often due to only needing them for certain situations
He does find Wispy to be obnoxious, annoying, loud, and an overall disruption and obstacle in his life, but due to knowing him so long and having actually been protected and aided by Wispy on more than a few occasions in the past, he chooses to tolerate all of shenanigans he's put through with a blank face
Dave and Wispy also share the exact same shift as each other in the Millenni-Yum, so a lot of the actual work like cleaning, stocking shelves and looking over security cameras lands on him while Wispy either just stays at the counter or out goofing off with Emmett outside. Dave puts up with this to (to an extent) due to not wanting Wispy to be fired (along with himself ofc) since if they work the same job at the same time, that means there's twice more money for them and their needs
He eventually wants to open up his own carnival food truck that would be nomadic depending on where the fairs he's following would take him, serving his specialty fried foods such as the one of his own invention: The Deep Fried Pizza Cone (deep fried cone shaped pizza slices that holds in whatever savory dish you'd like (such as mac n cheese, bits of chicken such as sweet n sour or buffalo, and even alfredo). But due to life circumstances (living with Wispy lol) and being overall a broke 23 year old who gets paid minimum wage
Wispy and Dave have been friends since childhood ever since Wispy stood up to a bully for Dave when he was a new student who had moved to Bright Light City that year and also was two grades below Wispy
He's a very skilled cook who has been into it as a passion and hobby ever since his childhood, since he and his mom would spend a lot of their time cooking together as a bonding experience
In high school, he used to be in lots of sports, such as soccer, football, track and many many others, after graduating high school, he grew disinterested in them and never did them much again. The only ones he still does are rock/mountain climbing, hiking, martial arts (especially karate and capoeira), and vertical jumping
He has a side job of creating recipes and cooking up prototypes of said recipes for Lime Ricky's Pizza, he and Lime Ricky (the owner) as a result get along pretty decently. It's just that Lime Ricky is an extremely stinky and greasy (literally and metaphorically) person so it's hard to work in person with him
He has been mistaken several times as being part demon/imp by strangers or people he just met due to the shape of his horns being demon-esqe
All done!
I really do hope that you guys enjoy him!!

Wowza, first off, I ought to thank @twyz for redesigning Prism and giving me this current design he has now!
(Info will be under the read more)
Prism is Bright Light City's best known and most well-renowned attorney, he has won many many cases in his career and as a result, lives an extravagant and lavish lifestyle that consists of spending his wealth on fancy suits, the best make-up and hair care anyone could ask for, and having amazing exquisite dinners at the best places in the city
Though, it is also very well known that despite him being a dog, on the inside he's a conniving weasel who has rigged cases to be in his own favor and has made many connections to do so, thus a lot of the wealth he has is as the result of creating more crime in order for him to have keep his job a good paying one
He's very much well known for this as well, but due to his many connections he's made and his wealth being able to bribe almost anyone, not much is actually able to be done about it
Prism is also Wispy's former childhood friend, ex-boyfriend, and now sworn enemy! Wispy (and Emmett) absolutely hates Prism with all his being meanwhile Prism has lots of disdain and disgust towards Wispy, while also deep down still having remnants of romantic towards him as well
He owns his own attorney's office that is located smack dab in the middle of downtown Bright Light City, which is a three story building where the first floor is the waiting room/secretary's office, the second floor is Prism's office and the third floor is an attic/storage room for paperwork, client files, and whatever junk Prism seems to think fits up there
He also has a secretary that works for him in his attorney's office that is a nervous wreck of a draco lizard named Rocket Pop, their relationship is very much like Duckman and Fluffy and Uranus' from Duckman, except Prism more or less just treats him like a slave and constantly verbally berates him (though he does sometimes physically lash out at the poor draco lizard), Rocket Pop has not quit due to actually having a really huge paycheck from Prism and also because he actually likes being a secretary despite having a shitty boss
His ponytail is actually a hair extension that he clips onto the back of his head and then ties into his trademark ponytail, his hair extensions actually are estimated to cost around 10,000 dollars due to the materials they're made of and the dyes that make its pink/orange/blue colors
The reason why Wispy (and by extension, Emmett) hates Prism so much was because in high school, Prism and Wispy have dated for almost a year. All for it to be a lead up to a prom prank Prism and his new group of friends he made (unbeknownst to Wispy) where they covered him in rotten meat and other expired and smelly foods that the bullies found in the trash in front of basically the entire school. As a result, Wispy was deeply humiliated and ran out of prom, not even returning to that school having to switch to a new one for his senior year. Wispy has hated Prism ever since
Wispy and Prism do run into each other on a semi-regular basis due to Prism liking to go to the Millenni-Yum for cheap snacks if he doesn't feel like spending money or to mess with Wispy to either ruin his day or to secretly reminisce about the days where they were actually friends and boyfriends, and wishing he could take it all back
Prism and Rocket Pop met when they were both going to the same college and we're just happening to be taking the same chemistry course (since both have an interest in chemistry and science), Rocket Pop was there for accounting for his accounting degree at the time
The nickname that many citizens of Bright Light City and people who aren't a big fan of Prism in general have for the attorney is The Weasel of Bright Light (or just simply a Weasel lol)
Thank you all so much again for your patience on this, I'm soso happy that Prism finally has a better and all improved ref sheet of his own!
Enjoy y'all!!

