Transformers Rescue Bots - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

For some reason I'd think it'd be really funny of writing a one shot of Charlie have to save Dr. Morocco

But knowing him, he'd probably rather die than let that happen

So hilarity ensues

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5 months ago

Unwanted Custody Au

Madeline gets arrested and Dr. Morocco gets blackmailed into having custody of Pricilla. So he can't leave Griffon Rock. Everyone is trying to convince him to give her to Ezra and Anna but he can't. Knowing that the moment he does, his secret gets leaked to the press. Also, Charlie seems to be working with him. Could he be involved in the blackmailing as well? Lets just say Morocco's Apprentice has seen things that cannot be unseen.

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1 year ago
Im So Surprised No Ones Done This Yet But What If Like

I’m so surprised no one’s done this yet but what if like

Dr Morocco and Mandroid were in a toxic old man gay relationship

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8 months ago
While I Admire Your Dedication To Law Enforcement, Prowl Sir. I Do Have Somecriticisms Of Your Methods.

“While I admire your dedication to law enforcement, Prowl sir. I do have some…criticisms of your methods.” Proceeds to list all his crimes.

They are very silly to me. This is more IDW Prowl but his G1 design was easier to draw hugghsgds

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2 years ago

So I was rewatching rescue bots and I just had a thought for one of the episodes, its the one in season 4 episode 24. Where in the episode the rescue team go to a damaged building to retrieve the peoples personal belongings after it was blown up on its side making it hard for it to stay together, mic and chief (Her Dad) head inside to find one thing left on the list, someone’s medicine. While the others were out side until they all heard a rumbling noise coming from the collapsing building and as they were getting out Chief Burns almost gets buried under pieces of the building but Mic pushes him out of the way in time, however she gets buried under the broken pieces of the building. Immediately the bots in a panic (almost about to have a spark attack) remove the pieces off Mic and see that she is unconscious until a second later she wakes up but only for a couple of seconds until she falls unconscious again. (This genuinely scared the FUCK out of the bots because they thought that she just died in font of them.)

So I Was Rewatching Rescue Bots And I Just Had A Thought For One Of The Episodes, Its The One In Season
So I Was Rewatching Rescue Bots And I Just Had A Thought For One Of The Episodes, Its The One In Season


(She just need some time to recover after maybe breaking 3 ribs in her ribcage.)

@eva-artist-face @digital-darling-arts

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2 years ago

🥹💖🥺 they…

Is it ok if I give blades boulder chase and heatwave a hug please they are my comfort characters and they make me very happy 😊

Is It Ok If I Give Blades Boulder Chase And Heatwave A Hug Please They Are My Comfort Characters And

Here’s Mic getting a hug from her four adoptive alien dads! (I’d like to think Chase’s hugs are crushing)

Mic belongs to @technoorganicmic! They were super fun to draw, thank you for the request! Also, I’m promise the quality is better than that, Tumblr just hates me for whatever reason

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2 years ago

Heatwave is torn apart. They all are, but as the most aggressively protective of the Rescue Bots, he shows it the most violently. Throughout the entire time Mic is in the hospital, he spends his time either on patrol or beating the hell out of the metal training log, furious at himself for not being fast enough and furious at the world for putting her in that situation. Mic was so bright and full of life. She looked so small when Chase lifted her bleeding body out of the rubble. He turns his worry, fear, and despair into inconsolable wrath because it’s the only way he knows how to cope. It’s the only way he knows how to protect himself from pain. He’s lost loved ones before, and he doesn’t know what he’ll do if he loses the little human that’s like his daughter. That he’d gladly die for. It should have been him.

Chase is numb. The shock should have worn off by now, but it hasn’t. His servos still twitch and clench as if he can still feel the tiny warm body cradled in them and see the red liquid spattering his fingertips. He doesn’t sleep, doesn’t stop working, because of he does his mind will wander. He’ll see how pale and still she was and wonder if her eyes would ever open again. Whenever Chief orders him to rest, which he does - “You need to rest, partner, you won’t be able to function if you don’t” - he replays the accident over and over and over again in his head, visualizing how it could have gone better… and how it could have gone worse. Could he have gotten there quicker and saved her? Could he have held the ceiling up? What if she hadn’t gotten Chief out of the way and they had both been hurt? What that ceiling beam had fallen at a different angle and crushed her spine? The questions spiral endlessly, and all Chase can do is wait for news while worry ruthlessly clenches his spark like a vice.

