Charlie Swan - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

when edward seriously started getting on my nerves, i kinda saw jacob in a more positive light but then he had to go on and also be a cunt so i guess carlisle is the only man ever,, also charlie dilf ?!

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5 years ago

I Know Why Your Shirtless - Paul Lahote

Paul x fem!reader

Charlie x daughter reader

Bella x sister reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 569

Summary: Paul comes looking for Jacob at the Swan residence, the last thing he thought would happen is he would imprint on Charlie's other daughter Bella's sister

Authors Note: It's my first Twilight Imagine, I hope it's good. I put something in there for teen wolf fans ;) ;P :) :D    /I couldn’t find a gif I liked of him :(




“y/n can you get the door please?” Charlie yelled downstairs after hearing the doorbell go off and he’s kinda occupied

“Sure dad” y/n yelled back as she got up from her spot at the kitchen table to answer the door. When she opened it she didn’t recognize the guy but she could tell he’s from the Rez. “Who are you?” she asked trying not to sound rude, after he just looked at her not saying anything just staring at her with what to her looked like a mix of emotions.

“I’m Paul Lahote.” he answered.Paul couldn’t believe he just imprinted. And of all people on Bella’s sister?! He hates Bella. At least he assumed she’s Bella’s sister.

“Ah. Um, Jacob’s not here, he just left with Bella like 20 minutes ago. You just missed him.” y/n told him looking back in the house to show she’s basically alone besides her dad. Who came down the stairs but after seeing one of Jacob's friends at the door and left for the garage.

“Why do you think I’m here for Jacob?” Paul asked, not wanting the conversation to end.

“You both share the same tattoo. Figured if you both have it you know each other.” y/n shrugged looking up and down the guy in front of her trying not to show she is.

“That makes sense. Who are you?” Paul smiled at his, now imprint.

“y/n Swan.I’m Bella’s sister.” she explained smiling at the good looking boy on her front doorstep

“How have I never met you before?” Paul asked shocked. He never really listened to Jake, but maybe he could tell him more about the other Swan sister later.

“I just came back from visiting some friends of mine in Beacon Hills, California. ( ;) )” y/n told him. She didn't get at first why she felt a pull towards him, but she was starting to get an idea of why.

“Oh, well would you like to hang out sometime?” Paul asked, he knew he had to get back to the pack but he didn’t want to leave without knowing he’d see her again. He needs to see her again, he imprinted on her. Paul knew once he looked at her he’d be anything she needed him to be, and he had a feeling that being her protector would be something he’d have to do soon. Because of who her sister associates with that me be, very soon.

“I’d love to.” y/n smiled, her eyes brightening at the idea.

“Great.” Paul answered

“Yeah um, here’s my number.” y/n spoke as she ran over to the kitchen table and grabbed a sharpie. Once she reached him again after walking back to the door y/n reached out for his arm and Paul lifted his arm for her. Y/n wrote her name on his arm with the sharpie. She had a feeling he didn’t have a phone on him.

“I’ll call you.” Paul assured looking her in the eyes. He had a feeling he’d never get tired of them.

“Sounds good.” she smiled before Paul started walking towards the woods across the street away from the Swan residence. “On and Paul”

“Yeah?” he turned back wondering what she was gonna say.

“I know why you both have the tattoo and go around shirtless.” y/n winked before turning around and shut the front door.

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5 years ago

Lack Of Sleep - Paul Lahote

Paul x Fem!reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 499

Summary: Bellas screaming effects readers sleep to and Paul finds out

Authors Note: kinda in movie 2 going through the months where she just sits in the chair. plus pretend that paul in the gif 




It was a peaceful night in the Swan residence. Charlie had left awhile ago for his shift at the station. Bella is asleep in her room. An Y/n and Paul were just laying on her bed, hanging out together. It was a nice calm night, till.

*queue Bellas Screams*

“What was that?” Paul asked startled after hearing a screaming Bella in the room next over. Though Y/n didn’t even flinch having gotten used to it over the months.

“Bella” Y/n answered nonchalantly, still playing with his hand in between hers.

“Is she ok?” he asked her looking around the room.

“You care?” she turned her head looking at her boyfriend confused. As far as she knew Paul hated her sister. All because she hung out with and dated the Cullen(s).

Paul shrug’s bringing his attention back to his girl. “Not really no. But does that happen often?”

“Every night since they moved away.” Y/n shrugged back taking a glance at his eyes before looking back down at his hand in hers.

“How do you sleep with that happening?” he looked down at their hands the same as her, knowing that the contact will ease his nerves that seem to be coming up. Y/n being his rock, especially emotionally.

“Not very well.” Y/n bit her lip knowing her next words could upset him so she mumbled.

“Why didn’t you say anything?” Paul sat up into more of a sitting position.

“You don’t normally ask a lot of questions.” she tensed up, sitting up as well.

“Well, I’m concerned about my imprint.” Paul stated sternly

Y/n sighed and looked at him in the eyes “I didn’t say anything cause there’s nothing that can be done about it. Plus with Cullens gone you can come over, stay over as much as you and I want and not have to worry about the treaty. Also, my dad is more comfortable with you staying over here then me being at yours.”

Paul smirks pulling her closer by her waist. “Well, it is his house he controls what goes on in it. I understand why he likes it better if I’m here, he can know everything that’s going on. But why didn’t you tell me?”

“Just told you why I didn’t tell you. The only way to fix it is for them to come back. They don’t want to. I don’t have anything against them really. Hell I’m friends with them but, I just- I want her to stop having nightmares and screaming but I don’t want you to have to stop coming over.” she looked down, quietly saying the last part.

All Paul could do was sigh, he could understand where she is coming from. He moved a hand to stroke through her hair. “If they did come back we’ll work it out. I don’t want them to come back, you know that, hell you know why. But we would work it out if they do.”

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1 year ago

I Know Why Your Shirtless - Paul Lahote

Part 2 AU

Paul x fem!reader

Warnings: none

Word count: 1,169

Requested: hi!!!! just wanted to ask if its possible to have a part 2 to that Paul Lahote imagine??? the "I know why your shirtles" imagine?? like the BH pack visiting and could you make the reader an evolved wolf and she tells Bella and Paul that Scott's her alpha??? thanks its ok if its want to though ^-^ - @imcravingchocolatesrn

Authors Note: I wrote this years ago but lost it! Sorry! Thank you for requesting I put it as AU because the plot was requested and I don’t know if this is where I would’ve taken it if i decided to make a part 2 on my own cause it was kinda a one and done one shot.