I now present you all with Prism's anxiety-ridden, but otherwise hard working and most trusted secretary and friend (and verbal and at times physical punching bag), Rocket Pop!
I'm soso happy I was happy to draw him again since his design is so much fun to work with!
(All info will be down below)
Born with the name Rocket Poliano Cornell, Rocket Pop is a nickname bestowed upon him by his family and by extension everyone that he's ever known due to his striking red, white and blue scales. Rocket's eye(s) also have the tendency/habit of splitting up into either twos or threes whenever he is in any kind of extreme stress/fear/anxiety, since it is a norm for draco lizards to do
Another reason is also due to him being an Ice Element (their word for having ice breath/powers), since his kind come in all sorts of colors, Elements (such as fire, water, grass, and many more), and even different kinds of ear shapes, horns, tails, and what type of fuzz/fluff/fur they have on their chest/joints/back (if they have any at all, since some just have scales). Rocket Pop is also the only Ice Element in his family ever since his great grandfather
Rocket Pop comes from a farming family of six (including himself) that lives in a farming township called Wheat. They consist of his mom Belladonna (a Plant Element), his dad Cliff (a Stone Element), his two brothers Spark (a Light Element) and Dusty (a Earth Element), and his sister Wisteria (a Flower Element). Rocket is the second oldest out of all his siblings (in order: Dusty, Rocket, Spark, Wisteria)
He also actually has a pretty good relationship with all of his family and sends them all postcards/letters of how he's doing with his life pretty much every day, his parents are extremely supportive of Rocket receiving a higher education and having a much better job than just being a farmer on their family farm all his siblings have. Even if they all have their differences, Rocket loves them
After Rocket had graduated with high honors and a scholarship to a very prestigious college, Rocket went off for his accounting degree at the age of 19 and at that college, he had met his new friend and future boss Prism Sixxen taking the same chemistry class together. After they both graduated, Prism opened up his law firm and the first person to come to mind to be the new secretary for him was none other than Rocket Pop!
Since then, Rocket Pop is rarely ever seen not at least a foot nearby Prism to placate and tend to ever need and desire his boss can possibly ask for/demand of him. If he is, he is usually in his office working on organizing, working on/organizing PILES of files and paperwork, in the attic reorganizing the items there, or at his small apartment that's right next to the law firm getting what little rest he's able to sneak away with. Due to all of this, he is living, shaking, breathing personification of work stress and stress induced insanity
But despite all that he goes through, he still loves his job being a secretary, loves organizing things, and actually gets paid pretty decently so he sticks around and doesn't attempt to quit (some even suspect he has a sort of strange crush on Prism)
When he is able to have a day off to himself (which is rare) he can be seen at many of the flower shops around Bright Light City since he has a strong love for flowers and plants (especially at Ivy Buckingham's flower shop) or at the Bright Light City Park just hanging around
Rocket Pop LOVES fireworks and firework shows. He goes to the firework show that Bright Light City holds every Fourth of July
Rocket Pop's favorite school subjects (still loves them to this day) were math and science (especially chemistry)
Due to him being an Ice Element, he uses his ice breath a lot to make popsicles (his favorite food), cool down the offices/apartment without using an air conditioner, and to create ice floors to walk across water if need be. He also has ice claws and teeth that come out whenever he's in need to attack someone/something, freezing whatever they come to contact with
Despite draco lizards being an overall small species, Rocket is actually pretty small for his kind (the average size for a draco lizard is 9 inches tall, the biggest they can get is 10 and a half inches) and is the shortest one out of his family
One of Rocket Pop's biggest hobbies is collecting stamps and postcards
Whew, that's a lotta info, hope y'all don't mind that!
Anyways, enjoy!!

