Todobaku Au - Tumblr Posts
Words: 10k (read here or on ao3)
Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content
Relationships: Todoroki Shouto/Bakugou Katsuki
Tags: Consensual Underage Sex, Underage Drinking, Pining Todoroki Shouto, Top Todoroki Shouto, Bottom Bakugou Katsuki, Shinsou Hitoshi Replaces Mineta Minoru, Gratuitous Smut, Crack, Attempt at Humor, Shinsou Hitoshi is in the Bakusquad, Groping, Spanking, Todoroki is an Ass man, ass eating, Eventual Smut, Developing Relationship, Class 1-A Friendship (My Hero Academia)
Bakugou Katsuki is a natural genius. He's good at practically anything he tries, right off the bat.
So when Ashido asks him if he can twerk it's very natural for him to be good at it right away. It's just that no one expected how good.
Todoroki feels a type of way about it.
or: Todoroki watches Bakugou twerk and has a spiritual awakening.
Bakugou Katsuki is a natural genius in many ways.
For most things, he’s good at them as soon as he attempts them. For others, though, it takes a bit of practice. But truly, only a bit. After only a couple attempts—or a few minutes to practice/study—he’s back to being the talented genius that he is.
Everyone knows this.
And if they, somehow, don’t know this then he’s very sure to tell them.
But after a full year with him, his class 2-A peers know this fact very well.
So when class 2-A throws a small kickback for themselves in their dorm’s common room, it is to no one’s surprise that Bakugou manages to whoop their asses at beer pong. It is to no one’s surprise when he somehow manages to slaughter them all at King’s Cup, either.
And as Kaminari begrudgingly and hesitantly downs the cup, begging others to pray for both his stomach and liver, they all watch as Bakugou gloats.
He’s good.
He knows he’s good.
They know he’s good.
“Bakugou,”Ashido says, calling out to him. “D’you know how to twerk?”
It’s a simple, yet stupid question. The pink haired, dark eyed girl is two steps away from being completely drunk and with Jirou on aux, she’s been doing almost nothing but dancing all night. There’s a slight sheen of sweat on her forehead but she’s smiling.
“Why the fuck would I care about that shit?”
Ashido smirks, “So that means you can’t?”
If the students of class 2-A have learned anything, it’s to never challenge Bakugou. Especially not when alcohol has been involved. He gets even more competitive when it’s added to the equation.
Yet Ashido ignores their unspoken rule, goading the blond haired boy.
“What’s twerking?”Todoroki asks, leaning over to Midoriya.
How is he supposed to explain twerking? Especially to Todoroki, who had only experienced his first ever “girl/boy” party during their first year.
“Shaking ass.”Is Shinsou’s very blunt, very honest reply.
“Why would you want to shake your ass?”
Midoriya sends a small glare to Shinsou, damning the taller boy for opening his mouth. Yet Shinsou just smirks and shrugs his shoulders.
“It’s because it’s hot.”Answers Kaminari, who has surprisingly survived his horrific battle with the King’s Cup.
“And fun.”Ochako adds, “Well...if you’re good at it. Mina has been teaching me.”
The small group watches on as Ashido and Bakugou go back and forth, the blond getting more and more spirited as Ashido goads him. Her intentions are clear but what’s even more clear is that it’s working.
“Fucking fine!”He yells, “I’ll fucking show you.”
“Wait!”Yaoyorozu exclaims, halting the show. Everyone presumes that she’s interjecting to calm things down but instead she sits down on a couch right in front of them. “Ashido, do you mind showing us how it’s done first? I’d like to take notes.”
“Gladly.”Replies the pink haired girl, smirking teasingly at Bakugou.
He flips her off but she just laughs.
And then, because she’s the master of the aux, Jirou switches the music. From upbeat R&B to something with a trap beat and booming 808s. This particular music isn’t something that Todoroki would listen to himself, but he can appreciate it enough to enjoy what’s going on in front of him.
“Well, you can put your hands on your knees and do it like this.”Ashido says to Yaoyorozu, putting her hands on her knees as she says so.
And...well, Todoroki can kind of see the appeal.
Ashido has always been a well built, rather curvaceous individual so when she begins to “twerk” he kind of realizes what Kaminari meant by it being “hot”.
“Or,”She says and then her grin gets wider. “You can free hand it, which is what I like to do since having my hands on my knees gets old.”
And that, too, she gives a visual example for.
Truthfully, it looks both incredibly easy and unnecessarily difficult to Todoroki. Perhaps that is what Ochako means by it being fun so long as you’re good at it. Because Todoroki feels almost certain that he would not enjoy doing it, but watching it is objectively fun. Entertaining.
And then Ashido stops, turns to Bakugou, and folds her arms over her chest. “Your turn.”
Bakugou once again flips her off.
“Hands on your knees is fucking easy.”He says and
Perhaps this is what Kaminari means about it being hot.
Todoroki would consider himself friends with Bakugou at this point. They’ve gone through quite a bit together and have learned quite a bit about each other as well. They’re not best friends though, not in the same way the blond is with Kirishima, or Todoroki is with Midoriya. Still, he feels comfortable calling the other a friend.
And yet, for all that he was sure he knew about Bakugou, Todoroki never realized nice his butt was.
How plump. Perky. Round.
And as he “twerks” his ass moves. Bounces. Like it has a mind of its own. A very seductive mind of its own.
“No hands is a fucking cakewalk too.”He says and for a very brief moment, Todoroki’s life flashes before his eyes. It skips past all the awful, horrific moments and instead every moment that races through his mind is of Bakugou and his backside.
His nice, nice backside.
A sudden, somewhat dull sounding clap sound brings Todoroki back to his senses and he realizes that everyone is looking at Bakugou with wide eyes and gaping mouths.
“W-Wait,”Kirishima says, shaking his head. “Do that again.”
And as Bakugou shakes his ass, that dull sounding clap sound comes back.
“What is that?”Todoroki finds himself asking, nudging Shinsou since the student had been so kind as to explain “twerking” to him earlier.
“That, my dear friend, is the sound of Bakugou’s ass clapping.”
“Is that that not normal?”
The way Ashido screeches, begging him to show her how he does it is answer enough. The surprised looks on his classmates' faces leave no room for doubt though.
Todoroki watches in rapt attention as Bakugou tries to show Ashido how to make her ass clap too. His eyes are solely trained on Bakugou—or, rather, his eyes are solely trained on Bakugou’s ass.
It’s hypnotic and mesmerizing.
He wants to touch it.
Todoroki startles a bit, though he thankfully doesn’t draw any attention to himself.
It’s just...well, he’s never thought of Bakugou in a sexual way. Not that the blond isn’t handsome or incredibly fit. Nor is it that his lips don’t look soft enough or his hands aren’t pretty enough or—okay. Maybe he has thought of Bakugou in a sexual way.
But those thoughts are reserved for the late hours of the night when the dorm has gone silent and everyone’s tucked into bed. When there’s extra privacy under the cover of darkness.
Yet the urge to go up behind Bakugou and grab his ass, touching it however he sees fit, hits him rather intensely.
Todoroki quietly excuses himself to the bathroom, his pants feeling much tighter than they did earlier on in the evening.
Todoroki is a good student.
He ranks within the top 5 in all aspects, from academic to athletic.
Yet he can’t, for the life of him, focus.
Ectoplasm is going over a formula but which formula is completely beyond Todoroki. He has no clue. He’s not even paying attention.
Not when he’s too busy staring at Bakugou’s ass.
Ever since the night of their kickback, when the blond had once again proven that he has a natural gift for nearly everything he tries, Todoroki’s eyes have been focused low. Below the neck but above the knee and straight at the two round, plump cheeks.
He wants to touch them.
He wants to slap them—feel them jiggle under his hand as he leaves his handprints on them.
His view of Bakugou’s ass isn’t the best from his seat though. For one, they’re all sitting down. But secondly, Midoriya is in the way and while he appreciates their friendship greatly, he’s willing to make some sacrifices if that means getting a good view of Bakugou’s plump rear end.
The bell rings then, letting them know that it’s time for lunch and Todoroki feels his heart soar.
He stays seated, slowly packing up his things. The whole time his eyes are trained on the unassuming, oblivious blond, who stands from his desk.
Bakugou tends to wear his uniform baggy and at first Todoroki assumed it was wholly and entirely a stylistic choice. Now though, he wonders if it’s because if he were to get them in his actual size—and to wear them regularly—would they even fit properly?
With an ass that big, surely the pants will become too tight.
Finally, after Bakugou has walked out of the room with his friends, Todoroki completely puts his things away and joins his own friends.
“Are you still thinking about it?”Ochako asks, leaning in and whispering.
The class held the kickback on the same weekend that Iida went home to visit his family. They always plan their parties involving alcohol around his going home schedule because while Iida is indeed a very reliable and worthy class president, he’s a stickler for the rules.
And the law states that they are not allowed to drink alcohol until they’re of age. The school code of conduct, in turn, states that they’re not allowed to have alcohol on the premises.
If he were to ever catch wind of their shenanigans, they’d all be out of luck.
So Ochako whispers the question and Todoroki tries to not feel cornered and caught red handed. “Thinking about what?”He asks nonchalantly.
“Oh ya know…Bakugou and his ass clapping?”
And before Todoroki can rebuke the question—assuring with the resolute lie that he is not, in fact, still thinking about Bakugou’s glorious ass nor the way he’s able to make his cheeks clap—the brunette is giggling to herself.
“Because I am,”She replies. “It would be nice if he could teach me, but I think he’d just try to explode my face off.”
Which is a fair assumption to make. Bakugou is rather grumpy and easily provoked, though he has certainly calmed down from how he used to be. He’s still unlikely to graciously extend an invitation for “twerk” lessons though, and Todoroki has a hard time imagining him accepting Ochako’s request.
“Maybe he won’t, though.”He replies and seconds after doing so he realizes that he has not, at all, said so with the intention of giving her good advice. Rather, part of him would like to see if Bakugou would do it again. If he’d “twerk” again, so Todoroki can see the magnificent sight for a second time.
“Do you really think so?”She asks cynically, her brows furrowing as her forehead creases.
Yes and no.
There’s a 90/10 chance that it will happen, with the vast majority of the chances going toward the brunette getting yelled at, in the least.
“Yes. Bakugou is a lot nicer than he’s given credit for.”
It’s the truth. Bakugou is a lot nicer than he’s given credit for. Todoroki knows because he’s seen it for himself countless times. He’ll tutor Kaminari and the other will give him snacks as thanks. He gives his friends study tips, too. How, when Ochako had a bad training battle, he went over her battle notes with her so she could find where she went wrong. How he has not only been able to be on better standing with Midoriya, but he will even duel with him so he can get a better handle on his quirk.