Twilight Masterlist


I Know Why Your Shirtless - Paul Lahote

“I’m so glad you all could make it.” Y/n said opening the front door to see all her friends from Beacon Hills on her doorstep.

“Well you are part of our pack.” Stiles stated with a smile as they entered the home.

“Yeah, but I’m so far away.” Y/n added as she stepped aside letting them all enter the small Forks home.

“Your my beta, of course I’ll come visit you.” Scott smiled bringing Y/n into a hug.

“And your our friend.” Lydia smiled, pulling her into a hug after Scott.

“Your family now.” Derek stated he had a soft spot for the Swan girl. They had a lot in common.

“Well, I should warn you guys that there is another pack that lives in the area. On the Rez, but their not like us.” She explained as she shut the door.

“What’s that mean?” Scott asked with a furrowed expression.

“There more like shapeshifters. I have a back on them and there history.” Y/n told the pack.

“Great! So we can look it over during pizza.” Stiles clapped his hands together, ready for food.

“Pizza?” Derek questioned with a raised eyebrow. Did all he think about is food?

“Yup. Cause we are ordering pizza.” Stiles spoke as he turned with crossed arms to face the sourwolf, as he calls him.

“Y/n, who are all these people?” Charlie asked confused on why he came down the stairs to his living room full of teenagers and a adult.

“Dad, these are my friends from California.” Y/n smiled as she had told him they were coming to visit. But she didn’t blame him if he forgot. Work had been crazy for him.

“Nice to meet you Mr. Swan.” Lydia smiled

“Do you like to be called Mr.Swan or Sheriff Swan?” Scott asked as he reached out to shake the older man's hand.

“Either one’s fine.” Sharlie shook the hand of the young man. To Charlie the kid was just being polite but to Scott he was trying to make a good impression on his beta’s parent.

“That's right, you're a sheriff. My Father’s one to.” Stiles smiled at the comparison.

Charlie nodded awkwardly. “That's great. Well, I have an extra long shift tonight so don’t wait up. But don’t stay up to late either.”

Y/n nodded smiling. “Got it dad.”

“Bye Mr.Swan.” Scott and Stiles called out as Charlie left through the front door.

^     ^     ^

“I can smell them.” Paul stated as they ran through the forest.

“Me to.” Quil agreed

“We all can.” Jared said coming up behind them.

“Who are they?” Embry questioned as they watched the group of teens.

“That's what we need to find out.” Sam stated before the pack left back towards Emily’s to talk.

^     ^     ^

“Do you hear that?” Emmmet asked as the whole Cullen family and Bella stopped on their walk through the woods.

“Yeah.” Rosealie nodded in acknowledgement.

“Is that a wolf?” Bella asked as they all looked out in the distance.

“Its not part of the pack.” Jasper stated

“No, it’s smaller. But it seems off. Not animal like.” Carlisle agreed, stepping in front of his family.

“It smells different.” Rosaelie added.

When the wolf took off, the Cullens and Bella decided to follow the creature. From far enough away they stopped watching from a cliff nearby only to be very shocked.

“Oh my God.” Alice gasped, how did she not see that in a vision before?

“Isn’t that your sister?” Edward asked, looking at Bella in slight shock.

“Uh huh.” Bella nodded as she went to walk down the near by hill towards the clearing her sister was standing on as she just turned back into a human. She was very shocked and confused. The cullens followed also curious. “Y/n?”

Y/n turned around shocked to hear her sister's voice and see the Cullens behind her. “Bella. Everyone.”

“What- I don’t-” Bella shook her head in disbelief. How was hee sister able to turn into a wolf and how did she not know?

“I can explain.” Y/n said as she looked at all of them. Ready to explain.

^     ^     ^

“Your a werewolf?” Rosealie questioned a s Y/n sat across from her in the Swan residence. Cullens on one side and Y/n and the Beacon Hills pack on the other.

“Yes.” Y/n answered

“But not like Jacob?” Carlies asked, tilting his head in curtotisy.

“Very different.” Y/n nodded

“And this happened because he but you?” Emse looked on concerned about the girl that had become a good friend to her family.

“Yes. An he did it to save my life.” Y/n smiled softly towards Emse to show she was okay.

“You saved her life?” Alice turned her attention to Scott after Y/n’s statement.

“Uh, yeah.” Scott nodded sheepishly at all the yes on him.

“Thanks.” Bella nodded at Scott, gratefully for saving her sister.

“No problem. She’s my friend, practically family.” Scott smiled.

^     ^     ^

“Is that them?” Quil asked as the pack hung out at La push with Bella.

“It smells like it.” Jared nodded as they saw the group walk onto the beach.

“Is that who?” Bella asked confused on what they were talking about.

“With your sister.” Jacob pointed out.

Bella looked over. “Oh that's her pack.”

“Her what?” Paul looked over to Bella in shock.

“So she's a wolf?” Embry asked curiously.

“And you didn’t know this?” Sam asked, turning his attention to Paul.

“Yeah, Paul. She is your imprint.” Jacob smirked at the slightly older wolf.

“I was a little busy imprinting to notice.” Paul fired back defensively.

“Well, let’s go talk to her.” Sam stated as he, the pack, and Bella headed over to the Beacon Hills pack that had gone down by the water.

“Hey.” Y/n nodded to her sister as they approached her and her friends.

“Hey.” Bella nodded back.

Y/n looked around at the pack of shapeshifters, noticing their body language Y/n asked. “Okay, what's with the standoff?”

Paul decided to just come out with it. “You know we’re mates. Don’t you?”

Y/n nodded. “I felt it. Yes.”

“You didn’t mention your a wolf as well.” Jake pointed out.

“Different type but, it didn’t seem like the time to say anything about it. Not like you can just go around telling anyone or everyone.” Y/n explained and it seemed they understood. 

“An this is your pack?” Sam asked, nodding towards the people behind her.

“I’m a part of it, yes. These are my friends. They are like my family.” y/n nodded glancing back at them as they all stood around behind her ready to protect her if necessary.

“Who's the alpha?” Jared asked curiously though he had a hunch between two of them who it could be.

“I am.” Scott stated stepping forward, next to Y/n.

“This is Scott.” Y/n introduced him as he stood beside her. “Scott Mccall. He’s a true Alpha.”


