Twd Fanfics - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
TW: Injury, Implied Trauma And Abuse

TW: injury, implied trauma and abuse

Daryl had felt drawn to you, intensely connected, since almost the exact moment he first laid eyes on you. You were trembling as you huddled in the corner of a store he’d been searching for supplies with Glenn and Maggie. Your eyes were wide and fearful, your posture diminished and slumped. You were filthy and so weak from lack of proper food and water that you managed to be alert only from the adrenaline flooding your veins as the strangers approached. It took Daryl another moment to realize that there was a handcuff on your wrist so tightly that it had cut into your skin and the other end was connected to a water pipe protruding from the wall. He hastily cast aside his gear and approached you slowly with palms out. Your striking eyes watched him with suspicion and mistrust, a way of viewing strangers that was clearly justified. You were afraid of his motorcycle and the ground speeding below it as you rode behind him back to the prison, but you trusted this man who had just saved you, who broken you free from your bondage and wrapped your injury with a red cloth. He spoke and moved with a gentleness contrary to his appearance at first glance. You could have ridden in the car with the couple, but you did not want to be separated from this man with the long wavy hair. Something about him was safe. Something about him felt like your future sprawling in front of you, as if you could see it in his blue eyes, the future you thought you’d never have. You clung tightly to him with arms looped around his middle in the same way you would cling tightly to your new life at the prison. As time passed, Daryl felt only that his attachment to you grew, like there was a woven steel string wrapped around his heart and linked to yours. You’d refused to inhabit victimhood, and moved through the world with a softness he yearned for. Now, as he watched you snuggling Judith from across the room, he wondered at the way you were quiet as the wind, but somehow still demanded attention like a storm, and his heart ached. Just then, you looked up and caught his eyes as he flushed, caught in the act of staring, but you only offered him a wide smile that stilled his heart. Prompt: “You are as quiet as the wind but demand attention like a storm.”

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1 year ago


(This came to me in a dream last night and then right after that dream, I dreamt I wrote a drabble for it on tumblr. I didn’t, so here I am 😂 )


You walked back into your cell, cursing under your breath. How did you manage to forget to bring trousers for after your shower? Sure, you could just put on your dirty ones but they were covered in walker fluid and dirt. Instead, you wrapped a towel around your legs and rushed back to your cell.

With your back turned, looking for something clean to wear, you hear the unmistakable noise of someone approaching the door. You turn as Daryl steps into the doorway.

“Daryl!” You gasp. “You scared me.” You stand up straight, one hand on your hip. He was staring at you and smirking slightly. “Do you mind?”

He shook his head. “What?” He smirked.

You dropped the towel from your waist. You had underwear on but Daryl’s face suddenly went rather pink. His eyes went wide and you knew he was trying so hard not to look down. You smirked right back at him.

“Well?” You prompt.

“I was…” He swallowed hard. “I was just looking for you.”

“Why’s that?” There was a breeze around your legs but you didn’t care. His reaction was just too golden. His eyes bore hard into yours, as if the idea of moving them even a fraction would tempt him enough to look down.

“I don’t remember.” He admits. “But since I’m here…” He takes a step toward you, and another.

His arms slip around your shoulders, pulling you into him. Your arms fit around his waist. He smells clean, faintly of soap and his clothes a little damp.

“You showered too? When?” You ask against his chest.

“Right before you did. I’m surprised ya didn’t see me.”

“To be honest, I felt so gross, I was just focused on being clean again. So much so that I forgot to bring bottoms with me.”

“Explains the nakedness.” His voice was wobbly, probably remembering the moment you dropped the towel. You laugh.

“I have on underwear, Daryl. I just couldn’t resist making you blush like that.”

“Shut up. That wasn’t fair.”

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1 year ago

Daryl Dixon x Female Reader

Summary: Daryl meets his match when traveling through the woods with Beth.

TW: Flirting, guns, fluff.

Daryl Dixon X Female Reader

Daryl and Beth made their way through the woods in the direction of a small town. The group had been running low on supplies and sent Daryl up the road to see what he could find. Daryl was sure that it would be a waste of a few hours, the shops had likely been cleared out a long time ago. The only thing that kept him moving was the possibility of an auto shop.

His bike was getting old and would likely need replacement parts sooner rather than later.

"Daryl, look," Beth chirped suddenly.

Daryl looked up from the uneven terrain, following her gaze to a motorcycle parked at the base of a tree.

