Trans Gainer - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

feedism community a bad influece on me if i'm ordering food and horny i'm like "mmmmm this would make me get all big and fat i should buy 20"

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1 year ago

All of my thoughts are consumed with gaining.

I’m actively checking calorie counts on everything and getting hard knowing I’m way over my daily for my size.

Just make me fatter. I need to be fucking massive. I want to take up space, rounder and fatter than anyone I know.

I want to be soft and heavy and constantly stuffed to the brim. I want to be fed and jiggled and taunted for how I’ve lost control over my gluttony.

Make me bust out of every last scrap of clothing I own, make me so fat so fast that I waddle heavily and clumsily trying to adjust to how fat you’ve made me.

Feed me. Feed me. Feed me.

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1 year ago


Stuffed Last Night On A Crab Boil Seafood And Corn To Drenched In Butter? Pls And Ty! Must've Eaten Most
Stuffed Last Night On A Crab Boil Seafood And Corn To Drenched In Butter? Pls And Ty! Must've Eaten Most
Stuffed Last Night On A Crab Boil Seafood And Corn To Drenched In Butter? Pls And Ty! Must've Eaten Most
Stuffed Last Night On A Crab Boil Seafood And Corn To Drenched In Butter? Pls And Ty! Must've Eaten Most
Stuffed Last Night On A Crab Boil Seafood And Corn To Drenched In Butter? Pls And Ty! Must've Eaten Most

Stuffed last night on a crab boil 🤤 seafood and corn to drenched in butter? Pls and ty! Must've eaten most of a whole stick just in that meal and now my belly feels extra buttery itself 😊 sitting right around 260 with a 46.1 BMI and feeling pretty obese today indeed! The stretch marks on my belly continue to get longer and bright pink where they're growing and that's just on my belly, to say nothing of the huge red holes tearing into my thighs lol...the evidence of my gluttony written on my body in permanent ink 😌 let's make it so there's more and more of it!

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11 months ago

Oh god.

There’s no stopping the feeder to feedee pipeline. I just got down a container of heavy cream and it tasted like ambrosia.

Gods I’m gonna be so fucking fat in no time

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10 months ago

The feeder to feedee pipeline is real. I can’t stop thinking about how my body wobbles when I walk. I get hard when I even think about stuffing my face.

I need it. I need to be fattened up. Well over 500lbs. I’m not very tall, I’d be massive. I want to watch my heavy gut expand from the constant stuffings and bloats, trace angry stretch marks cropping up every day as proof of my hedonism, ugh. Please.

I’m already losing my mind, the more I imagine the way a nice thick roll of fat around my neck the more I lose focus and just grab my gut.

Make me as fat as you can. Reward me with extra fattening treats, punish me with gain shake until I’m in tears. I’ll get massive either way.

Wake me every two hours to force feed me. I know I’ll have room. You can make me so high all I can do is swallow. You’ll tease and slosh my gut as I come down, realizing how overstuffed my belly really is.

Make me eat 12k calories a day. Every day. I want to explode with fat. So fast no one can react until it’s too late. Hopelessly consumed by gluttony and it’ll be your doing. Show me off in public, taunt me that I haven’t set a new record in the buffet, lean over the table covered with empty plates to shove a thick slice of cake into my mouth. I want everyone to see me gorge myself.

I’ll be absolutely consumed with the insatiable hunger, never able to eat quite enough to truly incapable me. Knock up my intake, tell me I’m going to be too fat to touch myself. Make me grind on a pillow while you feed me, remind me that now I can’t even get off without being stuffed. Taunt me for how I whine to be fed again. Tell me I’ll be strapped into a feeding tube soon, since I could down over a gallon of heavy shake in a session. Pump my body with fat. Heavy soft permanent proof of my rapid slide into hedonism. Mind blank to everything except the constant need to gain, each bite making me throb and whine. Tug on my gut while I squirm trying desperately to reach under the fat pad growing as fast as my gut.

Keep a vibrator strapped to me. Make cumming and gorging my daily routine. Feed me publicly, make me wear clothes that will pop and tear after I start eating. Make me fat. Feed me. Please I can’t get enough.