Bakugou will frequently give Iida advice on how to better his leadership skills regarding his class representative role. He gives great quirk advice to Shinsou and tips to Yaoyorozu to better her costume.
And when he has a rougher than usual weekend visit home, Bakugou makes Todoroki cold soba. Or if he’s particularly down, he’ll visit his dorm room and lay by his side while they sleep. He’s good at reading him too—knowing what Todoroki is thinking without him even saying anything.
So yes, Todoroki thinks Bakugou is incredibly nice.
Ochako looks at him incredulously. It’s the look she normally gives him when she can’t believe what he’s just said.
He doesn’t know why she doesn’t believe him. It’s not like he said it in a joking manner. But he doesn’t bother to push the topic further. Instead he goes through the rest of the lunch line, gratefully taking what seems most appetizing.
And when he sits down, Todoroki is immediately zoning out on his friends’ conversation in favor of watching Bakugou. It’s become his favorite pastime.
No, he can’t see his ass from here. Not at all. It’s a pity, but the dual hair colored boy frets nary a second because—well….because now that he gets a really good look at him, Bakugou is actually quite attractive, isn’t he?
Even from his seat, far away from Bakugou’s usual lunch table with his friends, Todoroki can see his broad shoulders. And if he lifts himself from his seat he can get a glimpse of his slim waist. His ashy blond hair is in its usual spiked style, but Todoroki wonders if it’s soft. And if it is soft, how soft?
That question takes up residence in his mind for the rest of their lunch break.
Heroics training is one of Todoroki’s favorite parts of school, if he were being honest.
He likes being active. He likes a challenge. And more than anything, he truly likes the rush he gets as he comes up with new moves and gains more mastery over his quirk. It’s exhilarating. Getting stronger—becoming better at his quirk—is exciting for him. But it’s all because it all means that he’ll be a better hero. Better equipped to rescue, save, and protect.
So yeah, he really likes heroics training.
What has now become a problem, though, is the locker room.
The boy’s locker room has always been a rough and rowdy place. The “wild, wild west” as Ashido calls it. Now, Todoroki doesn’t quite understand what the West has to do with the locker room, but he agrees with the wild part.
Once, while he was waiting for Yaoyorozu so that they could go to the library together, Todoroki got to peek into the empty girl’s locker room and found himself incredibly impressed.
Structurally, it’s the same as the boy’s locker room. Same paint. Same benches. Same in that sense, but it was...cleaner. It smelled nicer. Strange, vulgar, and confusing doodles are drawn and etched into the lockers of the boy’s locker room. Quite a few of the lockers have fist shaped dents in them (courtesy of Bakugou). There’s always random puddles of water to evade and someone (all signs point to Denki) have yet to claim a pair of underwear that’s been there for at least half a year. Worse yet, there’s a mysterious yet foul odor that wafts through the locker room if there’s too much steam from the hot showers.
Besides that, there’s a broken sink that has literally been shattered and another that just doesn’t work. Toilet paper and paper towels also, oddly enough, do not last long in the boy’s locker room.
So yes, very wild indeed.
But no, that is not why the locker room has become a problem for Todoroki.
It has become a problem because he now finds it incredibly hard to keep his eyes at a proper level. Specifically though, when Bakugou is around.
He desperately doesn’t want to overstep and cross any boundaries, but his eyes just gravitate toward the other boy’s body.
So, as another day winds down, the boys of 2-A crowd into their locker room, getting ready to shower and change back into their uniforms.
Todoroki keeps himself close to his locker with his head down and his eyes straight ahead, focused on the contents of his locker. He doesn’t have much in it, but it’s enough to not draw attention from anyone.
“Hands off Dunce Face!”He hears Bakugou yell.
And that causes Todoroki to turn around.
Kaminari has his arm slung around Bakugou’s shoulders, grinning at the blond widely. “But Kaachan~,”He says, seemingly enjoying the angry look he’s getting. “You did so well today. Even Aizawa sensei said so, why won’t you accept my praise.”
“Don’t make me explode your fucking face off.”
Yet Todoroki sees the way the tops of his ears turn pink. Bakugou does, in fact, like praise. Interesting.
No one else seems to notice the transition his ears have gone through, too busy changing or joining in to praise him.
Todoroki watches on, doing his best to not look too invested lest he get drawn into the conversation by the teasing Kaminari or the well meaning Kirishima.
“With the way you’re advancing, I’m really interested to see what you’d look like as a Pro.”Sero says, throwing his sweat stained training top into his locker. His comment, though coming across as a bit snide due to his tone, is incredibly genuine and Bakugou seems to hear that genuineness because his ears wane from pink to red.
“Of course you are,”He says despite himself. “I’ll be number one!”
“Good job!”
Todoroki blinks blankly and all of his efforts to keep his eyes above Bakugou’s waist are ruined.
Shinsou just slapped Bakugou on the ass.
Now, it’s not entirely uncommon. Ass slapping, as Iida and Midoriya have explained, is a platonic phenomena practiced between individuals as a means for expressing enthusiasm. In some ways it’s also used as a motivator, but Todoroki isn’t quite sure how motivation is transferred through a slap to the ass.
He has never partaken in the practice, finding it more practical to either verbally express his enthusiasm or attempts to motivate or to just simply give a high five. He once hugged Asui, too.
But Shinsou slapped Bakugou on the ass.
And when the blond turns around, ready to rage at the blue haired boy, Todoroki’s eyes drift down to his ass. His fat, juicy ass. It’s round, perky and sits nicely in his briefs.
Offhandedly, Todoroki wonders if it jiggled under Shinsou’s hand. Wonders how soft it is and how the blond would react if he did the same.
Ah...but they’re not on that level of friendship yet.
Todoroki checks Bakugou out. He’s been trying so hard to not to but finds his wherewithal completely gone at this point. So his eyes drag down to his thick, muscular thighs before back up to his ass where they settle for some time. Then, slowly, he drags his gaze up Bakugou’s body. From his slim waist to his glorious back muscles, his broad back making the dual haired boy feel some type of way.
And then, Bakugou turns around.
Todoroki does not look below the waist and he’s proud of himself for that. But he can’t stop the way his eyes trail along Bakugou’s stomach.
His abs are glistening with sweat and for a brief moment, Todoroki feels the urge to lick him.
What would he taste like? What would it feel like?
His eyes raise to his chest and settle on his pecs and—hmm, did he always have such a big chest? Todoroki never noticed before but now he’s looking and he wonders when they became so...juicy as Kaminari would say. His “bakutiddies” as Ashido calls them, are enticing. But what catches his attention the most about them are how pink his nipples are. And how, as he wipes a towel along them to wipe the sweat, the perk.
With his attention so focused on Bakugou, Todoroki notices the way his breath hitches at the action.
Ahh, so his nipples are sensitive.
Yes, Bakugou is most definitely attractive. Incredibly so and the thoughts he had from lunch are finally and completely affirmed.
He knew he wasn’t wrong. His eyesight is incredibly good.
Midoriya’s voice finally draws him from his thoughts.
“Ah, sorry. Were you thinking about the training notes Aizawa sensei gave you?”
No. He absolutely wasn’t thinking about the training notes he had received from their teacher. But Todoroki is not as honest and blunt as everyone thinks. Well, everyone but Bakugou. He knows him quite well, actually.
“Yes.”He says, nodding through his lie. “I would like to work to improve my faults so that I can get better.”
Midoriya smiles softly and pats him on the shoulder. “You will, you’re an amazing hero in training. And if you’d like, I can go over my own notes with you too. We can strategize and come up with plans.”
“Sure. Sounds fine.”He answers as they walk to the showers, throwing one last glance Bakugou’s way as he does so.
The common room is a lot more packed than it usually is.
Classes were a lot more strenuous today than they usually are so the class gravitates toward one another, seeking comfort with each other’s presence.
Truthfully, it’s one of the reasons why they’re all so close.
Bakugou is cooking in the kitchen and Todoroki is sitting at the bar top, watching him. The blond is joined by Satou and Shinsou, who are actually being helpful, as well as Sero and Kaminari who are definitely not helping.
Not in the least bit. Still, it’s entertaining to watch the way Bakugou yells at them. He threatens their lives quite frequently, much to the chagrin of Iida, but Todoroki knows that he doesn’t mean it. He’s just worried about them since they’re goofing off with fire and knives so close behind.
The dual haired boy finds it...sweet. Yes, incredibly sweet.
“Is dinner close to being done yet?”
He turns his attention back to Midoriya.
“It sure does smell good in there.”Jirou says with a sigh, leaning against the bar top. “I just love it when Bakugou cooks.
“Same!”Exclaims Ashido cheerily. “Blasty is quite the chef.”
And Todoroki would have to agree.
“He doesn’t look half bad in that apron, either.”Adds the pink haired girl, smiling as she stares at Bakugou who is, once again, yelling at Sero and Kaminari.
The apron isn’t anything special. Not to Todoroki, at least. It’s just white with a bit of lace and some frills. Personally, he thinks his sister Fuyumi has a nicer apron. Hers has a cat on it that says Paws off my food.
“Kinda reminds me of a maid apron.”Comments Midoriya, wrinkling his nose as he says it.
Todoroki looks at the apron once again and tries to picture it on a maid costume. That, though, is a big mistake because he winds up imagining Bakugou in a maid costume. He’s seen some, thanks to a rather eventful boy’s sleepover during their last training camp, so he has a reference. And this reference...oh jeez.
As he looks at Bakugou, he can’t help but check him out. And from this angle, his perky ass is a lot more pronounced. With Bakugou standing with his right side facing them, Todoroki can see the way his ass stands out. From his strong, flat back to his perky, round ass.
And then the blond’s sweatpants and t shirt disappear, leaving Todoroki with a crisp, clear vision of the blond in a skimpy maid costume. Thigh highs included.
The frills of the skirt of the dress stop at the top of his thighs, just barely covering his butt. It’s a tight fitting dress, too, so his chest becomes more pronounced too. He looks pretty. Pretty, and, dare he think, delectable? Like he wouldn’t mind ravishing the blond for days on end.
“What do you think, Todoroki?”
He blinks.
“I’m sorry, what?”He asks, not knowing what they’re talking about.
Jirou snorts softly and rolls her eyes and Ochako just shakes her head, giggling to herself. Midoriya and Ashido try to fill him in on the conversation but it is entirely too uninteresting. Or, well, it certainly seems so in comparison to the image of Bakugou in a maid costume that has been seared into his mind.
After dinner is study time.
Todoroki does not know why that is, exactly.
With everyone full from their meals, it’s rather easy to fall asleep while trying to retain pertinent information. That’s why he prefers to study before dinner. That way he can go to bed immediately after if he so chooses.
But he doesn’t.
He almost never chooses to go to bed right after dinner.
Not when after dinner time is Bakugou time.
