Tomco-headcannons - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago

Ahhh!!! < 3 You completed my request/idea super fast. It’s a good thing my folks weren’t at home when I read this because I squealed throughout the entirety of it. X 3 I still can’t believe how great of a description of Tom’s appearance and the history of half-dragons you were able to come up with in such a short time! And everyone was written/characterized so well. * o * I do love it! All of it! ; D

Actual ask part of ask! Marco is a new knight hired to rescue the kidnapped Princess Star from Half-Dragon!Tom. He finds out that Tom was just lonely and doesn't actually want to hurt or get money from the royal Butterfly family. Noticing that the two are too engrossed in each other, Star decides to just save herself to let the adorable idiots have their bonding time. * crosses fingers in hopes you'll like it * I also some have ideas for Ghost!Tom and Siren!Marco if you want to see them???

I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THEM!!!! Totally absolutely! Here’s the fic! I hope you love it!


“Please bring back our daughter.” Moon begged the knight.

“Don’t worry, your majesty! You can count on me!” Marco bowed and went to pick up the big sword and shield. It was too heavy to lift. “Hang on I got it.” He assured, he tried to lift the shield only to fall backwards. Marco stood up and brushed himself off. He dragged the sword about two inches before giving up. “A real knight doesn’t need a sword.” He declared. Marco ran out of the castle. “Don’t worry! Star’s life is in my hands!”

“Our daughter is going to die.”


Marco charged into the cave where the half-dragon supposedly lived. He heard a growl-like hiss echo around and he suddenly wished he was able to bring his sword. Marco took a few steps forward and looked around the dark cave.

“Long way from home, kid.” Marco whirled around to see a boy leaning against a rock. He had pink hair and purple skin, with scaled on his cheeks and forearms. When he stepped closer MArco saw that he had a pair of blick wings and a tail, as well as razor sharp teeth and claws. He had three cat-like eyes that glowed yellow. Marco gasped and fell back. But he quickly made it to his feet and took out his pocket knife.

“I’m here to slay you, dragon! And save Star!” Marco proclaimed. The dragon-boy laughed.

“Are you? Are you really?” he dared. “You seem to be far out of your comfort zone.” He slithered over and leaned on marco’s shoulder. “I’m Tom.” He introduced. Marco couldn’t help but feel… nervous? At how close Tom was to him.

“M-Marco.” He pulled and away and pointed the knife at the half-dragon. “And I’m going to get Star Butterfly back!” Marco challenged.

“Sure.” Tom shrugged. “You’re free to try, just know that I will kill you.” He smiled evilly. Marco gulped and took a few steps back. “You scared, knight?” Tom teased.

“Yes… But I’m still going to fight you!” Marco shouted. His response actually startled Tom. He looked him up and down. Tom didn’t like this kid. He growled and lunged at the knight. Marco shrieked and jumped out of the way. Tom threw flames at Marco as he jumped from side to side. Marco hid behind a rock and jumped out at Tom, he sliced his arm with his knife. Tom hissed in pain and turned around to look at the knight.

“NOW I WILL KILL YOU!” Tom screamed. He jumped over at Marco and tried to hit him over and over with fire. Tom grabbed Marco and threw him into the wall. “I’m not going to let you guys lock me away again!” He screamed. Marco ripped away and ran to the other end of the cave, looking out for the half-dragon. “You kept me in the dark for years!” Tom hissed, he lunged from the other side of the cave.

“What are you talking about!?” Marco demanded, throwing Tom off of him. Tom fell silent and looked away. “Are you… talking about you being sent away?” Marco asked. The whole kingdom had exterminated dragons, then the new species of citizens, possessing the dragon-like qualities, came around. People saw them as monsters and sent them away, took them from their families. Most half-dragons were born of two normal parents. When a mother or father would see their child was this monster, they would send them away and leave them to die. They were monsters, nothing else. That’s what they were always told. Freaks to be abandoned. Marco dropped his knife. He had never really thought about it this way. Half-dragons were supposed to be nothing but freaks who can’t speak or feel. This one was talking to him, holding a conversation. He seemed like a normal living being. So why would he kidnap the princess and act so evil?

“Are you going to stare at me! Or FIGHT!?” Tom demanded. Marco looked at him then around at the dark cold cave he lived in. “Fight me or GO AWAY!” Tom screamed. Marco looked over at him and it suddenly clicked.

“You’re lonely.” Marco said. Tom took a step back.

“What are you talking about!?” He demanded. Marco took a step toward him.

“I get it now, you were sent away and treated like a monster… but you’re not really, are you?” Marco asked. Tom hissed at him, baring his teeth like a cat trying to scare away predators. Marco ignored this feral tendency. “I mean… everyone in the kingdom, we all have homes and our families. But you’re out here all alone.”

Tom put his hands over his ears. “SHUT UP!” He screamed.

“No! I get it now! You only act this way because that’s how we treated you! You only took Star because you wanted somebody here with you!” marco continued. Tom’s eyes lit up and he threw marco against a wall.

