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1 year ago

Anime Moments that I still think about. . .

Spoilers ahead!

♡+: Fruits Basket :+♡

Anime Moments That I Still Think About. . .

♡+: The Story of the Foolish Traveler :+♡

I can’t do this story justice, so I recommend listening to the story in either Fruits Basket (2001) or (2019). It’s one of those stories that leaves you thinking, and leaves this sort of feeling in your heart. I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s definitely a short story that pulls the heart strings, and brings out a few tears.

♡+: Clannad :+♡

Anime Moments That I Still Think About. . .

♡+:Akio’s Speech to Nagisa (Featuring Sanae, and Tomoya):+♡

“Your dreams became our dream! That’s what being a parent is! That’s what family is!”

One of the best father and daughter relationships I’ve seen ( from the anime’s that I have watched! ). I could go on about how much I love this man, and how he is as a father, but I’ll save that for another day.

+: Clannad:After Story +:

Anime Moments That I Still Think About. . .

✩⃛∗ Ushio cries in the arms of Tomoya ∗✩⃛

Guys…this scene is a masterpiece. Did you cry? Because I did. After Story just has so many moments that makes you get emotional, but I gotta admit, this one scene…HIT. I still get teary eyed till this day. The music, the scenery, everything was just done so right. Watching Clannad was and still is, one of the best choices I’ve made in my 22 years of life. Go and watch it! Please!

+: Attack On Titan +:

Anime Moments That I Still Think About. . .

⃛∗ Leaving the bodies behind ⃛∗

This whole scene BROKE ME. Everything about this episode was so well done, that it HURT. The bodies of the fallen soldiers helping the ones who were yet alive…how even in death, they saved their comrades. And how painful it was to see, that those bodies will now never be properly mourned by their loved ones. Those who were left alive, not only had to continue on with that, but they also had to face the people once they returned, just-ugh! So much many feelings going back and forth! This scene was and is by far one of the most impactful moments for me in AOT.

+: Orange +:

Anime Moments That I Still Think About. . .

⃛∗ Suwa’s words to Kakeru ⃛∗

Suwa’s character is just so refreshing to me. While he and Kakeru were “rivals” for Naho’s love, he never once treated Kakeru in a bad way. He genuinely worried for him, and he genuinely enjoyed their time together. The way he approached Kakeru about his thoughts on dying, was just so well done. He comforted him with not only words, but he hugged him too. He even cried for him! My heart (*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)

+: Hetalia +:

Anime Moments That I Still Think About. . .

✩⃛∗· America and Davie ·∗✩⃛

Due to Hetalia being a more comedy oriented anime, whenever there is a “serious” episode, they tend to leave a mark. If you’re a Hetalia fan, or a Hetalia enjoyer, you know or might know, what episodes I’m talking about! While watching America’s closet cleaning episodes, did bring some tears, the Davie episode hit. Hard.

To see little America experience life,still learning who and what he is, and how different his life is and will be, it’s just one of those moments where you’re hit with the fact that hey! They’re countries personified! They experience life way more differently than a normal human being! And this episode was one that reminded you that with a punch to the gut.

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