As the others lose steam, bidding yawned filled “goodnights” and slowly dragging their tired bodies to bed, Todoroki makes his way to Bakugou’s room.
He does so by taking the staircase since the incredibly tired students will most definitely opt for the elevator instead. It’s because these meetings with Bakugou are a secret. The blond made mention how he didn’t like having others in his business and Todoroki agreed. Their classmates are incredibly nosy.
Besides, if they find out that Todoroki is spending so much time with him, they’ll probably try to do the same. And he doesn’t want that. Todoroki likes his time with Bakugou and he doesn’t want to share it any more than he has to.
He doesn’t knock. He doesn’t need to. Not when he knows Bakugou has left it unlock. And so after checking to make sure no one is around, Todoroki slips inside. He locks the door behind him, doing so because their classmates aren’t good at knocking. They’ve had too many close calls and so they both decided to be more mindful about locking the door behind themselves.
But when he walks into the room he finds Bakugou already asleep, his face resting against his open textbook.
He knows that he’s already studied—opting to study before dinner like Todoroki. Still, sleeping like that will surely leave him with an aching neck once he wakes up.
Todoroki walks over, ready to wake the blond up and direct him to his perfectly comfortable bed.
But he stops.
Bakugou is…
Yes, Bakugou is attractive.
But as Todoroki leans in and fully inspects his face, he realizes that he’s beautiful. Truly, and honestly, beautiful.
His blond lashes are so long, and thick, brushing against the tops of his cheeks. His cheeks are a bit chubby still, and Todoroki will wager anything that they’re soft and squishy. He’s tempted to poke them, but the temptation disappears just as soon as it came when he looks at his lips.
Soft, pink, and pouty.
That’s what Camie would say. And Todoroki would absolutely agree with her.
He leans back a bit to take in the boy as a whole once again and comes to the same conclusion. Absolutely beautiful.
And then he reaches his hand out. He does it before he even knows what he’s doing. He knows he shouldn’t. But his hand is already in motion and it has a mind of its on, Todoroki is only along for the road.
His hand lands in Bakugou’s hair and he lets out a small, unintentional giggle.
He was right.
His hair is soft, thick too. And as he combs his fingers through it, lightly scratching his scalp with his dull nails, Bakugou lets out a small, contented moan and then leans into his touch.
Todoroki snatches his hand back and looks at it in disbelief.
His face is on fire and it’s feeling a little hard to breathe. He turns toward the door but just as he is about to leave he hears some talking outside, so he turns back toward Bakugou. But the blond seems to be rousing, if his wriggling is anything to go by.
So Todoroki goes with the second best option.
He goes out the window.
His room is directly above so he climbs up, hoisting himself up and thanks his past self for leaving his window open.
As soon as he drops onto his dorm room floor, Todoroki dives onto his futon and covers himself with his blanket. His heart is beating out of his chest and his hand feels hot despite not activating his quirk at all. His face feels equally as hot and he places his cold hand on his face, trying to cool himself off.
The effort is wasted when he feels like he’s melting the cooling effect rather than being cooled down.
Bakugou Katsuki is a lot of things, Todoroki knows this.
He’s gruff and grumpy and brash and blunt. He’s loud and hotheaded. But he’s also incredibly kind and understanding. Caring and sweet. He’s secretly incredibly softhearted, too.
Bakugou is incredibly good at academics and athletics. He has a great mastery of his quirk and is getting better at it every day. He’s determined and focused—chasing his goal of being the number one hero.
He’s loyal and trustworthy. It might seem hard to get close to him—to become friends with him or to even hold his respect—but once you’ve obtained them, he’ll do anything and every he can to take care of you. He’s protective and won’t let those close to him, by any means, talk down on themselves.
Bakugou Katsuki is a lot of things, Todoroki knows this.
But now he knows that he’s incredibly seductive. Sexy, even. Most times unintentionally so.
He’s also incredibly beautiful.
Todoroki is heralded as the most attractive guy in 2-A, and he never thought too much about that title. But now he thinks he’s unworthy. Wholly and totally unworthy. Because it belongs to Bakugou.
And then he’s hit by another surprising epiphany.
It keeps him awake all night.
A week and a half after Bakugou’s twerking reveal and Todoroki is feeling different.
He’s a new man.
“Move out the way IcyHot.”Bakugou says, shoving him aside as he sets the table with the food he’s just made.
Todoroki doesn’t take offense at all and instead just silently watches Iida scold Bakugou for his “rude” behavior.
The class sits around the large table—a gift from Yaoyorozu’s parents when they found out the class ate dinner together.
There’s enough space for everyone to sit comfortably, but when he sits down between Bakugou and Midoriya, he finds himself leaning more towards the blond haired boy than the green haired one.
No offense to Midoriya, of course.
No one notices though.
No one but Bakugou, but he doesn’t say anything. He never does. He just raises an eyebrow at Todoroki and continues with what he’s doing.
Hagakure gives a toast since it’s her day to do so, and once she’s done they all dig in to eat. Laughter carries across the room and utensils clink against tableware. Tokoyami accidentally spills a noodle dish on Ojirou, but the taller boy just offers him a friendly smile and assures him that everything’s fine.
“Eat like you’ve got some fucking sense!”Bakugou yells at Kirishima and Kaminari, who are engaging in a competition to see who can eat the most.
“Bakugou, language!”Iida yells back before turning to the battling duo. “But yes, please eat more responsibly. The food has been made carefully and it would be a shame to waste it.”
Todoroki hears the way Bakugou grumbles, annoyed with Iida for scolding him when they’ve said basically the same thing. He wants to point out that they didn’t, actually, say the same thing. But he recognizes that it’s a battle of semantics. He knows what Bakugou meant.
Kirishima and Kaminari quit with their challenge, much to the apparent and palpable relief of Kouda, who was catching strays since he’s sitting next to Kirishima.
“Pass the mapo tofu, please?”Asks Shinsou, and it’s then that Todoroki realizes that he’s been waiting for it for a while now. Tokoyami apologizes and passes it to him only to then engage in a conversation with him.
Dinners with class 2-A are always interesting.
Todoroki likes them a lot and it’s not for the first time that he's glad that they initiated them during their first year. As an older teen, nearing legal age, he has experienced a few nice dinners with his family. His sister, Fuyumi, is an excellent cook and his brother, Natsuo, is a great conversationalist but…
But there’s always a bit of tension. Always awkward pauses and too much silence, not enough words to fill them. There’s only so much Fuyumi and Natsuo can do when, the fact of the matter is, their family isn’t complete. Their mother is in the hospital and their father is always busy.
And not to mention Touya….
But here—here at U.A. in the class 2-A dorms Todoroki doesn’t have to face any of that. He doesn’t have to worry about true, uneasy tension. He doesn’t have to worry about awkward silences or feeling like there’s a piece missing.
Not when he’s surrounded by his classmates who have become dear friends and, for a few, like family to him.
“You’re not eating.”
It comes from Bakugou, but his voice is low like he doesn’t want to be heard by anyone else. And he probably doesn’t. He’s just like. When he shows his care and kindness—he’s quiet about it.
Todoroki’s eyes flicker to him before looking down at his plate. He only managed to get a small mound of rice on it before he started zoning out. When he looks up at the table he realizes that there isn’t much food left to take, and what’s left isn’t anything he’d really choose for himself.
“Fucking Candy Cane,”Bakugou mutters as he rolls his eyes. “So damn slow and stupid you’ll wind up eating plain rice for dinner.”
“I like rice.”
Bakugou doesn’t say anything for a second and just looks at him. And then he’s shaking his head, “Fucking idiot.”
He wants to comment that, really, he doesn’t mind just eating plain rice, but then the blond turns around to join the conversation between Sero and Jirou. Todoroki is a bit surprised by the abrupt end to their conversation, but decides to leave it at that.
He goes back to observing his classmates and soaking up everything about this moment that makes him feel comfortable and content.
Movement out of the corner of his eye brings him out of focus once again, and that’s when he sees Bakugou nonchalantly puts a bit of food from his plate onto Todoroki’s. He occasionally adds more, but does it so quickly yet so unassumingly that Todoroki almost doesn’t fault the others for not noticing.
He’s about to say something—possibly tell Bakugou once again, that he was fine with just having rice—but then the blond shoots a look over his shoulder that stops him in tracks.
Instead, Todoroki goes back to observing his classmates and soaking up the moment as he slowly begins to eat his dinner with a small, almost imperceptible smile on his face.
After dinner is study time.
Todoroki does not know why that is, exactly but he doesn’t mind it. Not now, when he needs it most.
Because with everyone full from their meals, it’s rather easy to fall asleep while trying to retain pertinent information. That’s why he made sure to study before dinner. That way he can “go to bed” immediately after if he so chooses.
But he doesn’t…not normally.
Normally he almost never chooses to go to bed right after dinner. But tonight is different and though he’s broken from his norm, his friends don’t think much of it. Not when they’re nodding off and struggling to keep their eyes open.
But that’s good, because after dinner time is Bakugou time.
He’s careful to stick to the stairs, making sure to not be seen by any classmates who are making their ways to bed.
When he gets to Bakugou’s room he doesn’t knock. He doesn’t need to. Not when he knows Bakugou has left it unlocked. And so after checking to make sure no one is around, Todoroki slips inside. He locks the door behind him, doing so because their classmates aren’t good at knocking.
“Took you long enough, stupid fucking IcyHot.”
Todoroki doesn’t take offense. Instead he walks over to sit on the blond’s bed. He’s not really studying at this time, since he’s already done so, yet he’s a bit surprised when Bakugou turns his chair to look at him, giving him his undivided attention.
“You didn’t dry your hair well enough.”He says with a snort.
Todoroki reaches up to feel his bangs and realizes that he’s right—his hair is still a bit damp from his bath. His realization amuses Bakugou, who chuckles and then stands up. He walks over to his closet to retrieve his towel for him, but when he does that Todoroki gets a great view of his ass.
“You have a nice ass.”
Bakugou whips around to look at him and truthfully, even Todoroki has surprised himself. He didn’t mean to say that at all. He was only meant to think it.
“What the fuck did you just say, IcyHot?”Bakugou asks and he’s glaring at him but Todoroki can see that he’s not mad. More so curious than anything else.
“I—uh…said you have a nice ass?”It comes out like a question, unsure of if he should have repeated himself. Still, the hint of curiosity in his eyes don’t give off the exact impression he’ll toss an explosion Todoroki’s way.
In fact, Bakugou kind of smirks. “Well yeah, my ass is nice. I’m fucking hot, IcyHot. Can’t believe you’re just noticing.”
Truthfully, Todoroki can’t believe it either. Can’t believe it’s taken him so long to notice all of this.
