Killer - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Seaweed Nest

Cross was running his hand over the soft nest that he and the shiver had been sleeping in since he arrived. It was soft and plush, warm and safe. But it was starting to fall apart. He would have repaired it himself. If he knew how. There were quite a few nests hidden in the Trench. At times Cross saw the others working on theirs. It was amazing how everyone, everyone except him, knew how to weave these special nests that were all so comfortable. He wasn't jealous per se, but he certainly would love to learn.

"Whatcha doing Cross?" Dream swam up and curled himself around the thresher. He gave a small hum at the warmth.

"Just thinking," Cross received a bonk for his response. "How do you all make these nests?" The leviathan gave a squeal and darted away from Cross. Had... had he said something wrong. Just as the poor mer was about to leave, Dream swam back in, kelp in hand. He dumped the seaweed on Cross and sat next to him.

"Ooh, I've been wanting to teach you this!!" 


"Baha, oh my gosh Crossy-" A certain bull shark mer burst out laughing at the sight before him.

"Shut up," The mer glared at Killer for even thinking about teasing him. "It's Dream's fault."

"Don't blame me! I was just trying to-"

"Brother, you don't even know how to make a nest,"

"I do! It's just... Different is all," The goldfish pouted. Nightmare allowed himself to fall into his smaller form. Once a reasonable size, he untangled his brother and mate from the mess of seaweed they had made.

"Don't do this again. Horror will be happy to teach you both," He gave both of them a pat before leaving to dispose of the knot of kelp.


"This is nice," Cross murmured as he sunk deeper into the newly made nest. Horror only purred in response. Dream was still off sulking somewhere, though, it was likely Dust was with him as the whitetip had mysteriously vanished some time ago. "Thanks for the lesson," Cross got a kiss for his words.

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1 year ago

"It's a gamble, this game. You lose, well thats up to the winner. You win? Thats up to you. But, you felt a hand on your shoulder. 'found you.' They whispered. "

Could you do this prompt with Horror Sans?

Absolutely my friend! Here you go!

All Horror could hear were his own sharp, labored breaths. How did he even get into this mess? Today was supposed to be normal, his one normal day. A break, dare he say. But no. Today was everything but.

Today he was somewhere, he couldn't tell you where. It was dark and cold, not unlike the Underground he once lived in. And Horror had been running. He had stopped once or twice, but those were close calls he would like to not repeat.

Should his pursuer catch up with him, well, Horror knew exactly the future that awaited him. So he forced his legs to keep moving. Despite the disadvantage of not knowing the terrain, he had done good so far. Not good enough, but at least he hadn't been caught.

The ill-fated skeleton had managed to get himself to Waterfall. That was good. Water had no memory, unlike the snow that marked a clear outline of just where Horror was running. But he should be safe for now. The land before him wasn't entirely unfamiliar, faint whispers of memories reminded him of the bench he visited rather frequently and once found a quiche under. The bench wasn't easy to get to... Horror inspected the bridge flower buds that sat nearby. He could probably use them to get to a hiding spot...

The hole-headed skeleton scooped up the four buds and rather than heading to the bench, turned in the exact opposite direction, the one that would take him deeper into Waterfall. There was a waterfall, pun fully intended, covering the back wall of the cavern. It would be the perfect place to hide behind. The buds were dropped into the water, making their little bridge. And Horror crossed. He tugged his hoodie over his skull, hoping to protect his injury from the downpour of water but it didn't do nearly enough. The trip under the very cold river mixed with the brutal slamming of said river into his skull left him feeling dizzy. But at least he was safe.

The only thing he could hear was the rushing water and his soft breath of relief. He could do this. All he had to do was outlast his hunter. And nobody would think to look back here, not even-

Horror fell completely still as he felt a hand rest on his shoulder. He didn't turn, didn't say anything, he just stood, frozen.

"Found you" A voice whispered. "I do hope you remember the rules," Horror's marrow ran cold. He did. He wished he didn't. The cornered skeleton forced himself to speak.

"W-what do you want?" He managed to get out.

"Two months of my chores, all on you." Horror bit back a growl. He turned around and met face-to-face with the cocky, smug bastard himself.

"Not fair,"

"Ah ah ah my feisty friend, you know what you agreed to~" The skeleton before Horror had no eyelights, but if he did, they would be twinkling with joy and mischief.

"You can't just shirk your chores onto me every time you leave them piling up!" Horror spat. Killer held a hand over his chest and gave an offended gasp.

"Why I never! How could you accuse me of such a thing,"

"He's not wrong," Cross said after he teleported himself into the tiny space behind the waterfall. "If you two are done though, I would like to get heading back. Boss isn't going to be happy that we snuck out to do this of all things,"

"Cross, you can't let him do this!" Horror whined out. The guard leveled him with a look.

"I'm not the one who agreed to this. Dust warned you about this very thing. It doesn't matter how close your Undergrounds looked, you are quite literally playing on his field." Cross opened a portal right back to the palace they snuck out of nearly an hour before. "C'mon, we have to-"

"And where, exactly, have you all been?"