@gruffle1 @padawancat97

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2 years ago

Chapter One

Maricela Swan’s POV

Welcome to the story about how my life changes forever because I’m fated to be with one of the most powerful vampires in existence. I know, big dump of information at once so let’s start over from the beginning.


“Isabella Swan what the hell were you thinking?!” I yelled at my sister, Bella, wondering why she would try and kill herself. She doesn’t answer me, only looking at Alice who told me what she was trying to do.

“Bella can you at least look at me when I’m trying to talk to you?” I asked, tears brimming in my eyes. She still doesn’t look at me, doesn’t move, I don’t even know if she’s breathing. Next thing I see is her jumping into Alice’s arms. What is up with this girl?

“Alice?! I’m sorry I just can’t believe you’re here?” Bella exclams nearly bringing down the fairy like girl with the weight of the hug.

“Do you mind explaining to me how you’re alive?” Alice asks with shock and concern laced in her voice.

“Yeah you’re sister would like to know too if you don’t mind.” I stated.

Bella looked confused and asked what Alice was talking about.

“I saw a vision of you. You jumped off a cliff,” Alice qaused, “Why in the hell would you try and kill yourself? What about Charlie? Or Maricela?” Vision? What does she mean by vision?

“I didn’t try to kill myself” Bella cuts off Alice.

“Then why the hell would you jump off a cliff Bella?!”

“I was cliff jumping. Recreationally. It was fun.” Said Bella as she whipped of a tear from her cheek. This girl is insane. I thought she was doing so much better after Edwar broke her heart and left her in the woods. She didn’t talk to me or her friends and when she did it was distant and cold. Like she missing a piece of herself. Then she started becoming friends with Jacob again, her nightmares stopped, she started smiling more, and started talking to me and her friends again.

Alice shocked at the bullshit she just heard told Bella to sit down on the coach and I followed them to the living room. Wait I never asked Alice what she meant by her seeing a “vision” of Bella jumping off the cliff.

“Alice I have a question. What does it mean when you say you saw a “vision” of Bella?”

Alice froze seemingly taken off guard by the question. Like she didn’t mean to say it?

“I’ll explain everything to you once we finish yelling at Bella. Please, please don’t argue with me I know it’s important but it’s too much to explain right now.” She pleaded.

“Fine but as soon as you’re done explain everything to me. I’m getting Bella something to drink.” I said brushing past her and Bella to the kitchen.

I went straight to the cabinet for a mug. Hot chocolate will be good, it’s too late for coffee. I hear the door open and Jacob and Alice’s muffled voices snapping at each other. I don’t even want to know what beef they have between them. Lately, all I’ve been hearing is arguments. Between Bella and Charlie. Bella and Jacob. Bella and her mom. I must’ve spaced out because Bella and Jacob come into the kitchen to stare at me.

“Oh my god if you two want time alone don’t go into the most public parts of the house.” I say as I leave the kitchen. Guess there’s no hot chocolate for me. Or Bella of course. I see Alice outside and decide to ask her again about her “visions”.

“So the ‘visions’?” I asked as I stepped outside.

“This is going to be a lot to proccess but please bare with me until the end.” Alice said in a nervous rush. I just nodded as an answer.

Then she went on in this long explanation about the last year. How her and her family are vampires, about Bella’s run in with James and Victoria, and why the Cullens left. I’m seriously going to smack Edward if I ever see him again.

Suddenly Alice froze, looking spaced out. What the fuck. I’m never interacting with this family ever again. What the hell is happening right now?

Alice comes to with a scared look on her face. She looks at me and gives me a pitiful look. What just happened?

“Edward is in danger!! He’s trying to kill himself because he thinks Bella is dead!!” She suddenly shouted and ran into the house.

I stood there shocked at what I just heard. This is definitely the last time I’m ever interacting with them. I finally go inside once I hear Alice explain the situation to Bella.

“Why didn’t you let me speak to him?!” Bella yells at Jacob as I enter the kitchen.

“Bella what happened?” I asked

“He didn’t ask for you.” Jacob snarled

I was about to ask what is going on, again, when Alice cut me off.

“Bella. Bella. He’s going to the Volturi,” Alice qauses, “He wants to die too.”

“Holy shit. Who the fuck is the Volturi?"

Alice gives me a look. Oh my god I don't read looks. I'm not a mind reader. I was about to open my mouth and tell Alice my thoughts when Bella ran towards the front door.

Nope she is not doing this without me.

Alice quickly follows and so do I. I can hear Jacob behind me begging Bella not to go but she's not slowing down.

"I am not going to let him kill himself." Bella say to Jacob

"What about your dad? Maricela?"

"I'm eighteen, I'm legally free to go and I left a note." She says getting into the car.

"I'm going with her, she's my younger sister I can't just let her go without me." I chime in getting into the car. I can feel Alicems eyes on me as I buckle my seat belt. I look up to lock eyes with her in the rear view mirror and she's giving me that pity look again. Now she's starting to worry me. Was Edward trying to kill himself all she saw?

"Please Bella. Just stay here. For Charlie" Jacob begs.

"For me."

Oh my god this is so sad. As much as I don't like either of them I would prefer Jacob. Just because he has some cute friends that Bella can introduce me too.

"I have to go." Bella says with a soft but firm tone.

"Please I'm begging you. Please. " Jacob says again. He needs to stop. Seriously it's getting irritating now.

"Good bye Jacob." Bella finally puts and end to the upsetting conversation and he walks away from the car. Bella puts her seatbelt on as Alice drives off.

"That was upsetting. Not because it was sad but because the desperation on his face gave my chills. In a bad way of course. He needs to calm down with that whole 'I love you Bella' thing." I say looking out the window into the dark trees.

Bella gives me a look telling me to shut up. I can't help but be a bitch, it's a lot of fun.

"No one ever answered my question about the Voltari." I stated after a few moments of silence.

Alice looks at me through the rear view mirror and says, "They make and keep the laws for our kind. They have some of the most powerful vampires backing them up so people follow the rules in order not to get killed."

I stay silent for a few second's and ask, "So like the government? Oh yeah where are we going?"

Bella mumbles something then says louder, “Mari please the questions.”

Okay I have a problem with asking too many questions but it's not my fault I want to know everything.

“I didn’t here you saw where they were. Where are they?” I asked.

Alice gave me the side eye and said something under her breath.