“I like your ass.”He says, feeling emboldened by the response to his initial words. And also…well, maybe the atmosphere from dinner—the warm feelings it gave him—are giving him some kind of weird adrenaline rush. “I like it a lot. And I would like to touch it… And I like you. A lot. A whole lot.”
Bakugou’s smirk falls from his face and he stares at Todoroki with his mouth hanging open. He splutters and stutters, trying hard to respond. While he grasps for something to say, Bakugou’s ears grow incredibly red. And now, his face is too.
“Where the fuck is this coming from?”The blond says, finally coming to his senses. “Are you joking right now?”
Todoroki shakes his head. “No, I’m serious.”
Bakugou looks at him incredulously, but he finally takes a small step forward towards him. He inches forward, coming closer and closer to Todoroki until he’s finally standing right in front of him. Reflexively, Todoroki wraps his arms around Bakugou’s waist. He’s very surprised when he doesn’t get a punch to the stomach or an explosion to the face.
And then he’s smiling a wide, smug grin. “It’s about goddamn time! I thought it wasn’t gonna be until long after our graduation that you got your head of your ass.”
Todoroki’s brows raise and he leans back to look at Bakugou. “Huh? You mean you knew that I liked you all this time? Even before I knew myself?”
Bakugou shrugs, but he’s still got that smug look on his face. “I’m not blind, HalfnHalf. I saw the way you looked at me.”
“But the others didn’t.”
“Well no duh, they’re all fucking idiots. Besides, I’m good at reading you.”
The way he says it is so...something. And when Todoroki looks closer, he sees that the smug expression is gone. Bakugou isn’t teasing him—he belatedly realizes—and he’s not being smug about this anymore. He actually seems relieved and...happy?
“You like me too.”
It comes out as a statement rather than a question because Todoroki is already sure of the answer. And if he wasn’t completely sure, the slight blush on Bakugou’s face is more than enough answer for him.
He pulls the blond closer and feels his heart begin to race with excitement.
“You do, right? You like me, too. You’ve liked me for a while. How long have you liked me?” The more questions he asks—the more he keeps talking—the redder Bakugou gets.
“Shut the fuck up.”He says and then tries to push away from the dual hair colored boy. But with the way he’s holding Bakugou’s waist, it causes the both of them to fall back.
With Bakugou on top of him.
“Does this make us boyfriends?”
“Like fuck it does!”Bakugou snaps, still blushing furiously. “You’ve gotta ask me out properly IcyHot, I’m not fucking cheap.”
Todoroki leans in and plants a short, chaste kiss to Bakugou’s lips. He finds that they’re just as soft as he thought they’d be.
“Bakugou, will you be my boyfriend?”
The blond is now blushing furiously, his eyes wide open in shock. His expression is cute. Really cute. So cute that Todoroki can’t help but to kiss him again.
“I—fuck. Let me think. Okay?”
“You need to think about your answer?”
“No, you damned bastard. I just—I can’t...shut up.”
Bakugou initiates the kiss this time, leaning into Todoroki’s embrace.
Todoroki learns something new about Bakugou as they kiss.
Unlike his intense, aggressive fighting style the way he kisses is a lot more subdued. Shy and uncertain. His trepidation is endearing and that only causes Todoroki to hold him closer, his hands rubbing up and down Bakugou’s back.
And then they slip down to his ass.
He’s not at all slick with it, which causes Bakugou to chuckle into the kiss. But that’s okay, his laugh is sweet and sounds quite magical to Todoroki’s ears.
“You really have a thing for my ass, huh?”
“I’ve been thinking about it nonstop since the night of the kickback.”
“Ah, when I twerked?”
Todoroki nods his head. “You have an incredibly nice ass.” And he emphasizes his point by slipping his hands inside Bakugou’s sweats and giving his cheeks a soft, slight squeeze.
Truthfully, it’s everything that Todoroki hoped for. And more. Supple and incredibly soft. He bounces them in his hand, feeling them jiggle in his hand and it’s somehow the most erotic and fascinating thing Todoroki has experienced ever.
Bakugou’s small, soft moan is just icing on the cake.
“Bakugou...can I call you by your given name?”
Bakugou’s eyes flutter open and he blushes softly, his face becoming a much lighter pink than it had been only a few moments ago.
“We’re dating, aren’t we?”
“Are we? You never gave me a definitive—”
“Yes, we’re dating. We’re goddamn boyfriends. There! Are you happy now, IcyHot?”
Todoroki smiles at him and then pinches his ass, “Good,”He says as he whispers, leaning in to Bakugou’s ear. “Because I’d really like to keep you all for myself.”
His words cause Bakugou to stutter, but before he can tell Todoroki to shut the fuck up, the taller boy is kissing him again. He scoots them back too, so that they’re no longer dangling off of Bakugou’s bed. And then, much to the blond’s surprise, Todoroki pulls down his sweats completely.
“Who knew you were such a horndog.”He says, but his insult doesn’t have its usual bite to it. Todoroki squeezes his ass more harshly this time, causing him to suck in a sharp breath, which shuts him right up.
He turns them over so that he’s on top of Bakugou, and instead of going back to kissing him like the blond so clearly assumes, Todoroki climbs off of him.
“I would like to have sex with you right now.”Is what he says, staring directly into Bakugou’s eyes.
He stares right back at Todoroki, and then his eyes widen. He averts his gaze as well. “Well no fucking shit, you weren’t gonna get me all worked up like this for nothing. Were you?”
Todoroki looks him over and licks his lips, his cock twitching inside his own sweats. “No...not at all.” And then he sits back on his knees. “Get on your hands and knees.”
“I—who the fuck do you think you’re bossing around?”He asks, glaring at Todoroki. And it’s the first time all evening that any one of his glares look anywhere near intimidating. Too bad Todoroki knows that he’s more turned on than annoyed.
“Katsuki,”He says, and the moment he says his name, Bakugou’s eyes widen and he freezes. “Get on your hands and knees.”
Todoroki kind of expects him to put up more of a fight. He kind of expects a bit more push back, mostly because this is Bakugou Katsuki, when is he not challenging someone or purposely making simple commands more difficult?
But instead he turns over and gets on his hands and knees, his ass up in the air and his face pressed into his pillows.
Knowing that the other is rather obedient in bed is incredibly nice to learn and Todoroki quickly stores the information away for another time. He then focuses on Bakugou and rubs his hands along his briefs. The material is soft yet thin so he doesn’t second guess himself when he rips a whole in them.
“H-Hey,”Bakugou complains, turning his head to the side. But then Todoroki is dragging his tongue along the underside of Bakugou’s cock, flicking it just slightly as he passes his balls. Whatever complaints he had die on his tongue as he shoves his face back into the pillows and lets out a whiny moan.
His legs tremble, but Todoroki can see that he’s so painfully hard, his cock leaking precum onto his bedding.
Todoroki spits on his hole, chuckling when Bakugou flinches and his hole clenches around nothing. “I’ve been thinking about this for so long, sorry for being so hasty. I’ll buy you some new underwear.”
“I—“Bakugou whimpers, choking on words. He cries out, his sounds muffled by the pillows when Todoroki licks a stripe up his exposed hole. His wet, hot tongue snakes in and out of his hole, causing Bakugou’s legs to shake. “Fuck. Please.”
Todoroki doesn’t know exactly what he’s pleading for. To cum? To be fucked with his tongue? To be fucked with his cock? He wagers that Bakugou doesn’t know what he’s pleading for either, his mind too muddled for him to be thinking properly.
Still, the fact that he can get Bakugou in such a state invigorates him.
Bakugou is barely keeping his form, barely holding himself up at this point and it’s obvious that his muscles are growing stiff.
The way he cries into the pillows, using them to quiet himself down as he grips the bedding beneath him. He starts to rock his hips back into Todoroki’s face, trying desperately to reach his own release. Todoroki trails his lips away from his starving hole.
“F-Fuck,”Bakugou mumbles, his voice sounding a lot more raw after all of his moaning and whining. He’s panting a bit too, trying hard to catch his breath as he turns his head to look back. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
Todoroki doesn’t reply to that. Instead his gaze flickers toward Bakugou’s nightstand. “Do you have lube, Katsuki?”
The question catches Bakugou off guard but he mumbles an affirmative and points to his nightstand. Todoroki reaches toward it and it is his turn to be surprised when he finds strawberry flavored lube inside.
“Don’t fucking say anything.”
“I wasn’t going to say anything.”
“Sure you weren’t IcyHot. Sure.”
Shouto uncaps the lube and spreads a generous amount on his fingers before he’s trailing them along Bakugou’s needy hole. “Kinda wish you wouldn’t muffle yourself, I really wanna hear all of your pretty moans.”He says.
The blond lets out a rather loud mewl, pressing his against the teasing fingers. Just as he begins to grow impatient, Todoroki is slipping a lube slick finger inside of him. It causes him to moan louder which is, truly, music to the taller boy’s ears.
He could probably listen to Bakugou moan for the rest of his life.
His whimpers come out soft and his breath stutters, the blond finding it difficult to keep up as Todoroki slowly finger fucks him.
“You know, Katsuki. You’re not as tight as I thought you would be. Don’t tell me you were fingering yourself before I came in…” He doesn’t get a response right away, Bakugou clearly embarrassed. But he’d like his thoughts to be affirmed, so he slips in a second finger and thrusts them both in deeply. “Answer me, Katsuki.”
“Y-Yes. I did. Always do before you come into my room.”
The response sates him, but that doesn’t stop Todoroki from slapping him on the ass and—oh. Now he understands what Midoriya and Iida mean about slaps to the ass expressing enthusiasm. He even feels a bit more motivated, too.
He can also see why Bakugou’s friends slap his ass so much in the locker room.
But rather than yelling at him like he does to his friends, Bakugou lets out another loud moan. Todoroki can even see the goosebumps on his skin.
“You like getting your ass slapped, Katsuki?”
He emphasizes the question by slapping him on the ass, scissoring his fingers inside of his tight hole as he does so. It causes Bakugou to moan once again, not able to respond with actual words. His moans grow even louder, though, when Todoroki brushes along his sweet spot.
“You do, I can tell.”He says, answering his own question.
Todoroki slaps him on the ass again just as he slides in a third finger, filling the blond up and causing him to arch his back even deeper. He mewls pathetically and when Todoroki rams his finger into his prostate, he scream. He actually screams. It’s a scream brought on entirely by passion and it ejects rather abruptly from his throat.
“Beautiful.”Todoroki mutters, as he continues spanking him. His hand prints are beginning to show up on his soft, blemish free skin. They’re red and rather large, but they make his chest swell with pride. He’s always wanted to do this.
“Todoroki please,”He begs, his voice coming out just as uneven as his breath. It’s then that he realizes that Bakugou has tears blurring his vision.
He slows his fingers down and Bakugou’s eyes widen, “No. No. Don’t you dare fucking stop now.”
