Too Cute For His Own Good - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

This should not be legal




CHAPTER 1 (2k words)

For more information about this story, find it here

This is a small chapter, you could say it serves more as an introduction to the story, a little prologue in Namjoon’s POV, but I hope you enjoy nonetheless!


I take in a deep breath before pushing the door open, the fresh air of the popular shelter greeting me as I step inside with curious eyes - I’ve never gone to such a place before.

After another lonely night of me staring at the moon with a warm beer in hand, I finally decided that I had enough of such a thing and that this couldn’t go on any longer.

I don’t think I can handle being alone like this anymore, the silence at home is killing me. I’m reaching my thirties with not a single friend to keep me company, no one who I can call to talk with and I’m beginning to realize just now how pitiful that is.

Twenty years old me didn’t give a single fuck about this, being alone meant more time for work, it meant more money, but now?

Now… I feel pitiful, a fool in a big house.

So in that sense, after thinking about it for months if not a full year, I’ve come to the conclusion that adopting a dog should be a good place to start with. The loyal and friendly animal is exactly what I need to brighten my life again, surely good things will follow after that.  

I wash my hands at the table where I can find a bottle of hand sanitizer before pushing the second pair of doors open and then stumble into a warm looking room, and as soon as my gaze falls on the man standing behind the counter, a wide smile spreads on his plump lips.

“Oh, a new face! I’ve never seen you here before, come in” he muses before beckoning me over with a hand, and I quietly make my way over with a light frown on my face, does he expect to know everyone walking inside this building?

“Welcome, welcome. My name is Seokjin, you’ve made it to my little land of love, what can I do for you today?” he continues at my silence, completely unbothered by it as he keeps smiling, words that have my frown deepening, because this is a shelter, right? For animals?

“Erm… I… came to adopt a dog?” I try, very insecure as to whether I really made it to the right building or not, but when his face lights up with an even brighter joy, a quick nod of the head before he invites me to follow him down a bright corridor, I inwardly sigh in relief, I guess it is the right place after all.

“A dog, a good choice. They make good buddies, loyal, loving, helpful, cuddly” he says on the way to what appears to be a little dorm, which I find strange, do every animals have their private room here?

“Yeah, well… I’m beginning to see that being alone at home all the time isn’t so good for the moral. I thought getting one might help me to feel less… lonely” I let out as he stops us in front of a closed door with the name “Y/N” written on it, is that the dog who’s inside the room?

“Hmhm. A good decision, you did good to come here, we’ll find you the perfect companion, don’t worry. Behind this door, there is a very sweet Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, a lovely girl whose only wish is to be by her owner’s side. She loves cuddles, she’s fun, a little spoiled at times if you ask me but she means well, she has a lot of love to give” Seokjin describes her like she’s a human being and it feels a bit weird but… you know what, I kind of like that, animals deserve respect too.

“She sounds like a good pup, that Y/N” I muse softly, the feeling of her name on my tongue like sweet honey, it almost feels as if she’s already mine, this is a good sign, right?

Seokjin smiles and hums. “Do you want to see her?”.

I nod my head slowly, hand falling on the doorknob when he motions with an arm for me to get in, and once the door opened, I stumble into a comfortable looking room, a dog bed in the corner with a few toys here and there, and sitting right in the middle of the room and staring up at me with round eyes is a small adorable dog of a white coat with red markings, she’s… beautiful.

I crouch in front of her to try and make myself less threatening, afraid that maybe my large and tall stature might scare her off but immediately, her tail begins wagging excitedly and she comes over to me with happy steps, a few sniffs to the hand I stretch her way before she falls to her back for tummy pets, which I give with a delighted heart that already feels lighter.

Is that the power of a dog? Can they take the weight from over your heart that quickly? So easily?

Seokjin chuckles as he leans against the doorway with a pleased glint in his eyes as he observes us get acquainted with one another, not a shadow of worry in his posture even though I scare half of the population whenever I go grocery shopping because I always look angry.

“It seems like she quite likes you already, I had a feeling this would happen but it’s nice to see that I was right. What do you think? She might be a bit shy to show you who she really is at first, but give her a few days to settle and it should be fine. From the way I see it, you two were made for each other” he inquires, and I can’t resist the smile that spreads on my lips when she inches closer to tentatively lick my cheek, gosh, I can’t leave without her now, can I?

I caress her back before slowly lifting her up to my chest with a hand, and when she melts into my hold, head resting in the nook of my neck, I’m done for.

“I’ll take her, I’ll bring Y/N home with me” I say with a dreamy sigh that Seokjin doesn’t miss, and unrestrained joy becomes his whole body language, his smile from one ear to the other while he happily claps his hands with a jump and a squeal, a quick pet to her back before he makes sign for me to follow him again.

“That makes me very happy, oh so happy! Don’t put her back in the room, bring her with you, it’s fine” he chirps when he sees me hesitating about whether I should bring her with me or not, and it’s almost a relief that I don’t have to part from her just yet, it feels as if I could lose her forever if I put her on the floor before we’ve finalized the adoption papers.

“Yoongi-ah! Get a bag ready for Y/N! She’s leaving!” the man screams once we make it back to the entrance and we get to hear feet running over in a hurry before another man appears into the room from another door, eyes wide as they fall on me to see her in my arms.

“W-what? She’s getting adopted? I… I won’t get to see her anymore?” he asks with shock all over his face, ears tilted back on his head and the tail behind him curling sadly as if this is the worst thing he’s ever heard, hybrids work here too?

