Ts4 Bear - Tumblr Posts

White Bear Restaurant
I’m ice cream bear ! And,You scream with a bear !
Ice cream ! You scream !
I scream ! I get crazy with ice cream !
Ice cream on a hot day is awesome.However,on cold day eating ice cream in warm room is also the best! It is very luxurious....Well, it's delicious even on a day not hot or not cold. Hmm...when it is bliss.
A bear who loves ice cream fanatically ! Opened a restaurant !
Lot Size: 30×20
Lot Type: Restaurant
Or, You canfind it in my library. My origin ID: flyingman6th
Please: Don't be mean, re-upload, or claim it as yours. I believe you :)
Special Thanks! Pose@Moc

Knotn's Pancake
Special Thanks!
『しろくまちゃんのほっとけーき』 わかやまけん こぐま社
Cooking Pose@nagallz
Bowl&Whip acc@Rounblr
Bear costume@Dani Paradise
Hot cake(Pancake)@Simadako
Animal Beanie@SimLaughLove

Hello! I ’m Sunny Oriza. Today we jumped out of SUNNY SIDE UP RADIO STATION and came to the FOREST BEAR RESTAURANTS which is now a hot topic! And he is Mr Bears, the representative director of Bears Group, who runs this restaurant. It is a great pleasure to meet you, Mr Bears!
S: This restaurant ... bear, bear, bear, excuse me, why bear?
B: I wanted to be a bear. from long ago!
S: ...That makes sense. Okay, Which one would you recommend to me?
B: The restaurant serves fresh meat, so a simple steak is recommended. Of course, rare steak is preferred.
S: Uh-huh, it will definitely be delicious!
B: You have to choose between. It’s eat or be eaten.
S: ...Oh, unfortunately it is the end time. Thank you for taking the time to interview!
B: Likewise, thank you for coming to my restaurant today. By the way, I host a bear-only hunting club called BEARS. In the hut there, we dismantle the prey once a week and eat it with club members. Please take care on your way back.
Lot Size: 40×30
Lot Type: Restaurant
※Other restaurants run by Bears Group→Here
You can find it in my library→My origin ID: flyingman6th

Mr. Bears visits the second Kuma restaurant.
Sunny, hurry up! As a bear enthusiast, I have to go for an inspection! Come together!
The second Kuma restaurant(くまのレストラン2号店) @silver-lining0000
Thank you so much for the cute and exciting restaurant💖
Mr. Bears decided to increase the number of stores so that he would not lose to Kumanotencho🐻

🐻 Rumored old folk house cafe 🍵
Mr. Bears and his acquaintance, Sunny, have come to the rumored cafe to scout. (He's stripping of his fur to hide his identity.) The builders and staff insist that this cafe has nothing to do with the "くま店長" but there is a lot of evidence. We're very interested in about that, but since we have friendships with くま店長, we will not pursue it any further.🍯
※This cafe was created by @silver-lining0000 !💕 Thank you so much for a wonderful cafe with a sense of fun and quaint atmosphere!
🐻ベアーズ氏が最後に偉そうに言っていますが、あのLOTの説明文がめっちゃ気になってついこんな話になりました。路地から入っていく感じのワクワク感や、吹き抜けの梁の光の入り方とか!Willow Creekの柳が見える窓席の雰囲気とか!とても素敵で楽しかったです!!fuchiさん、共有して下さりありがとうございました💖