“But you’re crying—”
“Shut up. I am not.”
He tries to wipe his eyes of the tears but more replace the ones he’s removed. It is unlike him to give up so quickly, but Bakugou lets out a shaky sigh. “It’s….it’s because it feels good. So don’t worry.”He says, his voice coming out low.
But he still hears him.
Todoroki pulls his fingers out slowly, scraping them against his prostate and chuckling at Bakugou when a moan escapes his throat. He scoots back a bit, admiring the way Bakugou’s stretched hole shines from lube and spit.
He then has Bakugou stay like that for a while, with his face down and his ass up. Admiring him and humiliating him all in one.
Bakugou’s face burns bright with a blush and more tears pool in his eyes the longer he’s left to be on display like this. Yet he doesn’t complain. He doesn’t snap at Todoroki to hurry up. In fact, he just stays there obediently, shivers visibly running along his back while his legs continue to tremble.
Todoroki pulls his own sweatpants and underwear down and wipes the residual lube on his cock as he pumps it slowly. He can’t help the way he smirks, once again pleased with himself for having Bakugou in such a state.
“So pretty, Katsuki.”Todoroki tells him. And then he angles his cock and slowly directs his cock into his greedy, greedy hole.
Bakugou keens, his mouth beginning to drool as he shoves his fingers inside. It’s clearly an attempt to keep himself quiet, but it’s a feeble attempt because the moment Todoroki bottoms out he lets out a loud whine. It’s clear that he’s embarrassed by the sounds he’s making, but Todoroki finds them cute. And arousing.
Todoroki’s hands spread Bakugou’s cheeks, watching the way his cock disappears and reappears inside of the blond as he slowly fucks in and out of him. It’s quite a mesmerizing sight, but the handprints on his ass make it all the better
“Wish you could look at yourself. You look so beautiful.”
Drool covered fingers fall from his mouth as Bakugou’s shuts his eyes. He’s swept up in so many emotions. Todoroki feels so good inside of him and his legs already feel like jelly but it’s clear that he’s having an even harder time keeping himself from collapsing into his bed.
Todoroki speeds up his pace, thrusting his cock in deep inside of him and drawing out moans from his boyfriend. He grows a bit hesitant, though, when Bakugou’s eyes are squeezed shut tightly now.
“Katsuki,”Todoroki mutters into his ear, his lips brushing against the shell of his ear. “Are you okay? We can stop if you’d like.”
Bakugou lets out a shuddering breath. “I swear to fuck, if you try to stop one more goddamn time I will kill you.”
Todoroki’s hands rub against his sides before snaking toward his front and grazing against his straining cock. “Okay, I hear you.”
Bakugou’s eyes open slowly and a choked gasp leaves his throat as Todoroki slams into him now, heeding his warnings about being too hesitant with him. Besides, he’s feeling just as impatient as Bakugou is.
As he fucks Bakugou, Todoroki can’t help but notice the way his plump ass jiggles with every thrust. It entices him to thrust even harder, wanting to see it move more. Doing so causes Bakugou to wail, gripping the bedding beneath him and ripping it a bit.
He can’t stop himself from bringing both hands down to his ass, activating his quirk so that his left hand grows warm while the right grows cold. As they make contact with Bakugou’s plump ass, the blond cries out once again.
“Shit.”He says, slurring a bit. He says something else but it comes out even more slurred and completely unintelligible.
“C’mon Katsuki,”Todoroki says through gritted teeth. “I know you can do better than that. Tell me what you need.”
Bakugou presses his lips together and shuts his eyes, trying hard to regain his focus. But it’s hard and Todoroki knows that. He just gets a kick out of messing with him. Still, he continues spanking the boy, landing fiery and icy slaps to the boy’s behind.
What Bakugou isn’t able to put into words, he is able to put into action which, honestly, is quite like him. Still, it catches Todoroki a bit off guard when the blond starts meeting his thrusts as he works his hips.
It catches him really off guard.
It’s like—it’s like Bakugou is twerking on his dick.
Pleasantly surprised, Todoroki slaps him harder on the ass and thrusts in even harsher. They gain speed, together setting a brutal pace that has Bakugou’s mouth hanging open and wanton moans leaking from his mouth.
Todoroki’s leans down and presses a kiss into Bakugou’s spine, he smiles when he hears the way his breath hitches.
“Todoroki, I—”Bakugou moans out, reaching a hand back to grab onto his hip. By doing so, he keeps him close and grinds into his dick. “It feels so good. It’s so good. I love it. I love your cock. I—”
He chokes on a sob.
Tears streak down his cheeks and somehow the scene has become less worrying for Todoroki and more... arousing. Bakugou’s cock is red with beads of cum dripping from it onto the bedding. He looks so pathetic. So fucked out. He’s made a mess of himself with drool and tears mixing on his face and sweat and cum mixing on his legs.
Yet Todoroki continues to tell him how beautiful he is. How pretty he looks Bakugou lets go of him and he resumes thrusting into him with the blond following suit.
His ass clenches around him as Bakugou continues whining, moaning loudly. It’s clear that he’s close to his orgasm. Which is good, because Todoroki can feel his coming soon too.
“God, you’re so gorgeous.”Todoroki says as he groans. He grips Bakugou’s hips tightly, focused now on getting them both to orgasm. Beneath him, Bakugou shudders violently now. His moans grow louder and louder and “Katsuki”He moans, “Katsuki. You feel so good. So tight. So perfect.”
Somehow Bakugou has enough mindfulness to clench around him. As he continues to work his hips back onto his dick, he clenches around his cock. The taller boy sees the way a small smile settles onto his lips when he hears Todoroki let out a moan of his own.
“Shouto!”He cries out, body tensing completely as he cums from his untouched dick. Ropes of cum spurt out and onto the bedding beneath them but it’s hard for Todoroki to care.
Bakugou said his name.
He moaned his name.
Oh...yeah, he could stay in this moment forever.
He chases after his own orgasm, reaching it fairly quickly as he delivers one last slap to Bakugou’s ass. He thrusts completely inside of him as he empties himself, cum painting Bakugou’s insides.
The two promptly collapse, Todoroki pulling out and only just barely moving so that he doesn’t fall directly on top of Bakugou.
No words are exchanged. The both of them are too busy catching their breath.
It takes a long while for them to breathe normally and once they’ve both calmed down a bit Bakugou turns over, too, so that he’s now laying on his stomach.
“Thank fuck these walls were made soundproof during summer break.”He mumbles and then he groans. “I’ve got cum all over me.”
Todoroki wipes the sweat from his brow and turns over so he’s laying on his back. His sweats and underwear are still bunched around his ankles so he kicks them off. He takes his shirt off too, annoyed with how it clings to him due to his sweat. Beside him, Bakugou takes off his own shirt and uses it to wipe the cum up from between his legs.
Once done he lays back beside Todoroki, settling the covers over them and lays his head on his chest.
It’s a nice, peaceful moment.
“What are you thinking about?”
“I can’t believe you like me back.”
“Well no shit, HalfnHalf, I let you fuck me raw. No condom. You fucking nut inside of me. Don’t do that with just anyone.”
Todoroki rolls his eyes but wraps his arms around Bakugou and kisses his forehead. “Not what I mean. I just didn’t think my feelings would be returned. I was sure you’d reject me.”
“And what made you so damn sure?”
Well...he’s not sure why he was so sure. He just was.
“Just didn’t think you’d return my feelings. That’s all.”Is his simple reply.
Bakugou sits up a bit to lean in and kiss him. It’s a short, yet sweet kiss that has Todoroki wishing it lasted longer.
“Don’t say any of that stupid shit around me again, okay? I chose you. It wasn’t on accident. I chose you.”He says as he looks directly into Todoroki’s eyes. “You think I’d make such a serious decision off of some whimsical bullshit?”
The blond smiles smugly once again. “Exactly what I fucking thought.”
Todoroki holds him tight, finding that sleep comes rather easily to him.
Hours later, when the day is already in full swing and they’ve finally reached their lunch break, Bakugou pulls Todoroki aside to complain about how his ass almost hurts too much to sit in his seat. Todoroki apologizes and says he’ll be gentler but the blond just huffs and blushes, mumbling about how that’s not what he meant.
Class 2-A decides to throw another kickback a few weeks later.
Iida has once again gone home to visit his family. The moment he left campus, half of the 2-A students were pulling out their fake IDs to buy alcohol while the others buy snacks and set up for the night.
The night goes just as Todoroki expects.
Bakugou dominates beer pong, and somehow continues his lucky streak with King’s Cup. He has a drinking challenge with Shouji, who taps out halfway through. He looks a bit green as he does so, but he surprisingly doesn’t throw up.
He most certainly sits in the corner and drinks water for a long time though.
Todoroki watches his boyfriend, pleased as he can clearly tell that he’s having fun.
“Can’t unsee Bakugou twerking from last time.”Ochako says to Asui. The two girls giggle about it but the eyes on Bakugou as he chats with Ashido aren’t lost on him one bit.
Perhaps they all expect the two to break out and start “twerking” again. Todoroki isn’t sure, but he finds himself leaving his spot on the wall and walking toward Bakugou. When he gets within range he slaps the blond on the ass.
“Fucking hell, IcyHot.”Bakugou groans, though the look in his eyes says that he’s far from annoyed.
Ashido stares at them with wide eyes. “Umm….”
She quickly steps away from them, scurrying over to somebody else. Todoroki doesn’t really know who. He doesn’t pay attention. Not when Bakugou turns around now, looking up at him with that needy, pleading look Todoroki has gotten used to.
“You better finish what you fucking started.”He says to his boyfriend, wrapping his arms around his neck.
Todoroki finishes the drink in his hand and sets the empty cup down. He then wraps his arms around Bakugou’s waist and welcomes the way the blond presses in closer to him.
“Oh, I fully intend to.”
They leave the common room, oblivious to the way their classmates all stare at them. Who cares, anyway. More than half of them are so far gone they won’t remember this come morning. And the rest aren’t even sure if they really believe what they’ve just seen.
Briefly, as Bakugou rushes to open his room door, Todoroki thinks about how he’ll have to thank Ashido for talking Bakugou into twerking.
One day I’m going to write a dharma and greg type fanfic with todobaku. It’s in my heart already, I just need to write it
Pairing: Todobaku
Rating: Explicit
“No…I think it would be more accurate to say that I have a you fetish.” “A what fetish.” “A you fetish. Infatuation. Obsession. Whatever you want to call it, really.” To say that Katsuki has been shut up would be an absolute understatement. And, really, it is hard to make Bakugou Katsuki so speechless. And yet, he is really really at a loss for words.
“You are so pretty.”
When Shouto had first said that to Katsuki, he’d been downright appalled.
