Twst Jade Leech X Reader - Tumblr Posts
In which (Y/n) has to play zookeeper for two eels and an octopus that are actually her three friends Floyd, Jade, and Azul.
They're slippery and shady — mischievous enough to pull her into the aquarium tank with them and almost drown her.
Request by @ilovefanficstoomuch.

"Hello? Is someone there?"
Wrapping your arms around yourself, you entered the barely lit Mostro Lounge with a worried frown on your face. The pyjama on your body did nothing to shield you from the chilly night air that tended to haunt NRC at 3 AM. Rubbing away the heavy eye-bags under your eyes, you cautiously further advanced into the entirely silent establishment.
Floyd had spammed you with messages earlier, all of them about an emergency at Mostro Lounge that he needed your help with. Intrigued and worried, you had immediately pried Grim away from you and made your way to Mostro Lounge. He had mentioned something about a potion having gone wrong — but nothing more, and you were curious about how bad this could be.
"Azul? Jade? Floyd?" you called out once again, growing a bit restless when you received no response and only tense silence. Your eyes wandered around the empty establishment, not a sight you were used to since you only saw it during its opening times when it was bustling full.
Furrowing your eyebrows, you pulled out your phone and looked at the messages Floyd had sent you. The bright light burnt your eyes as you carelessly ventured forward — which caused you to not notice the two eels flopping around on the floor until you almost stepped on their tails.
"Eels?!" you shrieked as you almost threw your phone away in shock. Clasping your heart in utter panic, you squatted down to inspect the two sea-creatures further; they looked identical — you couldn't really make out any specialities, either. Their scales were blue, with a little greyish tint to them. Their valiant flopping slowly died down, and they looked like they wanted nothing more than water. Your eyes turned to the giant fish tank to your left — the main attraction of the establishment. "Hm... the tank over there should be fine, right?"
You decided that it would have to do for the duration. Inching closer to them, you tried to think up methods of transporting them. They surely were slippery, and who knew if they would even cooperate with you.
You were tired, and so it was embarrassingly late that a life-changing thought struck you. "Wait— two eels that look identical... does this mean you two are Floyd and Jade?" You glared at the eels still moving like ropes that had come to life, their tails curling and unfurling in an enchanting way. "No, this must be a coincidence..." Shaking your head, you decided to focus on getting them into the water first.
A little bit nervous, you hesitantly grabbed them by their necks — your grip gentle but firm. They weren't exactly thick, but they definitely were long. "Oh— you're so slippery!" You almost dropped them again due to how smooth and even their scales were; there wasn't much to grab onto. Luckily for you, the eels eagerly wrapped their long tails around your arm — going as high as your shoulders.
You laughed as they seemingly got used to your presence, sometimes even teasingly flicking their tail against your neck to tickle you. Laughing, you held them away from you as much as you could.
"Ah, yes that makes my life easier..." you mumbled as you rose to your feet and slowly advanced towards the giant tank. Luckily for you, the top lid was already removed, and a ladder was propped up by the side. The eels seemed strangely obedient and calm as you moved — unfitting for wild and normal animals. "Aren't you two some good boys? Yes, you are~"
Your cooes seemed to coax them into relaxing further, but their grip on your arms never lessened a bit. As careful as you could be, you climbed up the ladder to the tank.
Finally, upon arriving at the edge of the aquarium, you lowered your arms into the water and let go of their necks. "Hm, now go take a swim! Let go of my arms," you drawled as you waved your limbs around a little bit, but they wouldn't let go and swim away — instead, they wrapped themselves around your arms even further and propelled themselves forward in an attempt to drag you into the tank, too. Your eyes widened in horror as you did your best to resist. "Wait— wait! Oh hell no, I'm not taking a swim with you! Get off of me!"
You put all of your weight into your legs and lower body, trying to pull your arms out of their strangely strong hold. It was a desperate battle of tug-of-war — one that you eventually won with just enough strength. The eels let go of your arms not before sending you a little glare. The sudden force of them letting you go caused you to shoot back, and you almost fell from the ladder. Luckily for you, you managed to grab onto the thick glass of the tank before you could fall.
