Tv Man - Tumblr Posts

we're just taking pictures.. (´∧ω∧`*)
and yes, I'm back from vacation

scientist tv man + black cat (﹡ˆ﹀ˆ﹡)♡

Я ненавижу рисовать фоны 2 ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚

В 74 серии на картинке с G-туалетом на фоне виден город, на крышах зданий есть антенны, а они, как известно, также символ ТВ-менов. Полагаю, внеземное происхождение ТВ-менов сейчас является наиболее правдоподобной теорией о том, откуда они пришли.
(episode 74), on the picture with the G-toilet the city is visible in the background; there are antennas on the roofs of buildings, and they, as you know, are also a symbol of TV men. I believe the extraterrestrial origin of the TV men is now the most plausible theory about where they came from. (I'm using a translator)
Skibidi dom dom dom yes yes Skibidi dabudi dip dip

I had never understood children for their fanaticism for Skibidi Toilet and I thought it was something absurd, however, a few days ago I saw a video of one of my favorite YouTubers, in context, he analyzed and commented on this very strange series, motivated by curiosity , I quickly went to see all the canonical chapters of Skibidi Toilet, the first chapter is too much XDD (I think it's up to the 20th), but then it was cinema! I got hooked on the lore and plot of it all, I love the TV man, the cameraman and all the good guys in general (Who was the idiot who came up with such a fucking good idea???). Anyway, unfortunately I don't feel that proud to be a fan of Skibidi Toilet because of their fandom, they are literally pure kids 11 years old and under (most of these kids are from Latam), but I still love all the content and I hope May it continue this well.

Damn, I'm really afraid something will happen to Titan Cameraman in part 4 (He's too hurt to fight)
P.S: I hope the Titan Cameraman doesn't go crazy and attack the Titan tv man, because he would easily die 😿💔