Tim Bradford X Lucy Chen - Tumblr Posts

I LOVE that Angela and Nyla were just waiting for them to open the elevator door. They knew they were in there. And for half a second it was almost like two teenagers getting caught making out by their parents.

With the announcement of season 7 not airing until January, I may just be stuck right here in this moment for the next 8 months.
I love how Eric/Tim closes his eyes to just relish this moment, to memorize it. He just melts into her shoulder. He’s needed this hug for WEEKS (But his own self-hate and self-destructive behavior has been the only thing keeping it from him.)!!
“Are you okay?”
“I am now.”
I am *not* okay now.
Seriously. How am I supposed to wait 8 more months??? I REALLY hope that episode 10 delivers something more for those of us Chenford foreverers to hold onto for EIGHT FREAKING MONTHS.
Awww. Thanks for quoting me, @arch78. This is one of my favorite scenes of this story. They’re SOOOO awkward. It makes me miss writing for this story.
Things have been crazy at my house for the last couple weeks, so I’ve hardly had any time to write. Plus, my muse seems to be on vacation. Perhaps I’ll carve out some time to write again today or tomorrow. My antibiotics are helping me to feel more human today, so anything is possible.
Thanks again.
He was wearing dark jeans and a short sleeve gray Henley. His hands were resting on the desk, and he squeezed them into fists a couple times causing the muscles in his arms to ripple. The Henley was just tight enough to show that he was chiseled like a Greek God. He had a Dodgers hat on and was staring down at the desk. He turned his head to look at someone near the door that Lucy couldn’t quite see, and then he looked down at the desk again, flexing into fists once more. Jackson’s whisper into her ear brought her out of her frozen reverie. “You’re drooling, Luce.” Lucy blinked a couple times and brought her hand up to her lips. “What? No. No. I’m not,” she stage whispered back, wiping at her lips again. Jackson chuckled a little louder and stepped forward toward the desk. That laughter and movement caught Tim’s attention. He looked up at Jackson and smiled. It was a small smile of greeting. They had obviously talked for a few minutes before he came to get her. When Jackson stopped at the desk Lucy took a couple of slow steps forward. Bradford looked beyond Jackson and saw her. Lucy was frozen in place again. Their eyes locked for a moment. Lucy felt an immediate connection as she gazed into his smoky blue eyes. She felt her skin start to tingle all over. She slowly started to smile, eventually blooming into a large smile that almost made her cheeks hurt. He followed suit, gradually showing a brilliant white smile that would disarm almost anyone.
-Catch of a Lifetime by @mamadoc (submitted by @arch78)
A lovely analysis.
Haven’t been here in a while but I need to vent, whether you disagree with me or not.
The breakup was rough, unnecessary, heartbreaking. I’m not afraid to say Chenford was the reason why I started the show and the reason why it became my whole personality. I fell in love with other characters along the way, sure, but I watch the show for them.
So for the show to break them up was just so sad for me because this was my first time watching a season live.
Took me weeks to come to terms with it and once I did, I’m actually kind of okay with the fact that it happened.
I wasn’t going to stop watching the show because they broke up, or say they ruined years of character development because none of Tim’s traumas have ever been resolved. They brush over them and move on to the next plot. It was, in Tim’s twisted mind, an act of love to let her go.
That being said, what worried me the most was the way they were going to handle it. If they already took this massive risk with (lets be real) their main couple, they have to fix it in a substantial way.
Did I want a kiss, a hug, an acknowledgment that they will make their way back to each other in this episode? Sure, who didn’t.
But I actually like the way they did it.
His look of realization during the truck scene that no matter in what capacity, she’s going to show up and be his partner. The way he spoke to her in the shop, admitting that he took her advice and is going to therapy is the conversation we were hoping for. Lets not talk about “freak in the sheets” because that would take me another massive post to discuss.
And that final elevator scene left so much to be hopeful for. Its an apology, a raw display of emotion that he is grateful for her. That she saved him and she deserves that recognition. That he wants to make it up to her but its still leaving the ball in her court. Its her move next, her decision, her choice, in whatever small doses she will allow.
Anyways, sorry for my rant, I just feel nostalgic, because we don’t get them back for 8 months, but I’m excited to see where they take things from here.
Also if you haven’t had a chance yet, read this interview https://t.co/sqGIDyJDxb , its so hopeful and it shows how much Mel and Eric care about their characters.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐈𝐄 6.10 - ᴇꜱᴄᴀᴘᴇ ᴘʟᴀɴ