I have now finally updated the ref sheet to the well renowned owner of Lime Ricky's Pizzeria and Soda Float Shop: Lime Ricky! (full name Richard Limerick)
I loved playing around with his color palette, so this was tons of fun!
(more info will be down below)
Lime Ricky is the owner, founder, and cook of Bright Light City's most popular pizzeria and soda float shop Lime Ricky's Pizza & Soda Floats, an adolescent/adult friendly version of Chuck-E-Cheese where the pizzeria (and arcade it comes with) is the main spot for the older kids and teens (and hungover adults coming from the many bars nearby) come to eat the greasy but addicting junk food and the soda float shop being for the number one hang out spot for teens and adults that want to stay away from the bar scene in Bright Light City and would rather have a nice soda float instead
Lime Ricky is very much well known for his laidback, easygoing, and overzealous with a really good snarky sense of humor but also a sleazy and shady business owner who only seems to show care for the creating of his greasy junk food concoctions, mixing up his world famous specialty soda floats, and/or when he's counting his money. He doesn't seem to care all that much about the upkeep or sanitation of the pizzeria like he does for his soda float shop nor does he give a shit about the supervision of the children who come there "as long as they asses get in the door an' their parents pay the cash" (as Ricky would put it himself)
As a result, kids are often seen unsupervised running amuck and causing chaos in the pizzeria, a lot of it also oddly caused by Lime Ricky's most favorite customer: Wispy Brighton!
Lime Ricky also comes from a long line of restaurant owners, chefs, and entertainers alike where he has learned about the three topics from his father (the owner and cook of a popular diner) and his grandfather (a business man and stand up comedian) and has put them into Lime Ricky's Pizza & Soda Floats
Another thing that Lime Ricky is (unfortunately) known for is having extremely greasy fur and hair and smelling of fried food and old cooking oil due to how long and frequent he works on the kitchen making pizza and other greased up foods alike, so many are hesitant when it comes to making physical contact with the rat!
Wispy and Lime Ricky (and Dave) met each other at a house party that Wispy was throwing at his apartment one night and Lime Ricky just so happened to be one of the guests that night, once they met each other and realized they had similar interests (partying, weed, and junk food), they had hit it off right away and have been friends since
The reason why Wispy is Lime Ricky's most favorite customer and let's him eat for free is due to one: free weed from Wispy and two: Wispy's chaotic antics he causes at the pizzeria and going to the soda float shop to cool off afterwards was oddly bringing in more customers and money for him, so he's let him eat for free since
His favorite kind of pizza is half meat lover's pizza and half five-cheese pizza
His favorite kind of soda float is a Cherry Lime Ricky with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a cherry and whipped cream on top
On Friday and Saturday nights, he does a stand up comedy routine on the stage of the pizzeria (which usually houses an animatronic band) to entertain the customers, which is pretty much just Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog mixed with Gilbert Gottfried
His favorite fruits are limes and cherries
Woo!! I hope that you guys enjoy him, he was a lot of fun!
Please enjoy!!

