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Rescue Bots Academy headcanons (with a touch of angst)
Hotshot has a (rather poorly) hidden inferiority complex
Heatwave unintentionally adopted Hotshot
Neither has any idea how it happened, Hotshot just became Heatwave's son one day
Blurr has visited the Academy at some point, and he was both glad and upset at how Heatwave has changed
On the one hand, he's happy the recruits and especially Hotshot are getting a good mentor,
But on the other, he's upset that he never got that version of Heatwave, and sometimes he wonders if it's his own fault
Grimlock treats Dinomode Hoist like a dog treats its puppy
Hoist has been scruffed on several occasions
Medix loves bats
Even before the incident with Mr. Flappy, he collected books about bats and loved watching documentaries about them
Autistic Medix, Wedge, and Hoist
ADHD Whirl and Hotshot
None of the recruits have any idea their teachers (except Heatwave) have more than one alt mode
Whirl is a scraplet colony, specifically the one Whirl Sr. Adopted in MTMTE
Whirl Jr. aroace
Colonies of metal-eating pests don't have much interest in romance, as it turns out
Ratchet changed for the better when he found out about Medix
While he is no longer afraid of dinobots, Hoist still finds actual dinosaurs a bit unnerving
This probably has to do with them being organic
While training to use a hose, Hotshot nearly passed out. Several times.
While bats are his favorite, Medix loves most types of animals
The only exception to this is deep-sea creatures
He does not understand them and he does not want to understand them
Wedge has had a brother
The way Medix's family found out he could magnetize was by finding him on the ceiling
Whirl Jr, in her most basic state, looks like a bot-shaped scraplet, with a silver body, solid blue optics, and thin limbs
A lot of bots find this appearance unnerving