Does this jump remind anyone else of Flying Cop Lucy from my Catch of a Lifetime fic?
If you squint at it, you can imagine her with a baseball glove on. Sort of. Maybe.
Perhaps this is a sign that I should get back to writing that story. Hmmm…
(Except I just started writing a post 6x10 fic for an anon during my lunch break today. Shhh 🤫)

After getting an anonymous request (and the muse for my other stories apparently taking a prolonged vacation), I decided to throw my hat into the ring and write a post 6x10 story.
I happen to be a Chenford foreverer. I HATED the break up, but since no one consulted me, I guess I have to roll with it like everyone else.
I really hope the writers put a good amount of love and care into Tim and Lucy coming back together.
Here’s my version of events immediately following the elevator scene in 6x10.

Wow. This chapter of Worth the Wait was difficult. It just felt so unnatural to write domestic Tim and Ashley. It was like brushing your hair the wrong way or nails on a chalkboard. Ugh. So it took me some time to write it in a way that felt right. I hope you take a few minutes to enjoy it. I’d love to get any feedback you have. Thanks.

While at a family reunion in Colorado, I suddenly feel motivated to write Catch of a Lifetime again.
We went to watch the Dodgers play the Rookies (they won, just like in my story, chapter 10). Jason Heyward and Freddie Freeman both played, like in my story (Mookie Betts was sadly injured the day before and Clayton Kershaw wasn’t pitching). It just felt like Tim Bradford should be out in center field (which he wasn’t, of course).
Then today we went hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park with my kids, just like Tim in my story said he wanted to do in chapter 10. It was a gorgeous day to hike.
I’ve been working on the next chapter of Worth the Wait since I underestimated how upset people would be about how the last chapter went. But maybe it’s time to bounce back to Catch. Hmmmmm.
I’ve never done a good job of bouncing back and forth between my stories, but maybe it’s time.

I saw this meme today, and it totally gave me Tim and Lucy vibes. Particularly season 2 or 3 Tim and Lucy. 😆😆😆😂😂😂

The next chapter of my fanfic is posted.
If you were waiting for the happy, angst-free, fluffy village without roller coaster part of the story to arrive to start reading, it’s here! Only minor angst remains.
Angela, Tamara, and Genny conspire to bring Tim and Lucy back together.
Here’s a snippet to pique your interest.
“Bradford,” Tim said as a call interrupted the audiobook he was listening to on his commute home. He couldn’t see his phone to see the caller ID, so he just pressed the button on his steering wheel to answer the call blindly.
“Hey, stranger. It’s been too long,” came the voice over the car speakers.
“Lopez?” Tim confirmed, immediately recognizing his best friend’s voice, but a little bit confused as to why she was calling. “What’s going on? I haven’t heard from you in a while.”
“You know. Same old shit. Just kicking ass, raising two kids, and trying not to kill my husband,” she rattled off.
Tim chuckled. Some things never change, he thought to himself as he shook his head. “What has Wesley done this time?”
“Well, he swears that he talked to me about this months ago, but I swear that I would have remembered this conversation if we had had it. So a couple nights ago, we were chatting about our plans for next month, and he asked me if I had taken the last two weeks of June off for our trip. I told him that we weren’t going anywhere for the last two weeks of June because that’s when Jack and Amelia are at their favorite summer camp. Then he told me that we had already signed them up for some international camp that Patrice paid for them to attend in Italy. After arguing about it for over an hour, apparently Wes and Patrice are taking the kids to Italy.”
“Wow. That sounds like quite the argument. Are you going to be able to join them at all?” he said with a low chuckle, envisioning the solid hour of yelling that would have shaken the walls of the Lopez-Evers house.
“I was able to swap shifts around to join them a little bit late. And, when Wesley explained the situation to his mom, she offered to buy me a first-class ticket if I would still join them. How could I saw no to that? I’ll be traveling to Italy by myself in first-class and can drink as much as I want without dealing with charging the kids iPads or settling arguments about who gets to sit by the window or lugging around two weeks’ worth of their crap. There’s no way I would say no to that. Plus, she rented this villa for us to stay at right next to a vineyard, and she won’t even be there most of the time because she’s meeting a friend to travel around Italy together. It’ll actually be a real vacation.”
“That sounds great, Ang. You deserve to have a break.” He wasn’t sure if she was just calling to vent or to share her luck at having a really nice vacation paid for by Patrice or if she had some other purpose in calling, so he just waited to see what she was going to say next.
“So now I only have a little problem left to resolve that I think you could help me with,” she said.
“How am I going to fix your vacation problems? I can’t exactly take your shifts or work overtime for you,” he said with an annoyed but curious tone to his voice.
Keep reading here.
I’d love to hear back from you.
Six Sentence Saturday
I’m trying to get a little bit of writing in while my husband is driving, so this is a picture of my laptop. Apologies that the quality isn’t the greatest. But this will have to do for now.
I wrote this part a little bit out of order since I needed to get my muse up and going again, but this should be the end of my next chapter.

