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Tilly Dunnage: I'll Be Here

Imagine being best friends with Tilly Dunnage, but it's time for her to return home to remember her past:
It was a cold morning when I was awoken by the front door being closed, the sun not even breaking the horizon yet. I could tell they were trying to be quiet, but I've always been a light sleeper.
Pushing off the covers, I recoil in distaste as a chill slinks through my body, my arms instinctively wrapping around my torso. The feel of my satin pajamas reminds me why I'm getting up at this ungodly hour; my best friend is up for some reason, and it's my job to figure out why.
Myrtle Dunnage, prefers Tilly, but I'll always know her as Myrtle. We had so little in common when we first met, but that wasn't important to me. I can still remember the empty look in her eyes the first week at boarding school, and I knew I had to do something to make her smile. I found myself rushing to her aid against bullies, even offering to help her with schoolwork.
Our friendship set sail after that, I realized that I liked making her smile, more so than I did for any of my other friends. I found myself being drawn to her, she was so different compared to the other kids here; she was very shy and skittish, always carrying a sadness heavily on her shoulders. Even after all these years, that weight has never been lifted, I wish she would let me help her.
That shy girl is no more, her ratty and dull hair is now silky and long, shining luminously in the sunlight. Her meek form has matured confidently, her movements no longer made in uncertainty. I knew she was changing when we ran away, it was the first real decision she had made, and who was I to disagree.
But from that day on, I could tell she was different, no longer that scared girl, instead a calculating woman with a chip on her shoulder. She was never at peace, at least not completely; I would try to distract her, but I knew this day would come.
The storm door quietly rattles against its frame as I walk down the steps. Tilly originally wanted to live in the center of Paris, closer to her mentor and the customers, but I managed to convince her otherwise. I, personally, can't handle city life, being bustled up next to people at all times, homes being stacked up right next to each other; I convinced her that we should buy a house in the rural outskirts.
It's moments like now that I am glad I made that decision, for you could never have this early morning serenity in a big city, nor would you be able to find the big Oak that Tilly is currently sitting under.
The sky is a cool blue, the moon sheen reflecting against the dew on the grass. Even in the dark, I can tell her mind is troubled.
I try to be quiet as I walk over, pulling my coat tighter around my body as a breeze sends chills down my spine. My footsteps must've disturbed her, as she turns to face me immediately, a neutral expression on her face before giving into a light smile.
"You frightened me Y/N." Her voice rings clearly with a slightly teasing tone. I can tell that she is putting up a facade... I sigh quietly before sitting next to her on the roots of the tree.
"Sorry, I just got worried when I heard the front door open..." I respond, my voice having an apologetic and worried hint to it. She isn't often up and wandering at these hours, she's usually very big on beauty sleep.
"No need to worry, I'm alright. You should head back inside before you catch a cold." She states, turning back to the clear sky.
"You should do the same." I say back, wanting her to stop being so distant.
Her silence could almost be called audible with how much it is saying.
"Tilly, what's wrong?" I ask the obvious question, but it had to be said. I can sense her body tense up, she clearly didn't want to answer my question.
"Nothing." She replies bluntly, her answer is curt; but that doesn't annoy me, instead it makes me even more concerned.
"You still think you can lie to me after all these years?" I allow a tinge of sarcasm, not wanting to make the conversation too heavy. A thick silence settles over us, as she stares out at the stars.
"You remember those nightmares I had when I was younger?"
"Well, I'm not quite sure what happened, but I think... I think I killed a boy."
"You think? What does that mean?"
"I can't remember what happened. All I can remember is that a boy died, and then I was dragged from my mother and sent away."
We sit there again in the emanating silence. I'm not sure what to say, I don't think any different of Tilly, but this is an unusual conversation.
"So... What are you going to do?"
"I-I think I need to go back. Find the truth so I can be at peace."
"Alright, when do we leave?" I respond back, prepared to take on this battle with her. She looks at me surprised, stunned slightly at my response.
"That's kind of you Y/N, but I need to do this on my own." She states quietly, her eyes lightly lined with tears. I scrunch my eyebrows as I frown slightly, we've barely been apart since the day we ran away, now she'll be going away for who knows hows long.
"When do you leave?"
"I was going to leave tonight before you awoke..."
"Myrtle... Don't go..." My voice trembles
"You know I hate that name." She says in a stern voice, but I can tell by looking at her, that she's just as sad as I am.
"I know." My voice is downtrodden, there's no changing her mind. All I can do is look down as we get up, I help her with her luggage. Driving her to the train station in silence, the only noise being the sound of rain dotting against the windshield.
Our eyes are both silent waterfalls as we exit the car, we share no words, not even as she gets on her train. The final straw was the heartbreaking embrace we shared, this could be goodbye forever or until next month, but I'll never know. All I will remember until her return is her sweet smile.
"I'll be here, should you ever return, Myrtle Dunnage."