In fact, his very initial reaction was to throttle the other male. To throw a punch with every intention of knocking a tooth or two out of that annoying mouth of his.
“Do you wanna die?”Is what he had, very quickly, followed up the statement with.
Unblinkingly, Shouto shook his head. “No. Why?”
“Because why the fuck did you just say that?”
His expression was blank. Practically empty. And yet, the blond could tell exactly what he was thinking. He could tell that Shouto was not only being honest and sincere, but had absolutely no clue why he was being met with such a harsh response.
Which was aggravating.
But what could he do to someone that was so genuinely confused?
That, though, had only made him more irritated.
“Because it’s the truth. You’re really pretty. I like looking at you.”
Thank fuck he wasn’t eating or drinking anything, because Katsuki would have undoubtedly choked on it.
“Do you even hear yourself?”
At that point, Shouto stuck a finger into each ear to plug and then unplug them. He cleared his throat and then repeated himself, “It’s the truth. You’re really pretty. I like looking at you.”He then stopped and tilted his head a bit, as if pondering for a moment before continuing. “In fact, I really enjoy it. Every time I look at you I find a new thing to admire about you.”
The room felt like it was getting hotter but Katsuki wasn’t stupid.
He knew that he was as red as the left side of Shouto’s hair. Worse yet, he was also acutely aware of the rave that was raging in the depths of his stomach.
“What the fuck are you trying to say, IcyHot?”
Shouto had simply shrugged at that. “I don’t know. Just being honest. Why?”
Katsuki was baffled. Completely and utterly stumped.
Fortunately, that is where the interaction had ended.
Unfortunately, that was not the end of it at all.
Shouto would continue to drop compliment bombs on the blond. Any time. Anywhere. Whether they were alone, or accompanied by others.
Sometimes he did it outright. Blurted it out and made the entire room go silent. Their classmates would gawk, staring in apprehension as they waited for the inevitable. Which was, of course, Katsuki going off on him and threatening to kill him (though he never even laid a finger on him).
Other times, though, he’d do it covertly. He’d lean in while no one was paying attention and would say it quietly enough for only Katsuki to hear.
These times—with these quiet compliments—he always got a bit more personal. Sometimes, they’d even feel a bit…sensual. Less like a compliment and more like he was hitting on him.
Like, for example, they had all gathered in the common room to play some games and hang out. It was nothing wild. Nothing that they hadn’t already done dozens of times before.
Katsuki had gotten done lecturing Denki and Hanta about how to play the game correctly. The two took the scolding before the entire group had quickly dissolved back into its usual variety of chaos and mess. Everyone was talking over each other. Telling jokes. Laughing.
So, with them all distracted, Shouto leaned in and said, “I’m sorry. Your pretty lips were distracting me so I hadn’t heard what you said.”
That time, the blond had been drinking some water.
And so he choked on it.
Some had even shot out of his nose.
Momo had squealed and flinched back while Eijirou burst into laughter, only for many others to follow suit.
He was a bit embarrassed, sure. But, more than anything, his heart was attempting to jackhammer its way out of his chest.
He quickly made his exit with the intention of cleaning himself up, but not before going on a rampage and nearly blasting a hole into one of the couches.
It was after that, that Shouto had become even more provocative. Teasing, in a way.
He never crossed any kind of lines, but he most certainly tiptoed around some. He went just far enough without ruining any plausible deniability. Which was both impressive and infuriating. And really, Katsuki was absolutely sure that if, at any point, he voiced any discomfort or issue, Shouto would have stopped.
But he didn’t. So, in turn, Shouto didn’t.
But that plausible deniability trick sure was annoying.
Because for a long time Katsuki wasn’t sure if he was just reading too much into things. He wasn’t sure if he was just overthinking and, maybe, Shouto really was just doling out compliments. Just…without tact or forethought to what he was saying and how it sounded.
At least…that’s what he had thought before.
But now? Now he knows full well what this is.
Shouto is very clearly hitting on him. Shouto, very clearly, has feelings for him.
Katsuki had no issue with admitting to himself that he found Shouto attractive as well because…duh. That was obvious. He’d have to be working with negative brain cells to not see how handsome and good looking he is.
Katsuki also had no problem with admitting to himself that the feelings were very much mutual.
At first he hadn’t thought much of the other male. Then they took remedial lessons together and they were on friendly enough terms. But, from there, they grew closer and closer. Going back and forth between each other’s rooms to hang out and study together…alone.
The little inside jokes they’d begun to share. The way they had begun to learn each other’s expressions—to the point that they pretty much knew what the other was thinking without any words being spoken.
They got close. Very close.
But it wasn’t until Shouto began his rather unique approach to flirting that Katsuki had realized that the stirring feelings inside were not, in the least bit, friendly.
The problem he faces now, though, is trying to figure out how to take the next step.
How to verbalize to Shouto that his feelings are reciprocated.
Because, despite how blunt and tactless the both of them can be, forming his romantic feelings into words is not something Katsuki is familiar with—let alone knows how to do without sounding like a complete ass.
So instead, he bites his tongue and tries to not melt when Shouto leans in close.
The problem now, though, is that the other male has grown a lot bolder.
To the point that he’s even gotten a bit touchy. He’s not afraid to reach and grab for his hand. And, when they’re taking a break from studying to watch a movie or the latest episode of a popular anime they both like, Shouto smoothly and easily wraps his arms around his waist and cuddles him close.
Truly, it’s a wonder that he hasn’t felt his hammering heart.
But, the point is that Katsuki wants to reciprocate. Or rather, more than anything, he wants to give Shouto a taste of his own medicine. For once, he’d like to leave him a blushing, bashful mess.
So when Shouto invites him out to go shopping with him on the weekend, the blond hopes to find some kind of opening. Some kind of opportunity to finally get his revenge.
He doesn’t though.
What he thought would be some kind of cute outing on a perfectly warm sunny Saturday actually turns out to be the quest from hell itself.
Iida’s birthday is coming up and Shouto is looking to get him some stupid reference book…as if the four eyed freak doesn’t have enough of those. But, apparently, this is the last one to complete a certain collection he has.
And…well, the look of determination on his face was just so attractive that Katsuki could not help but give in.
He wishes he hadn’t though.
There’s a hundred and fuck ton of bookstores all across the city, but apparently bum fuck all have the book Shouto’s looking for.
“It’s a collector’s item.”He says as he scours the shelves intently.
Truthfully, Katsuki is a little (read: a lot) pissed off. That would have been nice to know before he had agreed to come along. They’d started their day rather early. At around ten in the morning. It is now almost two in the afternoon.
The sun is rather high in the sky and, with it being August, it’s pretty fucking hot.
They’ve stopped a couple times now for refreshing, ice cold drinks. And even though Katsuki absolutely does not mind being wined and dined, there’s only so much of this heat and this walking he can take before he feels like he’s gonna lose his mind.
They walk out of the bookstore empty-handed yet again.
“Fuck this, Four Eyes is getting a card and a new pencil case.”He angrily grits out.
Just then, though, Shouto reaches out and holds his hand. “One more store. How about that? And if it doesn’t have it then we can go with your idea.”
What a dirty fucking trick.
Especially because he’s using his cold side. He is, both literally and figuratively, cooling Katsuki off.
A dirty fucking trick indeed.
“Fine. But you owe me big time for this, Half n’ Half.”
Shouto simply smiles softly and squeezes his hand gently. “Deal. Whatever you’d like. Besides, I have a feeling this next one will have it.”
And of fucking course he’s right.
At the very next bookstore they go to, they manage to find the book that they—or more like Shouto—had been searching so diligently for.
So, thankfully, the quest is over. The dragon has been slayed. But the journey, itself, is not over. The heroes still have to return home.
And home just so happens to be on the other side of the god damn city because of course the only bookstore to have it would be so far away.
The journey back takes just about as long as they stop frequently for cold drinks. And, most likely in an attempt to appease, Shouto winds up buying just about any and every snack Bakugou shows any genuine interest in.
So…okay, it’s not like it’s torture or anything. But the fact remains that now his feet fucking hurt.
Upon finally arriving back to the dorms, the pair split up. Shouto goes up to his room to wrap and put away the gift while Katsuki readily heads to the bathroom to bathe.
On his way up to his room after a much needed, warm soak, he passes by Shouto who appears to have had the same idea.
“Wanna come to my room later?”
Katsuki simply grunts in response, but Shouto knows that that particular grunt means ‘yes’ so he smiles and then continues heading to the bathroom.
Finally able to relax, the blond all but melts into his bed. The warm water soothed most of his aching muscles so he is feeling rather loosened up and thankfully he’s not on his feet anymore.
Time flies by with him just laying there. He doesn’t realize how much time has flown, though, until Shouto is opening up his door with the passcode Katsuki had shared with him.
“I thought you agreed to come to my room.”He says, a slight pout on his face.
Katsuki glances at him, a bit surprised. He does feel a bit bad because he did agree to that. But the thought of having to get up and walk, no matter how close the other’s room might actually be, makes him want to punch a couple holes into the wall.
“My feet are killing me.”He says instead. “No fucking way I’m getting up again.”
Shouto’s pout dissolves then. “Fair…but you could have at least texted me to tell me that.”
Which is true. Katsuki hadn’t been thinking about that.
He responds with a grunt but, once again, Shouto knows him well enough to know that that particular grunt means that he’s sorry and will do better next time. So, with that, the subject is dropped.
“I am sorry about dragging you all across the city today,”He says as he seats himself on the foot of Katsuki’s bed. “I knew it was a fairly rare book, but I didn’t think it would take us that long—and far—to find it.”
The grunt this time means, you’re forgiven.
And yet, despite knowing that, Shouto still wears a slight frown on his face.
“Your feet really do hurt, huh?”
“You think I’d be lying about that?”
He shakes his head and then his expression darkens. Before Katsuki can take it back and try to lighten the mood, Shouto’s expression is lightening.
“Would you like me to massage your feet?”
“I did say I’d do anything to make up for it. And even though you’re trying to make me feel better about it, I do still feel guilty.”
Besides, a foot rub doesn’t sound too bad.
Katsuki smirks and raises his feet up only to plop them into Shouto’s lap. “Well then, get to it.”
He’d meant to feel superior, and yet he feels like he’s been had. Like he’d fallen into Shouto’s trap, because the way that he readily begins almost makes it seem like he just knew the blond would agree.
Still, he’s not too bad with his hands.
Shouto focuses on one foot first, digging the heel of his thumbs in with just enough pressure to satisfy rather than hurt. The way his hands expertly massage up and down the expanse of his foot makes Katsuki question whether he’s done this before.
Only briefly.
Because then his eyes are fluttering shut and he is relaxing into the touch.
Perhaps, though, he’s relaxing a little too much.
