Ts4 Factory Arts Center - Tumblr Posts

Favorite Pics of 2016
I was tagged to post my favorite pics that I’ve taken in 2016. Thanks for the tag @jenba and thanks for always being so welcoming and nice.
After years of intending to build in the game and create my own blog, this was the year I finally got around to it. This year hasn’t been the easiest for me (I had two injuries and a few family tragedies) but my simblr and the sims community has brought me a lot of happiness. I hope this new year brings only the best to all you amazing simmers out there!
I tag @phyresimblr, @fixitjules, @tinwhistletoo, @thosefuckingsims, @alexpilgrimblog, @litttlecakes, @slythersim, @ariel-simmies and anyone who would like to do this.

Sorry Don Lothario, you’re barking up the wrong tree…
In the media lab of the Factory Arts Center. Don: Here I am surrounded by all this art and you are the most beautiful thing I have seen! Nayeli: Um, that’s nice of you to say but I have a girlfriend. Don: Of everything I have seen, it’s you I want to go on seeing… I want to do to you what Spring does with the cherry trees. I just came up with that! Your beauty inspires the words to flow from my lips, lips which should be caressing… Nayeli: Hold up, didn’t Pablo Neruda write that? Anyways, I’m Latina so the whole “latin lover” spiel doesn’t fool me. But I think I see Katrina Caliente over there, I’m sure she’d eat that up. Don: Oh no, do you think she saw us? Luna: Wow, loverboy over here is shameless!