Tw Transmysoginy Mention - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

A little bit of a rant on Horikoshi and threats of violence against him so if you don’t want to read feel free to keep scrolling. Just as a heads up, it will contain mentions of murder, suicide, violence, and terrorism.

So I don’t know if this behaviour is present in every anime/manga fandom or if it is specifically the MHA fandom, but seriously what is up with some you saying that you’re going to kill or beat up Horikoshi. Like you do realize that’s a whole ass person right? There isn’t some robot writing the manga, it’s a guy, a literal human, you know with thoughts and feelings. Of course no author or piece of literature is free from criticism, but I feel like constructive criticism and saying an author should go and kill himself cause you don’t agree with some of the writing choices he makes, is not only cruel but just overall shitty behaviour.

One example of this behavior of is of some anime dude bro taking a photo of Horikoshi, placing it next to Osama bin Laden and writing in the captions something along the lines of “Spot the difference”. I can’t find the image now (because of course I can’t) but I think it’s pretty disturbing and outright weird to compare some mangaka whose writing choices you don’t like, to a literal terrorist who, y’know, killed people. Another perpetrator of this is that vocalpineapple guy (who has a huge following by the way) who also said that Horikoshi should go die because of what happened in the Bakugou death/revival arc.

This stuff isn’t even limited to the dudebros either, so called « progressives » « and leftists » do it as well (which is a whole other can of worms, also kinda funny how these people are mostly USA Americans and are from Western countries). They make violent threats such as the author should drop dead because he hid a transmisogynist?? And that they hate him and would like to kill him (or beat him up) if given the chance. And I don’t think people realize just how fucking extreme that is????? Like seriously you don’t like his manga? Criticize it, or better yet, hit da bricks! Go find something you enjoy, instead of going online and spouting hate against some guy.

And people might say, « Well why do you care so much ». It’s because I wonder, will this be the state of modern fandom? Sending death threats and spouting extreme violence against authors because you don’t like certain choices they’ve made? Where is the understanding? Or the nuance as to why certain choices were made? Where’s the analysis of the cultural context that a piece of literature is made in? Most of all, where’s the kindness? The understanding that another person can make mistakes, especially in their writing, and for the audience to not act mercilessly towards them. Is it so hard, to just critique the writing, and if the mistakes are a dealbreaker to you, to then just stoping engaging with the compositions and just go find something more enjoyable to you?

Overall, I think that the fandom hates Horikoshi way too much, and their comfort and overall acceptance of violence towards him is strange and also quite concerning. If you don’t like his writing, the just don’t read it! Or criticize it but like don’t start spewing violence against him.

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