Soft moans of approval slip from his lips. He does not hear them himself, though. Not until Shouto digs in a bit dipper and the soft moans morphs into a stable, lurid whimper.
His eyes snap open and the apple of his cheeks begin to grow warm.
“Can I kiss you right now?”
Katsuki was just about to suggest that they put an end to this massage session. He could feel his dignity crumble and wanted to hold onto what little of it he had left, but Shouto’s question stops him dead in his tracks.
“Can. I. Kiss. You. Right. Now.”
He says it slowly. Deliberately. So that Katsuki hears it all and does not mistake or misunderstand his words in the slightest.
His reply is soft and hesitant. And just as his eyes are about to close—readying for Shouto to lean in—he realizes that that is not the case. Instead, Shouto raises his leg just a bit higher and kisses his foot. First one, then the other.
“What the hell?”
“You said I could.”
“I thought—”He stops, not even sure of what he should say. When Shouto asked if he could kiss him he was not expecting for the other to kiss his fucking feet, of all things. “Do you have a foot fetish or something?”
Shouto chuckles and then presses his lips to Katsuki’s other foot. “No…I think it would be more accurate to say that I have a you fetish.”
“A what fetish.”
“A you fetish. Infatuation. Obsession. Whatever you want to call it, really.”
To say that Katsuki has been shut up would be an absolute understatement. And, really, it is hard to make Bakugou Katsuki so speechless. And yet, he is really really at a loss for words.
Besides, what the fuck is he even supposed to say to that?
Thankfully, he doesn’t have to say anything. Because Shouto just continues right along, as if he hasn’t dropped the bomb of all bombs.
“From the top of your head, to the bottom of your feet.”And then he kisses the soles of his feet. First the left, then the right. “I am in love with every inch of you. Inside and out.”
You know what? Katsuki gives up.
Whatever expectation or hope he had of turning the tables and leaving Shouto speechless and blushing has absolutely disappeared. He lost. Fair and fucking square. And it’s not like he can even bother to be annoyed by that, because the way Shouto is looking at him is making the fireworks go off in his stomach.
And as if he can’t do anything more shocking, Shouto’s lips engulf his big toe as he begins sucking on it.
It feels weird.
Hot. Wet. A bit slimy, honestly. But the more he gets into it—the more he sucks on it—the less he’s focusing on the action itself. Shouto’s tongue circles the tip of his toe, licking as he sucks. His hands gently yet firmly hold him place and the whole time, he does not break eye contact.
It does not take long for his mind to travel and for Katsuki to wonder what it would feel like if it weren’t his toe, but rather his cock that was in Shouto’s mouth.
Once that thought crosses his mind, it’s practically all he can think about. And, for the first time, he’s really focusing on Shouto’s mouth. His lips. How they look—glassy and slick with spit yet soft and inviting. He notes how velvet sleek his tongue is. How skillful his tongue is.
Another whimper leaves his mouth.
He’s embarrassed.
Katsuki is embarrassed.
Getting so worked up about getting his toe sucked is embarrassing.
But before he can retreat back into himself, Shouto is releasing his toe from his mouth. Instead, he presses a kiss to his ankle.
“I love your long, strong legs.”He says as he leaves a kiss. “And your thick, muscular thighs.” This time, the kiss is sharp. His teeth drag along the skin exposed by his athletic shorts. He nips and sucks, not satisfied until he’s left a small mark in his wake.
Up his body, Shouto trails. He leaves kisses everywhere as he worships his body. As he tells him about every part of him that he loves.
Like his small, delicate waist. His taut, defined abs. His big, broad chest. His shoulders. His hands. His neck. His everything, really. And then, of course—
“And your sweet, pretty lips.”
It starts off slow. Gentle. Sweet. Delightful. The way Shouto kisses him makes him feel warm. Makes him feel giddy. His hands gingerly cup his cheeks as their lips lock. But the longer they stay connected—entwined—in this way, the less sweet the kiss is and the more hungry it becomes.
The more hungry he becomes.
Katsuki wraps his arms around Shouto’s neck and pulls him in closer as he slips his tongue into his mouth.
He’s desperate for a taste. He yearns for more.
A moan crawls up from his throat as he loses himself to the kiss. As he tastes Shouto for the first time and falls in love all over again—as he realizes that the male on top of him tastes like mint, with a heavy undertone of addiction.
He grips Shouto tightly, holding on for dear life as he feels his sanity float away with every passing moment that their lips stay locked.
Katsuki doesn’t even realize that he’s begun to rut into Shouto’s thigh that is firmly planted between his legs. But Shouto does. Of course he does. How could he not?
Much to the blond’s dismay, the kiss is interrupted as Shouto finally pulls back. Perhaps for air, but Katsuki was perfectly fine without it. He didn’t need it. It hadn’t even crossed his mind.
He pouts.
Full blown pouts—completely and entirely upset that Shouto would pull away from him for something as inconsequential as air. But then the other male brings his hand up and holds his face gingerly.
Katsuki wonders what it is that he’s up to, but then Shouto is slipping his fingers between his lips.
He does not need any coaching for what to do next.
His lips close around the fingers and he sucks. He licks. He slobbers and spits.
“Good boy.”Shouto mutters and then his now thoroughly coated fingers are finding their way past the waistband of Katsuki’s shorts and boxers.
Normally, he’d argue that he’s not a dog. That he’s not a little kid either. But right here and right now, he doesn’t mind it at all. Much to his own surprise, truly. Because the compliment sends electricity through his body. He wants to hear that more. So much more. In fact, he needs to. If not, it really feels like the world will end.
“I love you, Bakugou Katsuki.”Shouto says as his fingers coat Katsuki’s cock with saliva. “I love everything about you.” He is teasing him. The tips of his fingers ghost over the blond’s aching cock. He doesn’t really touch him. Not yet. “I love you when you’re angry. When you’re sad. Happy. Moody.” Finally, he wraps his hand around him. But he doesn’t do anything. Just simply holds him as he twitches and aches and desperately desires for more. “I have loved you for so long. I love you with my whole heart. My whole soul. With every inch of my body…and I know you feel the same way.”
Finally—finally—he begins stroking him.
Slow, yet purposeful.
It’s enough to have Katsuki’s toes curling and his back arching.
His trembling hands grip Shouto’s shoulders and once he finally reaches some kind of mental plateau—where he can finally gather his thoughts and manage to form coherent sentences—he replies. “You do? How did you know?”
Shouto smirks.
“Because I know you.”
He tries to rut into his hand. He tries to initiate more, but a firm hand is placed on his hips to keep him right where Shouto wants him.
And, clearly, he wants him teetering on the edge of insanity.
“Not yet.”Is what he says, smirking when Katsuki begins to grow frustrated. “I want to hear you say it.”
“Say what?”
Shouto clicks his tongue and slows his pace down even more. “You know what.”
The blond nearly chokes. He feels like he’s already been run ragged. This game he’s playing puts himself at an obvious disadvantage. Still, he can’t help but push back.
“Why do I have to say it if you already know it?”
Shouto leans in and nips at his neck. As he strokes his cock, his hand squeezes slightly as it reaches the head before loosening as it glides back down.
The act has Katsuki seeing stars and, once again, his back arches off the bed. He can’t help the way he pulls on the hair of the nape of his neck and any attempt to quiet down his moans has been completely abandoned.
“Because everything tastes sweeter when it comes from your lips.”
And then he does it again, but this time his nail digs ever so slightly into his sensitive tip.
That last bit of pride he had that he’d been trying to preserve completely dissolves. The last, tiny bit of reservation he had disappears and Katsuki fully gives in.
He’s a trembly, teary eyed mess as he cries out. “I love you. I love you so fucking much, Shouto. I’m so—fuck, that feels good—in love with you. I was just too shy and prideful to speak up.”
Finally, Katsuki gets what he’s so desperately sought after.
Shouto’s pace increases while his lips descend upon his. He is so completely and utterly enveloped by the other male, but does not mind it one bit. Rather, he wants even more.
His ministrations stop and, regretfully he pulls away from him once again. This time, it is to look Katsuki in the eyes. To make sure that he’s sure. And though no words are exchanged, everything is clearly expressed.
“Middle drawer. Beneath the old homework papers.”He instructs.
While Shouto retrieves what he’s looking for, the blond shimmies out of his shorts and underwear and then takes off his shirt and throws it to the side. He then begins to pull at Shouto’s shirt, wanting it, too, to be gone.
Thankfully, he doesn’t have to wait long.
In his hands are a box of condoms, lube, and…a vibrator.
The unearthing of the last item has the blond growing a bit embarrassed.
Not that it’s weird to masterbate but…well, it’s one thing to do it and it’s another thing entirely for someone to unearth your toys.
“I just…”He mumbles, looking away. “I would sometimes—”
But then Shouto is leaning over and pecking his lips. “S’okay,”He tells him. And then he tosses it behind himself and begins undressing. “But, you won’t be needing that anymore.”
“Not like you’ve needed it before, at least.”He replies as he, too, is finally stripped bare.
It’s not like Katsuki has never seen Shouto shirtless. In fact, he’s seen him naked before. The dorm baths aren’t exactly private and besides, they’ve taken a few trips to the hot springs during the winter time with their now blended friend group.
But that was something else entirely.
Besides, he definitely tried his hardest to not look at Shouto back then.
This is different.
He is hesitant as his hands explore the strong, sturdy chest in front of him. Up and over his solid, reliable shoulders and down his toned, muscular back. His hands then come back around at his waist, allowing him to caress Shouto’s cut abs.
When he looks up at him once again, he realizes that Shouto has been staring at him—watching him—intently, this whole time. And if he had felt warm before, he feels hot now. Like he’s burning under his intense, ravenous gaze.
“S-Sorry…I’ve just always wanted to do that.”
Shouto smirks at that, “You don’t have to apologize.”
And then he grabs the lube and removes the cap.
One lubed finger circles his rim, forcing a loud mewl out of him. His head is tipped back, pushing against the pillow beneath him while his eyes are squeezed shut. His breath hitches once again but he immediately chokes on it when that finger enters him.
Shouto works it slowly into him before pulling it out and does so over and over again. His pace is slow. Too slow.
But just as Katsuki is about to complain, Shouto wraps his other hand around his cock. Up and down slowly, teasingly. His lubed palm drags down his shaft, squeezing slightly as he reaches the base.
“That’s it, let me hear you.”
And then, just as he is getting distracted by the way he jerks him off, Katsuki lets out a loud, drawn out groan when Shouto slips a second finger inside of him.
His hand and fingers work in tandem, causing the blond to grow weak. Weary. It’s too much. The pleasure has him seeing fucking stars despite his eyes being closed so tightly still.
And then he adds a third finger.
Being stretched like this is nothing new.
