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You should do some owl house HCs, I think it would be very cool! :)

Not sure this is a request or not buutt imma take it that way!

Characters: Luz, Amity, Hunter, Gus, Willow, King, Eda, Lilith

CW: None

Theme: General head cannons being their partner/friend/child

Reader: Gender Neutral

A/U: none

Premise: How you're relationship is with the toh characters (its platonic with king, eda, and lilith) and set before season 3


You Should Do Some Owl House HCs, I Think It Would Be Very Cool! :)
You Should Do Some Owl House HCs, I Think It Would Be Very Cool! :)


The confession was sort of a mutual thing

You two confessed at the same time and it wasn't planned at allq

Luz is the kind of girlfriend to do all the silly things with.

She loves taking you on spontaneous dates and do random activities that don't really make sense

She loves to teach you how to use glyphs

Luz also loves to read her favorite book series with you

Nature dates are her favorite because it just means alone time between you two and nothing to overwhelming

She's great to have around when you're sad

Brings you anything you need

Loves to cuddle you when you're sad or crying

Words of affirmation are her best friend

Sometimes she thinks you're better than her and its a thought she doesn't like having

Will go to you about it though and you two talk it out

Cringy movie marathons are another thing you two would do together

When she's sad, she doesn't tell you on account of showing her feelings is something she struggles with

You do notice her patterns of when she is sad though after a few months of being with her

You confront her about it and help her talk it out

After you both watch silly internet videos and try to see which of your friends is like them the most

Her mom things you're the sweetest ever and loves to talk to you

She thinks of you as like a guard for her daughter emotionally wise

As in you report to her if Luz is feeling upset, only with Luz permission to share though

You Should Do Some Owl House HCs, I Think It Would Be Very Cool! :)
You Should Do Some Owl House HCs, I Think It Would Be Very Cool! :)


You were the one who had to make the first move and confess because she didn't know how nor could she bring herself too

She thought you would find her weird at first but was in shock when you told her that you liked her

Amity is the kind of girlfriend who likes to chill at home or in a secluded spot like a library

Physical touch startles her so handholding is a good start for her

When you first kissed her though she lost her mind and tried to think of a reason why you would do that

Amity loves to read to you and tell you stories of her family, mainly Ed and Emira's shenanigans

She doesn't mind any date idea as long as your there with her

If you have pierced ears then you would get matching earrings

You two paint each other's nails and just talk

Amity doesn't know what to do when your sad since she wasn't taught how to healthily deal with them

But she will try and hug you and talk it out

Its hard for her to face you when she finds herself feeling sad

She doesn't want you to think she's weak and make fun or her

But once you catch on you reassure her and comfort her

She finds it weird and self deprecates herself in front of you saying she's weak for making you put up with her

You show her silly cat videos to help her feel better

She tries to deny the fact that it helps her, but it really does

She's afraid of you meeting her family but mostly her mom

You first met her dad and he actually liked you and would vouch for you if you were to meet Amity's mom

Whenever her mom asks about you, Amity sort of panics and tries to avoid her whenever she sees her when your with her

You Should Do Some Owl House HCs, I Think It Would Be Very Cool! :)
You Should Do Some Owl House HCs, I Think It Would Be Very Cool! :)


She actually confessed to you first, but it was accidental

Willow just came up to you and you two started debating who liked who more and she accidentally said she loved you

Both of you were blushing so hard and so you said she won

As a reward she won you as a partner

It was a really cute interaction in all actuality

Forest dates and butterfly gardens are a must for her

She loves to gush about all the different plants that are around you both

She's the kind of girlfriend to just take things very slow and calm taking in consideration your boundaries

Whenever your sad she always brings you bright and color flowers that had silly inspirational quotes Luz gave her

She would also teach you coping skills that helped her

If she's sad, she's not afraid to tell you

She is really open about what is making her upset and you help her talk through it

Sometimes you help her go through the coping skills she taught you

To help her feel better you hold her and tell her how amazing she is

You two are plant parents all the way and you give the plants silly names

Once you named one of her plants Deryl that was when all the silly name saga started

Adores when you call her a witch and shut down any off hand comments about her

Her parents absolutely adore you

She was a bit embarrassed at first because they were telling you stories about when she was a younger kid

Warmed up to you and her parents interacting and loved having you over and talking with them

You Should Do Some Owl House HCs, I Think It Would Be Very Cool! :)
You Should Do Some Owl House HCs, I Think It Would Be Very Cool! :)


