Ts4 Tag - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Sims Tag

Tagged' by @kissalopa !

What’s your favourite sims death? Augh most of my sims die to drowning, I don't have a fave, cause I hate that they die… But, most memorable was when I realized they could die in the ocean and lost 3 teenage sims that way lol.

Alpha CC or Maxis Match? A bit of both sometimes (especially with food clutter). But mostly MM.

Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? Nope, we all gain weight eventually, that's realistic. LOL

Do you use move objects? Always, it's a necessity!

Favorite mod? Anything and everything by LittleMsSam

First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? Get to work

Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? huh? I guess ALIVE. I think that's correct <_<

Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? I made a blonde bombshell scientist once who I played for ages, but I lost her when my computer crashed :( Tanya! hehe

Have you made a simself? Yes, she didn't last long Hahaha.

What sim traits do you give yourself? Gloomy, Foodie, Geek

Which is your favorite EA hair color? Probably pink!

Favorite EA hair? That first ombre hair that came out kinda wavy, that everyone makes modified versions of! LOL

Favorite life stage? Young Adult

Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? Both, though I lean towards builder.

Are you a CC creator? Not exactly, I make recolors and edits sometimes.

Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? Nope, I'd love to though!

What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4) Sims 2!

Do you have any sims merch? I wishhh! I should get some!

Do you have a YouTube for sims? Nope

How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? I used to not use much cc at all, now I use lots.

What’s your Origin ID? Miyrax

Who’s your favorite CC creator? Ahh it's hard to pick a favorite, I love Trillyke, and a lot of japanese creators for objects.

How long have you had a simblr? My original simblr opened up in December 2012, so almost 11 years!

How do you edit your pictures? Just photoshop/Gimp or online tools. I use reshade now so I usually don't edit the photos much.

What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? I own them all except the kits. Refuse to buy kits.

What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? Snowy Escape! Tagging anyone who reads this, and wants to participate! Happy Simming!

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8 years ago
5 Random Facts About Luna Diosa
5 Random Facts About Luna Diosa

5 Random Facts about Luna Diosa

Thanks for the tag @alexpilgrimblog!

List 5 facts about your most favorite sim of yours, and tag 10 simblrs whose sims you adore.

I’m especially attached to my witch sim Luna Diosa, so here are five random facts about her:

Her name means moon goddess in Spanish.

Her favorite colors are purple and black.

Her favorite song is Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac.  She loves to blast the song while dancing around her house.

She communicates telepathically with animals and plants.  She is an outspoken supporter of cowplants and believes that they have been unfairly maligned.  Her dream is to open a sanctuary to rehabilitate troubled cowplants.

When she is stressed, she takes leisurely walks in cemeteries at dusk to calm herself.

There are so many simblrs whose sims I adore that it is difficult to choose.  I tag anyone who would like to do this.

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8 years ago
Favorite Pics Of 2016
Favorite Pics Of 2016
Favorite Pics Of 2016
Favorite Pics Of 2016
Favorite Pics Of 2016
Favorite Pics Of 2016
Favorite Pics Of 2016
Favorite Pics Of 2016
Favorite Pics Of 2016
Favorite Pics Of 2016

Favorite Pics of 2016

I was tagged to post my favorite pics that I’ve taken in 2016.  Thanks for the tag @jenba and thanks for always being so welcoming and nice.

After years of intending to build in the game and create my own blog, this was the year I finally got around to it.  This year hasn’t been the easiest for me (I had two injuries and a few family tragedies) but my simblr and the sims community has brought me a lot of happiness.  I hope this new year brings only the best to all you amazing simmers out there!

I tag @phyresimblr, @fixitjules, @tinwhistletoo, @thosefuckingsims, @alexpilgrimblog, @litttlecakes, @slythersim, @ariel-simmies and anyone who would like to do this.

