Transformers Worldbuilding - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

Cybertronian Colloquialisms - Primes Edition

So we've all heard "By the AllSpark!" or "What in the Pit?" or "Oh Primus" in our TF media. However, I feel like TF writers are missing out on the goldmine that is colloquialisms invoking the different Primes. So, here is a small collection of such colloquialisms, and please, feel free to add more if you have any of your own you use.

"Primus below!" - Exclamation similar to "God above!", invoking the fact that Primus is the core of Cybertron.

"Vector give me patience" - Often paired with "because if Prima gives me strength, I'm going to need bail money." The go-to for when somebot if getting on your last nerves.

"To Alchemist!" - A popular drinking toast, to thank Alchemist Prime for inventing high grade.

"The Three Below" - Refers to Solus, Onyx, and Micronus, the three Primes who formed the Well of AllSparks

"Maximum Blessings on you" - a stealth insult/curse from some dialects, where "Maximum" and "Maximo's" are nearly indistinguishable. As Liege Maximo was the Prime of Lies and Trickery, it's a fitting way to wish someone ill.

“Solus’s slag pit” - Used for something incredible, awful, and incredibly awful. Often used to refer to the latest high society fashion mess.

"Find peace or take it up with the Fallen." - In other words, calm down or screw off.

“As you say, my Liege” - A condescending remark towards a person who’s attempting to lie, cheat or mislead.

Again, if you have any primal colloquialisms you use for your fics, reblog and share them with the rest of us.

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7 months ago
I Apologise If Im Prematurely Excited And Am Reading This Wrong, But
I Apologise If Im Prematurely Excited And Am Reading This Wrong, But

i apologise if im prematurely excited and am reading this wrong, but

has james roberts given us queerplatonic marriage?

has he given us actual ace-spectrum and aro-spectrum representation?

has he given us a form of relationship that is just as valued as conjux endurae, but platonic?? does the mtmte universe recognise a form of queerplatonic marriage that is just as heart-achingly meaningful as romantic marriage??

if so. if so. i cant describe. i cant describe how happy i am

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