Too Fat - Tumblr Posts - Page 3

Spilling out of car seatbelt🐷
Workshirt challenges🐷

Wow his body used to be very fit and muscled. Obviously he let himself go.

Source: @the-thiccer-the-better
God he is so hot...

Dave Taylor’s weight gain…. total ex-jock
(from 120kg to 145kg)

Now that’s a glow up 🐷
He used to be so fit and muscular. Now he is quite fat.

from a stud in high school to a lazy pig now. All the patreon supporters are getting me so fat i’ll have to be fattyzaddy instead of nattyzaddy
Perfect elephant man
Unpoppable 😭
Very handsome guy

Sim Mo appreciation post 👀

Hotel Fats, Vol. 10
This young man is very handsome. The fatter he gets, the sexier he is.

This guy's body is so thick and flabby

Wow he has gotten pretty huge. He looks sexier with his big fat gut and double chin.

This guy is very thick, he looks like a balloon. Hopefully, he will get fatter and thicker.

This guy is very handsome with his super flabby body, his moobs, thicks arms without any muscle, his double chin and rounded cheeks covered by a sexy stubble.
Sweaty fat boi here has a haircut now.

From Superman to Super Pig

Dude got huge pt 2