Blowing a strand of hair out of your face, you exhaled to let your heart calm down from its heavy beating. "I take that back... you're not good boys... slippery eels..." you hissed as you watched them swim around in the tank, never straying too far away from you and always staring at you in an eerie way. Just as you were about to scold them further, the noise of something falling to the floor filled your ears.
"Ah! Was that a lamp crashing? I think it came from Azul's office." Your head shot in the direction of where the crashing noise had come from. Eyebrows furrowing in worry, you suddenly forgot all about the eels that needed a good dose of scolding. Instead, you sighed and climbed down the ladder as quickly as you could. Once your feet hit the ground, you hurried over to the VIP lounge of the establishment.
"Azul? Azul!" you called out as you pushed the door open to find the lights still turned on. Your eyes immediately darted over to the desk where the merman usually sat, doing paper work — of shady or less shady nature. Instead of finding a young man sitting at the desk, your eyes instead laid on a purple octopus. "Are you— wait, an octopus—?"
You froze in your steps, your eyes always remaining glued on his black button eyes that perked up at the sound of the door being slammed open. His tentacles were busy with whatever he could grab onto — one tentacle held a pen, another raised a book into the air, but the majority of his tentacles were used as support to keep himself on the chair.
You furrowed your eyebrows and bit your lip as you slowly approached the octopus that watched you as attentively as you watched him. He seemed shy, trying to retreat with every step you neared. "So those two eels were Jade and Floyd after all..." you murmured, the solution to this riddle as clear as day to you. "Floyd really messed up the potion this bad?"
You were snapped out of your train of thought when you realised the octopus was climbing down from the chair and beginning to cower under his desk. His movements were slow yet sturdy, and you did his best to follow him — going as far as getting on your knees to crawl under the desk, too.
"Ah, you don't need to be afraid of me, Azul~" you cooed as you carefully reached out towards the octopus, hoping he'd come to trust you quickly. Whenever you were about to touch one of his tentacles, he moved them away with reflexes as quick as lightning. A sigh escaped your lips. "It's just good ole me, Azul."
You took a deep breath before once again extending a hand and letting your fingertips gently drag against the slimy surface of his one tentacle. Azul immediately jumped when your electrifying touch ran through his body. It took a lot of coaxing — from soft petting to whispering sweet nothings — until he crawled out from under his desk.
You giggled as his tentacles wrapped around your wrist, the suction cups gluing themselves to their skin. Every time you removed a tentacle from your arm, another one would latch onto your skin. His black eyes never left yours, and he continued to stare at you in a happy way. "Yes, aren't you a good boy?" you drawled as you extended both your arms to carefully pick him up. "Much nicer than Floyd and Jade earlier..."
The octopus was as big as your torso but much lighter than you had anticipated. He pressed himself against your body, letting his tentacles wrap around your limbs and neck. He was much easier to carry that way, and you didn't have to worry about not getting a good-enough grip on him and accidentally dropping him.
"Aren't you adorable?" you asked in a baby-voice as you removed a hand from around his main body to stroke his round and shiny head. The octopus squirmed in delight as his tentacles became a little bit more lively. Their grip on you became stronger the closer you hugged him, but not strong enough to overwhelm you. "Hehe, your tentacles are tickling me!"
Pushing him to your chest, you set forward to make your way back to the big tank in the middle of the restaurant. "Let's get you to the aquarium, too, dear," you muttered under your breath as you looked down at Azul, chuckles escaping your lips. He sure was a clingy octopus once you showed him enough affection.
Climbing the ladder with Azul in your arms proved to be an even harder task than with Jade and Floyd earlier. Azul's large main body occupied most of your vision, and his tentacles sometimes went places they shouldn't go. You merely swatted his tentacles away whenever they mischievously slipper under your thin shirt — and you always told yourself that Azul wasn't doing it intentionally — but his tentacles seemed to have a life of their own and wouldn't accept defeat so easily.
Finally, you arrived at the top of the tank once again, your curious eyes searching for the two eels you had dropped inside earlier. They quickly swam to the surface, their eyes glued to the octopus in your arms.
