Overwatch Reinhardt - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Reinhardt Redraw From "Honor And Glory"

Reinhardt redraw from "Honor and Glory" 🛡️

My favorite Overwatch cinematic!

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2 years ago
Drew Myself As My Overwatch Main

Drew myself as my Overwatch main

Plus some funky sketches (i hate their armour)

Drew Myself As My Overwatch Main
Drew Myself As My Overwatch Main
Drew Myself As My Overwatch Main

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1 year ago

My thoughts on Overwatch Designs (Reinhardt Edition)

Tbh, anytime I think of him, I remember when the game first dropped and everyone was guessing what he looked like without the armor, with my favorite being:

My Thoughts On Overwatch Designs (Reinhardt Edition)

I feel that his canonical height of 7ft tall is very unrealistic (the fan-theory is that it's in the future, and humans have become taller over time, but I feel like it takes more then 50 years for a species to gain a foot of height AND most other characters are reasonable heights), and it's funny tonimagine this HUGE personality and booming voice coming from a scrawny or small dude. I could get behind the decision to have him so tall, but then they kept releasing characters as tall as him, which really steals his thunder, imo. OK, back to the main topic.

There aren't a lot of huge differences, so the devil really is in the details on this one.

My Thoughts On Overwatch Designs (Reinhardt Edition)

The red highlights in OW1 are used much more sparingly then the yellow in OW2, which might sound like bad thing, but they are used to make the glowing heat shining through the plates of his crusader armor and the eye-slits of his helmet seem more bright/hot. This detail gets lost in the yellow of the OW2 design.

It was clever of OW2 to change the number on his shoulder from 08 to 09. It's a nice hint of storytelling in the design. Is this a new and improved suit, did he rank up, what does it mean?

I REALLY wish they kept the helmet on. It's like an episode of Scooby-Doo, where they unmask the culprit and it's just some guy. And if the base skins represent how they look in canon, why would he not wear his helmet in battle?

I'm an absolute simp for men with wild hair and long beards, and I cannot bring myself to decide which hair/beard style I love more for him.

OW1 had a circle on Reinhardt's chest, which I never was too fond of. I imagine it's supposed to be a power source of some kind, but it just doesn't come across that way. OW2 replaced it with a lion's face, and you'd think I'd be a fan, but I find it redundant to have a lion on the shield and the chest. If they had made out like the lion IS the new power source and had energy pulsing from it's mouth and eyes, that would have been cool.

Finally, the look of the armor itself. OW2 has way too many creases, open joints, and those weird straps on the front. OW1, by comparison, looks solid and defensive, with stains and scratches everywhere, and a sense of the power building up under all the protection.

OW1: 8/10 a good example of how to make boring grays and blacks seem bright and colorful

OW2: 6/10, it's got too much going on, and the exposed head feels like it stands out from the formidable mass of metal and muscle.

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1 year ago

Overwatch Valentine's Day Headcannons

My headcannons about how OW characters would treat you on Valentine's Day. Does NOT include Bastion, Echo, Orisa, Sigma, Winston, or Wrecking Ball

Baptiste, Hanzo, Lucio, Reinhardt, Torbjorn, and Tracer follow the classic moves. They will ask you to be their Valentine; it doens't matter how long you've been together, and they always seem excited when you say yes. They cancel any and all plans on the 14th, handle all the plans and reservations, and give thoughtful gifts that show how much they know about you and care for you. Valentine's Day is always the WHOLE day for them. However, they are laser-focused on the day being perfect, and a small inconvenience can stress them the fuck out.

B.O.B, Doomfist, Moira, Ramattra, and Zenyatta don't understand the holiday at all. You guys shower love on each other all year long, so they don't need the calendar's permission to express themselves to you. But if Valentine's Day is important to you, they will match you excitement and energy, and do their best to meet your expectations. If your not a fan of the holiday, they won't notice it passing every year.

Brigitte, Lifeweaver, Mei, Symmetra, and Zarya are the ones who want to be courted and doted on. They love to be asked to be your Valentine, or surprised with a romantic night. You'll notice them getting a little more upset with you as the day gets closer and you don't seem to be making any plans. They just like being treated like the royalty they are.

Ashe, Cassidy, Pharah, Roadhog, and Sombra ask you about a week in advance "What do you want to do for VD this year?" And whatever you answer, they will go along with, even though they would rather treat it like any other day. This is not from a lack of romance or interest in you, but just a lack on interest on the holiday.

D.Va and Mercy are busy with the schedule of being a celebrity and a doctor, Genji has spent the past few years adopting an "every day is important" mentality, Kiriko and Sojourn are putting most of their focus on their vigilante work, and Junkrat always has a flittering mind, so they all have a 20% chance of remembering at all.

Ana, Illari, Junker Queen, Mauga, Reaper, Soldier: 76, and Widowmaker are the bitter, cold-hearted fucks that roll their eyes at the holiday. If there's love in the air, they're spraying Febreze and wearing a gas mask.

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3 years ago

Hey cam you do a overwatch of Torbjorn Reinhardt and The junkers(separate)with a short ftm s/o

Torbjorn:he is very short, probably shorter then you because he is 4'7. Honestly he is glad your on the shorter side. Not only does he not have to look like he is a child reaching up to there parents hand when holding your hand, he didn't have to break his neck to look up at you when you guys are talking like he has to do with a lot of the overwatch team sents there a lot taller.

Reinhardt: man is 7'4 so he is a giant compared to you. He thinks your shortness is adorable to be honest. He will probably scoop you up a lot and when he is giving you hugs he will try his hardest not to crush you. He thinks it's fun to put you on his shoulder so you see over crowds and just be high up.

Junkrat: Jamison is 6'6 when standing up straight but since he's always hunched over he is always at your height or a little bit higher. He is the type of person to make jokes because of height and give you nicknames like shorty, or shortcake. He also giggles when you ask him to get things from a high shelf. I guess it gives him a sense of pride or something.

Roadhog: he is 7'3. He thinks your a little cute and honestly protective of you sents your much shorter then him because in the craziness of Australia, being big and intimidating is pretty helpful, so usually he likes you near him, though he did give you a weapon for you to protect yourself incase you guys separate and have to protect yourself.

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