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2 years ago

Getting Adopted By The Survivors

Author’s Note: I’ve been rewatching the walking dead for the god knows how many times since lockdown began. I had this idea rollling around my head for a while so I wrote it down for ya’ll. How you enjoy. If this gets to 50 notes I’ll do a part 2

Getting Adopted By The Survivors

Grimes Family(Rick, Lori, Carl)

You were thirteen and found by Rick first

You were walking down the road, having been separated from your group by a herd just a couple days ago. He approached you on horseback, saying he was headed towards the city.

You told him not to go to the city and that it was dangerous but he wouldn’t listen and went anyway.

That evening he spotted you from the car, driving back to the camp. He got T-dog to pull over and pick you up. He brought you back to the camp where you met his family.

“I tried to warn you.” you told him. “Yeah, you did.” he chuckled and promised to help you find your group.

You left the atlanta camp with them, having nowhere else to go. You tried to keep Carl entertained when everyone was out looking for Sofia.

When Carl got shot you got upset. You tried to help around the farm or camp but everything you did just got you in more trouble. You eventually broke down, telling Lori you were sorry and you just wanted to help

Lori loving you as if you were her own. Insisting you share a tent with the grimes from day one.

Shane was especially sweet towards you from the beginning but you didn’t entertain him. You had more important things to do like help with the cooking and cleaning and babysitting Carl so that the adults could get work done.

 You calling Rick “Ricky boy.” and Carl “Twerp” when he gets on your nerves. Lori calling you “sweetpea” and Carl calling you “Stinker” when you get on his nerves.

Getting Adopted By The Survivors


You were fifteen and Dale’s neighbour before all this. It was just you, your dad, and the family dog. When the shit started to fly Dale offered you all a place in his RV

Later on your father got bit while looking for the family dog who got away. Dale mercifully put your dad down so you didn’t have to.

You bringing Amy and Andrea back to Dale and the four of you creating your own little family unit.

Dale would show you how to fix up the RV when it acted up. You would scavenge cars for parts the could be repurposed since you were faster than Dale.

Dale giving you chores to keep you out of trouble in the camp and refusing to let you do runs into town.

You and Dale taking turns keeping watch on top of the RV.

You always being the one to look after Sofia and Carl when the adults need to go and do stuff. This leads yu into becoming the ultimate babysitter, coming up with games and chores to keep the younger kids out of trouble.

You staying behind with Dale to help look after T-Dog when everyone goes looking for Sofia.

Coming to the farm and Dale and being his little yes man/woman/person. Him calling you “Sport”, “Champ” and “Kiddo.”

When Dale was attacked by the walker you took the gun from Daryl, saying how Dale put your dad down and you should return the favour. Telling Dale your sorry for not protecting him like he had protected you.

Turning cold and inconsolable the days after his death, and only Glen and Andrea really approaching you.

Getting Adopted By The Survivors

Andrea(Continuation of Dale)

It was after Dale’s death. He had saved you in the begining and you were completely distraught because of it, closing yourself off from the rest of the group, only really moving between the fields and the house.

You kept up your chores around the farm and kept the RV clean. That’s what Dale would want.

You and Andrea talking about everything the two of you had gone through and you breaking down in her arms.

Her teaching you how to fire a gun. Dale wouldn’t have approved but you needed to know now.

You trying to make her see that Shane doesn’t truely care for her the same way she cared for him. She doesn’t want to see it so you don’t push.

You and her being together when the barn burns down, later meeting Michone. You beg Michone to help Andrea.

The three of you surviving the winter together, later being taken to Woodbury.

You and Andrea trying to get Michone to see that Woodbury is a good place.

You supporting Andrea in everything but her just wanting you to be a kid again.

Her calling you “Sport”, “Champ”, and “Kiddo”, like Dale used to.

Getting Adopted By The Survivors

Green Family(Hershal, Maggie, Beth)

You were 8 years old and Otis and Patricia’s kid. You had been living with the Green family for a while, trying to survive together quite well Hershal let you ride the horses and Maggie had you feeding the chickens. It was boring being the only kid there though.

The first time you seen a kid was when a man in a sherif uniform came in carrying a boy in his arms, saying he was shot. Hershal looked after him right away while you looked from the top of the stairs.

You give your favourite teddy bear to the mother of the shot boy, telling her that the soft toy makes you feel better when you’re sick so hopefully it’ll make him feel better too.

You not liking Shane because your dad had come back every time he went out except for when he went out with Shane.

Lori picking you up and carrying you off the farm when it got taken over by walkers.