“What?” I asked

“Italy. They’re in Italy.” Alice finally answered


"Oh. Okay. Going to Italy. Let's see how dad reacts to that." I said my voice uneasy.

I decided to stare off into the dark forest of Forks and think. One of the things I can be proud of is my ability to tune people out just by thinking of something else.

I still can’t understand why Bella wants to go save him. He left her for dead in the woods and she still loves him? If someone did that to me I would never forgive them. She won’t listen to me or Charlie.

Oh my god what are we going to tell Charlie when we get back? Bella’s going to get grounded for the rest of her life and he’s going to be so disappointed in me for letting her go.

I was focusing on my breathing to calm myself down when I heard my name. I looked up at Alice and Bella but they were looking at each other, whispering.

“What are you two talking about? Is there anything I should know?” I ask confused.

Alice looked panicked and stuttered thinking of a response.

“I-um-I don’t know if you’re ready to hear this yet because I know it’ll just confuse you more. I’m just telling you now something is going to happen in there but I want you to know that it’s going to be hard at first but it’s meanth to happen this way. I know I’ve said this a lot tonight but please trust me.” Alice finished rushed.

I just stared at her. What does she mean by “Something is going to happen” that’s so eerie.

“I’ll trust you. As long as Bella stays safe I don’t care what happens to me. I came back to Forks to help her I’m not letting her get hurt now.” I stated.

Alice smiled and asked, “You two are half sister right?”

We both nodded and Bella answered, “Kind of. We tell people that because Charlie adopted her after my mom and I left.”

“That never stopped us from becoming best friends.” I said once Bella stopped talking.

“I never lnew you were adopted. Do you mind telling me what happened to your parents.” Alice asked politely.

“I don’t mind. Both my parents left, first my dad when I was around one year old and my mom when I was five years old. One day she just up and left, no note, no goodbye, nothing exepct food and water. I didn’t know what to do so I stayed in the house until I ran out of food.” I said pausing as Alice looked at me with pity. I hated pity.

I continued, “After all the food was out I went to my neighbors house and told them everything. Charlie was the responding officer and took me in.” I finished with a smile. Charlie is someone I will forever be grateful for, I don’t know what I would do without him.

It was quiet in the car for a moment until Alice spoke up, “I’m so sorry about your parents. Was it hard in the beginning?”

This time Bella answered for me, “She fit right in with Charlie, with me, and even my mom. She asked if Mari wanted to visit Arizona once in a while.”

I smiles at the memory. Renee was always so nice to me. She treated me like her own child.

“I remember how scare Charlie was I would leave and never come back.” I said with a fond look on my face.

“Yeah that would never happen. You and Charlie get along way too well.” Bella said chuckling a little bit.

Alice looked at us and smiled. She turned to us and said, “It’s going to be a long drive you two should get some rest.”

“Say no more.” I said laying down in the back seat.

“I won’t be able to.” Bella said with a frown.

Alice nodded understanding and said good night to me. I’ve always wanted to live in Italy, it’s sucha beautiful place.

Flashback over

As of right now I wish I knew how much this trip would suck. I wish I knew how much I would regret coming. I wish I knew how to resist him. But I didn’t because if I did I wouldn’t be sharing this story with you.


My first fanfic ever!! Tell me your thoughts and what I can improve on pls. I’m rlly excited, more info will be told abt Maricela later in the story.

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2 years ago

Chapter Two

Maricela Swan’s POV

I want to get the story moving too but in order to do that we need to look back again because there’s more to the story. I know so much happened in the span of a day I’m still processing it too.


Holy shit we’re in Italy. I’ve always wanted to go to Italy but not for these circumstances. Alice, Bella, and I were in a bright yellow car Alice got, driving to go stop Edward from killing himself. Not my first choice for color but that’s not important right now.

“I guess you didn’t rent this car?” Asks Bella as Alice speeds past cars.

“Oh my god you stole a car?! Alice I love you.” I stated with enthusiasm.

Alice let out a small laugh and said, “I figured neither of you would be opposed to grand theft auto.”

I burst out laughing as Bella said, “Not today.”

“I cannot believe you stole a car Alice! What would Dr.Cullen think?” I asked jokingly.

Alice gave me a sad smile and said, “What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”

She suddenly spaced out again and looked worried

“What? What do you see?” Bella asked worriedly

“They refused him.” Alice states with shock

“So?” Bella egged her on

“He’s going to make a scene. Show himself to the humans.” Alice says grimly

“No. When?” Bell asks

“He’s going to wait until noon, when the sun’s the highest.” Alice says

“Wait how is that going to get him killed?” I asked

"The Volturi have rules set to keep the balance. One of them is to keep our existence a secret from humans." Alice answers for me

"Why did Bella know then?" I asked

"That's a story for another time Alice you got to hurry up." Bella urges

Why did Bella know? I never thought about that until now. I get they have feelings for each other but you would think if humans weren't supposed to know Edward would've stayed away from her.

"There's Volterra." Alice says as my gaze lands on the gorgeous castle in the distance.

Alice speeds up passing by people wearing red cloaks and soon we appear behind a crowd of them.

"Why are they all in red?" Bella asks freaking out

"St. Marcus day festival. They're commemorating the expulsion of vampires from the city." Alice states quickly

I let out a snort at the irony of the situation.

"It's th perfect setting. The Volturi will neve let him get far enough to reveal himself." Alice tries to comfort Bella

"Five minutes!" Bella grunts

"You know Bella, just breath." Alice says trying to calm Bella

"Come on Bella, we'll get there in time. It's okay." I say

We run into cops stopping th car and Bella rushes out.

Turning to Alice and I she calls our names.

"You're the only he can't see coming. He'll read my thoughts and think I'm lying. He'll rush into it." Alice urges Bella to go.

"Where do I go?" Bella asks rushed

"He'll be in the clock tower. Go!" Alice exclaims

Bella runs in the direction she was told too. This is happening. Wow. I stay quiet as Alice talks with the officer too shocked to say anything. I try and keep my eyes on Bella as she runs. What if she gets hurt? What if she doesn't save Edward in time? I don't want her to be hurt anymore then she already was. Would her relationship with Jacob ever return back to normal?

"icela! Maricela!" Alice yells waving a hand in front of my face. I snap out of my thoughts.

"What? What happened?" I asked nervous

"You spaced out. Now come on we have to go with them." Alice says getting out of the car.