He confessed to you first with Willow's help

It was planned out and sort of excessive but it was the best way he could get his message across

Lots of illusions were used as decorations and words that said "I Like You Y/n!" with firework hearts

You accepted his confession of course and he was over the moon

Gus is the type of boyfriend to want to go to amusement parks and concerts with you

Or just simple Cafes that he finds interesting

It all depends on your mood in all honesty

He loves to show you all his illusions he has been working on and all the goofy things you request becoming a reality

He loves hearing you praise him for all the hard work he has been doing since it's something he sort of needs to hear

Not many tell him that but hearing it from you is so heart warming

When you're sad, he catches on right away

He makes silly little illusions of things that make you giggle

And sometimes mini Guses to remind you how much he cares and loves you

When he's sad its hard to catch

He is sort of a master at hiding his emotions and isolating himself from others so no one can really catch him crying

But when you do find him you are quick to reassure him and help him breathe

He appreciates you greatly for being there and helping him through hard times

Meeting his dad was a tough thing to do

Since Gus's dad seemed to be pretty busy with work, it was hard to catch him on a free day

But once you and his dad did meet, it was an instant click and Gus is glad his dad approves of you

You Should Do Some Owl House HCs, I Think It Would Be Very Cool! :)
You Should Do Some Owl House HCs, I Think It Would Be Very Cool! :)


You had to be the one to confess first

There was no way Hunter would be able to confess to you, especially with his pride

So when Flapjack was pushing Hunter to a place that wasn't near the city he was concerned

But when Hunter saw you he was put at ease

Literally cried when you told him you liked him more than a friend

Hunter is the type of boyfriend who would be happy just with you holding his hand anywhere

No matter where you go, he's content as long as you're there with him

He sometimes get insecure because there isn't much he can show you that is cool magic wise

But when there's a fight and your there, he does show off a bit

His top priority would be protecting you

Whenever you're sad, he is unsure what to do

The only thing he can really do is hug you and just shut down any negative thoughts you have about yourself with compliments

When it comes to him though, he is scared to be sad in front of you

He was taught to hold his emotions in and not be a burden to any one

So when you confront him about it, he just breaks and spills, with much regret of doing so

However you help him calm down and talk about what has been bothering him

You bring him outside to just watch the sky to help him feel better

He is afraid of his uncle finding out abut him being with you

Mainly because of the fear of his uncle hurting you or using you as a manipulative mechanism

So never ever going to meet Belos and he prefers to keep it that way

You Should Do Some Owl House HCs, I Think It Would Be Very Cool! :)
You Should Do Some Owl House HCs, I Think It Would Be Very Cool! :)


Being King's bestest friend means that you are his number one

And being his number one means you being his 2nd in command

He loves when you play with him and give him 100% of your attention

His brain explodes when you actually want to learn about demons

Some one is actually interested and he didn't have to beg them?

He does make you take notes but nothing serious

Just your favorite demon and why

He does get sort of jealous when someone else occupies your time but he has his ways of distracting you

Plan A being throwing Francois at you and asking if you've seen his plush

Plan B would be sitting in your lap and just napping there forcing you to stay there with him

You just giggle at his antics because its not hurting anyone and he just wants your attention

Loves when you include him in your activities

Loves it more when you don't get upset at him for making simple mistakes

Cuddles are a must when you're sad

As well as a tea party with all his henchmen

If its a matter he can't really help with or has no knowledge in then he'll get Luz or Eda, whoever is closest and not occupied with something

Whenever he's sad, you are the first to know because he runs to you

He hugs you and you cuddle him really closely

You don't leave him alone until he feels better and when he does he still clings to you

Eda and Lilith adore you and thank you for keeping King busy while they have important things to do

You Should Do Some Owl House HCs, I Think It Would Be Very Cool! :)
You Should Do Some Owl House HCs, I Think It Would Be Very Cool! :)


It was odd that you happened to worm your way into Eda's heart so fast

It was quicker than Luz and that's saying something

She loves having you around and not just because you're free labor to her

She feels at ease a lot more with you around and like the curse isn't there

She was scared when you first saw her owl beast form

You weren't scared of her though and listened to Luz to have the cure close to you