Hopefully more to come soon!
The previous nine chapters of the story can be found here.
I miss them so much.
Six(teen) Sentence Saturday
Writer’s block has been the bane of my existence lately. I haven’t posted anything is six weeks. That’s three times longer than I’ve gone since I started this little hobby.
The chapter of Worth the Wait that I’ve been working on has a lot of new characters in it that I want to get just right. I’ve done a lot of staring at my laptop and spacing out to try to imagine the scenes I want to bring to life.
To get my creative juices flowing, I’ve been rereading Catch of a Lifetime both for inspiration and to get ready to restart writing for that story. Thank you for those who have enjoyed that story and have been patiently waiting for its return.
Here are six(teen) sentences from one of my favorite scenes from that story.
It only took a moment for Lucy to see Tim. He was in the exact center of the pandemonium. Lucy paused at the entrance of the room, crossed her arms, and bit her lip. She was so happy for Tim, but also so overwhelmed by the scene in front of her. Freeman pushed through the crowd and whispered something in Tim’s ear. Lucy watched as his eyebrows shot up to his hairline, and his eyes scanned the room. A moment later those eyes were locked on hers. What happened next seemed to happen in slow motion.
Tim started pushing through the crowd to move toward Lucy. She stood still for a moment, nervous, anxious, and a bit unsure, and then she started walking toward him, passing her hat and glove to Jackson. Once he had cleared most of the people he sped up, and Lucy moved faster to match him. They each raced the last few steps to each other. Right before they met, Tim leaned down just a bit. He grabbed Lucy by the waist and hoisted her into the air, spinning her around. After spinning twice, he set her back on the ground, and they shared a heated gaze for just half a second. Then Tim leaned down and crushed his lips into hers, holding her face like he never wanted to let go. Lucy reciprocated enthusiastically and wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing her body flush with his. For a few moments they were alone in the world, enjoying the excitement and passion that flowed between the two of them and completely ignoring the throng of people around them and the fact that Lucy still had a boyfriend.
I love this strangers to friends with sexual tension to lovers slow burn of mine.
I’m looking forward to basking in writing adoring, devoted, not-very-broken Baseball! Tim again. Season 6 Tim broke my heart and (temporarily) forced me to change the subject of my writing.

"We're gonna get through this. I love you."

I *finally* finished the next chapter of Worth the Wait. It took me forever to feel like I was creating the camp and the kids’ personalities and their rivalry/pranking the way I wanted it. Hopefully the fact that the kids are the center of this chapter dissuade you from reading. I hope you’ll find a lot of similarities between Tim and Lucy’s dynamic in them.
Is it perfect? Nope. But I think you’ll still enjoy reading it. It was a challenge, and I had four kids at home out of school, and we were vacationing… so thank you for your patience.
The pictures are AI generated pictures of Aly, Lily, and Sam.
Thanks for your support!
I don’t know a lot of details right now, but if you’re a Rookie writer you may want to sign up. I saw this on Twitter/X.
Tagging some people to get the word out. @makeitastrength @arch78 @centralperkchenford @chenfordspiral @fuzzywuzzywuzzawriter @imperiumwifestrikesagain @intelligentfan @jennahbennah @my-shields-are-down @mostowa @poppypickle @queseraone @randomlittleimp @rookieoneil @silverskull @thesassywitchofthenortheast @wanna-be-bold @westwingwolf