Beth and Maggie taking care of you during the 7 months on the road through the winter, singing you to sleep and telling you stories.

Herschel letting you sit in when he’s teaching Carol some basic medicine.

You and Carl didn’t get along that much cause he wanted to help the adults, not play with a little kid like you

Beth and you singing to baby judith in the Prison, always helping her take care of her when you weren’t taken up with chores and other business.

You being Hershal’s little medical assisstant, learning lots of valuable medical information and becoming a great help despite being so young

You eventually calling Hershal “Pops” after a while. Hershal calling you “Little Doc” and “trouble maker”. Beth and Maggie calling you “butthead” to get a rise out of you.

Getting Adopted By The Survivors

Dixon Family (Merle and Daryl)

You were ten and very good and moving through the crowds. You were too short and fast for a lot of the walkers to get a hold on you and your dad used that, making you go out to find food and supplies most of the time while he stayed holed up in your Atlanta apartment

You heard a man yell and you went to see what was going on. You found a man handcuffed to the roof with walkers trying to push the door down to get to him. He asked you to hand him the saw and you helped.

You brought Merle back to your Atlanta apartment, which your dad didn’t like so he beat you. It continued for a couple days where you’d go out and your dad would beat you for bringing back to little. One day Merle had enough and beat the shit out of your dad. The following morning your dad was gone.

You calling Merle “Mr. Merle.” and Merle calling you “kid.”

You believe everything Merle says because he swears he would never lie to you. He also teaches you how to track game in the woods. He also taught how to curse which made him laugh like crazy everytime you did.

You two getting picked up and going to Woodbury. You preferring to spend all your time with Merle instead of the other kids cause you think they’re stupid and weak and they bullied you cause you told them they were stupid and weak.

Merle and you spending all your free time at Woodbury’s library. Him reading to you. Him not minding you spending all your time with him since you reminded him so much of little Daryl. The two of you making a plan on how to escape Woodbury if it came to it.

The night the governor put Merle and his brother against each other you screamed at them to stop and cried, being held back by a woman. You cursed out the governor. When the smoke rose you grabbed a pistol off of one of the men and ran after Merle.

Staying with Merle and “Mr. Merle’s Brother” after Rick refuses to let Merle back. “You should go back with them, kid.” Merle would try to tell you. “I wanna stay with you, Mr Merle. Not that dickhead!”

Daryl became fond of you during the little time spent with just the three of you, especially how you had no fear of walkers and had no trouble letting himself and Merle know what you were thinking.

When you end up back at the prison you insist on staying outside the cell block with Merle. A woman named Carol came up to you “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather sleep in here on a proper bed?” she asked. “I ain’t repeating myself to you dumb bitch!”. The prison gang informally refers to you as Merle Jr., regardless of gender.

Getting Adopted By The Survivors

Williams Family (Sasha and Tyreese)

You were 9. Your parents had been part of the group but didn’t make it. Since then Tyreese and Sasha took care of you the most. They would give up their food so you could eat and Tyreese would carrying you when you got too tired to walk.

They would call you “Buddy” and “Boo”. You calling Tyreese “Reeses” because his name reminds you of the candy.

When you arrived in the prison you found yourself enamoured by Carl. He was a kid too and he was able to shoot a gun and kill walkers. You immediately went to Tyreese and begged him to teach you how to use a gun, which he would repeatedly refuse.

You being the only one that could get Sasha to calm down when she gets a little riled up. 

You thought Sasha’s hair was the coolest thing in the world when it wasn’t tied down and just in one big fro. Her letting you braid it and tie it up for her, mainly to keep you busy for a while since your smaller hands needed extra time to handle her curls.

Tyreese’s girlfriend Karen referring to the two of you as ‘Big and small’

You telling them about Lizzie and how she thinks the walkers are people, so they ban you from playing with her. 

You getting stuck with Tyreese and Carol after the prison falls and keeping a distance between yourself and Lizzie, becoming very protective of Judith whenever Tyreese isn’t around.

When Lizzie kills Mika, you throw yourself infront of Judith and yell at her to stay away, this prompts Carol and Tyreese to run to you. Tyreese takes you and Judith inside while Carol handles Lizzie. Tyreese consoles you while you cry, telling him how worried you were she was going to do something to Judith

At terminus when you, Judith, and Tyreese are left in the cabin with Martin. You stab Martin in the neck when he lunges for Judith. When Tyreese asks where you got the knife, you admit to taking it off of Lizzie’s corpse so you could better protect him and Judith.