Whenever you go on adventures, she isn't far behind watching over you

She is always ready to jump in if a situation gets violent

People see you as her keeper in a sense of keeper her chilled out

She considers you her child at this point

She'll drag you to do chores with her or for her, it all depends on her mood

Whenever Eda's around people can expect you to not be so far behind

People also know to leave you alone unless they want an angry owl lady on their hands

Whenever your sad she ties to bring you whatever comfort she can

But of course is a bit awkward when it comes to hugging

Bring in the cheesy words Luz taught her

When ever she is sad though she hides it real well

It takes a lot of convincing to talk about her feelings but when she does you are there to bring whatever comfort you can

Eda knows King loves being with you and considers you his sibling

Lilith is concerned about you spending so much time with Eda and how she might be impacting you but none the less she thinks your a good kid and you'll make the right decisions (which you wont)

You Should Do Some Owl House HCs, I Think It Would Be Very Cool! :)
You Should Do Some Owl House HCs, I Think It Would Be Very Cool! :)


Its even a bigger surprise to get Lilith to become so attached to you

She loves how attentive you are

You actually take interest in subjects that she learns and reads about

She teaches you all sorts of things and of course notes are a must

Lilith just doesn't want you to forget the information you were given

Loves to take you on small outings to little cafes and chores

She considered you her child after a month of knowing you

Protecting you is a must

Oh you're going somewhere? Well not without Lilith

It takes a lot to convince her to stay put and when she says she'll stay, she's actually lurking spying on you

If someone even lays one harmful hand on you she is out and ready to fight

You somehow get Lilith to lighten up and agree to more things that she really wouldn't

When Lilith finds you sad she is immediately there with a bunch of blankets and ice cream

Lilith is actually a really good person to gossip too and she always makes it funny

Finding her sad is a really rare thing though

She is used to dealing with her emotions on her own and that hasn't changed

But on the rare occasions where she shows you some vulnerability you give her all the comfort you can

Hugs and cuddles as well as words of affirmation and she is so grateful for you

Eda is glad that you're helping Lilith out of her stiff shell a bit and showing more emotion than she used too

Hooty becomes your closest friend as well as King but Hooty more because Lilith drags you to their conversations when she visits The Owl House

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Hunter angst?? The main idea is basically everyone got a happy ending, except the "right person, wrong time" character. And that character would be y/n?

It's not my time (TOH Hunter x M! Reader)

Hunter Angst?? The Main Idea Is Basically Everyone Got A Happy Ending, Except The "right Person, Wrong

Apologies if this isn't what you wanted exactly but it was the best I could think of! Also sorry for the cliffhanger.

Characters: Hunter

CW: Angst, Internalized homophobia (from hunter)

Theme: Hunter Angst

Reader: Male reader

A/U: None

Premise: Hunter loves Y/n but he has no room for a relationship, or well he's not ready for one



It was hard for him to realize why his heart felt the way it did. Why it would pound louder and beat faster than normal, Hunter couldn’t place a word for it. At first he thought he was dying when he saw him. The boy that changed Hunter’s whole world view, it was odd. Hunter soon fell in love with the feeling that he felt when he saw that h/c haired boy walk by his jurisdiction that Hunter was in charge of.

It was hard for Hunter not to watch that boy walk by. But with that love and admiration for this boy, whom Hunter didn’t even know the name of, came sadness. Hunter often rationalized a lot of his thoughts when it came to this boy. Often thinking of the pros and cons of even introducing himself to this mysterious boy that has seemed to capture his heart.

Hunter often spent a lot of sleepless nights over thinking a whole interaction between this boy and how it would go. However, any time Hunter tried to confront this boy either Hunter would become really harsh as if he were talking to someone breaking the law or he would chicken out and just apologize. Hunter did learn of this boy's name though, and it was thanks to Luz.

It was during the first time Hunter met Luz, during the Selkidomus hunt. Y/n did go with Luz during this, and Hunter had taken capture of the boy along with King as a way to get what Belos needed. Y/n didn’t talk much but Hunter did oddly enjoy the boy's company. This was when Hunter’s feelings for Y/n developed. It was weird for him to take such interest in someone that wasn’t Belos and much less a human.

A human that wasn’t from Hunter’s world. That was one of the downfalls of his crush. However Hunter didn't even place it to be a crush at the time. Only ever thinking of the feelings that Y/n caused was admiration or some sort of feeling that was the same. Hunter knew that Y/n wouldn’t stay forever, much less stay in the Boiling Isles with him.

