mowochii - Mochi

lvl. 19

862 posts

In Which (Y/n) Has To Play Zookeeper For Two Eels And An Octopus That Are Actually Her Three Friends

In which (Y/n) has to play zookeeper for two eels and an octopus that are actually her three friends Floyd, Jade, and Azul.

They're slippery and shady — mischievous enough to pull her into the aquarium tank with them and almost drown her.

Request by @ilovefanficstoomuch.

In Which (Y/n) Has To Play Zookeeper For Two Eels And An Octopus That Are Actually Her Three Friends
In Which (Y/n) Has To Play Zookeeper For Two Eels And An Octopus That Are Actually Her Three Friends
In Which (Y/n) Has To Play Zookeeper For Two Eels And An Octopus That Are Actually Her Three Friends

"Hello? Is someone there?"

Wrapping your arms around yourself, you entered the barely lit Mostro Lounge with a worried frown on your face. The pyjama on your body did nothing to shield you from the chilly night air that tended to haunt NRC at 3 AM. Rubbing away the heavy eye-bags under your eyes, you cautiously further advanced into the entirely silent establishment.

Floyd had spammed you with messages earlier, all of them about an emergency at Mostro Lounge that he needed your help with. Intrigued and worried, you had immediately pried Grim away from you and made your way to Mostro Lounge. He had mentioned something about a potion having gone wrong — but nothing more, and you were curious about how bad this could be.

"Azul? Jade? Floyd?" you called out once again, growing a bit restless when you received no response and only tense silence. Your eyes wandered around the empty establishment, not a sight you were used to since you only saw it during its opening times when it was bustling full.

Furrowing your eyebrows, you pulled out your phone and looked at the messages Floyd had sent you. The bright light burnt your eyes as you carelessly ventured forward — which caused you to not notice the two eels flopping around on the floor until you almost stepped on their tails.

"Eels?!" you shrieked as you almost threw your phone away in shock. Clasping your heart in utter panic, you squatted down to inspect the two sea-creatures further; they looked identical — you couldn't really make out any specialities, either. Their scales were blue, with a little greyish tint to them. Their valiant flopping slowly died down, and they looked like they wanted nothing more than water. Your eyes turned to the giant fish tank to your left — the main attraction of the establishment. "Hm... the tank over there should be fine, right?"

You decided that it would have to do for the duration. Inching closer to them, you tried to think up methods of transporting them. They surely were slippery, and who knew if they would even cooperate with you.

You were tired, and so it was embarrassingly late that a life-changing thought struck you. "Wait— two eels that look identical... does this mean you two are Floyd and Jade?" You glared at the eels still moving like ropes that had come to life, their tails curling and unfurling in an enchanting way. "No, this must be a coincidence..." Shaking your head, you decided to focus on getting them into the water first.

A little bit nervous, you hesitantly grabbed them by their necks — your grip gentle but firm. They weren't exactly thick, but they definitely were long. "Oh— you're so slippery!" You almost dropped them again due to how smooth and even their scales were; there wasn't much to grab onto. Luckily for you, the eels eagerly wrapped their long tails around your arm — going as high as your shoulders.

You laughed as they seemingly got used to your presence, sometimes even teasingly flicking their tail against your neck to tickle you. Laughing, you held them away from you as much as you could.

"Ah, yes that makes my life easier..." you mumbled as you rose to your feet and slowly advanced towards the giant tank. Luckily for you, the top lid was already removed, and a ladder was propped up by the side. The eels seemed strangely obedient and calm as you moved — unfitting for wild and normal animals. "Aren't you two some good boys? Yes, you are~"

Your cooes seemed to coax them into relaxing further, but their grip on your arms never lessened a bit. As careful as you could be, you climbed up the ladder to the tank.

Finally, upon arriving at the edge of the aquarium, you lowered your arms into the water and let go of their necks. "Hm, now go take a swim! Let go of my arms," you drawled as you waved your limbs around a little bit, but they wouldn't let go and swim away — instead, they wrapped themselves around your arms even further and propelled themselves forward in an attempt to drag you into the tank, too. Your eyes widened in horror as you did your best to resist. "Wait— wait! Oh hell no, I'm not taking a swim with you! Get off of me!"

You put all of your weight into your legs and lower body, trying to pull your arms out of their strangely strong hold. It was a desperate battle of tug-of-war — one that you eventually won with just enough strength. The eels let go of your arms not before sending you a little glare. The sudden force of them letting you go caused you to shoot back, and you almost fell from the ladder. Luckily for you, you managed to grab onto the thick glass of the tank before you could fall.

Blowing a strand of hair out of your face, you exhaled to let your heart calm down from its heavy beating. "I take that back... you're not good boys... slippery eels..." you hissed as you watched them swim around in the tank, never straying too far away from you and always staring at you in an eerie way. Just as you were about to scold them further, the noise of something falling to the floor filled your ears.

"Ah! Was that a lamp crashing? I think it came from Azul's office." Your head shot in the direction of where the crashing noise had come from. Eyebrows furrowing in worry, you suddenly forgot all about the eels that needed a good dose of scolding. Instead, you sighed and climbed down the ladder as quickly as you could. Once your feet hit the ground, you hurried over to the VIP lounge of the establishment.

"Azul? Azul!" you called out as you pushed the door open to find the lights still turned on. Your eyes immediately darted over to the desk where the merman usually sat, doing paper work — of shady or less shady nature. Instead of finding a young man sitting at the desk, your eyes instead laid on a purple octopus. "Are you— wait, an octopus—?"