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1 year ago

Cuddle Pile

Night had fallen and the shiver was curled up in their shared nest, hidden away by Nightmare's tentacles. Well, all of them except one. A lone thresher shark sat curled up at the entrance to the Trench. Despite his poor eyesight in the dark, he scanned the area for any possible dangers to his shiver. It was a ritual that he had started almost as soon as he arrived in the Depths. Cross hated the idea of the others sleeping unguarded, even if they did have two leviathans watching over them all. So he took it upon himself to be a lookout.

He yawned and watched the bubbles that escaped him float up into the darkness where he lost sight of them quickly. He wasn't tired, not at all. That was why he was absolutely able to notice that someone was sneaking up on him and did not let out any sort of shocked cry.

"Heya Crossy," Killer curled his tail with Cross's much longer one. "It's time to go to sleep, ain't it?" Killer was shoved away for his efforts.

"He's right you know," Horror's voice was a sleepy rumble as he scooped up the thresher. "Off to the nest with you," The great white and bull shark swam back to the rest of the shiver, Cross's wiggles and complaints dying not even half way there. Dust, who was also apparently awake, moved to the side to fit in the tired guard. Horror settled Cross in the nest before he and Killer took their spots again and curled around everyone.

Dust let out a soft purr as he cuddled into Cross, who was taking longer and longer blinks as he sat in the nest. He mumbled out some word of affection that the others couldn't quite make out, but got cuddles and kisses for it regardless. It wasn't too long after that the shiver, and Dream who had been watching them, fell back asleep in a pile of cuddles and purrs, all in the safety of Nightmare's tentacles.

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1 year ago

Mermaid Tears

Nightmare had long since gotten used to the water harshly crashing into him, as well as the oceans boiling as he swam through them. He was used to claws and teeth and other such sharp things penetrating through his flesh and bones. The weight of his trident was familiar, just as much as throwing it. The leviathan's world was little more than storming clouds and spewing volcanoes. He cared not about the disasters he and his twin caused. Why would he? All that mattered was the fighting. The ceaseless war that wouldn't stop until one side claimed victory... Or died.

The kraken couldn't be sure what had happened. His skull was in such pain, ichor painting the water so thickly that trying to see past it was impossible. Something was horribly, terribly wrong. Nightmare made an attempt to collect his thoughts, but everything was muddled and fuzzy and in so, so much pain. Somehow, he heard the voice of his twin through all the pain.

"𝐸𝓂𝒷𝒶𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓈𝑒𝒹?" Not as much as he was hurting. "𝐼 𝒸𝒶𝓃 𝒸𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝒶 𝓉𝑒𝓂𝓅𝑜𝓇𝒶𝓇𝓎 𝓉𝓇𝓊𝒸𝑒 𝒾𝒻 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉?" And didn't that sound nice. What if they could just go back to being brothers, even just for a day. Nightmare stopped trying to listen to his brother and instead tried to removed the ichor in his sockets to no avail. Dream had said something else, Nightmare hadn't heard it properly. Should he respond?

"ɖ-ɖʀɛǟʍ? Iȶ hurts," He drew out the s longer than he should have. Did that matter?

"𝒩𝐼𝒢𝐻𝒯𝑀𝒜𝑅𝐸!" Oh, something was really wrong. Dream sounded terrified. Warm hands cupped Nightmare's face, his injury only feeling worse from the heat. "𝒮𝒽𝒽, 𝒾𝓉'𝓈 𝑔𝑜𝓃𝓃𝒶 𝒷𝑒 𝑜𝓀𝒶𝓎. 𝐼 𝒽𝒶𝓋𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊, 𝓎𝑜𝓊'𝓇𝑒 𝑜𝓀𝒶𝓎, 𝓈𝒽𝒽𝒽,"

"ɦurts," Nightmare managed to say through the pain, tears mixing with the cyan ichor. "ɦʊrts so bad" 

"𝐼𝓉'𝓁𝓁 𝒷𝑒 𝑜𝓀𝒶𝓎," Dream was hugging his so close. They hadn't been like this since... For a very long time... But the heat was making everything even fuzzier. His tears felt like lava.



"I'm gonna քass out ռօա," And he did, leaving his frightened twin to try and stop the bleeding. Dream tried not to look at the ichor mixing with the water as he tied makeshift bandages over the wound.


Blood. It was all Horror could smell. He couldn't see much anymore, however, even if he wanted to. But even with his now damaged eyelight, he could see the carnage. Blood and seafoam floated around, the scent taunting him for living. Bodies of the dead and dying were barely visible with his new injury. Everything had gone so wrong so quickly. And now he was the only one alive. If he actually recovered from this. His head pounded. Some of the blood was from him, he had little doubt in that. But what could he do? He was stuck here with only those turning to sea foam. He could focus on the sights and scents, but what good would that do? He couldn't exactly escape it all either, the sea foam sticking to him whenever it got close.

So he cried. He cried for those who were alive only moments before, he cried for the pups who were barely starting to live, he cried for those who tried so valiantly to defend the shiver, he cried for the memories he had of them all, lost when his skull was crushed, he cried for those who he loved and cared for, never to be seen again. He cried so much he could have filled the ocean from his tears alone. For that was all he could do.