Blades is distraught. He has always been the most anxious ‘Bot on the team. He follows Chief around constantly, asking questions rapid fire whenever the older human gets a call - Was that the hospital? Is she okay? Is she going to live? When is Mic coming home? - to the point where he worries Chief is two seconds from kicking him out of the firehouse. But he can’t help it. He paces around constantly, unable to sit still, unable to stop moving due to nerves. It’s horrible to have to wait, so he tries to occupy his mind. Would Mic like a welcome home party when she gets back, or will she be too tired? Will she be the same? Will she recover? He wants to see her again - see her smile, make her laugh with his (usually poorly timed) pop culture references - but they don’t know when Mic is coming home yet. Humans are so fragile compared to Cybertronians, and while he knows Mic is strong, he worries that irreparable damage was done. He worries she might not come home at all.

Boulder watches the others, human and Cybertronian alike. He’s always been the rock of the team, always coped with traumatic situations the best. He was a construction bot in Kaon before he was a Rescue Bot, so he’s seen his fair share of hell. Heatwave lashes out when he’s hurting, Chase shuts down, and Blades can’t sit still. Boulder developed healthy coping tactics. So he tries to help the others, tries to drag them away from their vices. But sometimes, when he’s soothing himself - painting, or calmly and logically negating anxious thoughts - he remembers how Mic’s breath faltered and how she barely opened her eyes even as Dani lifted her into Blades to rush her to the hospital. The paintbrush falters, and his throat burns. But Boulder keeps forging ahead, trying to keep the others from spinning out of control, because he has to. He’s their rock, and if he’s not doing it for them, he’s doing it for Mic. She wouldn’t want them to fall apart like this. But how can one not fall apart when someone they love so dearly is so badly hurt?

Here ya go! Some freshly served Rescue Bots angst :D - Leaf

Currently Crying



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2 years ago

A nurse was wheeling Mic out of the hospital in a wheelchair. She pushed her through some doors, and bright sunlight hit her eyes for what felt like the first time in weeks. Instantly, five people rushed towards her, slowing as they reached her and offering gentle hugs. Kade clearly wanted to hug her until she felt like her spine was going to break, but knew he would hurt her if he did. Dani and Cody were crying a little bit and holding her hands. Graham was holding her shoulders from behind and sniffling audibly. And then, Chief knelt down in front of the wheelchair to wrap her in a warm, gentle embrace.

“Hey there, kiddo,” Chief’s voice sounded thicker than usual. “How’re you feeling?”

“Like a building fell on me,” Mic smiled, sniffling a little and feeling a choked up herself.

Chief stood up and took a step back, placing his hands on her shoulders and looking her in the eyes with a serious expression. “Don’t you ever do that again.”


“No. Sweetheart, I understand why you did what you did, but…” Chief ran a hand down his face. His eyes were slightly red, and there were dark circles under them. “I’m an old man. I’ve lived an incredible life. You are a young, bright kid with her whole life ahead of her. If you had died in that rubble, I- I don’t know what I’d do.”

“I couldn’t just let you get hurt,” Mic murmured. She remembered what had happened all too clearly- the way the building shook, they way her father’s eyes had widened when he saw what was going to happen, the awful terror of knowing that he couldn’t get out of the way in time and she needed to do something-

“I know,” Chief sighed, squeezing her shoulders. “I know. But please, promise me you won’t ever do that again.” She nodded and leaned forwards and hugged him tightly. Chief hugged her back, and held her until she let go. “Now, let’s go home, huh? The Bots are gonna be over the moon.”

Chief circled around behind her to start pushing the wheelchair while her siblings walked beside her. “Heard you broke your ribs. How’s that feel?” Kade asked.

“Not great,” she winced. “It’s a lot better, but it hurts to breathe.”

Kade ruffled her hair and messed it up. “Yeah, broken ribs suuuuck. Tell you what, once we get out of here me and Heatwave will get you some ice cream.”

“Sounds great!”

“Bet you’re glad to be out of the hospital, huh?” Graham asked.

“Oh yeah. There’s nothing good on TV, and the food sucks.” Her siblings laughed at the way she scrunched up her face.

“Don’t think you’re out of the woods yet, you’re gonna be on bed rest for quite some time,” Dani remarked. “And I’ll be watching you personally to make sure you don’t try and get out of it!” Mic groaned - everyone in the Burns family hated bed rest. It mean not being in the action, and usually that meant a lot of boredom.