You smiled down at Azul as you carefully lowered him into the water, removing your arms from around him as you did so. "Okay! Now, go play with Floyd and Jade," you chimed as you removed his tentacles from around your arms, torso, and neck — yet, you struggled greatly. His suction cups suddenly were really glued to your skin, and you couldn't just pop them off anymore. Nervously smiling down at the suddenly dangerous-appearing octopus, you bit your lip. "You'll be so nice and let go of me, right?"
The octopus wrapped the majority of his tentacles around your arms, a few of them curling around your waist and torso. His hold was strong, and when he tugged you into the water with him, your strength was no match for him. "H-Hey, Azul— you're stronger than you were earlier—" you cried out with fear sparkling in your eyes. Despite your protests, Azul continued pulling and tugging. The water came closer ever so slightly, and you were about to be pulled over the glass edge of the tank. "This isn't fun anymore. Please let go before—"
Your face collided with the surface of the water before you could finish your sentence. The rest of your body was quickly submerged in the water of the tank, too. Azul and the twins, now being in their natural habitat, had a major advantage over you. Azul's tentacles moved majestically as he removed them from your arms and instead wrapped them around your torso and waist. The eels swam around you two in utter excitement, and they tried to get closer — but Azul's free tentacles always pushed them away before they could get too close.
Your lungs were burning from not receiving enough oxygen, and your vision began to blur even more when the lack of air slowly became prevalent. Once your wide eyes fluttered close, Azul felt merciful enough to drag you to the surface.
You desperately yapped for air as your head shot out from the clear blue water surrounding you. Azul slightly loosened his hold around you, but his tentacles became something more akin to a cage and prison around you. Your hair stuck to your face like algae, and Azul's tentacles reached out to gently push them away from your face.
"I hate you! All three of you!" you screeched at the top of your lungs, glaring at the octopus that held you prisoner and the two eels that played guards. Taking a deep breath of sweet air, you turned your glare to the octopus that was innocently playing with your strands of sticky hair. "Azul — out of all three of you — I thought I could trust you... You were so sweet and adorable!"
Your cries caused Azul to wince, and he withdrew his tentacles to allow you to swim on your own. Yet, your heart sank as his tentacles curled around himself in an attempt to hide himself from you. The eels were lurking around your legs, waiting for the moment they could strike and hold you as a prisoner of their own, demanding attention and petting, too.
You swam towards Azul, a little smile on your face. "Aw, yes... I can't be angry at you, my favourite octopus..." you cooed as you gently removed a tentacle to reveal a shiny black eye looking up at you shyly. The tentacle in your hand easily slipped out of your grasp and instead wrapped itself around your wrist. You sighed as Floyd and Jade appeared next to Azul, flanking his sides. "Even if you three almost drowned me just now."
Azul had a hard time resisting from just ensnaring you in his arms again, especially with how your smile seemed so forgiving. Before he could imprison you again, Floyd and Jade had already wrapped themselves around your torso as if they were dancing a little dance.
Laughter spilt from your lips as you felt the fins on the back of their bodies graze your skin. "Ah— Floyd and Jade," you cried out once they finally stopped moving. "Your fins really tickle me—" Not sure where their body began and where it ended, you simply patted random parts of their tails.
A jealous Azul, demanding attention, too, poked your cheek with the tip of his tentacle.
"Wait, Azul—" Your laughter grew louder as you let your fingers curl around the tentacle that just had prodded your cheek. He playfully removed his tentacle from your grasp, wanting you to catch it again. Amused, you decided to play his little game with him.
Two eels wrapped around your torso and an octopus playing with your hand — that's not what you thought would happen when you had received Floyd's message earlier. As fun as it was, the water in the tank was a little bit too cold for you to be comfortable in. Although it pained you to end this little play-date, you stopped responding to Azul's tentacles and attempted to unwrap Floyd and Jade from your torso.
Signing when the eels wouldn't budge even a centimetre, you muttered, "I should get out of here before I catch a cold—" Instead of letting go of you, they tightened their hold on you — so much that you found it hard to breathe. "Floyd, Jade... please, let me go." They wouldn't let go — that much was clear. So, despite your circumstances, you tried your best to swim to the edge of the tank.
Azul would have none of that and let his tentacles wrap around your ankles. He tugged you back whenever you were just in the reach of grabbing onto the glass edge — oh, he was a sadistic little octopus.