In some colorful reef sat a quiet whitetip shark mer. Pilot fish flittered around him, the only family he had left. A few were exploring the reef, the rest were just swimming around Dust, like a fishy barrier between him and the rest of the ocean. It was nice. Dust got a moment of calm and quiet. And Papyrus was always watching him. A pilot fish swam up and bonked their heads together. Oh. Dust really missed having his brother around for real. These fish, they acted just like him but- Dust didn't know he had started crying until all the fish had huddled around him, trying to give comfort. Something so familiar, Dust yearned for his brother to be the one pressing soft kisses to his forehead, telling him that everything was going to be alright. But he was gone. And all Dust had left was a school of ghost fish who were painfully similar yet just that much different than his brother.


Killer would never admit it, but sometimes, he got really lonely. He never had a shiver, but who needed one anyway? Sure, some company would be nice, but why go out of his way to look for someone? Made no sense to him. Took up too much time and effort. Besides, he could go anywhere he wanted! He had no one place to tie him down! One day, he could be in warm waters, searching for the freshest of tuna to catch, the next he could find a cooler, shallow beach to lounge around in with no one to bother him. It was a good life he was living. A life of adventure and thrills! Why would he need someone else to slow this all down? He didn't. Sure, it would be nice to have someone to share it all with, but Killer liked his life right now. He didn't need to change it because of some silly emotions. He could drift to his soul's content.

Happy trills sounded from somewhere near by. Killer went over to investigate. A few mers were darting around each other in the brighter water making the shallows of the area. A goldfish mer was curling around a larger great white mer and giving him affectionate kisses while a whitetip settled on the sand nearby, petting a small fish. Killer watched with, not quite envy, at the display. He wouldn't lie and say he didn't want to have that sort of love with someone, but he wasn't jealous of them.

The bull shark quickly made his way back to the cavern he was staying in. And there, all alone with no one, not some sweet goldfish or other shark, he cried. Not that he would ever admit it.


"Hello?" Cross peaked his head out of the container. There wasn't anything. Well, fish and a small squid, but no other mers. Or any giant beasts with writhing tentacles capable of ripping the container's door open and snapping off his shock collar. "Anyone there?" No reply. Was this a test? Did Gaster set this all up? Cross carefully swam out of the container. What was the goal? Did he even have one or- Or was he really free? He swam further. No, how would he have even escaped? Sure, the container could have just fallen into the ocean, but Gaster was not a careless man. He wouldn't have let something as simple as a storm knock Cross overboard. Not when he had been working on him for years. Still...

Cross darted away from the container as fast as he could. He was free. Even if this was all just some test rigged by Gaster, he wasn't in some small aquarium anymore. This was open ocean. It had to be- It- it... Cross glanced at the container, getting smaller as he swam away. This was real, right? Cross settled on the sand covering the bottom of the ocean. It was soft on his fins, unlike the rocks that had been in the bottom of one of his old tanks. Seaweed floated, a massive cover for fish and other sea creatures. Bubbles floated from the occasional lobster or crab returning from the surface. Some were just dropped back in, how, Cross didn't know. Maybe landwalkers, maybe it rained crustaceans out here. In wasn't scientifically impossible. Was it? Frog rain was a thing. Gaster had talked about it once. And frogs weren't much bigger than some crabs.

The newly freed mer had laid in the sand for hours, watching the fish swim past, snapping up the occasional critter that strayed too close to the shark. It was... Nice. The open water, all the animals swimming around, the waves, the light, the water. And Cross would hopefully get to live in this forever. The very same seas that he was robbed of in his puphood, they were all his to explore now. Much too late, yes. But he was still here now. Tears pricked at his sockets, and for the first time, Cross allowed himself to cry. there was no doctor who would mock him for it out here. He could cry, he could swim, he could hunt. And no one could stop him anymore.

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11 months ago

Headcanons Pt 1 - Nightmare's Gang

'Aight, I'm bored, haven't posted in ages, I need to do something. While I have been mostly inactive in the UTMV fandom, I thought it'd be fun to post some of my more uncommon headcanons! And some pretty common ones too, I guess. Here we go! This is all for sympathetic everyone btw. No heartless Sanses here!


The shortest Sans in Nightmare's Gang. I will start fighting people over this. He was starved for years and people make him so much larger than the rest of the gang! He is tiny and spindly and it takes time for him to even begin to spar with the others

Best cook, 10/10, knows all the recipes. He had to spice up the lot of nothing he and Papy had, so he knows how to make a little go a long way and taste good

Really good at taking care of plants and animals. Always seems to be in tune with what others need.

Has sharper senses than most Sanses, minus his eyesight, but not by much

So nearsighted he needs glasses, but would break or loose them if he got any. His eye is too damaged to try contacts, physical or magical

Would be the best around children. Just, so caring and attentive. Panics a bit if they cry though

Isn't too science minded. I'd say since his AU deviated from canon Undertale, he'd focus less on science and more on food

Hates fish. Partially to do with Undyne, partially because their scales and gills freak him out. Hates cooking with them too

Very cuddly, loves being around as many people as possible


Gonna say this once and only once: Human Killer would be ginger.