I rush out of the car walking as fast as I can to the clock tower without drawing anymore suspicion. We make it to the door but before I can try and open it Alice turns to me.

"Maricela before we go in there I want you to know, don't be scared it's supposed to happen this way. You're going to be okay and happy. It's our only option to get out of here alive." Alice finishes and before I can ask what the fuck she was talking about she broke open the door.

Why won't she answer my questions? What does she mean by "It's our only option"?

"Come on guys, it's a festival. We wouldn't want to make a scene." Alice says with a teasing voice.

I walk in and see two guys with vibrant red eyes look at me. The bigger guy takes my attention first. He's as big as Emmet Cullen but doesn't have the mischievous look in his eyes Emmet has. Emmet and I had a few classes together and when he wasn't staying quiet he was joking around in the back of the room. The other was very handsome. Damn. He stared dead into my eyes with so much intensity that I was worried he would burn holes through my head.

"Enough." I hear a young voice say with foot steps echoing through the hall. A girl comes into view. She's really pretty an looks young, aroun my age but with an innocent face. The way she carries herself says completely different, she moves stiff but with grace and menace. I should stay away from her.

"Jane." Edward says bowing his head.

"Aro sent me to see what's taking so long." the girl, Jane, had replied looking to the two unknown men she stood beside. She looks at all of us and quickly turned and walked down the hallway. Edward, holding Bella, pushed her gently forward and I followed next to Alice.

"Just do as she says." says Alice with a warning tone

Jane lead us to a stair case and turned to wait for us to pass. As Bella and Edward passed though, she cut off Alice and I and walked in front of us. We reach the end of the stair case and I see a pair of elevator doors. The two men behind Alice and I walk ahead of us and open the doors waiting for us to go in. We all gather in the elevator and as the doors close I can feel my heart start to beat faster than eve before. I don't want to die here. I can't leave Charlie without saying goodbye. Edward turns to look at me and smiles slightly, tightening his hold on my sister. The elevator doors open and Jane walks out keeping a steady but rushed pace.

When I walk out I see a woman stand up from a desk and say something in Italian. I look to Alice and giv her a confused look. She looks human, why is she here?

Once we're out of hearing distance Bella turns to Edward and asks what her and I are thinking, "Is she human?"

"Yes." Edward replies with a grim voice

Bella, still confused, asks, "Does she know?"

"Yes." Edward answers again, this time looking more anxious.

"Then why would-", Bella cuts herself off, "she wants to be-" Bella hesitates to finish he answer.

"And so she will be" I jump a little, startled, as the short man behind spoke up. He looks at me, smirking and giving me a wink. I, very creeped out, looked away quickly and stood closer to Alice.

"Or dessert." Jane chimes in.

Shit. Fuck. I'm going to die here.

We reach a set of door and Jane opens them with ease. I see into th room and I'm shocked to see how gorgeous the room is. White tile is everywhere, clashing with the red tiles that patterned the ceiling.

"Sister they sen you out for one and you bring out two. And a half. Such a clever girl." a voice startles me. I never knew voices could be so addictive until now. I look around to find the sourc of the voice and see Jane approaching a boy, seemingly around her age.

I couldn't look away. Something in my wouldn't let me draw my gaze away. He must've felt it because he then looked at me. As we made eye contact I realized. He was effortless. His milky pale skin and blazing red eyes just like every other vampire in this room but they weren’t even comparable to him. His brown hair was cut like Justin Biebers and though I usually hated that cut it suited him. He wore a black suit, fitting him perfec-

"Maricela." a voice broke me out of my trance and I turned to Edward shocked and confused to what just happened.

As I look into Edward's face I see that he looks scared and worried.

"Stay close." He tells me stiffly without looking m in th eyes.

I nod and get closer to him and my sister with Alice standing next to me.

"What a happy surprise." A man standing in front of one of three thrones says with enthusiasm.

"Bella is alive after all. Isn't that wonderful." says the same man walking towards us.

"I love a happy ending." he says eerily happy as he reaches out for Edward's hand that was holding Bella's. Bella gasps at th loss of contact between them.

"La tua cantante." the strange man says after holding Edward's hand for a moment.

Something blood?

He continues to speak in Italian, the rest a cannot pick up.

"It makes me thirsty. How can you stand to be so close to her?" he asks glancing at Bella. What the fuck.

"It's not without difficulty." Edward replies quick and rushed

"As I can see." the man says with a chuckle.

What the hell is happening right now.

Edward glances at me and says, "Aro can read every thought I've every had. From one touch. And now you know everything." he finishes pulling his hand away from the man, Aro?

"So get one with it." Edward continues with the hostility

"You are quite a soul reader yourself Edward, though you can't read Bella's or Maricela's thoughts. Fascinating." Aro says finally glancing at me. I forgot that Edward can read minds. God that's so creepy. No privacy with him.

Aro takes a step back and says, "I would love to see if you are an exception to my gifts as well."

"Would you do my the honor." he continues this time holding out his hand for Bella. Bella steps forward and take his hand. She stumbles as Aro drags her closer. As the room goes quite I'm suddenly aware of the eyes on me. I look around and catch the eyes of the boy. When I caught him looking he didn't look away but something in his expression changed. Not enough to be noticed by most but I did, somehow. Why can't I look away. He has my graze trapped on him and I know I should b scared but I can't find it in myself to be. I see Jane turn to look at me in the corner of my eye and then looks at the boy beside her. A look of fury comes across her face and he quickly turns back to me to glare. I almost immediately look away from his eyes and focus back on what's happening.

"Interesting. I see nothing." Aro says looking at Bella. He then turns to me quickly and gestures for my hand. I place mine in his and after a few moments he looks up.

"Similar with Maricela here." he says as he backs up. When he's far enough away I finally look around and notice two other men sitting on thrones, each beside the center where Aro was sitting. The man on the right was blonde and had a menacing look on his face, with blood red eyes, and a face seemingly set in a forced snarl. The man on th left looked tired, withered away, and completely depressed. He looked like Bella a couple months ago but more aged. And a man.

"Let us see if they're immune to all our powers." Aro says bringing me back to the conversation.

He turns to Jane and says, "Shall we Jane?" I turn to look at Jane and she has a small smile on her face as she turns to look at us. Edward yells in protest and runs in front of Bella and I but stops suddenly. He then falls to his knees in agony as Bella protests loudly. The boy beside Jane rushes to stop Bella from interfering after she tried to run to Edward. As he holds Bella back Alice leaves my side to be next to Edward. I don't know what to do. I want to help but what can I do when these are powerful vampires, they can kill me in seconds.