Seokjin tuts at the cat and repeats his demand of making her a bag, and eyes fill with wetness before Yoongi complies, a sight that breaks my heart, were they close? I feel bad now…

The man sighs and shakes his head before smiling lightly at me, eyes falling on Y/N who burrows her face deeper into my neck as if to flee the situation, her tail hiding between her legs and moulding to her stomach.

“Please don’t mind him too much, they were very good friends during her stay here, they’d play together almost everyday so that’s why he had that reaction. He’ll get over it after a few weeks, it’s not like he didn’t know that this would happen one day” he explains softly, words that pull at my heart, it explains her avoidance then…

She didn’t even look at him, as if knowing that the sight alone would hurt her.

“She’s going to miss him too if they were such good friends… maybe I can bring her back sometimes? So they can play together again” I offer, unsure myself of where this is coming from but as someone who’s never really had friends, to break such a strong bond doesn’t sit well with me.   

Seokjin’s eyes light up in surprise. “Would you really? Wouldn’t that be a bother for you?”.

I shrug lightly. “Not quite a bother, no. I’d just have to make some time, I live around a dozen minutes from here by car so it’s not too bad. Yoongi seems like he really likes her so… I don’t mind”.

Seokjin doesn’t need to repeat anything when we both find the hybrid standing in the doorway again, a bag clutched to his chest and tears in his eyes, though this time his animal attributes look happier.

“Really? You really mean it? I can see her again? That’s not a lie?”.

I smile and nod my head at him. “I only lie when I have something to gain from it. Don’t worry, I’ll keep my promise. I don’t know how often I can make it happen because of work but… we’ll see how it goes from here, just give us some time to settle at home first” I tell him and he nods quickly before hurrying over to drop a cute pastel blue bag on the counter, what could possibly be in there?

Seokjin thanks him with a pat to the head, which the cat hybrid accepts with a shy smile before leaving with a wave of the hand, and then pulls some papers out from beneath the desk, Y/N now comfortably cuddled into my arms and in no way ready to leave that spot anytime soon.

Her body feels less tense now that it’s been confirmed that she and Yoongi will meet again, it makes me feel content, this was a good decision I made.

“You’ve made Yoongi very happy, I thank you for your generous consideration for their friendship. You’ve gained a new fan, that’s for sure” the man begins with a chuckle before sliding the papers over to me with a pen so I can sign them, something that might be awkward with a dog in my arms, but Y/N somehow manages to climb over my shoulder to free up one of my arms - she’s really intent on not going to the floor just yet, it makes my soul bloom with pride.

“Every lines where you need to sign are highlighted, so please fill in these forms with every piece of information you can give, your phone number, home address and real name are mandatory but we’re not that strict for the rest, it’s mostly in case of emergencies where we could have doubt of abuse, which I can tell will not be a problem here”.

I quirk an eyebrow at his words, his confidence taking me aback a little bit. “How do you know? I feel like most abuse situations aren’t really the kind you can predict just by having a look at someone”.

He smiles and leans over the desk to scratch Y/N’s back, her reaction being to shake one leg when he finds an itchy spot. “Y/N wouldn’t feel so safe with you if you were a danger for her. I trust in her judgement, and you should too. In any case, I would not have agreed so easily if I had any doubts, you’re more than fine in my book, I have a good feeling about you”.

I hum deeply before nodding my head bashfully, my arm supporting her body shifting a little to readjust her weight over it when I feel like she’s about to slide over my shoulder, I don’t want her to fall on the floor from so high.

“That’s… good to know. She won’t regret trusting me, nor will you” I promise, and three hearts melt with fondness.

“I have no doubt about that… Kim Namjoon. This is the beginning of a new chapter of your life”.




@bluehairedgem @skyys-universe @symptoms-of-moonlight @borahae-reads @craftystarfishdragon @shownusshoulders @twentyninetyseven @aykxz98 @toughbook @sachaa-ff @lilacdreams-00 @getinthetardissammy-sh @cryingpages @azazel-nyx @genshinlovers-world @fangirl125reader @zae007live @kiki199497 @foureyedsiopao @fidelityandmischief @sweetestofchaos @enchantingbrowneyedgirl @serendididy @anjoellamorte @yoongiigolden @bangtanxberm @jwnghyuns @potaetopic @boo-ghostplayer @fluffy-canada-pancakes @randomasgardian21 @kimahnjung98 @black-rose-29 @btsizlyfe @renoirgoh @thedarkwinterrose @ayyyocee @cloudykook @gooooomz @m0v3m3ntsblog @lachimolala22019 @cherrybpanda @sophiaj650 @isabelle-scribbles @itssadg1rlhours @nothingeverdies @mageprincess7 @yoongiigolden @emu007 @slyfox123 @@emperatris-rinaka @blubearxy @savagemickey03 @iliketowrite-2 @sophieloveskpop @meow-min @m0v3m3ntsblog @sea-nevermind-enthusiast @danielle143 @letsxmosh @xiusmarshmallow @elliott-calls @deejay08 @liloxclu @i-have-no-life-charlie

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1 year ago

My hyperfixation on chrollo lucilfer is officially over idk if it will ever come back buuuut my new one is 🌟Miguel o'hara🌟

And I think I'll slowly turn this account away from chrollo since I'm more active on my side blog

Idk why but I felt like I have to tell this :/

My Hyperfixation On Chrollo Lucilfer Is Officially Over Idk If It Will Ever Come Back Buuuut My New One

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