Tip Jar - Tumblr Posts
why not add a tip jar on your blog too?
Thats a good idea! I just need to figure out how to set that up lol. I do have a tip option on my ko-fi which should be good for people to tip any amount they’d like :)
Thank you!
(Edit: ok I got it activated! I honestly didn’t know that was a feature on here lol. Any tips are much appreciated 💖
i have a ko-fi
hi lovs i have a ko-fi now so if you really like my work, please consider giving me a tip. i might start doing commissioned work over there at some point too

i have a ko-fi
hi lovs i have a ko-fi now so if you really like my work, please consider giving me a tip. i might start doing commissioned work over there at some point too

Support a young couple while they buy a house in a month!!
Hey, folks! So, it looks like we will finally be forced out of the family home.
This is extremely hard on us as EVERYONE knows you need thousands saved, a job lined up, AND somewhere that will accept three cats.
And this place would need to be under $650 as I don't have a formal job right now.
All this to say that we are going to attempt to buy a VERY cheap house so that our little family can stay together.
If you have a fiver to throw at me, throw it here.
Even if you can only share some of my art or this post, PLEASE do.
The US needs more REAL PEOPLE buying homes.
I’ll have to have a look and reconsider, I honeslty didn’t know you could do a one off pledge. Thank you for the detailed reply!
As i think about another year ending i realise that you are the most valuable new artist I've found this year. I love every single one of your works. I find myself thinking frequently as i scroll through tumblr: "has saucy uploaded today?" You have a charming style, everything is cute, squishy, and everything in between, and i simply can't get enough. I would like to be stable enough to use patreon, but until then is there any way i can tip jar or otherwise show my support? Happy holidays, saucy

Awww stop it you making me blush!
I’m super happy to hear that tho, here’s hoping you enjoy this year even more!
But honestly the only tip jar type thing I have is Patreon, but I wouldnt be offended if you or anyone else did just a one off pledge, every little helps and hey, theres a couple little added bonuses here and there when you pledge.
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!