“I SAID SHUT UP!” Tom screamed again. He fell to the floor, curled in a little ball. Marco got up from where he was and walked over to him. He knelt down next to the half-dragon.

“Tom… You’re-” He was cut off by the sound of footsteps running through the cave. Star Butterfly ran seemingly out of nowhere and kicked Tom in the head, he just sort of let it happen.

“MArco!” She cried. She grabbed her friend’s hand.

“Star! How did you-”

“You took too long so I picked the lock and got away!” Star explained. “We have to go now!” She cried. Star stopped and saw how Marco was looking back at the half-dragon.

“Star… I don’t think he’s all that bad.” marco admitted. Star let go of Marco’s hand and he ran back to the creature. “Your… arm is bleeding a lot.” Marco pointed out. Tom didn’t do anything. Marco reached into his bag and pulled out gauze.

“Do you carry that with you everywhere?” Tom asked.

“You have to be prepared for a fight in my line of work. It would be silly not to have a first-aid kit.” Marco criticized. He wrapped up Tom’s arm. “Does that feel better?”

“Why would you help me?” Tom asked. Marco looked down at him.

“Tom… I don’t think you’re a bad guy.” Marco admitted. “I meant what I said. I think you’re just lonely, and could really use a friend.” Tom backed away a little but Marco followed him. “I’m sorry for what we did to you. We banished you away and that… wasn’t fair.” Marco started. Tom listened closely. “I hope there’s a way I can try and help you.” Marco finished.

Star watched Marco comfort the half-dragon. This made her think a little, he seemed to like him… a lot. She smiled. Maybe he wasn’t such a monster after all. Star smiled at the two and left the cave. She could save herself this time.

“Marco… where did Star go?” Tom asked. Marco looked around.

“Oh… she probably saved herself. She does this a lot… a lot more than me saving her actually.” Marco admitted. He blushed. Tom laughed a little, showing his sharp razor-like teeth. Marco blushed even more at seeing this half-dragon laugh. He seemed happy, even if it was just for a moment. “I’m sorry for cutting you.”

“Sorry for biting you.” Tom apologized as well. Marco then did something out of nowhere and gave the half-dragon a big hug. Tom just froze and held totally still, unsure of how to react to the sudden human contact. “M-Marco…?” Marco pulled away.

“I’ll come back for you.” Marco promised. “You won’t be alone anymore.” Tom looked at him in disbelief.

“What are you saying?”

“I’m saying I’ll come back and see you… and I’ll tell Queen Butterfly everything, try and get her to allow you back home… you could see your family again!” Marco told him.

“My family hates me.” Tom hissed. “I don’t belong in the kingdom, I’m a freak.”

“Don’t say that!” Marco commanded. “It’s not true!”

Tom sighed and looked at the knight in front of him. “Do you really think they’d let me go back home?” He asked. Marco looked away.

“I don’t know if they’ll let you… but I’m taking you anyway.” Marco stood up and extended his hand. “Come with me.”

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8 years ago

Yay!!! : D And it’s more than fine if you change the colors(I was just listing the ones from Sims after all, lol). Yeah, It’s sad but also a great opportunity to transition from angst to fluff! < 3 

{P.S do you want me to wait or keep sending ideas? Because I literally have a ton??? ~Ideas for days~ * giggles at my own stupid joke *}


Ghost!Tom idea! Tom's form changes colors based on his emotions like the ghosts from Sims 4. Dark Blue = Sad, which is the main color he was before Marco came along. Now that things have changed, Marco's started to notice Tom turning other colors and decides to ask him about them. (Green = Happy, Red = Angry, Yellow = Embarrassed, Pink = Flirty, etc.) This is a little silly...but I hope you still find it cute enough to enjoy writing! Keep up the great work! ; 3

This is so cute!!!! I will defiantly use this in the next fic! I may change the colors based on how many I need, but I love this idea!!!! It’s so cute and sad tho because he’s mostly blue#MakeTomGreen2k16

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8 years ago

I do! And the holidays have been busy but amazing for me so far. Thank you for asking! < 3 

I love this fic sooo much! Especially the fact that Tom kept falling off of the ship. X 3 And I definitely will. ; 3

I Hope You Feel Better And Your Holidays Were Amazing! I Hope You Like The Fic And Tell Me What You Think

I hope you feel better and your holidays were amazing! I hope you like the fic and tell me what you think of home life when you get to read it! Enjoy!


Tom leaned over the side of his ship to get a better look at the figures he saw moving around in the water. “What the living hell?” Tom asked himself. He leaned closer, one was definitely Marco, and what was that other siren doing? Tom was leaning so far over to see that he slipped off the side of his ship into the cold water. He swam up and pulled himself onto the boat, sputtering up water and shivering. “Oh great.” Tom murmured to himself.

“Be careful jumping into the water like that. Something might pull you down.” Star swam up to the side of the ship. Tom rolled his eyes.

