Trapper - Tumblr Posts

”But first, let me take a selfie!”
(Wanted to draw something like that for so long- and finally did it now) Photogenic Trapper takes a selfie of himself and his hooked victim; because selfies are fun, aren’t they? Maybe he wants to share this photo with his killer friends (^-^). Unfortunately, poor Claudette couldn’t crack a smile. Wonder why

a small comic about one of our trials in dbd :D
-it's a trapper! watch your step!
-ha! he can't catch me at all! (so toxic)
-he never even set a trap
-i’m doing the last generator now! EZ
-i’m opening the gate!... Opened!
-so now we go to save him and immediately run to the gate!
-ok, they’re already opened
-he's catching up!
-now then! the gate is already near!
-finally freedom... what? “blood warden”?
-b-but ... how is that?...
p.s. i’m sorry for any mistakes :с
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Thank you so much for this masterpiece!!!

Just a silly lil' gift for my friend @emilu-p.
Dead By Daylight

Dead By Daylight

*screams across whole map*
Dead By Daylight

Dead Hard can be quite useful sometimes
Dead By Daylight
When all 4 survivors walk into a trap at the same time
Happy holidays you lovely folk

sorry about this. my wraith and trapper have some problems
Imma just start writing for dan stevens characters because that man has a chokehold on me, if there are any characters that arent on his masterlist that you would like to see please tell me what they are from and I will watch it (Providing it isnt a tv show becasue i aint got the time or paitence for that) and please send in some requests i have had none so far and have hit a writers block so pls send help :)
Anyway thank you for reading,. your reward is pics of the pretty man.

𝚁𝚎𝚞𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚝 𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚝 - 𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚜 "𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚛" 𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚕𝚎𝚢