Aside from the dildo Shouto found, Katsuki has a few other toys hidden here and there. But this—being stretched and toyed with by Shouto—is new. And intense. The good kind of intense. The kind that has him babbling and drooling as his pathetic moans climb higher and higher in volume.
His legs begin to shake and his breathing becomes labored, but just as he is about to orgasm Shouto stops.
The look of surprise and betrayal on his face causes Shouto to chuckle lightly.
“Not yet.”Is what he says. “Not without me.”
“Then hurry up.”
A pinch to the thigh has the blond begrudgingly biting his lip to shut himself up. So, instead of shit talking he watches Shouto put the condom on and wipe the residual lube onto it.
“Does it fit okay?”He asks, slightly nervous.
The other male nods. “You have quite the range of sizes in that drawer.”
“I have toys that come in different sizes…”
Rather than respond, Shouto taps his dick at Katsuki’s waiting entrance and then smirks at the clear desperation on his face.
“I’m gonna wipe that stupid smirk off your face.”
“Go ahead and try.”
And he fully intends to. He fully intends on saying or doing something that will finally get Shouto to stop appearing so smug, but then he is slowly slipping his dick inside of him and whatever plan of attack for revenge he was concocting disappears in an instant.
Once again, he goes slow. But this time the blond fully appreciates it.
Being filled by a sex toy and being filled by a real dick are two separate things entirely.
He feels so…full. A different, more fulfilling kind of full.
That “full” feeling soon becomes a “stuffed” feeling which makes his head spin and his mind grow hazy.
Katsuki has never been too hung up on size. He’d experimented with a large toy once but found himself quite content with the more average, to small sized ones. But this—this feeling of being filled to absolute capacity and then some—it turns him practically feral.
And while Shouto rests inside of him, giving Katsuki time to get used to his size, they go back to kissing.
Somewhere between casual and frenzied, they steadily attempt to devour one another. It is a push and pull. A give and take. Tasting and teasing each other until, eventually, the kissing is no longer enough. Until, eventually, Katsuki is rutting into him and whimpering—pathetic and desperate.
Thankfully, Shouto gets the hint.
As he sucks on Katsuki’s neck, leaving more marks along his previously unblemished skin, he pulls out partially only to thrust back inside of him. Shallow. Steady. Slow. They’re both moaning, hardly forming any coherent sentences, but they’re not rushing it.
As he rocks into him, there is a slight sting and burn from the stretch of his cock that is hard to ignore.
It—the sting, the slight burning sensation—feels so good. Feels so addictive that Katsuki has to remind himself to be good. To not rush things. It is difficult though, and soon he loses his battle with his patience.
“Shouto, please.”
He has a smile on his face that is completely blase.“Please what? You gotta tell me what you want.”
Katsuki opens his mouth, to clarify, but finds himself unable to speak as Shouto’s next thrust becomes particularly deep. And he’s just so reactive. His mouth may be able to lie, but his body can’t and it is very apparent that he’s loving the way he’s being treated with this certain flavor of levity.
“Shouto…”He says, whining like a petulant child. “You know what I mean.”
“Do I?”
He feels like he’s losing his mind.
His thrusts have gotten just a tad bit rough. A delightful kind of roughness despite not at all picking up speed. Every time he drives his cock inside of Katsuki, the blond’s body jolts and a high pitched whimper is forced out.
“So greedy, Katsuki.”Shouto whispers, watching as he falls apart. He licks his lips then, and when he speaks again his voice is louder but notably rougher—more ragged.“Such a greedy little hole. So eager to be filled. Too bad you won’t just come out with it and ask properly.”
Katsuki’s back to arches and he yelps loudly after another particularly harsh thrust. His hands, which had been tangled in Shouto’s bicolored locks, are now holding onto his back.
Shouto smiles down at him. “C’mon Katsuki. Just say it. Then you’ll get it.” And when he thrusts this time, he must angle his hips differently because Katsuki feels his brain melt. He clenches around his cock and he begins to writhe underneath him, nails dragging down and leaving scratch marks down his back as his own body uncontrollably jolts and shudders.
The marks on his back will definitely be hard to explain later.
But right now, later doesn’t matter.
Katsuki can feel his face turn red and his hips begin to buck, rocking into every thrust. His entire body begins to tremble and his needy hole twitches again.
So Shouto leans down and drags his tongue along his chest. His tongue circles around Katsuki’s nipple and any response he could have gotten is lost the moment he sucks the sensitive bud into his mouth. And that’s how he learns that his nipples are very sensitive.
“Ah!”Katsuki groans, his body trembling. As he moves over to the next nipple to give it the same treatment, his fingers grab hold of his freed nipple and pinches it.
“I love that you’re all mine.”Shouto says as he lets Katsuki’s nipple fall from his mouth.
He kisses up his neck and licks along his marked neck. With every thrust, his fingers twist and pull Katsuki’s nipples, dragging more moans from the panting blond.
“I—”He squeaks out, much to his own surprise.
Of all the sounds he’s made tonight, he has never—not even once—heard himself fucking squeak like that.
“Look at you.”Shouto says, continuing to play with his nipples as he fucks him slow and deep. “You could get all that you wanted…if only you would just ask.”
He’s got a mischievous look in his eyes that Katsuki doesn’t trust. And for good reason, because then Shouto wraps his hand around his cock and begins jerking him off once again.
That—the combination of his cock drilling into him at that angle, and his hand around his cock—is what finally does him in. Is what turns him into a teary eyed, begging mess.
“Please Shouto,”He cries as he claws at his boyfriend’s shoulders, leaving long trails of red marks in his wake. “Fuck me. Faster. Deeper. I don’t know, I just need more. Please. Please.”
“See? Was that too hard?”
Katsuki’s eyes all but roll to the back of his head as Shouto finally switches his pace from slow and deep to something much more desperate. And with this level of fervor and intensity, something tells the blond that he wouldn’t have been able to hold out for much longer anyway.
Too bad he’d lost the battle of nerves before Shouto had.
The sound of skin meeting skin enters the current cacophony of lewd and obscene noises that fill the air. And somewhere, in the back of his mind where he still has coherent thought, Katsuki is thankful that the rooms were built to be soundproof. But then he involuntarily begins thrashing about as cries of passion slip from his lips and all that’s on his mind is Shouto and his dick.
“Next time I’ll fuck those thick, sexy thighs of yours.”Shouto mumbles through gritted teeth. “Or maybe these juicy tits of yours.”
“They’re not—”
The argument is lost and replaced with a mewl that has him sounding like a pathetic bitch in heat
“They are tits.”Shouto replies, somehow still managing to be able to entertain such a silly argument. “Look at the way they bounce while I fuck you.”And then he stops his ministrations momentarily. Just long enough to push his pecs together to create cleavage. “But that’s okay baby, I’ll make sure to show you just how much I love these tits of yours.”
Baby? Baby?
And yet, he doesn’t mind the term of endearment. No, he loves it actually. But only because it’s Shouto.
However, as much as he loves it, he’s losing his patience.
“Okay—fuck, fine. They’re tits.”He says, no longer having the mental capacity to continue any kind of back and forth. “Enjoy them as much as you want but please, don’t stop. I’m so fucking close.”
Thankfully, Shouto shuts the fuck up and focuses on making him cum.
It does not take long after that for him to tip over the edge.
Katsuki’s legs tremble then lock as his nails dig into Shouto’s back. He can’t help the way he loudly cries out, as tsunami like waves of euphoria and pleasure wash over him. He’s made a complete mess of himself as cum splatters over his stomach, up onto his chest, and even on his neck and chin.
But he doesn’t care.
And as Shouto pulls out, taking the condom off to jerk himself to finish, he moans and babbles chopped up iterations of Katsuki’s name.
More cum splatters across his body as Shouto finishes, finally collapsing down beside him.
Between them there is no conversation. Only panting and heavy breathing. But soon that, too, lulls and they are met with a blissful air of silence.
…Until the cum starts to grow cold on his skin.
He elbows Shouto, careful to not make even more of a mess than there already is. “Hey, lover boy, clean me off.”
For a brief moment Shouto doesn’t move. He just stares, clearly very satisfied with the scene before him. But when Katsuki elbows him again, he finally gets up and trudges into the small ensuite washroom. He comes out moments later with a damp towel.
Just as he had taken his time kissing nearly every inch of his body, Shouto now takes his time wiping down every inch of him too.
It’s like another—though nonverbal this time—profession of love.
He disappears back into the washroom only to come out moments later, clearly having wiped himself off too.
The moment he is back down beside the blond, he is pulling him in close and cuddling him.
Which is nice. Comforting. Blissful.
Fatigue rests heavy on them both, but there’s just enough energy left to kiss once more.
Softly. Lazily.
No fervor or desperation involved.
And when they finally pull away from one another—both of them with drooping, heavy eyelids—they smile at one another.
“I love you Katsuki.”
“I love you, Shouto.”
Weeks go by and September has rolled in.
It is yet another weekend that, thankfully, the students are not bogged down with outside hero work or other such responsibilities.
Katsuki, however, made the unfortunate mistake of thinking that he could somehow bake in peace.
But of course not. Of course he can’t bake in peace.
He had been discussing various fall recipes for sweets with Satou when the both of them just decided to get into the kitchen and bake. It’s not like there was much to do anyway and besides, he respects anyone who has notable talent or skill.
And Satou is certainly a skilled baker.
So he doesn’t mind him being in the kitchen with him.
It’s everyone else that’s the problem.
“This isn’t some kind of fucking cooking show.”He barks out for what feels like the nth time, “Stop fucking ogling us.”
“Just one cookie, please Kaachan?”Denki begs despite having already failed miserably at attempting to steal one. The incident resulted in him, literally, getting kicked out the kitchen.
But of course he hasn’t learned his lesson.
A chorus of agreement ripples through the small crowd that has formed and he can feel himself getting ready to explode.
If they all grab a cookie then there won’t be any left for Shouto and the whole reason why he had even thought about baking was to make something for him. So if he doesn’t get one, it will defeat the whole purpose and only serve to severely tick him off.
Just then, Izuku joins the crowd and announces his return with an obnoxious, “I’m back!”
He’d gone out to finally get the new AllMight figurine he’d been ranting about for the past week. And, of course, he asked Shouto to go along. To which the answer had been a “yes”.
So, if Izuku is back then that means—
“I’m back.”
One hand slips through the side of his apron to wrap around him while the other grabs his chin and turns his head. Shouto presses a short, sweet kiss to his lips.
Katsuki is certainly in the mood for more. But he’d rather not get too hot and heavy with his boyfriend in front of their classmates and friends. So instead, he settles for what he can get at the moment.
The hands that had been reaching out, desperately trying to snatch a cookie off the plate, have disappeared.
It’s so quiet a fly fart could be heard from across the room.
Not that the two of them mind…or notice, for that matter.