“It’s okay Mic!” Cody said brightly, patting her hand. “You can watch from the firehouse with me!” He suddenly looked more sad, but also relieved. “It will be really nice to have you back.”

Then, they pushed open the doors and wheeled her out into the parking lot. Instantly, four gargantuan robots bounded across it, clearing the entire thing in only a couple strides. “Mic!” Blades cried, immediately throwing himself down on his belly in front of the wheelchair to reach her level. Large beads of coolant were sliding down his face as he wrapped his servos gently around the back of the chair. “We missed you so much, and we were so worried, and-“

Mic wrapped her arms around his neck. “It’s okay, Blades” she croaked, tears stinging her eyes. “I’m right here.” Blades hiccuped a couple of times and stroked her hair. After a few minutes of checking on her, and asking if she wanted a party, the helicopter bot moved back so that Boulder could kneel down and reach her. “That was incredibly brave,” he murmured, taking her hands in one of his massive ones. “Reckless, but brave.”

“I think it should go without asking that you should never, ever do that again,” Chase said, kneeling down next to her. His hand curled around her spine, and she felt his digits reflexively seek her pulse on her back as if reassuring himself that she was alive. “Although that building defied every single building code in the book,” he huffed. “I counted.”

Mic chuckled and gave them both a hug, receiving careful and tentative hugs in return. She turned her head and looked up and the final bot. Heatwave’s face was unreadable, but his arms were crossed tightly and his shoulders were just about the most tense she had ever seen them. “Heatwave?” she asked in a small voice. Was he mad at her?

The firebot finally knelt down, optics sweeping over and checking for injuries. Then, he reached out his servo tentatively, pulling it back after a few seconds like he was afraid he would hurt her. He swallowed hard - “Mic-“ he tried to say, but his voice broke slightly mid-sentence. She leaned forwards and wrapped her arms around his neck, feeling her own tears spill over. Heatwave wasn’t angry- he was worried about her, so worried in fact that it had moved him to tears. And Heatwave wasn’t exactly the best at processing his emotions, so he tended to bottle things up and pretend he didn’t feel them.

His servos cupped around her, and a massive chin settled atop her head gently. She noticed his knuckles were torn and crusted with energon. “I’m right here,” she sobbed, surprised at the rush of emotion.

“Please don’t ever do that again,” Heatwave whispered hoarsely, rubbing her back. “We’ve already lost so much. I couldn’t bear to lose a sparkling.”

Mic pulled back and looked up at him in shock. From spending time with the Bots, she knew that a sparkling was a Cybertronian child. And that meant that Heatwave considered her his child. The massive red bot paused, seeming to register what he had just said. Then, he sucked up his pride, ignored the little voice in his head that told him to pretend to be indifferent, leaned forwards, and put his forehead against Mic’s. “I can’t lose you, kid. I love ya too much.”

She nodded and smiled, hugging him tighter. All the other Bots crowded around to give her more head-pats and hugs until Chief waved them back long enough for Blades to transform to his alt-mode. Her dad - one of her five dads, that is - lifted her out of the wheelchair and carried her into Blade’s cockpit, where Dani joined them. It jarred her ribs a little, but she gritted her teeth against it. Kade was approaching Heatwave, but turned to look at her.

“Gonna go get you some ice cream now! Mind if I get some for everybody?” He yelled. Mic nodded, and then looked up as Heatwave pulled a face.

Help me, he mouthed. It’s gonna melt and go everywhere!

Mic giggled. Good luck, Dad she mouthed back.

Heatwave looked playfully annoyed at first, but his face morphed into shock and then helpless joy as he processed what she had said. Blade’s canopy closed, and Mic waved at the rest of the Bots as they lifted off the ground. She was happy to be home.

(Sorry for not adding more dad and daughter fluff with the other Bots. I kinda ended up fixating on Heatwave bottling up his emotions and I kinda figured he’d be the last one to tell Mic he considered her his kid because he hates talking about feelings. Either way, enjoy the fluff to counteract the angst! -Leaf)

OMG I LOVE THIS 🥹🥹❤️🧡💚💙💖

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2 years ago


He is best boi

Can I please hug servo (from rescue bots) he is best boi and (in my au) gets adopted into the burns family.