Bella then turns to Aro and yells, "Please stop! Just stop!"

Aro then turns to Jane and signals her to stop. Edward gasps in relief as Aro tells Jane to "Go ahead".

The boy holding Bella back moves slightly, blocking me from Jane's view. I look up at him shocked but he isn't looking at me, still looking at Jane.

"This may hurt just a little." says Jane as she looks at Bella. A few moments pass and as Jane's smile falls I could hear Aro's joyful laugh.

"Now for Maricela." he says. The boy still standing in front of me, hesitates to move.

Aro taken aback by the boys hesitation says, "Alec, you're blocking you sisters view."

Alec. That's a good name for him.

Alec slowly moves out of my line of sight and Jane finally lays her eye on me. Fury is in her eyes as she looks at me. The same as before everyone stood for a few moments waiting for something to happen when, nothing did. I felt completely fine.

Aro laughs again and exclaims, "Marvelous! They confound us all. So what are we going to do with you now?"

"You already know what you are going to do with Bella." the man on the left throne speaks up. What about me though? What are they going to do with Bella?

"They know too much." the man on the right throne spoke.

Aro's face goes slack and he says, "True. Felix."

All hell broke lose after that. Alec, who was still holding Bella, spins her around but guides me with him away from what's happening behind me. As he pulled me away Edward rushed in front of Bella. Flipping her behind him as he rushed to Felix, the bigger guard from before. Alice tries to run towards Edward but the man who was with Felix before took her by the neck, stopping her from helping.

As the fight between Edward and Felix gets more intense with Edward being thrown across the room I look up at Alec. He still has yet to look at me, instead choosing to watch the fight. His hands are hovering against my back, I would be flustered if it weren't for the situation we were in.

As I look back to the fight I see Edward still getting his ass handed to him. At least he's trying. Felix slams Edward into the steps and pulls him to his knees.

"No! No! Please! Please!" Bella screams

Aro gestures for Felix to stop, shocked at what Bella's doing.

"Kill me, kill me. Not him." Bella says with her voice shaking

"What the hell Bella no!" I shout. She can't die!

Aro walks towards Bella after looking at me and the hand Alec has on me.

"Extraordinary. You would give up your life for someone like us." Aro says gesturing to himself

"No she wouldn't, right Bella?" I asked angered by her decision

"A vampire. A soulless monster." Aro continues

"Stay away from her." Edward says gruffly

"You don't know anything about his soul." Bella glares at Aro

Aro starts speaking in Italian and turns towards Felix.

"This is a sadness. If only it'd be your intention to give her immortality." Aro says turning back to Bella walking towards her

"Stop!?" "Wait!" Alice and I shout at the same time

Aro doesn't look away from Bella until Alice says, "Bella will be one of us. I've seen it, I'll change her myself. There's something you should know about Maricela too." Is this it? Is this the only option she was talking about? Aro holds out his hand and Alice walks forward to show him what she saw.

"Memorizing. To see what you have seen before it has happened. You gifts will make for an intriguing immortal Isabella." Aro pauses before looking at Alec, "And it seems our dear Alec has found his mate." Aro then turns to me and I back up. What is happening right now. What's a mate?

"What? No! Alice tell me you're lying!" Bella begs turning to Alice with fear written all over her face

"What do you mean mate?" I ask and the room goes quiet

I look at Alice and she's looking at me with pity again. Bella looks like she's about to cry and Edward looks furious.

"Alice what the fuck did you see?" I ask again

Alice opens her mouth to explain but Alec cuts her off, "A mate for vampires is similar to a soulmate for humans."

Fuck. Crap. Shit. Dammit.

This isn't happening.

"Oh. So I'm your mate?" I ask hesitantly

Alec nods


"That's cool. When can we go home? Back to Forks." I ask panicked

"I'm afraid it isn't a good idea for mates to be separated. That's why Edward was here because he believed Bella to be dead." Aro says with a smile

I can feel myself get lightheaded.

"What about my dad? What about my school? I can actually go somewhere in life which was shocking for me and my dad to find out. Is Bella going to leave?" I ramble on asking question after question, scared at what I know is going to happen.

"She's not staying here she's coming back to Forks!" Bella protests

"Bella. Maricela. I'm sorry but there's nothing we can do." Edward says

Nothing? I start to tear up thinking about my life being ripped away from me. Will I be killed here? They're all blood thirsty vampires.

"He's right. Either way Maricela is staying here th only difference is in one option the three of you don't leave here alive." Aro says with a grim expression

Bella and I look at each other and she rushed towards me. She hugs me with so much strength I feel like I can't breath. Alice joins us and hugs me after Bella let's go.

"I'm so sorry. I was going to try and make you stay back at Forks but I know you wouldn't have listened." Alice apologizes

"Yeah no I would have still come with you." I say and glance at Alec who stepped back when my sister and Alice rushed me.

"Go now. Make your preparations." Aro says as Felix let's go of Edward. He rushes towards Bella and hold her waist. Gently pushing her towards the door.

I take her hand in mine, "Tell dad that when I went with you I got a really good schooling opportunity and that's why I couldn't come back. Okay? Tell him I love him." I say as more tears cloud my eyes.

"Let us be done with them. We have a different situation to discuss." the left throne man says

"I'd advise you follow through on you promise, we do not off second chances." says right throne man

Bella, Alice, and Edward all walk out the doors giving me sad looks. I see Bella with tears rolling down her face as the doors finally close.

Silence fills the room.

"Aro food is nearly here." says left throne man

"Lovely. Marcus why don't you take dear Maricela to another room so Alec can feed and clear his head." Aro says to left throne man, Marcus

Marcus stands slowly and gestures me to follow. Alec now standing next to me again puts his hand around my waist to lead me to him. He leaves my side when we reach Marcus. Marcus starts to head towards another door at th back of the room and I, too scared not too, follow behind him. We were in a long and dimly lit hallway. As Marcus leads me I pay attention to my foot steps echoing throughout the hall. I must've spaced out because when I come to I bump right into Marcus who's standing in front of a door. I jump back, frantically apologizing while he doesn't even turn to look at me and he just walks in. I wall slowly behind him and look around all over the room.

