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6 months ago

I don't really know what to write about. Weekdays follow each other peacefully, nothing special happens, I'm fine now. Inspirations seem to have disappeared for a while, but this has happened before. But I know that the magic that moves my soul never goes away, it just quiets down sometimes. I am like Lake Baikal in Siberia: deep and mysterious, but every moment it evokes something, some magic from the original beauty of creation. Magic Baikal… I've never been there before, and I don't know what this strange attraction is that draws me there. But I still have to stay here because I feel like I have a job to do with people, but I don't know what that job is yet.

I Don't Really Know What To Write About. Weekdays Follow Each Other Peacefully, Nothing Special Happens,

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6 months ago

This picture was taken sometime at the end of 2019, before covid. Looking at my current pictures, it's as if nothing has changed since then. But the truth is that everything has changed. I am like one who died but rose again, why? Maybe to start something? This spring, it was as if God himself took my hand. It was as if I had been cleansed of a hundred years of filth. But God didn't tell me what to do with all this…

This Picture Was Taken Sometime At The End Of 2019, Before Covid. Looking At My Current Pictures, It's

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5 months ago

Let the fate of the world be our turn: our inner reality must shape the world, not the other way around! So let us have the faith and strength to know that what we do and who we are is the right way, provided that we realize our God-given and inspired destiny, and not just pursue our individual desires.

Let The Fate Of The World Be Our Turn: Our Inner Reality Must Shape The World, Not The Other Way Around!

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