Toh Polls - Tumblr Posts
I definitely didn't expect the What Palisman Should the Collector Have poll to be more popular than the Who Should Adopt the Collector Poll. :o So far the former has over 100 votes while the later has only a little over 40.
The Collector and King as brothers Would be very cute.🥰 And Eda is known for collecting kids like pokemon cards. 🤣(Then again, so is Camila.)
Final results mewsings!
Rabbit won! So cute. Definitely going to doodle a little design for them. (Might lean towards something similar to a Jackalope? Since mythical creature got second place.)
Mythical creature getting second is understandable, considering how powerful the Collector is. They definitely give off an epic, mythic feel.
Moth third place!!! Woohoo hell yesss! Moths are so underrated so I'm always happy to see them get more spotlight and love.
Final results mewsings.
Yeah I knew right out the gate that Eda and Camila would both be heavy hitters. Definitely deserve "best mom" mugs.
Also not surprised that Raine is third place since they're amazing. ^u^
But I am surprised that Darius didn't get Any votes! Really? None? Come on y'all Hunter and the Collector would make such an interesting and chaotic sibling duo. Also having beastkeeping Eberwolf be the chaotic uncle of The Collector who was thought to be a huntsman....but turned out not to be. The parallels. The character reflection and development. * Chef's kiss *
Okay now it's King's turn...
Final results mewsings!
First place goes to Screech Owl! Woohoo! He matches his mama Eda. 😭🥰 So cute.
Second place went to Bat Queen's Kid. While it would be very cute story and lore wise, I can see how it wouldn't really fit his aesthetic. 🤔
Third place yellow duck! Birds are a great choice in general considering he's an official Clawthorne. (I also saw justapikachu1 suggest Vulture in the tags and omg I love that idea!! I wish I would have thought to include that option in the poll.)
Side note: I'm happy that Echo Mouse got so many votes/Fourth place since it's the one that I was secretly rooting for. >;3c
Last place with absolutely no votes goes to lion/tiger! While I agree they don't really fit King's aesthetic, the cat lover/crazy cat lady in me is sad that they got 0%. 🤣
Okay now it's King's turn...
And last but not least for the main TOH kids...
Final Results Mewsings!
First place Sea Bunny!!! 🎉 I'm so glad one of the sea slugs Won ahhh. I'm definitely biased but sea slugs are so cute and deserve more recognition fr fr.
Second place Snail. I had a hunch this one would be popular, and for good reason. Snail's are iconic. They're just such lil fellas. 💅 🐌
Third place Blue Sea Dragon and Fourth place Gecko. Another sea slug and iconic animal. Hell yeah.
I'm surprised Frog and Salamander didn't get more votes tbh. Especially Frogs, who are so beloved on Tumblr lol.
Last place Honey Fungus. Makes Sense, since most palisman or either animal or mythical creature based. There's very few "plant" palisman shown in the show.
Next to last place Sea Angel??? What??? But they're so pretty and they match Vee's color scheme to a T. Craziness smh. 😔
And last but not least for the main TOH kids...