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6 years ago
Thanks For Tagging Me @retro-pixels & @thespangleway

Thanks for tagging me @retro-pixels​ & @thespangleway​ ♥

Answer the 12 questions (There’s 12 months in a year… so why not?) and tag 5 other simblrs!  ❄️🍂🌼☀️

1. What is your favorite season? It’s a tie between Spring & Autumn. 🌸🍃

2. Do you prefer warmer or colder weather?  Colder weather; I get really grumpy when it’s too hot.

3. What do you do on a rainy day?  Nest at home… reading books or magazines in bed while listening to the sound of rain outside my window or every so often throwing on my rainboots and splashing in puddles. 🌧️

4. How is a typical winter where you live? Cold or not?  It never truly feels like winter where I live in Northern California (no snow, ever) but it does get chilly during the night.

5. Have you ever experienced snow?  Yes, it’s magical.  ❄️

6. True or false? “I LOVE RAIN!” True, but only when I can stay indoors. ☔

7. What is your go to food in the summer?  Fruit, salads, and paletas (especially strawberry, watermelon, or pineapple).

8. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?  Pistachio, caramel fleur de sel, Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food.  🍦

9. Coffee, tea or cocoa? EVERYTHING?  Definitely everything (also add hot apple cider).  ☕️

10. Describe your favorite seasonal clothing item?  The minute I feel the slightest hint of Autumn, I’m eagerly anticipating all the cozy, warm sweater coats, scarves, and boots.   🍂

11. What is your favorite Holiday?  Christmas and Halloween

12. If you were a season, which one would you be?  Autumn  🍁

I tag @alexpilgrimblog, @catsaar, @javitrulovesims, @astrasouls, @annabellee25 and anyone who wants to do this tag.

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5 years ago

15 Questions to Tag 15 People

I was tagged by wayyy too many people so I guess I’ll do this thing lol

@x-pipco-x @prossims @viaearthling @buttahflisims @plantainloaf @kissalopa @icydiamond-simz

Sorry if I’m a little late! And thank you for the tags <3

1. Are you named after anyone? Yes, my Great Aunt Amelia. I know my tumblr says I go by Mia, but Amelia is my actual full name. Mia is just shorter and easier sometimes (Thank you to The Princess Diaries) 2. When was the last time you cried?  I think it was at the ending of NBC’s “The Good Place”. Or basically when anything I’m watching gets even a little bit sad. 3. Do you have kids?  No, not yet. 4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?  DUH! It’s a problem. Or is it? 5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?  Usually their eyes or their smile. I find the way someone carries themselves (their mannerisms and such) tells a lot about them, too. 6. What’s your eye color?  Light green, they look almost blue sometimes. 7. Scary Movie or happy ending?  Scary movie all the way :P 8. Any Special Talent?  Hmm... not particularly? Idk, I guess one thing is I’m a pretty quick learner so it’s usually easy for me to figure out how to do something new. I’m pretty determined too, if I don’t get it right the first time I’ll try until I do! 9. What Country were you born in?  The United States 10. What are your hobbies?  Questions like this make me wonder if I actually DO have any hobbies! With my free time I mainly play sims and spend time with my boyfriend and our pup. I usually end up playing video games when I go to his house too, either sims or something on his Xbox. We also do regular boring people things: go out to eat, watch tv/movies, go to the park with the pup, things like that. I’m not sure but do those count as hobbies? 11. Do you have any pets?  YES. I'm co-raising a German Shepherd named Zoey with my boyfriend, she’s a little less than a year old. I also have 2 Persian cats named Ollie and Phineas and often help my mom with her dog, a crazy bananas Australian Shepherd named Puck. 12. What sports do you play/have you played?  Lol, pshhh sports. I’ve played almost everything you can think of but hated every minute of it except for high school track. My mom wanted me to “try different things” when I was growing up. But now that I’m grown I don’t do any sports related things whatsoever. 13. How tall are you?  5'4″ 14. Favorite Subjects in School?  I was always really good at English, writing papers and such comes naturally to me. I used to correct my classmates’ papers to earn extra money in college ;) 15. Dream Job?  I think it would be really cool to be a Marine Biologist. I love watching nature documentaries and have seen pretty much all the ones on Netflix. But, life is leading me towards either Real Estate or being partnered with my brother in our own company.

I tag anyone and everyone who wants to do this and hasn’t already!

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