He cannot cook. Don't let this man into the kitchen. Not only is he a pyromaniac with poor self-control, he also swims in chaos and could not care less about the well-being of others

Has ADHD. Can't stand still for two seconds. Whenever Nightmare's lecturing or talking or something, he's always pacing around. Listening, but moving

Absolutely a cat person, but only has a single black cat and she's missing an eye

Is a flirt but terrified of romance. Hates it, can't stand it. Don't speak to my man about love. Personally, I think he's aroace, but flirts for fun

He can use knives as weapons but not for much else. Can't cut food, not very good at whittling, don't even get me started on peeling vegetables

Surprisingly, he is good at using knife-adjacent things, mostly tools that are basically just knives

I like people who headcanon him as a carver, because he totally would be. But I think his main medium for art would be clay. He has a potters wheel that he doesn't use too often as he likes sculpting without it


Continuing on with the MTT, Dust can cook soup. He can make more, doesn't like to, don't ask him to

The most scientifically minded of Nightmare's Gang, he makes a lot of their chemical based weapons, smoke bombs, acids, and the like

His vision gets fuzzy during fights due to his magic, and nobody knows how to help. He's learned to fight with it, but it is a bit risky

Out of everyone in the gang, he gets overstimulated the easiest

He was the first of Nightmare's Gang. Then Killer, Horror, and lastly, Cross.

Chara had abandoned Dusttale for years before Nightmare found it, so Dust is used to absolute silence, he doesn't like it much

He doesn't like being around too many people at once, but it's better than being alone. He'll actively seek out company if it gets too quiet. Said company is often Horror, because H never really gets that loud

Nightmare's right-hand man and the braincell of the gang


Has leukophobia and kenophobia

Great cook, rarely burns food, can make things taste good, and is probably the only one who is allowed to help Horror in the kitchen

Him and his Chara are actually pretty close. Not at first, obviously, but as time goes on, they both realize they are the only ones left of their AU. They hang on to each other when the memories don't shut up

Always finds a way to call Nightmare "my prince" or "your highness." Nightmare has asked him to stop, repeatedly

Likes climbing things. He'll go up into a tree and fall asleep there if someone lets him. Will also do this on rocks, walls, buildings, and people

Very quiet. His normal footsteps barely make any sound and he uses this to sneak up on people

Probably the most mischievous in the gang, second only to Killer. His best friend is Epic, this man is a complete and utter troll. Nightmare once woke up to his room flooded with rubber chickens. It wasn't Killer.

His voice is naturally so soft that you can barely hear him. His laugh sounds like a little imp though.

Well versed in sign language! His Frisk was mute and thus he had to learn it at a young age. He sometimes signs when he talks so the gang can understand him better. Granted, Nightmare is the only other person fluent in sign


Freaking nerd.

Knows so many languages and three of them are dead. He had a lot of time on his hands after he left his AU

Had no idea he was farsighted until he found Dust, who could read things easily. He tried everything to make reading easier and just assumed that his goop had somehow ruined his vision

Can technically cook. There are no promises that it'll actually taste good though. It may also be burnt or expired.

He has to consume a mix of emotions and physical food to keep himself alive. He did not know he needed to eat until after he found Horror. The magical overload of the Apple Incident managed to sustain him. He passed out in front of Horror and was put on a "diet," if it can be called that

His corruption is semi-sentient. It's not malicious, but it's more selfish than Nightmare used to be. And I mean, Pass. Night was a doormat. He wouldn't fight back even if his life depended on it. The corruption keeps him from attempting to give everything he has to please others. It's still kind of an issue

He forgave Nim for everything she threw on him and Dream. Nobody in Nightmare's Gang thinks any of that was okay.

Really likes curling up with people. He'll drag some of the gang to a couch or bed and just curl his tentacles around them. Very cozy.

His magic is a bit of an "acquired taste." Without any prior exposure, it feels dangerous, threatening. But after time, one begins to realize it's like a blanket, covering and protective


Out off all the Sanses here who have eyesight issues, Error's are the worst. Not only does he naturally have poor vision, his glitching makes it way worse

Doesn't need or want food. He'll eat it to make others happy or less worried about him though

Knows a lot of string based arts, crochet is his favorite though

Has to sleep above the ground. No idea why, he just doesn't like sleeping on a bed, or chairs, or couches. He has to web himself a hammock and sleep ten feet above everyone else

Hates the sound of chewing. Annoys him to no end, will stab his own nonexistent ears if someone chews next to him

A bird person. He really likes parrots and cockatoos

Mildly leukophobic. He doesn't spend too much time in the anti-void because of that

Yes, he's brothers with Geno and Fresh. Yes, they both annoy him to no end. Yes, he would kill and die for them. No, they may not be in the same room as him. He's also the middle child

Was not born with dyslexia. Does not read or write enough to confirm or deny if he got it after he glitched. He does have it though

Likes gardening. Never forgets to tend to his plants

And there we go! I love all headcanons from anybody, it's so fun to see how other people see the same characters! I do love tiny Horror, though. I'll cover the Stars next. I'll keep them all sympathetic too, as much as I used to hate Dream as a person, he's a great character and I know how to write him with more emotions then just toxic positivity. As much as I love emotionless Ink, I never used to write him like that and it's still uncommon for me to do so today. Blue's just a bean, we've never had any issues anyway.