I now present to you all: Ivy Buckingham!! One of my older OCS that I haven't drawn or (sadly) paid much attention to ever since I created her around 2018-2019! Luckily now she looks ever better than she did before!
(more in-depth info will be below)
Owner of a semi-popular flower shop that resides in Bright Light City and across the street from Wispy and Dave's apartment complex, Ivy Buckingham is a species of skunk called the Plant Skunk
A special species of skunk that instead of omitting a foul oder like most skunks do, the plant skunk will alternatively omit a pleasant scent similar to many types of flowers and fauna, having their own scent special to them to tell each other apart (for example for Ivy, her scent smells of roses) and they also are seen having a certain plant specific to the individual plant skunk wrapped around their tails (for Ivy, she has Ivy vines wrapped around her tail). On top of that, they are also very well known to have elemental abilities that are connected to plants and the earth, hence being able to grow plants with nothing but their paws and tail
Ivy had moved to Bright Light City from a small country town that was very well known for their farming, agriculture, and most of all, their flowers and fauna to start a life of her own and to expose the city folks to the beauty of nature via her plants. She was 22 years old when she arrived in Bright Light City and met Wispy and Dave while she was finding her way around the city and had just so happened to walk into the Millenni-Yum to ask for directions to her new home at the time, Wispy having an instant crush on her since
The flower shop that she had opened a year later is called The RoseLace Flower Boutique, which specializes in flowers, succulents (such as cactuses, aloe), and evergreen climbing vines (such as ivy plants, star jasmine, and clematis). The shop has been featured in a few gardening and home decorating magazines and has had a feature on a popular gardening tv show called Rose Tinted Sundays with Ms. Daisy Duke
Wispy and Ivy are both currently crushing on each other and they both love to tease each other, whether it be by flirting on Ivy's part or saying outrageous bullcrap on Wispy's end. Due to the both of them still feeling like they still need time for themselves and their careers (for Ivy at least) and both still wanting to date other people (they're both poly anyhow so even when they do start officially dating, they would still be WILDIN), they are only on a super casual dating status
To describe Ivy's personality in the simplest of terms: she's simultaneously a southern belle and a party girl all in one. She loves having a good time in any way she can (from taking care of her plants to going to the nightclubs around the city to party) and is very well known for her flirtatious manner towards those she finds an attraction to all while still being down to earth, level headed, and very intelligent despite how she presents herself and will not take any sort of BS she feels she doesn't have to deal with
She has graduated college with a degree in Botany/Plant Sciences
One of her favorite nightclubs in Bright Light City to go to is The Uranium Banana, Bright Light City's biggest and most famous nightclub of all. It is also Wispy's favorite nightclub and they frequently bump into each other there
She has a childhood best friend that is from and still lives in her hometown named Melly Lynn, who is a watermelon farmer there. They send each other letters pretty much every week or so
Her father was a farmer while her mother was a florist in their hometown, her mother even owning her own flower shop there, which was what inspired Ivy to open The RoseLace
Her favorite kinds of plants and flowers are roses, ivy, hen and chicks, aloe, clematis, star jasmine, daisies, buttercups, irises, daffodils, and carnations
She lives in a small condo that is right next to the RoseLace, so going to and from work for her is a breeze!
This was so much work for me this time around, but I hope you guys can admire it!
Please enjoy!!

Finally have finished making my ref sheet for my Magical Emi self insert, Pexiya!!
She's a Mirror Fairy who decided to take the form of the plush winged llamacorn that Mai had sitting on her bed at the time she arrived (she would've been a mid-season addition if she was canon)
She is a sweet, bubbly, energetic, and playful spirit who has a very positive outlook on new things and life in general, she's always looking forward to and always willing to help Mai/Emi with anything she can, esp with teaching Mai magic and how to be a good performer
She absolutely has a HUGE crush on Topo and loves to hang out with him at carnivals and toy shops around the town and always tries to get Topo to look at things in a more positive light (and be more helpful with Mai), they do end up together near the end of the series so happy ending for them!
Pexiya also loves candy/sweets, plushies/stuffed animals, kawaii/cutesy things, stars, fairy lights, flying, using her mirror magic, merry-go-rounds, music boxes, and farm animals (like cows, sheep, and llamas ofc)!
Hope you guys enjoy her!!