It was gorgeous. Shelves full of books going all the way to the ceiling, red velvet chairs and black leather chairs are placed all over the room, small circular tables beside them holding lamps. A giant carpet with patterns covered a majority of the floor. The walls that we're covered with book had paintings of the same woman. She was gorgeous, hair dark as space and eyes as red as blood.

I realize Marcus was staring at me waiting for me to take a seat in front of him. I nervously walke over to the chair in front of him and sat down.

"Do you have any questions Maricela?" Marcus asked with a fragile voice

I stay quiet. My thoughts are racing. I don't know what's going to happen to me. I don't know how my dad will resp-

Wait. How will he respond to me when I don't have a phone?! I must've forgot to get it when we were leaving Forks. I'm such an idiot!

"I know it's a lot to take in at once but please know a mate bond is very important to a vampire. Don't feel pressured to accept but give Alec a chance. He's had a difficult life and humans weren't exactly his friends." Marcus finishes

"Give him a chance? He's the reason I won't be able to see my family or my friends ever again!" I exclaim finally crying after holding in so much emotion.

"I just want to go home." I finish

Marcus just stares at me before opening his mouth to say, "A chance is all he needs Maricela. Please think about it. Now clean up your face he's coming to escort you to your room."

I quickly wipe my tears away and focus on my breathing to calm myself down. We sit there not talking for a minute when there's a knock on the door.

"Come in Alec." Marcus calls out, voice still fragile as ever

The door opens and walls in Alec. His eyes are on me instantly and suddenly I feel more relaxed.

Flashback over

I still can't believe that happened. I'm never going to see my family again. I wish this story was a good one like those Disney stories. I don't even know if my story has a happy ending.


Chapter two!! I'm rlly excited to keep writing for this story. Idk how often I'll post to it but I'll try to as much as I can. If u want to be tagged just comment on the most recent chapter and I'll tag u bye<33


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8 months ago

I'm getting back into being a Twilight fan, and instead of being on team vampire, I'm team werewolf/shape-shifter now. The only thing that's been on my mind recently is the events after breaking dawn part 2. No, I don't mean Bella, Edward, and their little lovechild. I wanna know if Sue and Charlie made it. I mean, it interests me. I absolutely love the fact that Charlie is with Sue now despite her being his dead friends' wife. I just have hope that Charlie and Sue tied the knot and made Leah and Seth, bella's step-siblings. Even though Leah absolutely hates Bella. (As she should because if a bitch threw my brother into a tree out of anger towards someone else, that bitch would be my enemy too)

I'm Getting Back Into Being A Twilight Fan, And Instead Of Being On Team Vampire, I'm Team Werewolf/shape-shifter
I'm Getting Back Into Being A Twilight Fan, And Instead Of Being On Team Vampire, I'm Team Werewolf/shape-shifter
I'm Getting Back Into Being A Twilight Fan, And Instead Of Being On Team Vampire, I'm Team Werewolf/shape-shifter

I mean, just look at them

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3 years ago

Charlie, waking up to stop bella from screaming in her sleep again

Charlie, Waking Up To Stop Bella From Screaming In Her Sleep Again

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11 months ago

Just read your Charlie Swan fic💕💕 it was great. Can I request smut with Charlie swan where reader was riding him in public in the police car and a fellow police officer catches them. After that the whole station talks about it and Charlie and reader are being called freaky😭😭 female reader please. Thanks alot 💕💕

hello honey! thank you and I'm so sorry for taking so long! I hope you like it.

summary - you and the chief get freaky in his car.

warning - smut, public sex, cream pie, swearing.

18+ only please, the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips

Just Read Your Charlie Swan Fic It Was Great. Can I Request Smut With Charlie Swan Where Reader Was Riding
Just Read Your Charlie Swan Fic It Was Great. Can I Request Smut With Charlie Swan Where Reader Was Riding

You tug on Charlie’s hair as you ride him, bouncing up and down. Your moans fill the small space, causing Charlie’s cock to throb and his head to fall back into the headrest. His hands grip your hips, thrusting up into you as his breath hits your neck. “F–fuck, sweetheart. You feel so amazing.” You whine, and your head falls back, exposing your neck. “Keep going, sweetheart. You’re doing so well for me!” Charlie places kisses on your sweet spot, sucking the flesh on your neck into his mouth softly. 

“O–oh, Charlie!” Your fingers dig into his shoulders, feeling your walls tense around his thick member, your eyes roll back as pleasant shivers spread through your body. You can feel your orgasm approaching, it’s so close to snapping. “I’m going to cum!” 

Just as you are about to finish, there’s a knock at the window. “Hey, Chief! These windows aren’t tinted!” You both turn your head, Charlie covering any part of you that is exposed, holding back a groan as your walls pulsate around him rapidly. “But good job!” The officer chuckles, shaking his head and walking back into the station. 

Charlie looks at you. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart.” You smile, wiggling your hips slightly. 

“Don’t worry about it, are you going to make me cum, Chief?” You smile sweetly, batting your lashes. A gasp escapes you as he holds you against him and begins to pound into you. Your orgasm builds back up and you cum around Charlie’s cock. “F–fuck…” You tuck your face into his neck, moaning softly as he continues to fuck into you until he finishes inside of you. 

Charlie moves your head back, cupping your cheek while stroking your hair back. “You are beautiful, I just want you to know that.” He whispers, leaning forward to place a soft kiss on your lips. “Are you ready to go back in? There’s no doubt that he’s told everybody.” Charlie rolls his eyes, smiling when you giggle. 

You nod, fixing your clothes and leaning over to grab your perfume out of your bag to spray yourself with. When you place it back into your bag, you grab your lip balm and swipe it across your lips while staring Charlie in the eyes. He watches with adoration before he opens the door and helps you out, ensuring you don’t hit your head or fall. 

Charlie holds your hand as the two of you walk into the station. Everyone’s head turns and cheers begin to fill the room. “Chief! Chief! Chief!” Their fists punch the air as they surround you. “We didn’t know our boss and his girl would be so freaky!” One of them shout, sending a wink your way. 

Charlie shakes his head, his cheeks turn pink, and he pulls you closer to him. “Alright, alright. You’ve all had your fun, now get back to work.” 

You giggle and bury your face into his chest, feeling your cheeks heat from all the attention. As everyone scatters and gets back to work, you remove yourself from his chest and look up. “I guess we are freaky, Chief. Wanna get freaky in your office?” He smirks and nods, pulling you toward his office and ignoring his employees.