Finally giving up, you turned around to glare at them playfully. "You sea-creatures are quite persistent, aren't you?"
You shook your head in amusement when finally, after you admitted defeat, Floyd and Jade unwrapped themselves from around your torso and began circling you like sharks. Azul, like the gentleman he was, extended a tentacle for you to hold onto. You grasped it and shot him a grateful wink.
"But oh well, how about you show me all the pretty corals and colourful fish while I'm in here already?"
The three grew excited at your words, and their movements became more erratic. You laughed as you watched them with fondness in your eyes.
"Just please, don't accidentally drown me again."
In which (Y/n) turns into a siren after drinking one of Azul's test potions to fulfill her side of their contract. Somehow, she manages to seduce Jade before she returns back to normal.
Next day, having forgotten about this little incident, she has a lovesick eel scaring the everlasting life out of her.

"Are you sure this is safe?"
You shot Azul a slightly frightened look as your hand gripped the glass bottle that contained an ominously dark liquid that slowly crept around the insides of the bottle whenever you tilted it from one side to another. Jade and Floyd who stood behind Azul shot each other amused glances, their fangs showing.
"Even if it wasn't, you'd have to drink it anyway," Azul murmured under his breath, annoyed since this whole charade had been going on for almost half an hour now. As patiently as he could, he pulled the golden contract that bore your signature on it from his desk to hold it in front of your doubtful eyes. "It's black on white here."
"...that's not helpful, Azul." You furrowed your eyebrows, gulping.
"Nee! It's time to fulfill your side of the contract," Floyd cooed, his eyes shimmering under the late afternoon sun. Even more desperate than before, you let out an exasperated huff. You turned to Jade for help, who only shot you a sadistic smile as he tilted his head to the side mockingly. Cheeks growing red when he shot you a mischievous wink, you finally relented.
"Fine," you murmured as you screwed the bottle open and put it against your lips. Closing your eyes, you made a quick prayer. "I better not die from this..."
The overly sweet liquid ran down your throat, somehow sticky and thick. Once the bottle was empty, it slipped out of your shaking hands and collided with the ground, shattering into pieces upon collision. Your limbs turned numb, and all you felt was the hard impact of the ground. When you opened your eyes, purple smoke had surrounded your near area, alarming you even more when you couldn't feel your legs anymore.
"Did it work?!" Azul asked excitedly through the smoke, waving his hands around in the air. Floyd let out a few drastic coughs, and Jade couldn't help but squint his eyes to get a better look at you who lay on the ground.
Once the smoke cleared, you were revealed to be slowly sitting up and propping yourself up onto your elbows. A distant sigh escaping your lips, you held your head in pain. "Ugh... I feel like a fish on land—" You stopped in your tracks once your eyes travelled to where your legs were supposed to be — only now that they were replaced by a shimmering tail. "Where are my legs?!"
Ignoring your panicked screams, Azul knelt down at the far end of your tail, picking it up gently with his eyes lighting up in utter delight. "What a pretty tail..." he hummed as he ran his hand across the scales, nodding to himself. "Yes, now I just need a few scales so that I can put them into the face cream for Vil..."
Indeed, the scales on your long tail were a beautiful (F/c), same with your shell bra. You couldn't help but awe at your newly acquired tail, admiring it with wide eyes.
Suddenly, shock and surprise fading from your face, the long overdue siren instincts kicked in. Your lips curled up into a seductive smile as you gracefully reached your hand out to the male inspecting your fins. "Azul~ come closer..." you cooed, frowning when he precautiously took a step back. A pout snuck its way to your lips as you teasingly slapped him with the end of your tail. "I promise I won't bite!"
"That's what she said," Floyd snickered whilst punching Jade's shoulder, who had a hard time standing straight somehow. He chuckled along, albeit more nervously than usually.
"Oh, yes, I almost forgot." Azul grinned as he put ear-plugs into his ears, sending you a smug grin. You narrowed your eyes at him whilst crossing your arms in defeat. "Only people who already have romantic feelings for you will fall for your tricks, siren. But ear-plugs never hurt."