Six Sentence (Paragraph?) Saturday
Haha. 😬🫣🤦🏻♀️ I couldn’t cut it short.
This is a throw back to a favorite scene of mine that I wrote back in February in the last chapter of Snowed In. Tim and Lucy meet after he’s in Metro (Ashley is gone), and she’s a detective at North Hollywood (Chris is gone). In this scene, Tim has to take care of some paperwork, and he brings her to his office for the first time. The link to the story is below. Enjoy!
Tim opened the door and squeezed through the narrow space to his desk. There was a small stack of papers waiting for him there. “Have a seat,” he said. “This shouldn’t take too long.” He picked up a pen and started writing at a frantic pace.
Lucy looked around the office and walked from one end to the other, which only took about seven steps to do. She went to the window and pulled the cord to bring the blinds down. Then she pulled the cord on the opposite side to see how well they closed. “Hmm,” she observed. That’ll work, she thought to herself, opening the blinds again. Then she took two steps back to look at the door. “Does this lock?” she asked in an innocent voice.
“Of course,” he said quickly. The moment the words left his lips though, he realized what she was really asking. He raised his head to look at her more closely. She had a mischievous glint in her eye. “Later. Soon,” he said, repeating her words back to her with a smile.
Lucy smiled back at him and tucked that little tidbit of information away for another day. Then she moved over to examine the small couch. She pushed on it a couple of times to see how springy it was. Then she laid down on it. Lucy was disappointed that she barely fit, so Tim would definitely not be able to lay down comfortably on it. “Too bad,” she muttered to herself.
Tim looked up when he heard her voice, but he couldn’t tell what she was saying. “I can see the wheels in your head spinning.”
She turned and walked back to his desk in response. Lucy grabbed the edge of the desk with both hands and gave it a little shake. She made a high pitched ‘hmph,’ and said quietly “That should work out well.”
“Lucy,” he warned but with a laugh he was trying to stifle. “I’ve got to finish this paperwork. If I speed through it, we can be done in 15 minutes. But if all I do is envision… utilizing this space with you in the future, then it’s going to take much longer.”
“Fine. I’ll be good,” she promised. “Maybe I’ll wander around the station for a few minutes.”
I love these two in love.
Read more here.

I am so incredibly pleased to officially announce the much anticipated return of Chenford Week!
This annual fandom celebration for Tim and Lucy will begin on Thursday, October 3rd and run through Sunday, October 6th! And while the 2024 event may not run as long as the event has in years past, there is something for everyone!
Using the tag #chenfordweek24 you can share all of your creations for the fandom to enjoy! From fanfics and edits, to mood boards and playlists, the fandom would love to see it all! Just don't forget to add your fics to the Chenford Week 2024 collection on AO3 which will open the first day!
Please reblog to help spread the word. Also, keep an eye out, for in 2025 the celebration will return to its original week in July! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate in sending me an ask!
October 3rd: break-ups & make-ups, show (not tell), angst, favorite season 6 scene
October 4th: tropes, personal headcannon, domestic bliss, outsider POV
October 5th: new beginnings, physical touch, comfort, alternate universe
October 6th: callbacks, missed moments, found family, lyrics/poems/quotes
Six(ish) Sentence Saturday (or Monday...)
Honestly, I just liked how this segment came together, so I thought I'd share.
Lucy’s eyes widened, and she gasped as she looked at her oval moonstone ring. That was another item that she could neither wear nor discard. There were too many memories tied to that ring. It was her favorite ring long before she ever met Caleb Wright. Then, after the ring was instrumental in her discovery and rescue, it was a reminder that she was a survivor. But she hadn’t been able to wear it ever since Tim left because the ring was also a reminder of who saved her and helped her recover from her trauma and always had her back.
Until he didn’t.
Until he couldn’t.
Until he was gone.
I hope to finish up this chapter tonight. Maybe I'll even have time to get it edited and posted. It's another long one. Sorry if that doesn't appeal to you. It's how I roll lately.
Also, as an FYI, after receiving a decent amount of hateful/rude comments and asks, I've turned off my asks. I'm still happy to get prompts and other various asks if you can be kind - just send them as a message instead of an ask. Thanks.