Torbjorn X Reader - Tumblr Posts
Hey cam you do a overwatch of Torbjorn Reinhardt and The junkers(separate)with a short ftm s/o
Torbjorn:he is very short, probably shorter then you because he is 4'7. Honestly he is glad your on the shorter side. Not only does he not have to look like he is a child reaching up to there parents hand when holding your hand, he didn't have to break his neck to look up at you when you guys are talking like he has to do with a lot of the overwatch team sents there a lot taller.
Reinhardt: man is 7'4 so he is a giant compared to you. He thinks your shortness is adorable to be honest. He will probably scoop you up a lot and when he is giving you hugs he will try his hardest not to crush you. He thinks it's fun to put you on his shoulder so you see over crowds and just be high up.
Junkrat: Jamison is 6'6 when standing up straight but since he's always hunched over he is always at your height or a little bit higher. He is the type of person to make jokes because of height and give you nicknames like shorty, or shortcake. He also giggles when you ask him to get things from a high shelf. I guess it gives him a sense of pride or something.
Roadhog: he is 7'3. He thinks your a little cute and honestly protective of you sents your much shorter then him because in the craziness of Australia, being big and intimidating is pretty helpful, so usually he likes you near him, though he did give you a weapon for you to protect yourself incase you guys separate and have to protect yourself.