Crossing your arms, you rolled your eyes and let out an exasperated huff. "Ugh, at least get me to a pool if you won't let yourself get seduced."
"Good idea. We wouldn't want your scales to dry out," Azul mused as he rose back to his feet to wave the twins over. They immediately appeared by his side, as professional as ever — but you managed to catch onto the way Jade's gaze remained on you longer than it should have. "Floyd and Jade, pick her up and put her into the pool in our backyard."
"Shrimpy's tail is so pretty—" Floyd cooed as heaved up your tail while Jade picked up your torso, his gloved hands unusually careful and handling this job rather delicately. Floyd flashed you a little grin. "It reminds me of my own."
"Thank you, sweetheart~" you replied, shooting him a wink. "Maybe we could go for a swim sometime?"
"I'd love that— wait no..." Gaze hardening, he quickly swiped the pair of ear-plugs Azul had given them earlier out of the pocket of his jacket. Once he had stuffed his ears, which successfully drowned out your alluring voice, he let out a satisfied sigh. "Ah, that's better..."
You started to frown at being ignored, and opted to turn towards Jade. "You would never ignore me... right, honey?"
He seemed to have a harder time resisting the wonderful melody your voice carried. "You're not making my job any easier..." he simply muttered once you arrived in the back area of the Mostro Lounge where they somehow had a big pool. The sight of water excited you, and you wished for nothing more than to hydrate your dry scales.
They threw you into the pool, not exactly gently. You let out a little yelp when you flew across the air in an arc before colliding with the peaceful surface of the water, causing splashes to fly towards the twins. They stepped to the side just in time, avoiding their fates. Floyd, who clapped his hands in delight like he always did when finishing a job, had already turned around to march away, but Jade remained hunched over at the pool side, quickly pulling a pair of ear-plugs out of the pocket of his jacket.
You quickly returned to the surface after a quick dive through the relatively deep pool. As you took a relieved breath, a more or less satisfied smile appeared on your lips. Realising that Jade was still hunched over at the edge if the pool — just within your reach — you immediately swam over to him with a certain excitement to your moves. You watched him curiously; eventually you noticed his hands shaking uncharacteristically.
"Jade, my love, why don't you forget those ear-plugs and give me some company?" You gently grabbed his wrists, smiling brightly. He hesitantly raised his gaze, for once feeling something akin to fear — fear that he would lose himself in your eyes. Staring into his orbs, you realised for the first time that they were full of hidden desire and adoration. "I'm so lonely... all alone in this big pool."
He tried his best to keep up the composed facade that usually hid his feelings away well enough, but deep inside, he seemed to be struggling horribly. "Oh, (Y/n)..." His hold weakened enough to let the ear-plugs dropped into the water, and he seemed to be caught under your spell well enough. But before you could hoist yourself up to press your lips onto his — which would seal the deal — he regained control of himself in a moment of luck. Ripping his wrists out of your hold, he stepped back with the usual unreadable steel expression on his face.
"Jade!" you whined, tail splashing against the water in discontent, desperation, and finally — anger. You reached one hand out towards him, and even attempted to climb over the pool edge, but he simply was too far away. "Don't go!"
"You thought you got me there, didn't you?" he asked, grinning calmly like usually. Little did he know that you were able to catch onto the way he desperately avoided your gaze, and the way he made sure to distance himself further from you. "No chance, my little siren~"
"Let's go, Jade!" Floyd mumbled as he grabbed his brother by his forearm and pulled him back into the building, which Jade was incredibly thankful for. In truth, he had to put up all his willpower in order to resist the control you held over his rapidly beating heart.
A disappointed sigh escaped your lips whilst you let yourself sink back into the depths of the pool, your tail propelling you through the shimmering water with a force unmatched. Looking up at the surface that reflected the last shimmers of the afternoon sun beautifully, you let out a longing sigh. "What fun is there in being a siren if there's no one to mess around with~?"
Throughout the rest of the day, Jade had grown incredibly restless, shaking with anticipation and barely being able to form a word. Of course, he still remained calm and unreadable on the outside to most people — but no one could fool his closest confidants: Azul and Floyd.
