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2 years ago

Just a TikTok I did a bit ago which I find silly

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2 years ago

So ive mentioned before how i headcanon Mikey with red-orange eyes, because thats what the box turtles that live around me have. Then i googled species eyes for the rest of them, and fell in love with alligator snapping turtle eyes (they're star patterned!) so i was playing around with what the boys might look like with these eyes

So Ive Mentioned Before How I Headcanon Mikey With Red-orange Eyes, Because Thats What The Box Turtles
So Ive Mentioned Before How I Headcanon Mikey With Red-orange Eyes, Because Thats What The Box Turtles
So Ive Mentioned Before How I Headcanon Mikey With Red-orange Eyes, Because Thats What The Box Turtles
So Ive Mentioned Before How I Headcanon Mikey With Red-orange Eyes, Because Thats What The Box Turtles
So Ive Mentioned Before How I Headcanon Mikey With Red-orange Eyes, Because Thats What The Box Turtles
So Ive Mentioned Before How I Headcanon Mikey With Red-orange Eyes, Because Thats What The Box Turtles

The only one im completely set on is Donnie #1 for my own personal headcanon, but im leaning towards #1 for Leo and #3 for Mikey. I was originally gonna go #5 for Raph but now im not too sure. Which ones do you guys like the best? Im curious.

(Individual posts: Raph, Mikey, Leo, Donnie)

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2 years ago

Every time i think of this i laugh so hard


*several back and forths later, increasing in severity*

R! Donnie: Leo blew up a restaurant!

R! Leo: Donnie robbed a bank!

R! Donnie: Leo has a sugar daddy!

12! Raph: *is so surprised he starts choking*

12! Leo: *hides his face out of second hand embarrassment*

R! Leo: oh you asked for it

R! Leo: Donnie's a actual dad! He's a teen dad of not one but two! And one of them-

R! Donnie: you leave my children out of this!

12! Everyone: *spit take*

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2 years ago
Heard You Been Hoppin Round The Lair.
Heard You Been Hoppin Round The Lair.

“Heard you been hoppin’ round the lair.”

Leonardo glances over the comic he’s reading, cocking his brow. Raphael is standing in his doorway, arms crossed over his chest, looking displeased. It’s such a familiar sight that Leo can’t even begin to count how many times their conversations have started like this. Familiar, and irksome.

“Yeah? I’m feeling better, I’m allowed to,” he shoots back and attempts to go back to reading. The long-suffering sigh that’s followed by silence makes his fingers twitch and he relents, putting the magazine down and looking at Raph quizzically. It isn’t like his eldest brother to beat around the bush.

“I’m in bed now, though, so what’s the problem, amigo?”  

Raph just looks at him, a blank expression on his face before it turns into an unmistakable frown.

“I worry, Leo. I worry that you ain’t taking this serious enough. That’s the problem. Mikey told me you couldn’t get back to bed without his help this morning.”

Leonardo groans. Of course his little brother would rat him out to the motherest hen of mother hens – probably without meaning to, he allows, but that’s not the point.

“I’m taking it seriously! That’s why I asked him for help,” he says with a pout. “Can’t a guy save the world and get a little bit more credit for his choices in life?”


Read the rest on AO3: you make me proud, little brother

I love Raph so much ;_; He’s getting another fic (a spin-off of sorts) in the near future because I couldn’t fit all of my feelings into 555 words gnrhsdgj

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2 years ago

Rottmnt movie showing once again that they mastered the family aspect to a T. This is the most loving iteration of the tmnt and I will die on that hill.

I just can’t get over how much they adore each other:

How Leo apologizing and appealing to Raph’s unconditional love for his family instead of fighting him is what brought him back to his senses.

The conflict between Raph and Leo not being fueled by resentment on Ralph’s end but fear because he wants to keep his family safe.

The dynamic between April and Splinter, how flawlessly they worked together. How she was there to comfort him when they thought Leo was gone.

How everyone instantly adopted Casey. How seemlessly he fit in.

How Mikey and Raph instantly prioritized Donnie when his shell was exposed.

How it was the desire to save Leo that awakened Mikey’s mystic powers. How the brothers bond is what brought back all their mystic powers.

Raph sacrificing himself for Leo. How he did without hesitation.

Leo sacrificing himself for everyone. How he was able to smile simply because he knew they were safe.

And all the physical contact! How easily, happily and freely they all shower each other with affection.

Rottmnt is just too good. We really don’t deserve it.

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2 years ago

this scene gets me because you can tell leo's actually considering what raph is saying at first, but the moment it gets too dark he immediately turns into this smug little jokester

he does this throughout the series-he literally admits it in the first ep-but never to deflect this serious of a situation

when he says he uses humor to cope, boy he wasn't lying

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2 years ago
A Messy Sketch Of A Scene That I Felt Was Missing From The End Of The Movie.
A Messy Sketch Of A Scene That I Felt Was Missing From The End Of The Movie.
A Messy Sketch Of A Scene That I Felt Was Missing From The End Of The Movie.