“Yah, thanks, Star.” He muttered. “I fell. Do you think I’d go for a swim in February?” Tom asked. Star shrugged.

“I don’t know you.” She laughed. “What’s up? You seem mad.” Star pointed out. Tom grumbled and wrung his shirt out.

“What’s Marco doing over there? He’s been there for an hour.” Tom pointed out. He pointed over to the scene a little ways away from the boat. Star squinted her eyes, when she made the scene out she clapped a hand over her mouth and giggled.

“Ohh! Tom, you got some competition!” She teased. Tom narrowed his eyes.

“What do you mean?” He asked. Star laughed again.

“Tom, that right there is another siren in our pact. And it looks likes she’s trying to preform a mating dance.” Star explained. “It’s what we do when we wanna… ehm… you know.” Tom seethed and threw his arms up in the air.

“Are you saying Marco’s going to run off with another siren!?” Tom demanded. Star rolled her eyes.

“Of course not! He loves you.” Star promised. Tom slumped down on the deck.

“Well it looks like he’s getting close with that fish.” Tom bit. Star laughed at his dramatic tone.

“How can you tell? I can’t even see them from here.” Star responded. Tom grumbled and pulled some old burlap sack around him to try and keep warm from the cold ocean air in the midst of February. Star sighed and waved goodbye. “Just keep a level head about this, sailor. I’ll see you soon.” And she swam away. Tom at on the deck of the ship for a while until his usual visitor came up to the side of the ship.

“Tom,” Marco waved “are you okay, you’re all wet.” Marco pointed out. Tom grumbled.

“Yeah because of you!” He snapped. Marco gave him a look.

“Explain?” Marco told him.

“I saw you dancing of whatever with that other siren! Star told me it was a mating dance? Who was she?” Tom demanded. Marco groaned.

“Are you seriously upset about this?” Marco asked. “It was just Jackie, we had a thing for a while… and I guess she thought we could try again. But I told her I was seeing someone and she was totally cool with it.” Marco assured. Tom raged.

“Well if you guys aren’t a thing anymore why did you spend an HOUR watching her dance!?” Tom demanded. Marco groaned.

“A mating dance is a big compliment, even if it’s not mutual. It would have been rude to ask her to stop, and I was flattered to say the least.” Marco crossed his arms. “It wouldn’t kill you to do something romantic.” He murmured the last part. Tom seethed and ran his fingers through his hair.

“I can’t believe you were actually paying that attention when you and I… just forget it.” Tom mumbled. Marco groaned.

“What is with humans?! You’re all so… difficult!” Marco cried.

“Where is this coming from?” Tom demanded. Marco rolled his eyes.

“You won’t even listen to what I’m telling you! There is nothing going on between Jackie and me! And maybe you would see that if you weren’t so stubborn.” Marco told him. “I’m leaving, I’ll be back later when maybe you aren’t acting so crazy jealous.” Marco explained. He went to swim away but turned back. “And change out of those wet clothes! A burlap sack isn’t going to keep you warm, you’ll freeze out here you lunatic.”


Marco tapped on the side of the ship with his sharp nails; it was much later the next night. “Sailor? Tom, are you awake?” Marco called softly. Tom leaned his head over the side of the railing. “You put on dry clothes.” Marco couldn’t help but smile a little. Tom nodded and bit his lip.

“When you’re right you’re right.” Tom shrugged. He climbed down the stairs to the lower part of the deck and lay down so his face was right by Marco’s. “I’m sorry for acting so crazy before.” Tom told him. Marco smiled.

“I guess I could see why you got jealous. I’m sorry for calling you difficult…” Marco gave him a quick kiss. “If I’m being honest, it’s one of the things that drew me to you in the first place. But try to understand, Tom. There was nothing more to it.” Marco promised. Tom nodded.

“I know. I trust you. It was just a siren thing I didn’t understand, and instead of trying to understand I just overreacted. I’m sorry.” Tom told him again. Marco gave him a warm smile. “But it clearly means a lot to you, so I think I know how to make it up to you.” Tom assured. Marco smiled at him.

“I’m listening.” Marco giggled. Tom laughed and got up, he seemed a little nervous.

“Okay… I’ve never danced before so don’t laugh at me.” Tom told him. Marco giggled again, but nodded. Tom took a deep breath, straightened himself out, took a step, and slipped on a puddle. He fell of the side of the ship for the second time that day. Marco burst out in laughter. Tom swam up to the surface. “You promised you wouldn’t laugh!” Tom couldn’t help but laugh himself.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Marco wheezed. “You didn’t even start dancing.” Marco laughed. Tom pouted.

“Yes I did, that was the dance.” Tom lied. Marco rolled his eyes.

“That was falling, Tom. You fell.” Marco broke the news and helped Tom back up onto the ship. Tom bit his lip and shrugged.

“Busted. But I tried, did it work?” Tom asked. Marco giggled and pulled him into a kiss.

“Like a charm.”

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