Hunter spent his days in daydreams of Y/n and what might happen if he even just said hi. All he wanted was to befriend Y/n. So why couldn’t he? What was stopping him? He always wondered and berated himself for becoming so scared about even just interacting with Y/n.

He was the golden guard. He’s fought monsters that were bigger and stronger than him. But his weakness was this h/c h/l boy. It made no sense to Hunter. And he really couldn’t go to anyone for answers, other than Luz. He wasn’t on good terms with the girl however.

So in all Hunter was alone. He was alone and he couldn’t find a way to go about even befriending Y/n. Y/n however, always admired Hunter. That admiration settled when he talked to the blonde a bit during his short time of being captured. Hunter somehow opened up to Y/n, even when he was a stranger to the boy.

It was odd for the two. Y/n learned about Hunter’s dedication to Belos and seemingly managed to understand that Hunter really couldn’t discover himself as a person during his time as the Golden Guard. Y/n learned that Hunter was just a blind follower and made himself to be whatever the others wanted him too.

It hurt Y/n a bit, he could only guess how old Hunter was just by his height alone. Y/n had never initiated any conversation so as not to disturbed the working Hunter. This displeased the blond guard a great deal. What hurt Hunter the most though was seeing Y/n with someone else.

Someone who wasn’t him.

It was a normal sunny day in the Boiling Isles, chaos was everywhere and there were wild witches to catch. Hunter was tasked with this near the town center. Just his luck because this was where he saw Y/n most of the time.

Today was going to be the day he was going to say hi and introduce himself. No more running away. No more being a coward. Here and now Hunter was going to befriend Y/n. His body stiffened when he heard a familiar voice.

“Oh yeah! I love doing that!”

Hunter felt his face heating up. What was this? Hunter felt weird that even hearing the melodic tone of Y/n’s voice had caused such a reaction from him. This wasn’t normal. The very few times Belos told him stories of love it wasn’t like this.

This sort of guilt settled in his heart. Hunter had turned around to find the familiar boy he had been seeing in the area for a long time now, even after the small capture. It was as if fate was giving him something good after years of torment, but with that good feeling settled more guilt. But then he heard an unfamiliar voice that followed Y/n’s. 

“It had me rolling over on my side! That’s how funny it was!”

Hunter ignored whoever was speaking to Y/n. They weren’t important in his mind. He was wracking his brain to find an answer for his feelings, for why he was acting like this. This jealousy in him wasn’t uncommon but the reason for it was new.

He didn’t expect to have fallen so hard for a human that wasn’t even from this world. So much so that there was this possessiveness in him for Y/n. He wasn’t even sure why he felt this way.

What made Y/n so likable to Hunter?

That question in his mind was the least of his worries. He was in love with Y/n! It didn’t feel right to him. He was making himself sick. But this sickness didn’t stem from his thoughts on him liking another boy. No. It was from the one who cared for him most of his life.


Belos put this self hate in Hunter, even when he tried his hardest Belos seemed to never be pleased. With those thoughts of not being good enough for Belos added to the thoughts of Y/n didn’t work well.

Under his mask Hunter was crying. Tears welled up in his red eyes, his vision blurring in the process. Y/n noticed a familiar figure that he had grown to be able to recognize from anywhere. Hunter froze as he saw Y/n walking up to him. 

‘Why now?’

Hunter’s mind was close to exploding. He didn't want to misplace this anger and hate to Y/n. So he did what he said he wasn't going to do. He ran. He ran from the one person who made him feel so many good things.

He blamed Y/n for how he made him fall in love with him. Part of Hunter wanted to hold Y/n's hand but those thoughts were suppressed. He couldn't go to any one, he didn't want to be labeled as something unpleasant.

Y/n was left alone. It would be a lie if he didn't admit that he was a bit hurt. The friend Y/n was walking with had approached him.

"Hey you okay dude?"

Y/n didn't respond. He only stared to where Hunter had ran away.

'What am I doing wrong?'


Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!

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Owl House Characters I'll Write For

Owl House characters I'll write for

‣ Luz | ‣ Amity | ‣ Hunter | ‣ Gus | ‣ Willow | ‣ King (PLATONIC) | ‣ Edalyn (PLATONIC) | ‣ Lilith (PLATONIC)

Owl House Characters I'll Write For

Table of Contents:

Welcome Page

Request Rules

Fandoms I'll write for




Owl House Characters I'll Write For

Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!

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