Tsireya Imagine - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Hey guys!! Recently I’ve had writers block, and I don’t have any new ideas to write. I’ve been wanting to write for some of the other characters like Lo’ak,Ao’nung.

Or even some of the adults like Neytiri and Jake 🤷🏾‍♀️. Please send any requests that you may want from the fandom I’m currently working with (Avatar:TWOW)!

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2 years ago

Tsireya x Reader where the reader is from the Omaticaya Clan. They like each other but they are scared of Ronals reaction.


Tsireya x Lo’ak where their relationship blooms after the war.

Either one is fine thank you😝

Tsireya X Reader Where The Reader Is From The Omaticaya Clan. They Like Each Other But They Are Scared

“Afraid” || Avatar,TWOW

Synopsis:you and your family arrive to seek safely from the Metkayina clan. During your stay,you’ve started seeing one of the locals in a different way..

Warnings: Theres fluff at the beginning, but at the end it’s angst!

Notes: I didn’t know which gender you would prefer. So I made the reader Gender Neutral! Thank you for the request anon! 💛

© 2023 whatisthatmae - please do not steal my work,upload, nor copy any of it on any other websites. All of the rights of my work goes to me. If you have any inspiration please tag me as well!

You and Tsireya are both 18 years old!


You and your family left your home to seek safety away from the Sky people. It was sad leaving your home,but you knew it was for the best to keep your family safe. You didn’t exactly know where you all were going to go but it seemed like your father did.

You all traveled through eclipse and through storm. Your Ikran was getting tired of flying but then you say ahead a place which looked like…a reef? You didn’t know what exactly your father has lead you all here for so you were just confused. When you all were approaching you saw the people of the clan. Which they look very different from what you were used to seeing.

You landed on the island and all of their clan all of a sudden showed up. Their faces were kind of giving us mixed signals. Some were looking like they were confused,while others gave looks of disapproval. You all landed your Ikrans on the sandy shore and as you all got off,your father being the first to step foot on the land walked towards the people with his hands raised as if to show peace.

The locals kept staring and after a few minutes you’ve gotten uncomfortable but luckily your older brother Neteyam saw your discomfort and stood beside you to shield you from their eyes. You look around the place trying to take it all in when your eyes landed on something in the water.

It seemed to be a person, a beautiful one in fact. You were starting at her for awhile as she moved out of the water,it was so hard to take you eyes off of her. As she fully came out of the water the two of you made eye contact for a few seconds. “Hey” you said with a small smile. You tried to wave at her but your brother smacked your hand down as the Olo’eyktan showed up.

All she did in return was giggle at you and smile and you couldn’t help but feel all giddy inside as you watch your father and the Olo’eyktan talk. In the middle of their conversation a woman showed up, dressed in more finer clothes so she had to the Tsahik. After a while your father and the clan leader finally decided that you and your family would stay with the clan..as long as you all adapt.

He mentioned that his son & daughter will assist you all along the way. “My children, Ao’nung and Tsireya will be assisting your children to adapt to the water.” Then you looked to his side and there she was. You finally caught her name and smiled to yourself. It was a very beautiful name suited for her. “Come! I will show you our village.” She looked very excited to help us. You could just tell You’ll have a good time with her during all this.


It has been a few weeks of being with the Metkayina and you and your siblings have been learning well. Recently Tsireya has been giving you longing looks,staring a little too long at you. You obviously noticed a few times since she wasn’t even trying to be secretive about it. Don’t get me wrong, you have a HUGE crush on her,but your not as obvious.

There was one thing you had trouble with during your lessons that you just couldn’t get right and you were frustrated. Your breathing was still off and you couldn’t be under water as long as your siblings because of it.

Tsireya noticed that you weren’t following them under water the she looked up and there were your legs still in the water. She swam up next to you while you were still catching your breath. “Are you okay? Do you need any help?” She looked at you with her eyebrow muscles moving upward in question.

“No! I keep trying to get used to the breathing technique and it keeps failing!” Your lips pout for a moment and Tsireya giggles at this wit her hand up to her mouth. “It is fine. I will help you. How about tonight? I’m free then.” She looked at you in question again. You took this as your opportunity to make your move on her.

