🖤Hello everyone! Nice to meet you! 🤍My main fixations are Trolls, TMNT, Pokemon, MLP, DND, Sanders Sides, Homestuck, Doll Collecting and cartoons in general! 💜Meowster/Jess 🖤She/Fae/They 🤍25 💜Ace 🖤 DNI: Racist, Queerphobic, Pedophile, Proship ETC
520 posts
I Do! And The Holidays Have Been Busy But Amazing For Me So Far. Thank You For Asking! < 3
I do! And the holidays have been busy but amazing for me so far. Thank you for asking! < 3
I love this fic sooo much! Especially the fact that Tom kept falling off of the ship. X 3 And I definitely will. ; 3

I hope you feel better and your holidays were amazing! I hope you like the fic and tell me what you think of home life when you get to read it! Enjoy!
Tom leaned over the side of his ship to get a better look at the figures he saw moving around in the water. “What the living hell?” Tom asked himself. He leaned closer, one was definitely Marco, and what was that other siren doing? Tom was leaning so far over to see that he slipped off the side of his ship into the cold water. He swam up and pulled himself onto the boat, sputtering up water and shivering. “Oh great.” Tom murmured to himself.
“Be careful jumping into the water like that. Something might pull you down.” Star swam up to the side of the ship. Tom rolled his eyes.
“Yah, thanks, Star.” He muttered. “I fell. Do you think I’d go for a swim in February?” Tom asked. Star shrugged.
“I don’t know you.” She laughed. “What’s up? You seem mad.” Star pointed out. Tom grumbled and wrung his shirt out.
“What’s Marco doing over there? He’s been there for an hour.” Tom pointed out. He pointed over to the scene a little ways away from the boat. Star squinted her eyes, when she made the scene out she clapped a hand over her mouth and giggled.
“Ohh! Tom, you got some competition!” She teased. Tom narrowed his eyes.
“What do you mean?” He asked. Star laughed again.
“Tom, that right there is another siren in our pact. And it looks likes she’s trying to preform a mating dance.” Star explained. “It’s what we do when we wanna… ehm… you know.” Tom seethed and threw his arms up in the air.
“Are you saying Marco’s going to run off with another siren!?” Tom demanded. Star rolled her eyes.
“Of course not! He loves you.” Star promised. Tom slumped down on the deck.
“Well it looks like he’s getting close with that fish.” Tom bit. Star laughed at his dramatic tone.
“How can you tell? I can’t even see them from here.” Star responded. Tom grumbled and pulled some old burlap sack around him to try and keep warm from the cold ocean air in the midst of February. Star sighed and waved goodbye. “Just keep a level head about this, sailor. I’ll see you soon.” And she swam away. Tom at on the deck of the ship for a while until his usual visitor came up to the side of the ship.
“Tom,” Marco waved “are you okay, you’re all wet.” Marco pointed out. Tom grumbled.
“Yeah because of you!” He snapped. Marco gave him a look.
“Explain?” Marco told him.
“I saw you dancing of whatever with that other siren! Star told me it was a mating dance? Who was she?” Tom demanded. Marco groaned.
“Are you seriously upset about this?” Marco asked. “It was just Jackie, we had a thing for a while… and I guess she thought we could try again. But I told her I was seeing someone and she was totally cool with it.” Marco assured. Tom raged.
“Well if you guys aren’t a thing anymore why did you spend an HOUR watching her dance!?” Tom demanded. Marco groaned.
“A mating dance is a big compliment, even if it’s not mutual. It would have been rude to ask her to stop, and I was flattered to say the least.” Marco crossed his arms. “It wouldn’t kill you to do something romantic.” He murmured the last part. Tom seethed and ran his fingers through his hair.
“I can’t believe you were actually paying that attention when you and I… just forget it.” Tom mumbled. Marco groaned.
“What is with humans?! You’re all so… difficult!” Marco cried.
“Where is this coming from?” Tom demanded. Marco rolled his eyes.
“You won’t even listen to what I’m telling you! There is nothing going on between Jackie and me! And maybe you would see that if you weren’t so stubborn.” Marco told him. “I’m leaving, I’ll be back later when maybe you aren’t acting so crazy jealous.” Marco explained. He went to swim away but turned back. “And change out of those wet clothes! A burlap sack isn’t going to keep you warm, you’ll freeze out here you lunatic.”
Marco tapped on the side of the ship with his sharp nails; it was much later the next night. “Sailor? Tom, are you awake?” Marco called softly. Tom leaned his head over the side of the railing. “You put on dry clothes.” Marco couldn’t help but smile a little. Tom nodded and bit his lip.
“When you’re right you’re right.” Tom shrugged. He climbed down the stairs to the lower part of the deck and lay down so his face was right by Marco’s. “I’m sorry for acting so crazy before.” Tom told him. Marco smiled.
“I guess I could see why you got jealous. I’m sorry for calling you difficult…” Marco gave him a quick kiss. “If I’m being honest, it’s one of the things that drew me to you in the first place. But try to understand, Tom. There was nothing more to it.” Marco promised. Tom nodded.
“I know. I trust you. It was just a siren thing I didn’t understand, and instead of trying to understand I just overreacted. I’m sorry.” Tom told him again. Marco gave him a warm smile. “But it clearly means a lot to you, so I think I know how to make it up to you.” Tom assured. Marco smiled at him.
“I’m listening.” Marco giggled. Tom laughed and got up, he seemed a little nervous.
“Okay… I’ve never danced before so don’t laugh at me.” Tom told him. Marco giggled again, but nodded. Tom took a deep breath, straightened himself out, took a step, and slipped on a puddle. He fell of the side of the ship for the second time that day. Marco burst out in laughter. Tom swam up to the surface. “You promised you wouldn’t laugh!” Tom couldn’t help but laugh himself.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Marco wheezed. “You didn’t even start dancing.” Marco laughed. Tom pouted.
“Yes I did, that was the dance.” Tom lied. Marco rolled his eyes.
“That was falling, Tom. You fell.” Marco broke the news and helped Tom back up onto the ship. Tom bit his lip and shrugged.
“Busted. But I tried, did it work?” Tom asked. Marco giggled and pulled him into a kiss.
“Like a charm.”
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More Posts from Ifeellikeameowster
3000 follower giveaway
today i reached 3000 followers so as promised i’ll hold another art giveaway!!
all you gotta do is reblog or like this and on the 24th of february (my birthday!) i’ll pick 2 winners at random
prizes include – !!
first place: a fully colored and detailed picture:

second place: flat colored picture:

have to be following (since this is a follower giveaway afterall!)
you can reblog multiple times but please do not spam your followers
have your ask box open so i can shoot you a message if you win, otherwise i’ll just redraw
that’s it! giveaway ends on the 24th and i’ll draw winners on the 25th, good luck!!!

Aw, thanks. < 3
Okay, but what about Succubi and Incubi that feed off of platonic interactions/affections/attractions/etc. instead of sexual?
“I’m so fucking hungry! I need a hug!” “How about three hugs and a fist bump?” “See, this is why I love you dude.”
“Do you wanna cuddle and watch TV together?” “Hell yes, a dinner and a movie!”
“Eskimo kisses are so delicious…”
Sanders Sides Hogwarts AU

House: Hufflepuff
Familiar: Couch's Spadefoot Toad
Wand: Unicorn Hair Core, Poplar Wood
Patronus: Dolphin

House: Gryffindor
Familiar: Bengal Cat
Wand: Phoenix Feather Core, Sycamore Wood
Patronus: Peacock

House: Ravenclaw
Familiar: Barred Owl
Wand: Dragon Heartstring Core, Beech Wood
Patronus: Octopus

Rumored Squib/Obscurial
Familiar: Black Hooded Rat
Wand: Dragon Heartstring Core, Larch Wood
Patronus: Vulture