I have finally made myself a self insert for Aqua Teen Hunger Force (aka the show where I got my very first fictional crush)!
She has a fairly simple backstory this time around: Basically, she is a anthropomorphic dinosaur nugget that was created to be a food mascot by the food company that created and distributed NuggoSaurz™ Dino Nuggets; a very popular brand of dinosaur nuggets well known for their mismatched body parts (for example one nugget is a t-rex with the body of a brontosaurus)
Throughout her 20s, she pretty much had everything fame had to offer, but by the time she turned 30 she retired due to a lack of work coming her way. Despite this, her face is still on very box of NuggoSaurz™ and receives royalty checks that she lives off of due to this
Due to this, she is a very jaded, brash, abrasive, stubborn, and huffy person, but she is also compassionate, kind, and very generous and helpful when she needs to be. She also has a maternal side that she shows a lot to Meatwad but takes a lot for her to show it openly
She now lives next door to the right of Frylock, Master Shake, and Meatwad. She is also the constant on-and-off(-and-on-again) girlfriend of Master Shake that loves to join in on his reign of terror but can also get very pissed with him whenever he goes too far (for example screwing her over in any way or hurting Meatwad)
In fact, she got her scar from Shake when she first met him (aka he threw a Japanese nata into her eye when he was meeting to hit Meatwad with it, lets just say Nuggette was pissed and beaten the tar out of Shake for it, he somehow was attracted to that)
Overall, she is Shake very grumpy (and semi-violent) girlfriend who you DO NOT want to fuck with!
I really really hope that you guys like how she turned out, I had fun with designing her!
Enjoy friend!!

I finally made a Trollsona (+ Fan Species) Yall WOOOO!!!
About Zephra: she is the self proclaimed Queen of PsychedeVilla, a giant meadow filled with many kinds of giant gummy fruit trees (said fruit has the same effects as psychedelics when eats in high quantities) and a stream and lake that all the Psychedelic Rock Trolls live in!
She first met Cooper when Queen Essence and King Quincy found him, Zephra had just happened to be on their ship having a meeting with them on how to handle Barb and her Reign of Rock Terror (in this, The Funk Troll and the Psychedelic Rock Trolls were the only ones that kept in touch), meeting Poppy and everyone else later on
Zephra LOVES to sing/create music, flying around, fungi, meeting new kinds of Trolls and keeping track of different Troll species, rainbows/bright neon colors, fruit, summer/sunny weather, clouds/the sky, birds, and food n sweets!
She is currently dating Prince Cooper, Crimp, Harper, and Cloud Guy (BIG TROLL POLYCULE!!!!)
About Psychedelic Rock Trolls: Distant Cousins of the Rock Trolls and Allies to the Funk Trolls, Psychedelic Rock Trolls are a draconic species of Troll that have a very calm, fun loving, and carefree demeanor to them. Only ever releasing their anger in times of nessisity and self defense (having retracable teeth and claws made of lightning for this purpose)
Most love to fly around in the sky and swim in the water, spending most of their time singing while doing either of those things. All Psychedelic Rock Trolls are a permenant "fruit daze" from the gummy fruits they eat in high amounts from the moment they hatch, making most of them very insightful and wise, yet whimsical and euphoric at the same time
All Psychedelic Rock Trolls have these Characterstics:
Four Pairs of Ears (lower ones floppy like a Funk Troll, upper ones pointy with feathered cartilage like a Rock Troll)
Bright Neon/Saturated Color Pallete
Small, Feathery, and Pointy Wings
Tail Fluff Always Colored like a Cloud (head hair can be any color desired)
Peace Sign Embelm Present as Acessories and/or Headwear
Chest Fluff
Saddle Cloth Used for Back Covering
Please please do enjoy her and my new Troll Fan Species, PLEASE feel free to make your own Psychedelic Rock Trolls, just be sure to credit me when you do!
Hope you all enjoy her debut!!
Fuck it I’m re-blogging my stuff from my other blogs here. If you follow my please Consider Giving me a moment of your time-
This is the main character to my ongoing original series “Yumiku’s guide to the human world”
Its about a demon who gets trapped in the human world after a spell gone wrong- but under that simple explanation is a character learning about himself, learning how to be more social In a world that doesn’t understand him. And most of all covering topics of autistic issues and common shared experiences and how to handle them in a healthy way.
If you love shows with magic, and silly shenanigans while also hitting home and digging deep into topics of mental health and disability’s please consider supporting the show! Personally I was sick and tired of seeing BAD autistic rep in media
so far I only have a teaser episode out but I’m in the progress of writing a episode two and It should be done by august!

