Todobaku - Tumblr Posts

i like these boys
They are my life at this point <3
Originally drawn for the Todokats seasons event, I bring you a silly little comic about two dumb boys in desperate need of better communication skills
Part 1

Preorders for this book are open until February 15th at my Ko-fi shop! If you fancy yourself some good old misscomunication with a happy ending Tdbk story definitely check this link out 🧡💙

Existential depression and the unrestrained joy after seeing your boyfriend burn off his clothes and shows off his nip naps
Me, trying to justify my crack ships: Well, they were standing together that one time. And if you see this fan content they are wearing compatible colors and doing similar things. And, I mean, look at this tiny scene where they are in the background with one of them looking at the other. And look at that one scene where they actually talked. Look at how they totally get each other in that conversation. They are clearly in love…in my heart.

Illustration for a fic coming up? either way, it’s a dose of Todo/baku hehe.

These are just some concept sketches for a fic idea I have. I did this a while ago, but for the sake of accountability and moving things forward imma just post all my sketches and WIP lmao. Todo/baku sci-fi space, racers? hehe don’t really know.

This is yet another concept idea for a fic? Kitsune/hybrid? Todo/baku. this was done a long time ago too, all my old files are just collecting dust hehehe.

AND another concept for a story? if I remember correctly this was inspired by monster hunter XD. Todo/baku hybrid AU again? you tell me.

Hi! it’s a fantasy AU with Todo/baku ft. baby dragon. hehe. honestly wanted an excuse to sketch Katsuki putting up long hair ;p

My Current WIP :P but like can you seriously imagine demon king Todoroki and hunter bakugou? because I certainly can, and I can’t get it out of my mind omg. loll Ugh.

Low quality Todobaku sketch, cause I needed to see these two havin a moment
Sooooo! Here’s the deal, imma just go ahead and merge my other pass time with this blog too and introduce my AO3 profile ;p. That’s right. I’m talking BNHA fanfic. I’m not going to be making art for a brief minute so I can wrap up this last chapter of my latest story. So! That being said, I introduce to you my new and latest Bnha fic in the works- and I would be sooo freaking over the moon if you checked it out!
Tdbk 18+