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11 months ago

Headcanons Pt 3 - Sorting

So, this is how it's going to go; I'm gonna list a Sans, their Hogwarts house, and why they're there and not elsewhere. I know houses are subjective, but I don't care. It's a fun activity I do with fandoms to familiarize myself with the characters. What traits would place them where, and which would make them seem out of place. How would relationships work across houses? How would they react to being sorted? All that jazz. Starting off with the Gang

Nightmare's Gang:

Horror: Hufflepuff

Was so close to being sorted into Gryffindor. He would have been uncomfortable there, but reckless abandon and pure determination are practically the only two things you need for that house. Both of which he has. He would take a bullet for his friends but would struggle when being put in a situation as a leader. This house also sits closer to the kitchens, so he'd feel right at home. I feel his character too soft and squishy to be sorted elsewhere. (Yes, I am aware of his past, but in a sympathetic Nightmare's Gang, where he'd be allowed to grow and recover, he just becomes a giant teddy bear, leave me alone!!)

Killer: Ravenclaw

Despite his stunning lack of awareness or book smarts, Killer would likely be sorted into Ravenclaw. I find that most of my sorting activities have a prankster character or two in this house. There is a level of cunning needed to pull off more elaborate pranks. He would not like this. Ravenclaws are nerds, he is not a nerd. That aside, he is still somewhat into science like most Sanses seem to be. As much as he is to rush into battle, he tries to at least have some semblance of a plan.

Dust: Ravenclaw

This sorting takes advantage of Ravenclaw stereotypes, Dust being book smart and skilled enough to be Nightmare's right hand. A strategist. He teetered on the edge of ending up in Slytherin, but his lack of wanting to lead on his own keep him out. As well as the fact that he prefers to be quiet, not speaking up even when it might be more necessary. He also has the makings of a Hufflepuff, with his unwavering loyalty and general friend-shaped-ness, as prickly as he may be.

Cross: Gryffindor

The Hufflepuff-iest Gryffindor to ever exist. Sir wants to be a side character but the world won't let him. He wants to follow Nightmare, protect his friends/found family, and will do anything to make that happen. As it is, he's also fairly ambitious, a great leader when the need calls for it, and so self-sacrificing that that one trait alone would have landed him here anyway.

Nightmare: Ravenclaw

A Gryffindor-leaning Raven if you will. Again, he falls into the traditional book smart category of this house. His wit allows him to lead, but he's not dumb enough to run into a battle unprepared. He has a right hand to act as a second opinion, making sure everything is tactically sound. He would kill and die for his found family and they are the only people who would make his reckless enough to make him a Ravenclaw-leaning Gryffindor. He has a handful of Hufflepuff traits, being loyal to a fault and a bit more trusting than one might expect for someone with his past.

Error: Slytherin

The first and only of the Gang sorted here. Despite not being the most morally bankrupt character out there, he finds his sorting helps with his job. He obviously keeps the people he cares about close, but anyone beside them can rot. It's his job to destroy things so the world doesn't collapse on itself, he can't afford to care about much. He is also incredibly ambitious, but not stupid enough to think his goal is an easy one.

Star Sanses:

Ink: Slytherin

The main reason for this sorting is the lack of emotions. Even with them, he is chaotic. He has a small group of friends that he keeps close. His goal is a lofty one, creating to maintain the balance. But he oft creates too much, leaving Error to deal with it. Quite impatient, but also silly and cunning. Cannot look before he leaps and refuses to try, a trait that is scarily common in Slytherins and Gryffindors.

Dream: Hufflepuff

Despite the lack of side character vibes, this man does not want the spotlight. He's Cross if Cross ended up in Hufflepuff. Slightly Gryffindor-leaning. He's a charismatic leader type, but his strengths are in his loyalty and friend-shaped-ness. He's also not as reckless or brash as Gryffindors or their scaley counterparts. Prefers to stay out of the action when possible and would only fight for others.

Blue: Gryffindor

As stated prior, Blue is the only Gryffindor of the Stars. He has all the makings of a classic Gryffindor hero, minus the reckless abandon. He is great at leading and properly motivated. Perhaps a bit self-sacrificing, but that's par for the course. He tends to get drawn into battle whether he likes it or not and will not stand very any injustice. He has a rigid moral compass and is very honest. Since Blue is also a model friend, he also is quite Hufflepuff in design. Love this guy.