Professor, Head of Hufflepuff House
Familiar: Northern Pygmy Owl
Wand: Phoenix Feather Core, Black Walnut Wood
Patronus: Turtle
gamkar didnt happen in the retcon timeline tho
It did happen in the other timeline and there were hints that Davekat was close to becoming a thing in that one too. Dave even wondered where Karkat was and hoped he was okay almost right before he died and they both got stabbed twice in the torso.
DAVE: and where the hell is karkat DAVE: is he ok
Then they both passed each other by before GAME OVER.
So after dying, Karkat’s ghost could have been the first(or one of the first) that Dave looked for in the dream bubbles. After finding the one from his timeline, they could have proceeded to get as close as the retcon Dave and Karkat and spent their afterlife together.
Once the ghost of that Gamzee calmed down and realized what happened, he would probably want to look for the Karkat from his timeline to attempt an apology for killing him...only to see him with Dave.
(This is just one of the scenerios/headcanons/ideas/etc I came up with for it. But really this is a comic where a ton of alternate timelines exist, so Gamzee singing “It’s over, isn’t it?” because of Davekat could literally happen in a number of different ways.)
Anyways, thank you for sending in an ask! : ) I hope you’re okay with my answer. ^ ^ “”” And sorry I didn’t reply sooner, I’ve been busy being a lazy bum when it comes to any type of socialization. X 3
WKM Fluff Headcanons
With all of the angst associated with the Who Killed Markiplier series I figured I could come up with a ton of fluffy ideas. I mean, the three of them grew up together - how cute is that? Anyways, I hope ya’ll like them!
♕ The Colonel, Damien and Mark all first met as kids at a “rich people” party their parents were throwing/invited to.
♕ The three ran outside to play while the adults chatted and gossiped.
♕ From then on they were actually excited for any party their parents planned so they could see their newfound friends again.
♕ One day a fire broke out at the Colonel’s parent’s estate/mansion. The three made it out unscathed along with their workers but the house would need major restoration.
♕ Since their parents were also friends, Mark’s parents suggested the three stay at their place while the work was being done on the Colonel’s house. (Instead of staying at a far away vacation home or a stuffy hotel.)
♕ Young Mark was thrilled to finally have another kid to keep him company in such a big, lonely mansion.
♕ The Colonel and his family ended up staying much longer than originally intended at Mark’s, due to his parents not being able to agree on what changes to make to their estate. They kept tearing stuff down and having the workers start all over again.
♕ Having Mark around, however, comforted and distracted the Colonel from his parent’s arguing in a way he never had before.
♕ Even though the Colonel’s parents only married each other due to wealth and social standing, they both adored their son and were constantly planning trips and hangouts for the Colonel to have with Mark and Damien.
♕ Damien would spend the night at Mark’s house after each trip and party.
♕ These sleepovers were one of the boys favorite things to have and you best believe that they had rambunctious pillow fights and whispered conversations after lights out/bedtime.
♕ In the winter, when the many fireplaces and blankets in the mansion just weren’t enough,the three of them would end up sleeping in an adorable cuddle pile.
♕ Once they got older, Damien’s parents would trust them enough so that he was allowed to stay over at Mark’s mansion for longer periods of time.
♕ As a teen, he would spend anywhere as just a few days to several weeks with Mark and the Colonel at the house.
♕ As kids, they would play “Kingdom” together with Damien as the King (so he could be the leader), the Colonel as the Royal Knight (so he could hunt dragons an other such beasts), and Mark as the Royal Wizard (so he could have an excuse to wear tons of fancy robes).
♔ When they became young adults, Damien realized that “King” wasn’t exactly a job option and started wondering about what he was going to do with his life.
♔ It was the Colonel who suggested he ran for mayor and Mark backed him up, saying that Damien was a “natural born leader”.
♔ The Colonel helped him research politics and town/city history while Mark helped plan out the commercial side of Damien’s campaign.
♔ The night is was announced that Damien had won, a huge party was thrown by his proud parents at their own estate.
♔ The three of them ended up breaking away from the rest of the guests after many congratulations, hugs, handshakes, and cheek kisses were thrown their way.
♔ They sat together on the thick railing of the balcony, looking up at the stars and talking about all of their plans for the future.
♔ A shooting star flew by and they each closed their eyes to make a wish:
★ Mark wished to find himself a true love. ☆ The Colonel wished to hunt the hardest game anyone had ever laid witness to. ✮And Damien wished for the three of them to always be the best of friends.
I couldn’t resist making it a little bittersweet at the end there! I do have a few full on angsty headcanons for Who Killed Markiplier. Not as many as the fluffy headcanons listed here, but if ya’ll want me to go ahead and post them I will. I might wait until I’ve thought up more though, who knows.