Just Read Your Charlie Swan Fic It Was Great. Can I Request Smut With Charlie Swan Where Reader Was Riding

thank you for reading!

feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.

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9 months ago

Title: Home with You

(Charlie x Reader)

Title: Home With You

Forks was quieter than usual, the persistent drizzle turning the town into a serene, misty landscape. You stood by the kitchen window, watching the raindrops race each other down the glass. The comforting smell of fresh coffee filled the room, mingling with the faint scent of pine that always seemed to linger in the air here.

Charlie had been out all morning, handling a minor incident involving a deer and an unfortunate driver's windshield. You smiled to yourself, imagining his calm demeanor and steady hand as he reassured the frazzled driver.

The front door creaked open, and Charlie stepped inside, shaking off the rain from his jacket. His eyes lit up when he saw you, and he offered a tired but genuine smile.

"Hey," he said, his voice warm and comforting.

"Hey yourself," you replied, handing him a steaming mug of coffee. He took it gratefully, wrapping his hands around the cup and savoring the warmth.

"Busy day?" you asked, leaning against the counter as he took a seat at the kitchen table.

"Same old, same old," he replied with a chuckle. "But it’s always nice to come home to you."

You moved behind him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and planting a kiss on his cheek. "I’m glad you’re home, Charlie."

He reached up, placing a hand over yours. "Me too."

The simplicity of life with Charlie was something you cherished. He wasn’t a man of many words, but his actions spoke volumes. The way he’d get up early to clear the driveway of snow, the quiet moments spent together over dinner, and the soft, reassuring touch of his hand in yours. It was these small things that made your life together so special.

Later that evening, as you both settled on the couch, the sound of rain still pattering against the windows, you rested your head on Charlie's shoulder. He wrapped an arm around you, pulling you close.

"Do you ever regret moving to Forks?" he asked suddenly, his voice soft and hesitant.

You lifted your head, looking into his earnest brown eyes. "Not for a second," you replied firmly. "This is where my heart is."

Charlie smiled, the kind of smile that made his eyes crinkle at the corners. "I love you," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I love you too," you replied, leaning in to kiss him gently.

In that moment, with the rain outside and the warmth of Charlie’s embrace, everything felt right. Forks might be a small, rainy town, but it was filled with love, and it was your home.

And as long as you had Charlie, it always would be.


I hope you enjoyed this short fanfic!

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2 years ago
Thanks To That Moment In The Study When Carlisle Stitches Up Bella, Ive Been Smitten With The Idea Of
Thanks To That Moment In The Study When Carlisle Stitches Up Bella, Ive Been Smitten With The Idea Of

Thanks to that moment in the study when Carlisle stitches up Bella, I’ve been smitten with the idea of them together. And then thanks to falling down an AO3 hole, I found stories about Charlie and Carlisle and liked them together too. So I wanted Funko Pops of them. Well, the Twilight ones suck (my opinion) and so I went on a search for ones that looked closer to what I wanted. Carlisle=Bruno from Ms. Marvel…Charlie=Duran Duran Roger Taylor (with a painted on mustache)…Bella=Mandy-Mandy (after painting the one grey eye black) I had fun taking their pictures and using Gimp to make the above images.

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1 year ago
Charlie Swan X Carlisle Cullen Is A Guilty Pleasure Of Mine Lol. I Am Re-reading The Books (SOOOOOO MUCH
Charlie Swan X Carlisle Cullen Is A Guilty Pleasure Of Mine Lol. I Am Re-reading The Books (SOOOOOO MUCH
Charlie Swan X Carlisle Cullen Is A Guilty Pleasure Of Mine Lol. I Am Re-reading The Books (SOOOOOO MUCH
Charlie Swan X Carlisle Cullen Is A Guilty Pleasure Of Mine Lol. I Am Re-reading The Books (SOOOOOO MUCH
Charlie Swan X Carlisle Cullen Is A Guilty Pleasure Of Mine Lol. I Am Re-reading The Books (SOOOOOO MUCH
Charlie Swan X Carlisle Cullen Is A Guilty Pleasure Of Mine Lol. I Am Re-reading The Books (SOOOOOO MUCH
Charlie Swan X Carlisle Cullen Is A Guilty Pleasure Of Mine Lol. I Am Re-reading The Books (SOOOOOO MUCH
Charlie Swan X Carlisle Cullen Is A Guilty Pleasure Of Mine Lol. I Am Re-reading The Books (SOOOOOO MUCH
Charlie Swan X Carlisle Cullen Is A Guilty Pleasure Of Mine Lol. I Am Re-reading The Books (SOOOOOO MUCH

Charlie Swan x Carlisle Cullen is a guilty pleasure of mine lol. I am re-reading the books (SOOOOOO MUCH BETTER THAN THE MOVIES…but I do like the actors used.) and came across some moments of Charlie talking about Carlisle which made me smile. Chief Swan has it bad for the sexy Dr. lol (gif was made using end credits from BD2)

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4 months ago

So I'm rewatching twilight again and Carlisle Cullen and Charlie Swan are so Jekyll and Utterson in a different universe. They even look like the mazm Jekyll and Utterson??

So I'm Rewatching Twilight Again And Carlisle Cullen And Charlie Swan Are So Jekyll And Utterson In A
So I'm Rewatching Twilight Again And Carlisle Cullen And Charlie Swan Are So Jekyll And Utterson In A
So I'm Rewatching Twilight Again And Carlisle Cullen And Charlie Swan Are So Jekyll And Utterson In A

Respected doctor, loves his friends despite having to isolate himself sometimes due to keeping huge secret (is some kind of "monster"), like 90% in control (of becoming Hyde/making others vampires) but very calm about it because he believes he is fully in control

So I'm Rewatching Twilight Again And Carlisle Cullen And Charlie Swan Are So Jekyll And Utterson In A
So I'm Rewatching Twilight Again And Carlisle Cullen And Charlie Swan Are So Jekyll And Utterson In A
So I'm Rewatching Twilight Again And Carlisle Cullen And Charlie Swan Are So Jekyll And Utterson In A

Knows practically nothing that's going on but is trying to find out how to protect his loved ones. Detectives (one paid, one self-proclaimed). Quite emotionally restricted (if that makes sense), cares a lot but struggles to show it over than in emergency situations

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