Azul, who had noticed his growing change in demeanour, took him aside once he finally had enough of the inefficiency his behaviour created: Jade had barely managed to get a customer's order right. His efficiency had gone down dramatically, which Azul — the almighty business man — definitely didn't like.
"Jade, are you unwell?" the octopus asked whilst pushing his glasses up in annoyance. "It won't prove profitable if you work yourself to death— the longterm consequences would be way too much."
Jade rubbed his temples, wondering if he should just tell Azul the truth. In the end, he decided against it; he wasn't the type to talk about his feelings and problems. "It's nothing," Jade replied, a forced smile on his face, as he tried to walk past Azul with a few dishes in his hand. Much to his dismay, the octopus would have none of it: He waved over another waiter to relieve Jade of the plates.
"Brother, go to bed!" Floyd cried out he appeared beside Azul. "I'll take over washing the dishes for you!"
Jade raised his eyebrows, caught off-guard by his twin's generosity. "You would do that?"
"Only if you do the laundry for a week." Floyd shot him a mischievous look, knowing it was a deal he couldn't shoot down. "What do you say~?"
Letting out an annoyed sigh at having to waste time with this useless chit-chat, Jade complied — mostly because he couldn't wait to see a special someone. "Fine..."
"Good," Azul hummed, glad that the business was taking care of. "Now, does Floyd need to escort you to your room?"
"No," Jade said, his answer shooting right out of him in a way that made him sound a little bit suspicious, as well as alarmingly desperate. He quickly managed to regain his composure though, which caused Azul and Floyd to shoot each other confused glances. "I will manage on my own."
Azul nodded before shooing him out of the lounge, something akin to a worried frown on his face. "Then get some rest. You better be well again tomorrow."
The two didn't notice as Jade walked into the exact opposite direction of the Octavinelle dorm, his legs carrying him towards the pool in the back of the establishment. Even though his mind had fought hard, the longing of his aching heart had eventually won the war.
The way there was long and dreary, even though his long legs made haste. The longer he had to spend time away from you, the more he felt himself running out of air, suffocating.
Finally, he arrived. The backyard was already coloured in dark colours, the night having replaced the vibrant rays of the sun. But the stars and the moon up in the night sky shimmered beautifully, reflecting off the surface of the pool.
As Jade slid the door open to the backyard, he could feel his hands shaking in utter anxiety and excitement. He wasn't the one controlling his thoughts, his heart, and his body — you were, although you weren't aware. His legs a little bit wobbly, he still managed to walk over to the pool which seemed alarmingly quiet. As he knelt down at the edge of the pool, his eyes watched the entity gracefully gliding through the dark water as if he was in a trance.
Eventually, you revealed yourself to the enarmoured male, your head appearing right in front of him. The splashes your sudden appearance created soaked his pants around the knee-area, but he didn't flinch as he felt the liquid touch his skin. "Jade!" you cried out happily as you gently took his hand that idly lay next to him on the ground while making sure that your eyes always were staring into his lovingly, enchanting him even more. "I knew you'd come back for me."
"(Y/n)..." Jade repeated your name over and over again as he extended his other hand to push a strand of wet hair behind your ears. You giggled as you snatched his wrist right up, pressing his palm against your cheek. Your laughter sounded so heavenly — had it always been this way? A radiant smile on his face, he couldn't help but whisper, "You're so pretty, (Y/n)..."
"Have I wrapped you around my finger?" you cooed, your enchanting voice drawing him even closer. There was a vicious grin on your face when you noticed the way he occasionally snapped out of his trance, only to slip and lose himself even more. "You're usually not this... open~! But I like this side or you, Jade."
His eyes darted around the pool in a moment of clarity. Hesitantly, his hands retreated, which was met by a few cries and pouts from your side. "This isn't true, is it?" he mumbled as his hands clenched his heart in pain. Normally, he had no problem concealing and ignoring his feelings — but now, he felt like a fish flopping on land, desperate to have your attention.
"Oh, that doesn't matter, Jade." You opened your mouth, knowing you would have to use your backup plan since he proved quite resilient to your charm. After all, a siren's greatest weapon were her vocal abilities. "Come to me, come to me..." you sang, your voice as alluring as the way your eyes bore into his, able to see all his hidden desires and emotions.