Maybe it was his lucky day after all.

"Looks like it still runs. You could probably get some good parts," Beth said.

Daryl nodded with a grunt, his eyes scanning the area warily as he made his way over.

Daryl reached out towards the bike, freezing in place when he heard a gun cock.

"Hands off the bike, sugar," Someone said.

Daryl stepped back and looked around, crossbow aimed at the trees around them. Beth pulled out her gun, staying close to Daryl's side.

"Up here, big guy," The voice called again.

Daryl and Beth looked up, squinting in the bright afternoon sunlight.

"Holy shit," Daryl muttered when he spotted her.

The woman was up in a tree with a rifle pointed down at them.

"Sorry, thought it was up for grabs," Daryl said, eyes dropping to the bike before returning to the person in the tree.

"Well, it's not," She stated.

"It's a nice bike," Daryl said.

"I take good care of my things," She replied.

Daryl nodded, "Let's get out of here," He muttered before taking a step away from the motorcycle.

"We were just wonderin' if-" "Don't," Daryl said sternly.

"If she wanted to kill us we'd be dead already," Beth pointed out, tucking her gun away.

"She's right," The woman stated.

"Do you know if there's anywhere closeby where we can find parts for a bike like that?" Beth questioned, tilting her head towards the bike.

The woman lowered her gun, "There's an auto parts store about three miles East of here. Found it when I blew one of my shocks a while back," She said.

"Thanks," Beth smiled before lookig over at Daryl, "Now we can go," She said.

"Be careful, there was a herd of almost forty dead headed that way a few days ago. It would be a damn shame to see something happen to a handsome man like you over something as trivial as a bike part," The woman said, eyes running over him appreciatively.

"No way," Beth grinned.

"Shut up," Daryl muttered, his cheeks flushing at the compliment.

"I'm Beth and he's Daryl," Beth said.

"Let's go. Now," Daryl grumbled, walking in the direction of the town.

"I'm Y/N. It was nice meeting you, Daryl," Y/N called.

"It was nice meetin' you too, Y/N," Beth said, turning around and running after Daryl.


Daryl managed to cross paths with Y/N a few more times over the next few weeks. She moved around the area frequently and spent an alarming amount of time up in the trees. Y/N told him that it was safer than being on the ground and he was inclined to agree with her.

Rick and Daryl had decided to go out on a run to the nearest town in one of the cars. They were looking to stock up on cans and non-perishables for the upcoming months.

Rick parked in front of the shop before the pair slowly made their way up to the door. The small bell above the door jingled as they pushed it open. The men hesitated for a second, silently listening for movement before stepping into the store.

They moved across the room, scanning the area with weapons. Rick and Daryl shared a look before silently parting ways and searching the rest of the store.

Rick caught Daryl's gaze over the shelves before tilting his head towards the back room. Daryl nodded, continuing his search of the aisles.

Daryl froze when he heard a noise, a soft rustling sound from down one of the aisles. He stepped around the corner quickly, crossbow raised and ready to shoot.

"Long time no see, stranger," Y/N stated casually, staring down at the dented can in her hand.

"Jesus, Y/N. I coulda killed your ass," Daryl huffed, lowering his crossbow as he made his way over to her.

"Cute and funny," She mused with a smile. Y/N grabbed two more cans from the metal shelf and tucked them into her backpack.

"You can call your friend back in here, honey. I already swept the place," Y/N stated, zipping up her backpack.

She lifted the backpack strap up onto her shoulder before grabbing her gun from the floor beside her.

Y/N stood up, slipping her arm into the other strap of her bag.

"You leavin'?" Daryl asked.

"Yeah, but I left plenty of supplies for you," Y/N assured, Daryl nodded.

"See you around, Daryl," Y/N said, making her way over to the door.

"You know, it's startin' to get colder out," Daryl called after her.

"That tends to happen in the winter," She stated, pushing open the door.

"You should come back with us... There's food, warm water and some actual beds if you're lookin' for somethin' more comfortable than a tree branch," Daryl said.

He wasn't quite sure why he found himself pushing for her to come to the prison with them. Daryl barely knew the woman, but he did worry about how she would survive out in the woods during the winter.

"I appreciate the offer, but I don't do groups," Y/N stated.

"You could set up camp in the area then... Good huntin' and we have supplies if you run out," Daryl suggested, fidgeting with his crossbow nervously.

