Trashawrites - Tumblr Posts

4 months ago

Trasha’s Masterlist aka Shameless Self Promotion


Ok soo you should know by now this is 100% Supernatural. Sorry not sorry. I’m proud of this shit so you should read it.  None of my stuff is for the underage so consider yourself warned, also that profanity is my best friend and messed up scenarios and trigger stuff is the hill I’m gonna die on. 

Numba One Stunna aka My FAV

World Without End aka the impressive title came first lol   13 Chapters


Summary: AU that’s mostly canon, with some tweaks, timeline is close up to end of Season 13.   A collection of broken almosts, love, and sacrifice. What would you do to save the people you love? Who are you really doing it for?

  Pairing/Appearance: Dean x Reader; Michael! Dean

Part 1: Nothing Gold Can Stay

Part 2: Both Shelter and Warning

Part 3: The Road to Hell

Part 4: Tempis Fugit

Part 5: An Inch of Nothing

Part 6: Casts Long Shadows

Part 7: Burnt Offerings

Part 8: Putting Out the Stars

Part 9: Funeral Drums

Part 10: Gathering Henbane for a Crown

Part 11: Hiraeth

Part 12: Love Never Saved Anyone

Part 13: Cold and Broken Hallelujah

The rest are in chronological order as far as when they were written. Also I ran out of ways to be clever and inventing an entire award system for myself seemed slightly vain. Slightly.



My one shot for @stunudo Jam basket- ABO- FUCK OR DIE


The Midnight Gospel

Written for the @cabin-fever-bang prompt- Milkman Dean 1940’s AU



Five By Five

My attempt to do a SPN/BUFFY crossover for @thoughtslikeaminefield Bday challenge.  One and done because this turned out to be hard as hell for me.


Beautiful Loser - Commission Piece for @indecisive20something 

Aka how Dean learned the sexy ropes- Finished!

Part One

Part Two


The Things We Lost in the Fire  Series- Ongoing!

AKA my attempt at SPN Dark Bingo

Series Masterlist

Common Tongue

Ashes to Ashes

Because I’m Hungry and Hollow

The Killing Fields- Part One

The Killing Fields- Part 2

Losing My Religion

The Cain Instinct

Hell, Not Hallelujah

Make Me A Believer



 When Wishes Bleed

Shines for You 


Strange Gifts  aka Michael being a dick

Angsty One Shot for Michael!Cember


The Last Day aka Supernatural does Groundhog Day

Angsty one shot? from the perspective of the person who usually doesn’t survive the opening credits (Image Credit : Jen Bervin’s book Nets, which contains erasures of Shakespeare’s sonnets)


Teeth aka Tricia’s nightmare fodder

Horror one shot based on a true story, High school aged Winchesters and similar aged reader


Its a Surprise! aka horror with technology most of you won’t recognize

Horror One shot based on a creepy photo of a VHS tape

Vantablack 2.0 aka Tricia’s nightmare fodder numero dos


Horror one shot of the scariest color. I know that sounds dumb but its worth it

Everything and Nothing  aka haven’t looked at it since I wrote it but you should- look at that pouty fucker- you wanna disappoint him?


My first challenge piece. Dean’s a dick and everyone’s sad

The Things They Carried aka look at me I know things and I drink


Character Studies, this is my OG shit so production value is low but I like the content. Dean, Sam, Mary, and Cas

The Old Way aka the thing that started out as SPN and became too autobiographical so I abandoned it like my feelings

The first fanfic, still wanna come back to it eventually. If you wanna long read here ya go. Also I have no festive picture for this, that’s how old it is

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