A messy sketch of a scene that I felt was missing from the end of the movie.

Mikey seriously deserves some mad recognition for pulling off that stunt!!

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2 years ago
DOODle Spreads That I Did When I Had A Massive Art Block... Like MONTHS Ago.
DOODle Spreads That I Did When I Had A Massive Art Block... Like MONTHS Ago.

dOODle Spreads that I did when I had a massive art block... like MONTHS ago.

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2 years ago
December Isnt Over Yet Therefore I Can Still Post This, Happy Holidays!
December Isnt Over Yet Therefore I Can Still Post This, Happy Holidays!

December isn’t over yet therefore I can still post this, happy holidays!

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2 years ago

RotTMNT Lair Layout

Hey so I've been going through and taking notes on the boys' lair so I can remake it in the Sims and I'm just gonna dump 'em all here for easy access and in case anyone else wants to use them :) Sorry this is gonna be long.

Also first off, this is just according to my knowledge + observations from the show, so if I've missed any information, feel free to add on or correct me! And second, there are several inconsistencies throughout the show that I'll do my best to mention, but for the most part I'll be going with the rooms/layout that is used most consistently and prominently.

As a note, I will be referring to the side that is most often viewed by the camera as the north side just to keep things oriented in the same direction.

RotTMNT Lair Layout
RotTMNT Lair Layout

Main Room/Atrium:

Main hub spanning all 4 floors, connects to most rooms of the lair

Skate ramps across E/W sides, going from the second floor to the first. W ramp graffiti usually says "Donnie" and E ramp says "Pizza" though these change often.

First/Bottom floor:

("The Longest Fight" 1:23, above screenshot) Contains all the boys' bedrooms in each corner. Center area is surrounded by a moat. The only floor that is shown relatively clearly from all angles.

NW = Raph's room; shown with weight lifting bench in the background of shots. Shows up probably the most often out of all of their rooms.

NE = Leo's room; sword + cinder blocks + curtain, usually the only room with a curtain (or anything in the doorway for that matter), though Donnie's room is shown with one once ("Mind Meld" 9:08).

SW = Donnie's room; his and Mikey's rooms are shown far less often/clearly than Raph and Leo's but it seems to be located directly across from Raph's room ("The Purple Jacket" 6:18).

SE = Mikey's room; seems to be located across from Leo's room and the arcade ("Flushed but Never Forgotten" 2:47).

S = ???; fifth doorway usually dark in wide shots. Led to a room with a ton of boxes + a table ("Sparring Partner" 15:49). Used as an exit to the surface by SHELLDON ("Breaking Purple" 3:20). Unclear where exactly it leads.

RotTMNT Lair Layout
RotTMNT Lair Layout

Second Floor:

N = Arcade; wide rectangular garage-like door. Usually the most prominent doorway in the backgrounds of scenes.

E = Splinter's room; round shoji door. Sometimes changes to rectangular in the background of shots, but always shown as round when interacted with.

Wide shot of Splinter's room as an extra since it's rare ("Insane in the Mama Train" 9:17)

RotTMNT Lair Layout

Weird stair structure, basketball hoop on edge of walkway, and "Yo! Mikey" graffiti between Splinter's room and arcade doorways ("Insane in the Mama Train" 8:24)

RotTMNT Lair Layout

S = ???; round sealed door ("Shreddy or Not" 14:42, I know it shows up in other scenes but I can't remember any of them for the life of me). Unknown what's inside.

RotTMNT Lair Layout

W = ???; doorway with party garland strung across it. Possibly the kitchen by process of elimination since Raph is seen throwing Shredder through a wall from the arcade straight into the kitchen ("Shreddy or Not" 19:00). Shredder also looks and jumps upwards toward Karai who was in Donnie's lab, suggesting that the kitchen is somewhere downstairs from the lab which is on the third floor.

SE = possible 5th doorway? Shown right next to Splinter's room, opposite from the arcade. Usually square with no garlands. Used by Leo once to enter the sewer tunnels and track down Piebald ("Flushed but Never Forgotten" 8:19) so it's possibly one of the tunnels that leads out of the main lair area and into the sewers.

RotTMNT Lair Layout
RotTMNT Lair Layout

Third Floor:

NE = Honestly seems to constantly switch between the projector room and Donnie's lab?? It's more often the lab just because that room tends to be more relevant, but anytime the projector room is shown, it also takes this spot. This doorway is usually shown in wide shots with a cluster of screens on the wall (likely representing the lab), but will sometimes change to the projector room entryway in establishing shots when the scene calls for it.

NW = ???, sometimes dark but often shown in wide shots with a small squiggle of string lights + some box-like object right by the doorway. Unknown what's inside.

Large "Turtle Power" graffiti and basketball hoop on a pole between these two doorways, right above the arcade. Basketball hoop on edge of walkway right in front of NW doorway.

Unknown what is on the south side of this floor.

Fourth Floor:

Usually only ever viewed from below. Does contain a catwalk that characters will sometimes cross as well as a large fan and box like structure on the north side. Unclear what is on this floor otherwise.