Gripping his head in newfound despair, Jade hissed out, "No... I can't—"
Learning your torso over the edge of the pool, you extended your arm towards him to beckon him over to you with a flick of your wrist. "Come to me... you're the only one for me~" you cooed, the melody invading his mind and taking over his mind until he couldn't form a proper thought anymore. The more his lips curled up into an unnaturally big smile, the more you grew satisfied. "Come to me, Jade."
Having completely succumbed to his desires and affections he had always held for you, he let himself be beckoned closer — until he was kneeling down at the pool edge again. "Yes, my little siren..." he whispered, letting out a blissful sigh when he felt your wet hands cupping his cheeks, pulling his face down towards you. Teasingly, you ran your hand across his neck and shoulders, watching his changing expressions in mischief. The way his eyes fluttered close when your lips ghosted over his ears, as you filled his mind with a soft lullaby, made a vicious grin appear on your lips.
"What a good eel you are..." you cooed as you sensually ran your fingertips down his left arm, causing the fabric of his jacket to dampen. You knew you had him completely ensnared, which is why you could reap your reward now. "Won't you give me a little kiss?" You pulled away, so that you were facing him again.
"I love you, (Y/n)," he murmured, his voice genuine for once. "I've always loved you..."
"I love you, too, Jade~" you cooed before you propelled yourself up with your tail to let your lips collide with his. He reciprocated immediately, leaning into your touch — so much that his fedora slipped off his head and sailed down onto the floor. Giggling mischievously, you wrapped your arms around his neck, and pulled him into the pool with you. Your lips stayed locked in a passionate kiss, even as Jade collided with the surface of the water and eventually disappeared beneath it with you, his arms wrapped around you tightly.
The next day, you awoke in your own bed with a big headache, unable to remember what had happened yesterday. The last thing you were able to recall was having made a deal with Azul in an attempt to prevent him from forwarding a complaint to Headmaster Crowley about Ace and Deuce destroying one of the lounge's fish tanks.
"Azul..." you mumbled as you gently sat up, your head hurting like after a hangover. A groan escaped your lips. "Maybe I should go ask Azul..."
"Finally awake, eh?" Grim asked as he strode inside of your bedroom, a can of tuna in his paws. Casually, he plopped himself down on the end of your bed. "You looked horrible when Azul and Floyd dropped you off yesterday around midnight."
"...did they say anything?"
Grim shrugged, chewing away on his beloved tuna. "The scary one only said that you were a bothersome little guppy."
"I see..." you hummed, the dreadful feeling from your stomach not really gone. "I need to visit the Mostro Lounge then, Grim. Feel free to help yourself to some more tuna if you're hungry."
The cat's eyes lit up in happiness as he eyed you curiously. "Oh?! Did they give you some 'generosity-potion'?" he mused, grinning from ear to ear as he stormed out of your bedroom and towards the kitchen. "If yes, then you should hang out with them more often~"
The lounge was still closed when you arrived after having basically sprinted there. Chest heaving up and down, you entered to find a lonesome creature cleaning the tables and setting down the chairs: Jade. "Oh hey, Jade—" you chimed, smiling obliviously. "Is Azul around here?"
He immediately shot upright once he recognised that familiar voice. Pupils dilating, he slowly turned around to face you with an eerie smile — one that made you step back in fear. "My little siren..." he whispered, as if someone had flipped a switch inside of him. The more steps you took back, the more he advanced towards you. "I missed you, you know that?"
"Wait, what?" you managed to stutter out when he had you cornered against the bar.
"You just ran away yesterday." He grinned as he planted his hands onto the counter beside you, successfully caging you in. His voice was incredibly calm, to the point it unnerved you more than if he would have screamed at you. "I think someone ought to punish you," he cooed quietly as he brought his face closer to yours.
Not able to keep your calm any longer when he nuzzled his nose into your neck, you yelled out with a red face, "Azul! Floyd! Anyone! Help!"
"Sh, stop yelling..." Jade whispered, his chuckles vibrating against your skin. Your eyes were wide in shock, and your cheeks were as red as a tomato. "Why won't you instead sing a song for me?"