You were occupying yourself with things to do until it became eclipse. You were making a necklace for Kiri, you’ve seen her looking at these crystals in the ocean so you’ve gotten some for her. You hid the necklace under a blanket and headed out of your Marui.

You walked a long the shore for a while and soon enough,you saw her on a rock in the waters. So you swam up to her smiling and she gave you a warm smile back. You pulled your self on the rock and sat criss crossed.

“We will start with you lesson now.” She said as she gently put her hand on your stomach and chest. “Breathe in slowly.” You feel your heart beat faster because of how close she is to your face. “Your heart rate is very fast. Calm down.” Smiling gently you nodded as if determined.

You tried to slow your heart beat down but it failed. She looked up at you in your eyes without saying anything. It was like a silent plea she gave you and before you two know it your kissing in the middle of the night. Her hand on your waist and your hand behind her neck to pull her closer to you.

Unfortunately,you had to part ways to breathe. You looked at each other with so much adoration for each other. “I will see you tomorrow at our lessons.” She smiled at your brightly and swam back to shore in no time. You waited for her to leave before you sighed like you were in love. After a while of waiting you swam back to shore and walked to your family’s Marui.


Over the next few days you and Tsireya have been doing that often. Even during the lessons, kissing behind huge rocks or coral reefs you name it. Both of your parents hav been suspicious of you two lately,seeing a change in your behaviors.

So, all four of them met up late at night to have a discussion about you two. “Do you think something is going on between them? They’ve both been acting the exact same, all giggly and happy.” Your mother said with a worries look on her face.

Tonowari sighed and said “I do think something is going on, the behavior was just so sudden.” Tonowari seemed more calm about this situation, meanwhile Ronal is not having it. She believed Tsireya needs to distractions during her Tsahik training and you were clearly on of them.

“I think we should keep that away from each other.” All of the parents look at her to continue. “It won’t be temporary, just until Tsireya becomes Tsahik in my place..I cannot have her having any distractions from that.” With a stern look on all of their faces they agree and nod their heads.


You and tsireya have been distant from each other lately. Nothing bad was going on between the two of you,but your tasks were just keeping you apart. You still try and make time for each other but it was never long, only a few minutes.

While you and Tsireya were walking past each other she stopped you and whispered in your ear “Come meet me at our spot tonight.” She said with a worried look. You nodded and kept walking ahead wondering what she was so worried about.


Surprisingly you swam to the rock first this time getting there before her. Usually she was always there before you. Hmm. Somethings definitely wrong. Sooner or later she shows up and apologizes for being late. “What did you need to discuss? When you came to me you seemed worried. What is wrong?” She sighed and looked down at her fingers.

“I don’t think we should do.. this anymore.” She gestures to you and her. Did she not like you anymore? Why would she do this? ”Why? Have I don’t something wrong? I promise I’ll fix it-” “No! it is not you. It is our parents. I think they’re onto us and..to my mother, becoming the Tsahik after her means everything to her. I don’t want to let her down.” Looking down, you understand want she meant, she thought you were being a distraction towards her and her goal.

“But just know,during anything ____ I see you.” She said witha genuine face but it was also full with hurt. “I see you Tsireya” you sniffled slightly and tried to give your best smile to her only to fail.

It hurt your heart knowing that you won’t be able to be together because of that,but you respect her and her wishes with a silent nod and tears coming down your face slowly. You got up and swam back to shore. “____! Wait!” She yelled after you but you just kept walking. Wiping your tears away.


The days after that, you and Tsireya never talked about anything other than the lessons it was something she forgot to show you all because it slipped her mind..because during that time she was with you.

You never look her way anymore. Never thought about her more than a helping guide on how to live there. The same goes for her, she is trying to keep her reputation up,& being with someone? Was not on the table.

I guess that’s just how it was going to be from now on..


Hello!! My first Angst story! I hope it was good enough for your tastes! My hands are really tired from writing,since I write all of my “stories” in just one time period. 😅

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