Getting Adopted By The Survivors

Chambler Family (Tara, David, Lily, Meghann)

You were 7 and the Chambler’s were your neighbours. You went to school with Meghan so your families came together when the end came. One day your mom went out to gather supplies and never came back.

You and Meghan kept each other busy, playing games with each other, though you were louder than Meghan which made Tara give out to you a lot.

You and Meghan take turns playing backgammon with her grandfather. Later you take turns playing chess with ‘Brian’, and he teaches you two how to play against each other but you both prefer to play against him.

Lily trying her best to be a good mother figure for you, trying to keep some semblance of normalcy for you and Meghan.

When Philip takes you all to the camp you’re initially more recluse, being in another strange new situation. You find yourself clinging to Tara and her new girlfriend during this time, following them around the camp.

Tara calling you “Bubbles” cause you seem to pop up around her out of nowhere.

You being there when Meghan got attacked and running to get Lily. You silently follow her to the battlefield at the prison and watch as ‘Brian’ shoots her. You crawled into the back of one of the cars to try and escape the onslaught of bullets. 

Later you see Tara leaving the prison with an asian man and run after her. She’s shocked to see you there but picks you up and takes her with you, which the man readily agrees to.

Glen pitches that they should teach you how to fire a gun so that you can defend yourself. You get plenty of opportunity on the road and by the time you find Glen’s wife your a crack shot, much to the horror of the other survivors.

You sleeping in Tara’s lap every night because she’s the only family you have left.

Getting Adopted By The Survivors

The Governor

You were 13 when you met him. You had been on the road on your own since your mom turned. Your aunt had refused to put her sister down and ended up being attacked. You didn’t have it in you to put them down so you left them locked in the shop.

He had been with a group and when he found out you were on your own he offered to take you back to his town. You said you’d go if he put down your mom and aunt. “I’m not strong enough to do it and they don’t deserve to be left like that.”

They agreed and you led them to the store. There they put the two woman down and took the supplies. He didn’t realise how young you actually were until you got upset at the sight of your mother but he already promised to take you back and there was lots of supplies at the shop.

You becoming a Mini Governor to the kids of Woodbury and rallying the ones old enough to join the army. “The governor works hard to keep you safe, it’s about time you helped!”

You being privy to all of the governor’s shady dealings.

You being introduced to Penny. Him referring to her as “Your little sister.” You being initially shocked but later being okay with it. You finding pretty hair pins and taking toys back to the governor for “When Penny gets better.”

You being able to boss around The Governor’s men as much as you want.

Andrea often being asked to keep an eye on you, but you actually being the one to keep an eye on her.

You and The Governor being left for dead then going back to Woodbury, buring it down in temper. You both survive together alone for months until he sees Meghan Chamber. Him telling you to stay put while he checks it out and to leave if he doesn’t come back.

He never comes back and you’re left alone again.

Getting Adopted By The Survivors

Father Gabriel

You were 14 when you went to the church. Your foster home had been over run and you were in desperate need for some spiritual help. You arrived just as he had returned from one of his walks. He said you could stay as all of god’s children deserved shelter.

You being too afraid to open the doors to let others in incase Gabriel says you can’t remain, so you sit in the back office with your hands over your ears. Every morning you go and pray for forgiveness

You being the one to run into town for supplies because you want to protect Gabriel and keep him alive. 

Being apprehensive when the survivors arrive, only lowering your guard a little when Gabriel explains how he saved him.

You reading the bible and learning to quote the scripture, mainly out of boredom then anything else. You and Gabriel getting into discussions on what each passage actually means.

You learning about Gabriel sneaking out of the church but not telling the other survivors. “If we need to get away from them it’ll be good to have,” you admitted.

You and Gabriel often talking about what the lord thinks of your actions, ultimately not being able to comfort each other much. 

You often defend Gabriel infront of the other survivors, not letting them get away with speaking any kind of ill towards him.

You only really disagree with Gabriel when he sells out the group to Deanna. This leads to you two having a big argument, him defending that Rick’s group are murderers and you defending that they have kept you safe. You ultimately lose your loyalty to him and stick with Rick’s group for a while.

When a herd surrounds Alexandria you reunite with Gabriel. You both beg the other for forgiveness. “You were a father to me when you didn’t need to be and I-” you began, your voice breaking. Gabriel held you close. “What matters is that we are together now, my child.”

Gabriel asking for your help to assist Rick in clearing out the walkers and you jumping to his side. The two of you drawing strength from each other.

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