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10 months ago

This cake shake has me so round 🥵🥵🥵 I was throbbing and leaking the entire time I was mixing it up and now trying not to touch my fat little cock is driving me insane. Well, not as much as this painfully round belly

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10 months ago

Fuck make my belly stretch

Make it groan with how fast you pour shake into me

Taunt me as I blow up right in front of you

Tell me I’ll get covered in stretch marks with how fast I bloat

Then force feed me

Feed me past begging and tears

Feed me till I can barely open my eyes and swallow

Then turn up that vibe tucked far under my belly

I need it. Now

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10 months ago

Fuck starting in the morning I’m going to weigh in.

I want to gain 20 lbs in a month, I hope it piles on so quick I have to have new clothes delivered so I can actually leave to get more food 🥵

Gain shakes everyday, chugging heavy cream instead of milk every single night before bed.

Fuck make me brainless, make me fatter, make me massive.

Just watch, soon you’ll be begging to help me gorge myself further into the depths of obesity

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9 months ago

I just made a massive bowl of oatmeal made with heavy cream and sugar and applesauce and I’m only halfway through struggling each bite

My gut aches. My brain is glazed over, just like my eyes. I can’t stop eating. I’ll never be this thin again.

Fuuuuck 🥵🥵🥵

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9 months ago

The idea of someone taking the whole day to make me food and keep me eating until I am in a food stupor is such a hot concept to me 🥵

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8 months ago


Fat boys getting so fat they can’t reach below their gut to jerk off

Fat boys begging to be fed in the middle of the night

Fat boys groaning as their eyes roll back from how tight their gut is.

Fat boys so hopelessly addicted to their own weight that every slight jiggle makes them hard.

Fat boys on their knees trying to heft their belly up high enough for their cock to be sucked

Fat boys gorging all on their own, hoping you’ll notice how much they ate for you

Fat boys moaning about how full they are.

Fat boys begging to be stuffed fatter.

Fat boys holding their belly saying “look what you did to me”

Fat boys groaning and burping and staring lovingly at their gut in awe.

Fat boys saying more as they gorge.

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8 months ago
I Was Absolutely INSATIABLE The Other Night 4 Some Reason, I Literally Got Hone From Work And Kept Eating

I was absolutely INSATIABLE the other night 4 some reason, I literally got hone from work and kept eating until i had 2 go to bed and i still wanted more 😅

Not fully stuffed in the vid, just comfortably full :)

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8 months ago

This is what I get for giving in.

I can’t focus without being absolutely stuffed. I smell food and get hard. I hear my belly growl and I start drooling. I wake up in the middle of the night making the most dense filling food I can find, so I can pass out with my hands all over my gut.

I hear the word fat and instead of getting hard, I get hungry. Only when I feel my belly begin to stretch….fuck.

I have no thoughts left, just horny browsing and stuffing my face. Playing with my little tdick that I won’t be able to see if I keep this up.

I want to. I need to. I know I won’t be able to turn back. I know I won’t be able to stop.

So make me the fattest you can. Control my meals, force feed me when I don’t comply, make sure I’m painfully stuffed as you taunt me about how I’ve gained, how clothes fit, how much of a blob I’m becoming.

Fuck. Once I’m immobile just keep me tube fed, you’d barely be able to keep up with my gut anyway.

Control my urges. Make sure I can’t get off before im so full I can’t breathe. Train me to enjoy food wildly, stuff my holes with vibrators and keep it going while I eat.

Make me gorge constantly. Make me beg you to make me fatter.

Sabotage my meals with appetite stimulants so no matter how much I’ve eaten I can’t quite squash the hunger. Just alternating pained groans and hungry growls.

I need it. I can’t focus on anything but how fat I want to be.

Feed me

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8 months ago

I forced down my third pound of pad Thai…

I can still eat more I’m sure….i can still sit up.

Time to go back to gorging 🥵 good boys get huge after all

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6 months ago

I’m so addicted to being stuffed.

I need to have my gut ache and protest every extra bit of food and drink every time I eat.

I I need to be fed constantly, put into a food coma and woken up every hour for another feeding.

I want to look so round that it almost looks comical, impossibly stretched and heavy.

I want you to feed me. Make me stuck in wherever I sit, too fucking full to wiggle let alone heft myself to my feet.

How much can you make me gain?

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6 months ago

One week of stuffing myself till my gut aches down

Forever to go 😈😈😈

How fat can I make this gut 🥵

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1 year ago
My Friend Told Me I've Been Eating More Than Usual, Is It That Obvious?

my friend told me I've been eating more than usual, is it that obvious?

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