Twilight Breaking Dawn - Tumblr Posts

to be loved is to be changed.
(All pics from Pinterest!!)
my favorite character in all the franchise is definitely alice she’s literally perfect and i love her style and omg her hair in the first movie ? IMMACULATE. she was so cool during the baseball scene too i wanna be a worm so she can step on me
42. We have to stick together (Romanian Coven fanfiction)

Vladimir's eye were filled with tears, or so he thought. It was, of course, venom that filled them but Vladimir believed, needed to believe, that those were tears. In front of him, years of prosperity died under the Volturi's iron fist: his coven mates were being killed, torn from limb to limb, and their castle on the hill was on fire.
Vladimir, for an unknown amount of time, was unable to move. He just stood there and watched as if it were a painting came to life. A horrible one, where black and red prevailed over all.
And then, suddenly, he felt a familiar touch on his shoulder: Stefan's. The brunette was usually a nice company, a quiet yet pleasant one. None of it seemed real now: Stefan was the shadow of himself, grief and pain and loss and anger growing inside him.
Vladimir looked at him. His gaze had a million questions and Stefan saw them all, but he decided not to answer, not yet. Instead, he simply said: “We have to stick together”.
I believe imprinting can be many things, and you imprint on someone for many different reasons.
Y’all act like imprinting is a choice. Like you can pick and choose who you want to imprint on. If that was the case Jacob would’ve imprinted on Bella.
Even my small mind in 2011, got the fact that Jacob imprinting on Renesme had nothing to do with romance. He’s literally her protector that’s it.
I bring this up because I just watched a reaction video of Breaking Dawn Part 1 on YouTube, and the reactors minds went left, thinking romance. *gag*
Like I said before I just don’t see how your mind goes there. In the scene Jacob literally says:
“I can be anything you want, your friend, brother, protector.” I’m not seeing the “bad” intentions behind his words, for lack of better words.
It’s even reiterated in Breaking Dawn part 2:
Jacob: “it’s not what you think”…
Bella: “you imprinted on my daughter!?”
Jacob: “it’s not like that you think Edward would let me live if it was!?”
It’s literally laid out for you people. In both parts!
With that being said the little flash forward we see at the end of Breaking Dawn Part 2 of Bella and Edward walking up to Jacob and Renessme, and she has her head on his shoulder, I still don’t see that as romantic, I could see why others would think that, but at the same time I can’t because that would mean I thought as Jacob was watching renesmee grow he was waiting for her *gag*.

Charlie Swan x Carlisle Cullen is a guilty pleasure of mine lol. I am re-reading the books (SOOOOOO MUCH BETTER THAN THE MOVIES…but I do like the actors used.) and came across some moments of Charlie talking about Carlisle which made me smile. Chief Swan has it bad for the sexy Dr. lol (gif was made using end credits from BD2)

Summer 2020 Book A Week Challenge:
1. Breaking Dawn; Stephenie Meyer
Dates: May 25th - June 1st Rating: 4 stars Genre: Supernatural, Romance Favorite Character: Bella
“I want you, and I want you forever. One lifetime is simply not enough for me.”
Credits: bella smiling bella and edward
This has been weighing on my mind. If someone had gotten breast implants and had gotten turned soon after what would the venom do to the implants?