Trans Misogyny - Tumblr Posts
Do you think trans women who pass as cis (thinking of someone like Patti Harrison) experience misogyny? I look at her and I’m like, she must experience the same things I do societally as a woman. I didn’t know she was trans until I read it somewhere. What are your thoughts?
Hm. I think that they experience a surface level misogyny - like a cat call (or other male harassment/objectification). But a lot of the misogyny we face as female people is systemic.
It's all healthcare/medicine that's available to us being only tested on males, prioritized for male bodies, and constructed so our role as birther > our humanity. And no matter how well a trans woman passes, healthcare is still made for their male body. And I still am being given medicine that was only tested on male rats and male humans because "females have complicated hormonal cycles that are difficult to control for". I am still being treated by a physician who was taught the male symptoms for all ailments, the female ones not considered.
Its being raised in a society that celebrates and rewards male excellence, and discourages and doesn't teach examples of women in math and science and medicine. It's being raised to be clean, be helpers, risky play discouraged. No matter how well a trans woman passes, they were encouraged to adventure, be explorers, pursue math and science. Their questions were celebrated, not quieted.
It's my upbringing being fundamentally affected by every male who ever interacted with me and how their thoughts and opinions of my femaleness influenced their treatment of me.
Its a society that demands female sacrifice, beauty, smoothness, chastity, thinness, litheness, grace, feminity, starvation, sensuality, motherhood, and conformity. Its being a woman punished for not adhering. And a trans woman, passing however well, selecting optionally to opt in to whatever degree of that they like, or worse yet, agree with.
Its being in a world in which over 95% of lawmakers and politicians are male. Which means absolutely all laws, rules, governing structures, and systems within that world are given male bias. Benefit male people. Its being a female in that system. And however well a trans woman passes, they still are male bodied and benefit from the entire structure and ongoing state of the nation and world that benefits male people.
Its having every top religion of the world written by men to include a male Father-God.
Its being regarded as "the second sex".
Its having all sports that exemplify male biological advantages being highly paid and in the spotlight, and all sports that exemplify female biological advantages taking second fiddle.
Its having female bodily autonomy constantly up for grabs, and male bodily autonomy never on the chopping block. Female reproductive freedom always restricted, male reproductive freedom never questioned.
Its having femicide, rape, abuse as a constant threat. It's seeing that treatment of females constantly glorified for entertainment value in all medias.
Its seeing female bodies broken and abused in pornography, with worse treatment every year. Its seeing male bodies doing the treatment.
And it goes on and on and on.
Its systemic. Its all-encompassing. And it is biology specific.