Your heart skipped a beat in relief when you saw Floyd's head poking out from the kitchen. "Oh— Jade found her first..." the energetic eel mused as he carelessly skipped over to the two of you. "Just like yesterday."
"I can't... breathe—" you seethed through clenched teeth, thinking you would die of embarrassment any minute now. Jade wasn't a big help when he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you into his lap to sit on a bar stool. "Please, help!" You flailed your hands around like a drowning sailor.
Azul peeked out from his office, grinning when he realised what situation you were in. Of course, his mind was only focused on getting the most perks out of the situation. Humming to himself, he suggested, "We could come to an agreement if you signed a contract—"
Close to losing it, you screamed, "Azul! I swear—"
"Fine." Azul rolled his eyes, raising his hands in a mocking defeat. Waving Floyd over, he pointed his finger at Jade who seemed to be rocking you back and forth in his lap, an innocent smile on his lips. "Get your brother away from her, Floyd."
A relieved breath escaped your lips when you were finally free from the eel's death grip. "What's going on?" you asked, unnerved to see Jade rather angrily squirming in Floyd's arms, his eyes filled with such malice that you wanted to hide behind a table. "Seeing Jade like this is terribly unnerving— even more so than usually!"
"...I'll take that as a compliment," Jade mused, shooting you an almost invisible wink that managed to make your heart skip a beat.
Azul put his fingers to his chin, pulling his lips into a little frown. "So, you turned into a siren yesterday after you drank my potion. Then, you managed to ensnare my best worker with your voice..." he explained before shooting Jade an amused look. "In retrospect, Jade must have already harboured strong feelings for you if the effect was this big."
"Does someone have a crush~?" Floyd teased his brother whilst booping his nose, giggling. "How come you never told me that you liked our little guppy here?"
Jade let out an exasperated huff before viciously hissing, "Brother dearest, I swear if you don't let me go, I'll tell everyone about this one time you cried because someone spilled ink on your teddybear—"
Floyd immediately removed his arms from his brother, rolling his eyes. "Fine, he's your problem now, Shrimpy," he said, watching in amusement as his brother immediately waltzed back over to you, only to stand behind you and put his chin onto your shaking shoulder, a satisfied and close-eyed smile on his face.
"A-Ah, it's all good, Jade—" you murmured, wondering if it was safe to push him away — which you knew wasn't, so you decided to ignore the sweet nothings he whispered into your ear as best as possible. "Azul, how long is he gonna be like this? I never thought I'd say this, but I miss the old Jade — this one is even scarier somehow..."
Azul shrugged, somehow finding amusement in your suffering. "It should wear off after a few days. Until then, you just have to live with it, I guess. You knew the risks when signing that contract with me." He wagged his index finger in front of your eyes while cheerfully exclaiming, "And no! Taking legal actions against me is not an option."
"...wouldn't you lose a waiter if Jade is in this condition?" you asked in an attempt to solve this issue peacefully. "You could at least try to act a little bit more concerned..."
"That's why you're gonna work here until he's back to normal," Azul replied easily, looking down at his gloved hands, whistling a soft tune to himself. "Having you around should do the trick. It might even increase his concentration!"
"What?!" you yelled out angrily, which didn't startle Jade at all. He instead patted your head affectionately, simply smiling with closed eyes like he often did. "That wasn't part of the contract—"
"Well, if you want to be left alone with Jade—" Floyd trailed off, which immediately made you jump in horror. You hesitantly turned your head to your right to find Jade smiling at you, showing off his sharp fangs. You shuddered in fear as you inched away from him.
"Fine... fine..." you hissed, seething angrily. Still, you accepted your defeat. "I'll never make a deal with you again, Ashengrotto."
"That's what they always say when I come out on top~" Azul cooed, throwing a waitress uniform at you that Floyd had just brought to him. You caught it with a little yelp, stumbling slightly.
Jade's eyes lit up in excitement as he more or less gently took your hand into his. "Does this mean I'll see you every day at work now?" he asked, looking at you with shimmering eyes filled with utter happiness that hid the real danger lurking behind them.
Your heart sinking in dread and yet skipping a beat when he kissed your knuckles, you cried out, "Mom, come pick me up I'm scared."