Currently Unaccounted For:

Tank garage; although characters are frequently shown entering/exiting this room, it's unclear where it is in relation to any other rooms. Frankenfoot appeared on 4th floor bridge after exiting the garage, but he could have wandered around the lair beforehand ("Sparring Partner" 15:20). It's also not unlikely that it could be located on one of the upper floors since those are closer to street level. Has at least one large garage door entrance ("Sparring Partner" 11:46 + "Cloak and Swaggart" 11:05) and one smaller wooden door entrance ("Man vs Sewer" 11:11) as well as several large tunnels lining the walls ("Sparring Partner" 12:03 + several scenes in "Cloak and Swaggart").

RotTMNT Lair Layout

Comic book safe; ("Jupiter Jim Ahoy" 12:48) possibly in/near Donnie's lab judging solely by aesthetics and amount of security, but it's never confirmed. Only appears in this episode.

Bathroom #1; looks like a normal bathroom, includes shower with curtain ("Bullhop" 14:13). Only appears in this episode for about 4 seconds. (thank you to the wiki for reminding me of its existence)

RotTMNT Lair Layout
RotTMNT Lair Layout

Bathroom #2; looks like a dingy public bathroom with several sinks along one wall, a shower with curtain, and a makeshift toilet made from a sewer pipe, which Piebald was flushed down ("Flushed but Never Forgotten" 1:56). Only appears in this episode.

RotTMNT Lair Layout

???; honestly no clue what this room is, but the boys/Splinter were using it to prepare for their band performance ("Al Be Back" 13:28). Only appears in this episode. (thank you again to the wiki, i didn't even know this room existed)

RotTMNT Lair Layout

Sewer tunnels; characters are rarely shown entering/exiting the tunnels from any other rooms, but it's likely that sewer scenes (such as in "Man vs Sewer" and "Lair Games") just take place in random sections of the rest of NYC's sewer system and therefore do not have a solid layout.

Aaaand that's about all I got. And since I realize this post may be hard to follow solely through text descriptions, I drew out my own mental map of the main areas for convenience. It's likely not 100% accurate (as is the rest of this post) so take it with a grain of salt, but this is what I'll personally be following:

RotTMNT Lair Layout
RotTMNT Lair Layout
RotTMNT Lair Layout
RotTMNT Lair Layout
RotTMNT Lair Layout

(edit: I pulled a stupid and got Donnie and Mikey's rooms switched around in the map 😭 It's fixed now!)

(edit 2: Added an alternate (and possibly more accurate?) 2nd floor map, since I remembered Splinter's room and the party garland doorway are usually right behind their respective ramps and the sealed door is usually right above the 1st floor tunnel. These doorways tend to wiggle around quite a bit though so I think either one works.)

Thanks for reading through this and hope it helps! :) Have a strawberry for your troubles 🍓

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2 years ago
I Know I Am A Big Supporter Of Medic Leo But I Cant Help But Hear Leo Saying This.

I know I am a big supporter of medic Leo but I can’t help but hear Leo saying this.

So to make it work I say that:

Leo is the medic, he’s good at it, he does check ups on his family, takes care of them when they’re injured/sick and is super strict with them to rest, drink water, and eat good food they won’t throw up.


Leo himself is really bad at receiving that same care from others. Denies that he is sick for as long as he can, down plays injuries and illness, constantly trying to get out of bed to sneak out or train, basically just making the injury worse and making it easier for the sickness to stay with him and lengthening his recovery time on both fronts. Also he is 100x more sassy, bratty, smartassery, jackassery, but also more like 2003 emo leo.

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2 years ago
A Follow Up To A Previous Ask About A Headcannon I Had About Leo Having Cold As A PTSD Trigger.
A Follow Up To A Previous Ask About A Headcannon I Had About Leo Having Cold As A PTSD Trigger.
A Follow Up To A Previous Ask About A Headcannon I Had About Leo Having Cold As A PTSD Trigger.

A follow up to a previous ask about a headcannon I had about Leo having cold as a PTSD trigger.

Sick traumatized turtles get blanket burritoed for their safety (and to keep Donnie’s migraines at bay).

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2 years ago
(familial/platonic-pr*shitters Dni)

(familial/platonic-pr*shitters dni)

tried a new coloring "method" and i rlly like how it came out so🥰

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2 years ago
This Is Where Nine Hours On A Plane With Unsupervised Procreate Access Has Gotten Me
This Is Where Nine Hours On A Plane With Unsupervised Procreate Access Has Gotten Me
This Is Where Nine Hours On A Plane With Unsupervised Procreate Access Has Gotten Me
This Is Where Nine Hours On A Plane With Unsupervised Procreate Access Has Gotten Me

this is where nine hours on a plane with unsupervised procreate access has gotten me

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1 year ago

Mutual I’m in love 🥹


hey everyone let’s talk about how Donatello is undeniably a black man in mutant mayhem! Let’s not forget, turtles have brown shells, but this picture proves he is BLACK!

I will not say racial slurs, but you know what he is. 😂😂

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