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1 year ago
Trying To Keep Transandrophobia Discourse Posting To A Minimum Because Its Exhausting But God Its So

trying to keep Transandrophobia Discourse posting to a minimum because its exhausting but god its so fucking weird how much these guys CANNOT stop talking about fucking us as the peak of Trans Unity

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4 years ago

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7 months ago

Trans activism that doesn’t center trans women is often just a form of neo-terfism and no one can change my mind on that🙏

can we like go back to basics for a second lol. every mainstream news outlet, public figure, elected official, social media influencer, religious leader, and civil society organisation pushing transphobic policy and rhetoric always focus on trans women. literally every single one of them. even when trans men are brought up it is primarily in relation to trans women “tricking girls” into transitioning.

& I am speaking specifically as a trans guy who has been harassed on the street + outted and intimidated by Nazis on campus + lost entire friend groups + kicked out by my parents because I’m trans. like this is literally not a competition about who is “oppressed more” it is a basic fact. I am reminded always that whenever transphobia is voiced in public (which is often and only becoming more frequent) I am either not the target of hatred or I am being used as a rhetorical tool to further advance transmisogyny. fundamentally if you don’t acknowledge this extremely basic point about institutional transphobia then you are actively attempting to obfuscate reality

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7 months ago

"controversial" take but I absolutely get angry and uncomfortable every time I see something HP related. it's not the series itself it's just the fact it's literally inseparable from jkr who herself is a massive fucking transphobe/transmisognist and made herself the head of that movement. I get wanting to "reclaim it" but is it worth hurting our trans sisters over a generic wizard series.

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5 months ago

THIS. Literally. Not to mention she’s also said racist and anti-Semitic things too. She is deplorable.

If You Give This Woman Money, It Will Go To Transphobic Causes. If You Give This Woman A Platform, She

If you give this woman money, it will go to transphobic causes. If you give this woman a platform, she will use it to boost transphobic causes. This isn't a "well nobody's perfect" or "well x other creator also did something bad once" situation, this is an inordinate amount of influence for a creator to have, and supporting her by word or wallet actively hurts trans people.

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