If I didn't make it obvious through all that, Gryffindor and Slytherin are houses that lack the ability to fear. And that's not a good thing. Perfect for heroes, but anyone else? Not so much. I'm a Huffpuff, and the more I favor a character, the more likely they are to end up in that house. I think it's just because I like those kinds of characters, but Dream is an outlier in this situation. I feel like all the Slytherins and Gryffindors are somewhat interchangeable, given how close those two houses seem to be. I also refuse to change my stance on Ravenclaw Killer. The lack of braincells that he has active at any given time makes the sorting funny, but he does use them sometimes, which is why he's there.

If you want to see what I have to say about certain Sanses, you can always request them. I'm likely going to stop after Pt 4, in which I'll be covering the remaining CQ bros, Ccino, Crop, Reaper, and maybe TK and Lust.

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6 months ago

Bite-Sized: Lost Part 2

I forgot to post this on tumblr!! I'm so sorryyyy 😭😭😭

I'm planning on updating Bite-Sized some time soon, so I knew I had to catch it up on my tumblr

Here's the final part of B-S: Lost

Everything was white. Now, that wasn't an unusual statement, given that the brothers lived in Snowdin, but the white here felt... aggressive. Like it was waiting to each the child whole. Papy wasn't here either. The child gripped the tails of his scarf after he stumbled to his feet. He was wearing those dumb pink boots and feeling more than a bit foolish. The Underground was very small and it wasn't easy to get lost. Unless you got to close to Temmie Village. He always got lost around Temmie Village. Luckily, there was a very simple trick for finding your way around Snowdin. Just walk! Eventually you'll hit a path, or tree, or monster, or even the walls of the Underground! Or wind up outside of Snowdin, but it wasn't that hard to just go back in.

So the small skeleton child started to wander. Deeper and deeper he went into the nothingness. He didn't know how much time was passing, or even if it was. The more he walked, the more he feared he had left the Underground entirely. If worst came to worst, Papy would find him and he'd be grounded until the barrier was broken. The boy shook his head and continued forward. No, he'd find his way back home. He'd done it hundreds of times before.


"dude. i'm telling you, boss speaks in capitals. he's totally the papyrus of him and dream."

"the hell? no he doesn't. both him and dream just have normal monster speak. they don't even have specific fonts." Dust cuffed Killer on the head.

"dream said that he didn't speak like that until after ink found him. so nighty is the paps," The Sans puffed out his chest as if he had just spilled some great secret of the multiverse. Dust groaned.

"you don't even talk to dream,"

"well, dream told ink, and ink told error. error told me."

"ink's memory cannot be trusted." Dust growled out. The two stopped walking when they came across a splash of black in an otherwise barren wasteland of white. "speaking of ink," Killer stared at the spot of paint that had clearly once been a portal. "where do you think he went?"

"knowing him? probably off on some adventure with "broomie" or some shit." That got a laugh out of Dust. "hey, you think he's still around?" Dust shrugged. "if he is and i catch him-"



"no." Dust sighed. "last time i made a bet with you, i was doing your chores for a month," The shorter skeleton glared. Killer wore a too-wide grin that promised only mischief.

"it'll be different this time, honest," He held one hand over his heart and another in the air. Dust huffed and shoved past him. "if i find him, you owe me a set of knives from that market au, the one with the giants. and if i don't, i hop over to that little alchemist au you like so much and get you... um..."

"if it's the ingredients for napalm, again, i'm torching your room,"

"i'll get you the stuff for those smoke bombs you're always making crossy," Killer stuck his hand out. Dust looked at it warily before finally deciding to shake it. Killer whooped and ran off. Dust shook his head. Missions with Killer were always something. He was loud and obnoxious, but also highly effective in battle. Though he has a horrible habit of not looking before he leaps. Cross and Nightmare were both far better mission partners, and Epic when the guy was around. But because Nightmare was a literal deity and Cross himself was a highly trained guard, as well as an out code, they went on solo missions more often than not.


Killer hadn't expected Dust to follow him. He was probably the laziest of the Sanses that Nightmare kept around. If he could avoid walking, he would. And it wasn't like Dust was the one looking for Ink.

Staring down at the small child, Killer was kind of wishing he had dragged Dust with him.

"sooo," Killer started, grabbing the kid's attention. His face was... off-putting, to say the least. The gaping hole on top and glowing red eyelight was starting to freak Killer out, just a little bit. Not that he'd ever tell anyone. Besides, this was a kid, what's the worst that could happen. The kid looked up, tilting his head in a puppy-like manner. "whatcha doin' out here on your own?" The kid fiddled with his scarf tails. Oh man. Killer really hoped he hadn't lost his Papyrus. "lookin' for your bro?" The child regarded the question for a moment before nodding. "cool. cool." There was a moment of silence. "you got a name?" No response. "know how you got here?" Still nothing. Killer was betting on the bugger having fallen through Ink's portal. Or maybe he was just an outcode. At least he was on the right track. Maybe. Killer was sorely tempted to abandon the child, a perfect set of knives was on the line here. Worst came to worst, he could just pick the child up on his way back. So he left without any moral qualms.

Dust, on the other hand, had been slowly following Killer, not trusting him to not do something stupid. He was far behind the target-souled Sans, but Killer stopped long enough for Dust to have nearly caught up. Which means he saw the idiot up and leave the kid. Dust quickened his pace and approached the child.