"I just might take you up on that... As long as you come visit me," Y/N said, hand slipping from the door handle as she made her way back over to him.

"I can do that," Daryl nodded.

"Good... Because I'm starting to like you, Daryl," Y/N smiled.

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1 year ago

“Just admit it,” you said gently, a knowing smile on your face.

Daryl swallowed his bite and gave you a curious look. “Admit what?” he growled.

“You’re not this cold, emotionless person you sometimes pretend to be. You think and feel deeply. You can admit it. I already know it anyway.”

He stared at you for a long moment, his heart starting to race as you simply peered back.

“I used to do it too. It feels like protection, like you’re shielding yourself from hurt, but you’re robbing yourself of the good things we still have left in this world.”

Daryl gulped. “Ya can be annoyingly observant, ya know?”

Your smile widened. “I know.”

Prompt: “You’re not this cold, emotionless person you sometimes pretend to be. You think and feel deeply. You can admit it. I already know it anyway.”

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8 months ago
Words: 7,737 Pairing: Daryl Dixon X Reader, Also Features Negan Smith Reader Pronouns: She/her Era: Post-Negan
Words: 7,737 Pairing: Daryl Dixon X Reader, Also Features Negan Smith Reader Pronouns: She/her Era: Post-Negan
Words: 7,737 Pairing: Daryl Dixon X Reader, Also Features Negan Smith Reader Pronouns: She/her Era: Post-Negan
Words: 7,737 Pairing: Daryl Dixon X Reader, Also Features Negan Smith Reader Pronouns: She/her Era: Post-Negan
Words: 7,737 Pairing: Daryl Dixon X Reader, Also Features Negan Smith Reader Pronouns: She/her Era: Post-Negan
Words: 7,737 Pairing: Daryl Dixon X Reader, Also Features Negan Smith Reader Pronouns: She/her Era: Post-Negan

Words: 7,737 Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader, also features Negan Smith Reader pronouns: she/her Era: post-Negan Alexandria Warnings: language, mild descriptions of injury and blood Summary: Imprisoned in Alexandria still, it seems Negan has a soft spot for Y/N, one of Alexandria’s doctors. With Daryl gone moving the The Kingdom to Hilltop, everyone back home tries to weather the storm, and help comes from an unexpected place. A/N: I love Negan’s redemption arc, so I was stoked to write this fic with some of him, Post-Saviors. I hope it gives you all the right kind of feels.

Your name: submit What is this?

Negan glanced up as heard the outside door open and footsteps approach down the stairs. He was seated on his bunk with his back against the wall when you appeared.

His face slowly grew into a wide smile and he straightened up. He snapped the book in his hands shut. “Well, hey there, dollface. You get my message?”

“First, don’t call me that… You know I hate it. Second, your message? Is that what we’re calling it? I’m here because Gabriel said you’re refusing to eat anything until you talk to me.” You paced over to the bars and peered through them at him.

Negan shrugged. “Isn’t exactly like I can pick up a phone and dial you, now is it?”

You sighed and gripped onto one of the iron bars. “A hunger strike? Really?”

Keep reading

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5 months ago
Warnings: Soft!Daryl. Send Help. "Mmm? What's That Look?" You Asked Softly, Stroking Your Fingers Through

Warnings: Soft!Daryl. Send help. "Mmm? What's that look?" you asked softly, stroking your fingers through Daryl's wavy hair. He looked so relaxed, reclined into the pillows with you tucked up against him, basking in the afterglow of a blissful evening alone together.

He shrugged, his fingers drawing idle circles on your bare shoulder. "Nothin'. Was just thinkin', ya know? I was lost before ya," he drawled, ducking his eyes for a moment. "And ya came walkin' in and... s'like ya just dropped love into my heart and that's all I need. Yer all I need."

You were overcome with emotion for a second watching this strong man, this badass warrior, this man who had been owed softness his entire life be so soft for you. Those words were the sweetest you'd ever heard. You pressed your palm flat to the center of his chest so you could feel his heartbeat beneath it. "Babe," you finally managed. "You're all I need too." He kissed you then, clasping your face delicately and trying to put every ounce of the feelings he had for you into it. In another moment, the two of you were completely lost in each other again. Prompt: "You came walking in and dropped love into my hear and that's all I need."

A/N: HELP this is so fucking wkerh;KHQS*T^PQ(@IRGKJBDA;EUIFH;bskjfgwe&@#T ugggggghhhh you know what I mean? lol

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