Can I Please Hug Servo (from Rescue Bots) He Is Best Boi And (in My Au) Gets Adopted Into The Burns Family.

One good boi coming right up!

Mic belongs to @technoorganicmic

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1 year ago

I just wanna say (and I’m so sorry that this is late) Happy Father’s Day to my father Figures

Optimus Prime (like every version)

Heatwave, Chase, Boulder, Blades

Optimus Primal, Dinobot, Rhinox, Rattrap

Happy Dads day some hugs down below ⬇️

I Just Wanna Say (and Im So Sorry That This Is Late) Happy Fathers Day To My Father Figures
I Just Wanna Say (and Im So Sorry That This Is Late) Happy Fathers Day To My Father Figures
I Just Wanna Say (and Im So Sorry That This Is Late) Happy Fathers Day To My Father Figures
I Just Wanna Say (and Im So Sorry That This Is Late) Happy Fathers Day To My Father Figures
I Just Wanna Say (and Im So Sorry That This Is Late) Happy Fathers Day To My Father Figures

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8 months ago

“The apartment on the far side are secure,” Boulder called down to the Griffin Rock Rescue Team as they approached the scorched shell of the building. “Just stay away from the wall. Heatwave joined them, bracing his hand beneath the exposed floor of the unstable side of the building to hopefully offer some support in case anything were to happen. Blades cupped his hands and allowed Dani to step into them, lifting her up so she could shine her flashlight into the windows. Kade, Graham, and Cody stayed outside to watch while Chief headed for the door. One of the citizens had apparently left their medicine inside, and he wasn’t going to deprive them of that.

“Dad, wait!” Chief turned to see Mic jogging over to him. “I’m coming with you.”

“Kiddo, I appreciate it, but I don’t think-“

“It’s safe? Yeah, I know,” Mic said. “You always insist we use the buddy system, and you’re no exception. That’s why I’m coming with you. Plus, four eyes are better than two, right?”

Chief let out a breath but smiled, squeezing her shoulder. “Okay. Good point. Just stay close, alright? I don’t want you to get hurt.”

Mic nodded and pulled out a flashlight, clicking it on. The two of them approached the building together, passing by Chase who was crouching by the entrance. “Please remain in my line of sight, Chief, Mic,” the police bot said, staring down at them. “Then I can assure your safety.”

“Mr. Hooten said his medicine’s in the bedroom,” Chief explained, a gentle laugh just barely audible in his voice. “We’ll be careful, partner.”

Chase still watched them like a hawk as the pair went inside. Mic glanced up at the ceiling as some dust rained down upon them, and then glanced back. Her littlest brother, Cody, had his flashlight trained upon them and was watching closely. He looked worried. Trying to ease his concern, Mic shot him a wink and a wave. Cody waved back, smiling slightly, and seemed a bit more at ease. Even so, his worry didn’t disappear completely, especially when the building’s supports groaned loudly.

Mic caught up to Chief, and both of them swept their flashlights across the room. Dust trickled down from the ceiling again, and Chief hissed gently through his teeth. “We shouldn’t stay here very long,” he said.

“In and out,” Mic said as the pair reached the bedroom door. “I’ll check the bathroom cabinets, you check the bedside table.”

“Good plan,” Chief said, smiling slightly. He watched her out of the corner of his eye as he checked the bedside table, making sure she wasn’t near any particularly unstable spots. His fingers brushed over a hard, plastic container, and he scooped it up triumphantly. “Jackpot!”

“Great,” Mic said, jogging out of the bathroom. “Let’s get out of here. This place is giving me the creeps.”

“Probably because it’s falling apart,” Chief teased good-naturedly, ruffling their hair as they joined him at the exit. “Those are your survival instincts talking.”

“At least that means I have them,” Mic joked as they walked together towards the massive hole in the wall. They could see Chase waiting just outside. “Unlike Kade.”

“Don’t bully your older brother,” Chief chuckled. “…But you’re not wrong.” Mic grinned, and Chief couldn’t help but feel a little nostalgic for the times when she was just a little girl. His kid had grown up to be fearless and kind, and he couldn’t be prouder, but sometimes time just seemed to pass too fast.

Suddenly, a rumble like an earthquake shook the building, and dust and rubble began to pour down from the ceiling in earnest. Chief and Mic paused, both of their eyes widening when they saw cracks racing along the walls and ceiling. “Go!” Chief said, pushing her ahead of him as they ran through the final doorway and towards the gaping hole in the side of the building.