"hey buddy," Dust said softly, kneeling to be on the child's level. "you doing okay?" The kid looked back to where Killer had gone. "don't mind him. i'm dust." Dust stuck out a hand. The kid shook it. His hands were so small and felt fragile and flaky, almost like he had been starved. "what's your name?" There was a moment of silence.

"h-horror?" The kid, Horror, sounded uncertain. Dust couldn't correct the kid, he didn't know if his name was Sans or even something else entirely.

"well horror, do you mind if i pick you up? i gotta catch up to my friend before he goes and does something dumb," Horror giggled and nodded. Dust gently scooped the child into his arms and tried to ignore just how light he was. Horror yawned and snuggled into Dust's scarf, eyes fluttering shut. Dust smiled at the kid before turning to where Killer had disappeared to and frowned. That bastard had a lot to answer for.

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6 months ago

Bite-Sized: Meet the Gang

More Bite-Sized content I forgot to post...

Cross was sitting outside the palace sharpening his blades. The day was unusually nice for this forgotten AU, the sky a brilliant blue with the local wildlife roaming around. Far too often the place was practically flooding with how much it rained. The sun might as well have not existed for how little it was seen. But today was nice and calm. Or it was.

"why are you mad at me?!" Killer's whiny voice broke the illusion of peace. Cross sighed and sheathed his dagger, he was not putting up with this.

"you abandoned a child, killer!!" Cross froze in his tracks. What?

"i did not abandon him. i was gonna come back!" A smack rang out. Ohhhh, Dust was pissed. Usually, when upset, Dust would simmer slowly, working up some plan to get revenge, which often resulted in humiliation for the unfortunate party. But for him to lash out right away? Cross shivered. Dust was stronger than most people realized, magically and physically, which meant Killer would be feeling that for the foreseeable future.

"dude! what the f-" Another slap. Cross winced. Maybe he should go break that up.

"language." Dust growled. The royal guard slowly made his way to the voices, but that turned out to be unnecessary, as the two bickering skeletons appeared from the trees only moments later. Killer was sporting a bruise on his face roughly the shape and size of Dust's hand. Dust, meanwhile, looked perfectly unharmed, but had a small child in his arms. The kid looked far more injured than the two adults they were with, a jagged hole in their skull and a far too thin frame. They looked warm, however, with a puffy blue snow jacket and pink boots. There was also a red scarf tied in a neat bow. Cross's soul sunk. That meant the kid was a Sans, one who had likely lost their Papyrus.

Dust spotted Cross and waved him over. The guard was a bit hesitant, but eventually joined his teammates.

"we found traces of ink during our patrol. just outside of ccino's au. no idea if he stuck around, but he somehow managed to bring a child with him. we think." Cross nodded as Dust gave the report. This would typically be given to Nightmare, but- Cross stared at the kid.

"We have leftover soup in the fridge. Since Killer's been with you, the kitchen's still in one piece." Dust nodded and hurried into the palace. Killer stayed behind.

"what do ya think boss is gonna say?" Cross tilted his head in consideration.

"Chances are he's going to try and find the kid's AU. If he can't..." He allows a moment to get his point across. Killer sucks in a breath. "He's totally giving your room to the kid." Killer lets out an offended squawk as Cross teleports up to Nightmare's study, ready to give Dust's report.


Why was it that even the simplest tasks were made difficult by the absolute idiots that lived in this palace? Nightmare stared at Dust, who was heating up soup on the stove. A common sight, as no one really knew how to make much more that soups and sandwiches. What was different was the child balanced on Dust's hip, fast asleep. Dust turned and saw Nightmare, who probably looked like he crawled out of a bog.

"want a cup of tea, boss?" Nightmare only nodded before leaving the kitchen. He sat down at the ridiculously large dining table and planted his face into the smooth wood. This week had been harder than most. The balance was teetering dangerously over the edge, Dream and Ink having decided to work overtime. Error was finally taking a break, actually sleeping in his bed for once, rather than stringing up a hammock to prevent any of the gang from bothering him. Not that anyone would do so, the poor outcode was so very, very tired.

A few minutes later, a teacup and bowl were set next to Nightmare's head. He turned to face Dust, who was settling the child into a chair. The guardian reached for his cup and sipped at it slowly. Dust roused the child. Now that they weren't nestled in Dust's arm, it was easy to see they were a Sans of some kind. Nightmare's attention was instantly drawn to the old head wound that took up most of the child's skull. Bleary sockets opened, revealing a singular glowing red eyelight, much larger than what was standard.

"horror? you up buddy?" The child gave a weak nod. Dust pushed the soup into his hands. "wanna eat?" Horror seemed to wake up more at that, gently taking the bowl, careful not to spill. Once the child was occupied with his food, Dust turned to Nightmare. "found him wandering the anti-void. likely slipped through ink's portal," Nightmare gave a tired nod.