Fully colored character ref for miku! Fun little fact about miku his favorite color is orange! ((I promise I’m working on the next episode it’s just been a process with some other things I’m working on recently.))

My Dog Man OC! Her name is Kay and she plays as a romantic interest for Petey. She's also a former villain but not for the same reasons. She can't help but steal shiny objects. It's like she gets hypnotized. She's trying her best to change but it's been really hard for her. :( She's basically been living off of fake IDs her whole life but one day she was able to get one that would put her in the police force. The chief she was working for told her to move to the city were Dog Man and the whole crew live because every cop there (except for Dog Man) was really dumb. I basically have her entire book planned out for absolutely no reason but the gist of it is that she moved next to Petey and they became friends and Lil' Petey and Molly are all like "They're gonna get married!!" and Kay is Dog Man's new work partner. And yes, you will be seeing much more of this OC.
Also I'm probably gonna be spam posting all afternoon because I drew a lot of art in between finishing that one request so be prepared! >:)

I'm sorry for taking so long. Next I'm working on the written out story, gonna write enough to put on AO3 and then I'll go on from there.

Updated ref sheet - 月星海
One of my oldest OCs (and the only OC who got a ref sheet) got the update she desperately deserves. The bottom image was from sometime back in 2018 which is wild
I ended up changing her entire outfit and I'm very happy with how it looked. I was kinda halfway through the lineart of Yue and then left it for a good half month before returning to it and finishing it within 3 days :')
Overall: I am super happy with this 💜✨

Luna Ref Sheet 🌙
First post of 2022!
The ref sheets coming in fashionably late as always too✨
Pretend I wasn't late okay? This ref sheet took me around half a month dnsndja
Jokes aside, I did end up updating Luna's unit art a tad bit. I actually made decent looking sigils, changed the circle's shade of purple ever so slightly and added the purple flames onto the talismans themselves. It was bothering me for awhile so I took the chance to change it when I could.

Eun Ref Sheet Redraw✨
First post of 2023!
I disliked the ref sheet I drew in 2020 so I decided to redraw the ref. Turned out heaps better tbh
Also tried different head angles and lemme tell ya, it's hard 😣

All the girls in our comic!
From left to right we got Rosie Langley, Gia Langley (They are cousins), Alyssa Keaton (Thank you to the person who suggested the last name a while back!), Meg Marín, Olivia Wegman, Ashley (needs a last name). On bottom, is HexiLexi (That's her screen name) and Colleen...who is a knife.
Tumblr focus group HOW WE FEELIN? I'm open to any and all critiques or questions bro!
This took so many hours to finish! Moving onto the dudes now.

All the girls in our comic!
From left to right we got Rosie Langley, Gia Langley (They are cousins), Alyssa Keaton (Thank you to the person who suggested the last name a while back!), Meg Marín, Olivia Wegman, Ashley (needs a last name). On bottom, is HexiLexi (That's her screen name) and Colleen...who is a knife.
Tumblr focus group HOW WE FEELIN? I'm open to any and all critiques or questions bro!
This took so many hours to finish! Moving onto the dudes now.
Horrific Hospital Ref Sheets (2024)

I don't have an iPad or to make digital art on, so unfortunately, I couldn't made these beauties as good as i wanted, but it was fun to make them; can't wait to transfer them to digital when I can <3
I'll probably make more characters for my universe at some point, but the newest one is Nurse Lyla <3 🧑🏽👨🏼🦲👨🏽🦲👩🏻👩🏾
I posted these in my school's art platform, and someone said that Joy would be putting leeches on people to "suck out the bad blood" like they did back in the day 😭💀

It’s been forever since I made a reference sheet for an AU of mine but I had to get the idea out of my head
I’m still working on bill and ford but have Fiddleford in the mean time ^^

Some updated designs while we work on the comic!

Today we made a women just for fun,
Her body limp on the dewy grass, greeted by the morning sun.
Her eyes somehow open to see another light of day,
Awoken by rage, she seeks a foe she swore to slay.
For they had her tongue removed with their carving knife,
and she seeks to return the favor caused by that strife.
Gripping the knife tighter, she has but one thought,
“Fair Is Fair, Right?”