“Dad! Mic!” they heard Cody cry from outside, rushing closer but not daring to go inside the collapsing building. Mic looked up again, watching the cracks beat them to the exit. Her heart sank. They weren’t going to make it. Or at least not both of them.

The choice was easy. She fell back slightly, grabbing her father’s shoulders. With one mighty shove, the roar of the building crashing down filling her ears, Mic pushed him out the hole right as debris slammed down into her, completely obscuring them from sight.

“MIC!” Chief screamed, scrambling to his feet before the dust could even settle, tearing into the debris with his bare hands even as it scraped against his skin. No, no, no, not his kid, please-!

Chase and Heatwave were at his side instantly, the firebot gently nudging him aside. “Boulder, get Chief!” he yelled hoarsely. They needed him out of the way to move the debris without risking hurting even more of their family. Boulder nodded and scooped up Chief, murmuring comfort to him as the police chief beat against his servos, begging him to let him find his daughter.

Chase lifted a beam, and Heatwave cleared away the last of the debris, and there she was. Humans were already so small compared to them, but curled up on her side and unmoving, Mic looked tiny. Chase felt his vents stop intaking as he noted the dust and blood coating her hair and clothes. Boulder and Blades leaned closer from where they had come to help, Blades’ optics instantly filling with coolant.

Was she breathing? Heatwave retracted his visor, servos beginning to tremble uncontrollably. Chief had gone silent in Boulder’s grasp, staring up at the green bot’s wide, glassy optics and praying it didn’t meant what he thought it did. Finally, Mic shuddered and coughed weakly, then spasmed as pain wracked her body.

Chase didn’t feel nearly as much relief as he thought. She was alive, yes, but the shuddering clearly meant something was wrong. He clenched his fists to force a tremor out of his servos and reached down, scooping her up as gently as possible.

There was a sharp, loud crack, and Mic gave a wheezy, shrill scream. Chase forced himself not to flinch and make things worse, having felt something in her abdomen snap. Chief redoubled his struggles in Boulder’s hands.

“Blades, transform!” Dani cried, panic audible in her voice as she waved her bot over. “We need to get them to a hospital, now!”

The entire family rushed over as Chase lowered her to the ground away from the building, but it was Kade who carefully received her. “I’ve got you, I’ve got you,” he said, cradling her as gently as he could even as Mic jerked with pain at the disturbance. Chief helped support him as the two of them rushed to Blades’ waiting alt mode, and Kade climbed in with Dani.

Cody grasped his father’s hand as Blades took off, carrying his sibling away. He had never seen his father so pale… or one of his family member’s so grievously injured. Chief’s hand shook in his, and he squeezed it. “Dad, she’s going to be okay, right?” he asked shakily.

Chief took a deep breath, pulling his composure back together. He couldn’t fall apart in front of his family. Not now. Not when they needed him most. But god, if he lost his kid… “She’ll pull through,” he said, squeezing Cody’s hand back and praying it was true. “She’s tough. Let’s get Mr. Hooten his medicine, and then we can get to the hospital.”


Meanwhile, at the Clay scrapyard, Fix-It suddenly started to wave his arms to get Bumblebee and Optimus’ attention. “We’re receiving a transmission!” He turned to tap on the console, frowning. “Huh. I d-d-d-d-didn’t even know we had a transmittor. Anyway, it’s from, uh… Griffin Rock?”

“Griffin Rock?” Bumblebee repeated, approaching with a smile on his face. “That’s great! That team is the best. What did they say?”

“Um, they said to come as fast as possible,” Fix-It said. “Apparently someone named Mic got… er… caught in a falling building?”

The smile slid right off of Bumblebee’s faceplates, and Optimus’ expression hardened in a way that it usually only did in battle. “Does it mention her condition?”

“She’s alive,” Fix-It said, worried. “But not in good shape. Are- are we leaving right now?”

“We must,” Optimus said, activating his battle mask. “This person is very important to us both. If they have been hurt, we must check on them.” He transformed, revving his engines. “Autobots, roll out!”


Alright, hope you enjoy the angst! >:D (And the slightly cliché ending, lol) Writing Chief being extra parental right before everything quite literally comes crashing down was my favorite part personally because it makes everything hurt that much worse!

~ Leaf

Thank you @leafdragon16 you are amazing Pal 😭

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