"Any idea where he's from?" Dust shook his head. Nightmare sighed and pulled himself up from his seat. "I shall prepare him a room." The guardian looked thoughtful. "Cross has your report, does he not?" Dust flushed purple. "Very well. I will have to hunt him down. You see to it that the child is tended to,"

As it turns out, Nightmare was able to complete both tasks with ease, having crossed paths with Cross on his way to find a room. The report was brief, as expected, and gave little insight on the situation. Ink was prone to forgetting why he was in an AU and hopping across the multiverse to enter another one. Which meant the child could be from anywhere. With luck, Error would be able to narrow it down.

Most of the rooms in the palace were, in many ways, childproof. At the same time, they were also quite dangerous. The rooms next to Dust's and the lab were remarkably clean, free of sharp objects, uneven furniture, and any visible electrical outlets, wires or the like. But most of them had been exposed to any number of hazardous material and one of them was missing a wall. Closer to Killer's suite, the rooms were rigged with all manner of failed pranks. But were otherwise perfectly harmless. Error's wing was the safest, the Sans being a bit of a neat freak. However, Error did not like people. Unfortunate for Horror, he was a people. Nightmare would prefer the child stay away from his own end of the palace as his negative aura might impact them.

Cross, on the other hand, had a room next to his that was not only clean, but intact and out of harm's way. Nightmare had little regard for what Cross himself might think. And with that, the prince started moving things to the new room.


Dust hadn't taken his eyes off of Horror. The kid was eating like he had been starved. Which, wasn't as unlikely as Dust would've hoped. He'd seen the Multiverse, he'd visited some of the worst universes. The poor kid could have been from one of those.

Once the bowl was clean, he reached a hand out to Dust. He made a little grabby fist that had Phantom cooing over Dust's shoulder.

"papy! i'm done!" Dust froze. That was. That sure wasn't the name Dust gave Horror earlier. Phantom looked over his brother, the still living skeleton having turned a strange pale color.

"my- my name's dust, remember?" Horror tilted his head like a confused puppy and nodded. "you're done, right?" He nodded again. "'aight. then lets go see what room nightmare's picked out for you," Dust scooped the kid in his arms and made his way upstairs. Nightmare had hung a small, basic sign that had Horror's name on it in glittery calligraphy.  Dust didn't even know Boss had glitter pens. He'd have to steal those later.

Dust rapped on the door. Nightmare opened it, revealing the room. It was large, as all the guest rooms were, but had been hastily decorated with a bookshelf, desk, soft crimson bed sheets, and matching curtains. A few of Error's crochet creatures sat on the bed next to puffy pillows. A shark onesie was laid out as well. Glow-in-the-dark stars dotted the ceiling and Dust had to wonder where Nightmare got all these things. Because there also happened to be a small basket of toys, none of which were in the palace prior. There were dinosaurs and cars and dolls, as well as an unusual amount of sharks, Dust would ask about that later.

"look at this!" Dust swept his arm in a grand gesture, hoping to draw all of Horror's attention to the room. "it's all for you!" He set the kid down and turned to leave the room immediately. Nightmare snagged him by the shoulder, shooting the Sans a questioning glance. They both looked at Horror, who had toddled over to the bed, gently gathering the plushies into his arms. "i just... need a minute boss," And with that, Dust left.

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5 months ago

Путину 70 лет

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2 years ago


what’s wrong with psychopaths

they’re people too

and although they’re sick

and probably want to kill you

or manipulate the shit out of you

why do i still love them so much

there’s something so attractive

about the seemingly lifeless

wanting to protect your life

am i wrong?

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10 months ago

Everyone: Happy bday killer

Killer: wait it’s my birthday?

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10 months ago
Line Art Of The Bday Boy. Gonna Colour It In Now

Line art of the bday boy. Gonna colour it in now

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10 months ago
Happy Bday Killer.

Happy bday killer.

Drew him in a tree being a goofy goober.

I swear to god I’m trying my best.

Jokes on you autism I’m doing my little doodles no matter how bad you make my hand eye coordination.

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9 years ago
A Preview Of The New Series I Am Creating For My #patreon , Scary Kids. Its About Kids With Killer Tools

A preview of the new series I am creating for my #patreon , Scary Kids. Its about kids with killer tools and killing machines, because the cute can be scary ! #photooftheday #sketching #instaart #artoftheday #fantasyart #fanart #manga #sketch #sketches #anime #portrait #saatchi #art #drawing #animeart #mangaart #gameart #gazia #illustration #art #man #god #cyborg #inking #ink #inked #kids #cute #kawai #killer #cats #pencilart

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8 years ago
How To Get A Killing Machine In Three Easy Steps Part Two (Klaus Edition)
How To Get A Killing Machine In Three Easy Steps Part Two (Klaus Edition)
How To Get A Killing Machine In Three Easy Steps Part Two (Klaus Edition)

How to get a killing machine in three easy steps part two (Klaus Edition)

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1 year ago
It's About That Time Again... "Who You Need Me To Kill, Boss?" - The Jovi

It's about that time again... "Who you need me to kill, Boss?" - The Jovi

#BunJovi #MurderBun

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