Warnings: None Word count: 1.4k Genre: fluff Summary: After being seperated for 10 years, a certain lizard brings you and trapper back together, leading to quite the reunion Pairings: kaiju trainer!reader x kaiju vet!trapper A/n: In this story the reader is someone who works in hollow earth to maintain the kaijus and ensure they all "play nice" ,it sounds weird, but just go with it pls ( Also decided to start my dan fics with Trapper since I think there is practically no apprication of him on here so here we are)
For 5 years now, you had been working down in beautiful hollow earth. After Dr. Andrews discovered that you were somehow able to tame any animal, including ones that are 100 ft tall, she hired you immediately. You grew a close bond with a lot of the animals in hollow earth, but your favourites had always been kong and godzilla. After coming together and being rid of skar king, the two became like playful children. They often play fought with each other, never intentionally hurting each other ,but accidents did occasionally happen of course. Normally you would have a vet called Jack come down to tend to them. However, after discovering he wasn't giving the kaijus the right treatment, Illene fired him.
It had been 7 months since jack got fired ,none of the animals had sustained injury thankfully, that was until kong and godzilla were playing, and kong managed to puncture zilla's arm with his reinforced tooth. You reported the injury uo to the lab on the surface, and were ensured the vet would be sent down as soon as possible. You still hadn't met, or even been told anything about this newly hired vet, all you knew was that he had been the one that fitted kongs tooth. For whatever reason, Illene always insisted that "You wouldn't know him." You left it at that and accpeted you would just meet him when the time arrived.
You were sat on a ledge with the large lizard sat in front of you whimpering and growling occasionally. You rubbed the top of his head. "It's gonna be alright buddy, Im sure this vet will be just lovely." You smiled as he looked up at you and gave a dismissive huff. You chuckled, before watching a yellow air craft fly round the corner and land behind you on the ledge. You patted zilla's head and got up, jogging over to the door waiting for it to open. Once it did, you watch Illene and Jia step out, followed by a man in a green flying suit and sunglasses. Jia hugged you as you stared at the man, there was something about him, you could of sworn you knew this man.
"Y/n? y/n are you ok?" You broke out of your trance, stopped staring at the man before turning to Illene who was now looking at you concerned. "Yes yes, I'm fine Dr Andrews." She nodded still looking slightly concerned as you looked at the ground. "Right then, where's this big lizard." He had an austrailian accent, another thing you reconised. You led the man over to where godzilla was sat, and let him start working as you sat with Illene and Jia. "Dr Andrews I swear I reconise him, what's his name?" Illene watched him work. "He's called Travis Beasley." You froze. "W-what did you just say?" Illene showed you his work profile."Travis Beasly, he's certainly an odd one, you wouldn't believe how much he changed from high school." Oh but you would.
You couldn't believe what you were hearing. Trapper was being sent to another university. You had known Trapper since the two of you were 5 years old. The both of you had just confessed deeper feelings for each other. But now you being forced apart because his father was directing him into a new career path. You sunk to your knees, feeling tears fill your eyes. "N-no you can't leave Trapper, I love you, I might never see you again, I can't live with that, I can't!" He came down to your level, his eyes as wet as yours. "I know sweetheart I know It's not fair, but I don't have a choice." He pulled you into his chest, rubbing your back ,trying to not get any more emotional. You cried into his chest before he pulled you back gently and planted his lips on yours. You tangled your fingers into his chocolate brown hair, holding his face against ,not wanting the kiss to end, you knew what happened when it did.
*End of Flashback*
Trapper had about finished on godzilla for the moment and walked back over. "Well providing he doesn't get into any more biting matches with kong, he should be fine." Trapper removed his glasses to clean them and looked up, seeing you stood up now, tears brimming your eyes with the setting sun framing you. He tilted his head slightly confused, before your broken voice spoke. "Trapper?" His face quickly melt from one of confusion to one of captivation. Slowly he walked towards you, taking in your details as you did the same to him. Only one person in the world had that nickname for him. As the two of you came to be inches apart, you looked into his eyes. "I-i thought I'd never see you again trapper-" Before you could even finish your sentence, Trapper held your face between his hands and kissed you deeply.
You didn't hesitate to kiss back, as the both of you slowly sank to your knees, never breaking the kiss. Your hands found their way into his dirty blonde waves as tears spilled from both yours and his eyes. Eventually you pulled out of the kiss for a breath, smiling through the tears as Trapper pushed your hair out of your face. "I can't believe it's really you sweetheart, you look so different." You gave a small broken chuckle as you sniffled back tears. It was true, both of you looked practically unreconisable to each other. You had gone from a quiet nerdy girl that wore 2 buns, to keep her curly blonde hair out of the way, to a woman with tattoos, black and purple hair and glasses. Trapper however had gone from a short ,skinny boy with ratty brown hair, to a tall, muscular man with his sandy blonde waves. His personality hadn't changed of course, he had always been the loveable ,music-loving and laid back australian you'd always known.
Illene informed you both that she was taking Jia back up to the surface. You nodded ensuring Trapper could stay in your home in hollow earth for a while. You both watched as the air craft flew away, before slowly starting to make your way through the trees, to your penthouse type home. All whilst chatting to each other and catching up on your differing paths, after being seperated. Once you got home, You offered Trapper a coffee. He nodded sitting down and you made his coffee, remembering every little detal his had for coffee.
You sat down with him and set the drink down. "I just can't believe it's actually you." He smiled pulling you onto his lap and resting his forehead agaisnt yours. "Then it's a good thing I'm here to make you believe isn't it sweetheart." You held back tears and kissed him again. The kiss was full of passion, not in a sexy way, more in an extreme display of affection way. Trapper held your sides, gently squeezing them. You pulled back. "How about you sleep here tonight, I must say, the views from the bedroom are a sight to behold." He grinned at you and stood up, throwing you over his shoulder. You giggled as he headed to the open bedroom door and placed you down on the bed, before taking a seat behind you, shoes off of course.
Trapper wrapped his arms round you and rested his chin on your shoulder. "Y/n?" You hummed in reposnse, watching the sun settting over hollow earth through the glass doors at the other end of the bedroom. "Can I stay here with you permenantly?" You turned and looked at him. "Trapper being down here is a full time gig y'know? Not to mention sometimes dangerous, I couldn't forgive myself if something happend to you." He smiled holding your face. "And I couldnt forgive myself if we got seperated again sweetheart. Besides if you can be down here all by yourself, Im sure I'll be able to live down here with you." You gave him a sweet smile, before smacking his chest playfully. "You dork!" He chuckled holding you. "You mean, Your dork?" You giggled as the two of you layed down to cuddle, the sun setting fully over hollow earth for the day.