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My babies got an upgrade! Nookstone ➡️ Springscape I’ve been working on this makeover ALL DAY. Most of the furniture is from their old home but bought some new stuff too. That doctor salary is finally starting to pay off 🩺💊 Best part? The pool duh

First order of business after moving to a new house? Gotta break in the new bed of course 😅 And no, Flora hasn’t completed the Collector aspiration yet. She needs to complete a collection which is taking forever

Flora is really enjoying being a new mom 💖🥺

That is all. Carry on

Random/not really lepacy related
A very preggers Katrina Caliente walked by wearing an actually decent game-generated hot weather outfit. And it suits her personality too!
Color me surprised

Mojave grew up and he’s cute as a button (even if he’s basically a clone of his big sister)! His toddler trait is charmer 💖

As promised!🎶🎵🎶🎵 Had to get a picture of Sahara in her jimmy jams bc cuteness Flora and Johnny spend most of their time doing things you do with 2 toddlers in the house. Props for keeping the romance alive, guys Also, excuse me... WHY 😭 IS 2 NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU FOOLS?!

I noticed the vendor by their house is an alien too, and decided Flora needs a fellow alien friend! She greeted him with a weird handshake and then promptly absorbed his soul with her alien magiks 😂😂😂 Also, our poor founder is STILL trying to complete the Collector aspiration. Turning out to be much harder than anticipated 🙄

It’s ok Flora, I don’t like the stupid little hat either 😂 Flora had a very eventful day at work and her new alien buddy came to visit because he wasn’t doing so well. But, Doctor Assistant Nurse Flora came to the rescue! She also got promoted to R.N.!

It’s Sahara’s birthday! Her traits are outgoing, cat lover, and loves the outdoors. Her aspiration is Rambunctious Scamp. Since Sahara’s a cat lover, her parents got her a kitten for her birthday! His name is Ollie and he’s already got orange cat energy

Lazy Saturdays 💖
I really love this family, they all autonomously came together to watch a movie, even the cat joined in!

Upon going into labor, Flora thought it was a good idea to go relax in the pool. I forced her to get out to resume your regularly scheduled birthing 🤣
Welcome to the simworld, Gobi Desert Fox! The third (and hopefully last) little greenie of this generation 👽🤞

I SWEAR TO GOD the only thing Sahara wants to do is make messes! Flora is fed up with her and so am I 😡 Also not really sure what happened with Johnny...? There was a chance card and I picked randomly. Next thing I know he’s at the top of the Comedian career?! He was like level 5 before this! Quite unfortunate for Nancy Landgraab though 🤣

Gobi aged up, look at his chubby widdle cheeks I love him! His toddler trait is charmer. Ollie the kitty aged up too! Still rockin that orange cat energy 😺🤣

Like, you look cute and everything but I want to f🤬🤬🤬end you Just look how smug Mojave is
#toddler blues

So, I took my eyes off my sims for 10 MINUTES
When I returned, Flora was talking to her lover? Who is this mysterious lover? Sahara was making a mess as usual and Johnny was getting ABDUCTED BY ALIENS?!?! What I guess the in-laws want to meet him? I don’t know what happened just go with it
Byeeee Johnny have fun meeting your in-laws! 👽👽

Johnny’s visit with the in-laws went well, he came back all smiley. Except he doesn’t realize they left him with a little present 👽 Get to Work EP Get abducted by aliens✅ It’s also Mojave’s birthday! He grew up to be a clone of his older sister. Look at them side-by-side. Twins? TWINS. His traits are lazy, geek and clumsy so basically me. His aspiration is Whiz Kid.

The latest news: everyone is busy being cute as usual 💗 Also, Johnny knows something is up with his gut, but he’s not quite sure what it is yet. And Sahara completed her childhood aspiration! Mojave, you’d better clean up your 50th mess of the day FFS 😡

Random update/cute kid appreciation time!
Flora also got promoted and is now a real actual doctor! She gets to wear a little lab coat and everything 💖

EVERY TIME I think it’s time for bby, I’m wrong! What’s with the glowy belly?! Being preggers is NOT agreeing with poor Johnny. He’s very cranky