You froze in your steps, your eyes always remaining glued on his black button eyes that perked up at the sound of the door being slammed open. His tentacles were busy with whatever he could grab onto — one tentacle held a pen, another raised a book into the air, but the majority of his tentacles were used as support to keep himself on the chair.

You furrowed your eyebrows and bit your lip as you slowly approached the octopus that watched you as attentively as you watched him. He seemed shy, trying to retreat with every step you neared. "So those two eels were Jade and Floyd after all..." you murmured, the solution to this riddle as clear as day to you. "Floyd really messed up the potion this bad?"

You were snapped out of your train of thought when you realised the octopus was climbing down from the chair and beginning to cower under his desk. His movements were slow yet sturdy, and you did his best to follow him — going as far as getting on your knees to crawl under the desk, too.

"Ah, you don't need to be afraid of me, Azul~" you cooed as you carefully reached out towards the octopus, hoping he'd come to trust you quickly. Whenever you were about to touch one of his tentacles, he moved them away with reflexes as quick as lightning. A sigh escaped your lips. "It's just good ole me, Azul."

You took a deep breath before once again extending a hand and letting your fingertips gently drag against the slimy surface of his one tentacle. Azul immediately jumped when your electrifying touch ran through his body. It took a lot of coaxing — from soft petting to whispering sweet nothings — until he crawled out from under his desk.

You giggled as his tentacles wrapped around your wrist, the suction cups gluing themselves to their skin. Every time you removed a tentacle from your arm, another one would latch onto your skin. His black eyes never left yours, and he continued to stare at you in a happy way. "Yes, aren't you a good boy?" you drawled as you extended both your arms to carefully pick him up. "Much nicer than Floyd and Jade earlier..."

The octopus was as big as your torso but much lighter than you had anticipated. He pressed himself against your body, letting his tentacles wrap around your limbs and neck. He was much easier to carry that way, and you didn't have to worry about not getting a good-enough grip on him and accidentally dropping him.

"Aren't you adorable?" you asked in a baby-voice as you removed a hand from around his main body to stroke his round and shiny head. The octopus squirmed in delight as his tentacles became a little bit more lively. Their grip on you became stronger the closer you hugged him, but not strong enough to overwhelm you. "Hehe, your tentacles are tickling me!"

Pushing him to your chest, you set forward to make your way back to the big tank in the middle of the restaurant. "Let's get you to the aquarium, too, dear," you muttered under your breath as you looked down at Azul, chuckles escaping your lips. He sure was a clingy octopus once you showed him enough affection.

Climbing the ladder with Azul in your arms proved to be an even harder task than with Jade and Floyd earlier. Azul's large main body occupied most of your vision, and his tentacles sometimes went places they shouldn't go. You merely swatted his tentacles away whenever they mischievously slipper under your thin shirt — and you always told yourself that Azul wasn't doing it intentionally — but his tentacles seemed to have a life of their own and wouldn't accept defeat so easily.

Finally, you arrived at the top of the tank once again, your curious eyes searching for the two eels you had dropped inside earlier. They quickly swam to the surface, their eyes glued to the octopus in your arms.

You smiled down at Azul as you carefully lowered him into the water, removing your arms from around him as you did so. "Okay! Now, go play with Floyd and Jade," you chimed as you removed his tentacles from around your arms, torso, and neck — yet, you struggled greatly. His suction cups suddenly were really glued to your skin, and you couldn't just pop them off anymore. Nervously smiling down at the suddenly dangerous-appearing octopus, you bit your lip. "You'll be so nice and let go of me, right?"

The octopus wrapped the majority of his tentacles around your arms, a few of them curling around your waist and torso. His hold was strong, and when he tugged you into the water with him, your strength was no match for him. "H-Hey, Azul— you're stronger than you were earlier—" you cried out with fear sparkling in your eyes. Despite your protests, Azul continued pulling and tugging. The water came closer ever so slightly, and you were about to be pulled over the glass edge of the tank. "This isn't fun anymore. Please let go before—"

Your face collided with the surface of the water before you could finish your sentence. The rest of your body was quickly submerged in the water of the tank, too. Azul and the twins, now being in their natural habitat, had a major advantage over you. Azul's tentacles moved majestically as he removed them from your arms and instead wrapped them around your torso and waist. The eels swam around you two in utter excitement, and they tried to get closer — but Azul's free tentacles always pushed them away before they could get too close.

Your lungs were burning from not receiving enough oxygen, and your vision began to blur even more when the lack of air slowly became prevalent. Once your wide eyes fluttered close, Azul felt merciful enough to drag you to the surface.

You desperately yapped for air as your head shot out from the clear blue water surrounding you. Azul slightly loosened his hold around you, but his tentacles became something more akin to a cage and prison around you. Your hair stuck to your face like algae, and Azul's tentacles reached out to gently push them away from your face.

"I hate you! All three of you!" you screeched at the top of your lungs, glaring at the octopus that held you prisoner and the two eels that played guards. Taking a deep breath of sweet air, you turned your glare to the octopus that was innocently playing with your strands of sticky hair. "Azul — out of all three of you — I thought I could trust you... You were so sweet and adorable!"

Your cries caused Azul to wince, and he withdrew his tentacles to allow you to swim on your own. Yet, your heart sank as his tentacles curled around himself in an attempt to hide himself from you. The eels were lurking around your legs, waiting for the moment they could strike and hold you as a prisoner of their own, demanding attention and petting, too.

You swam towards Azul, a little smile on your face. "Aw, yes... I can't be angry at you, my favourite octopus..." you cooed as you gently removed a tentacle to reveal a shiny black eye looking up at you shyly. The tentacle in your hand easily slipped out of your grasp and instead wrapped itself around your wrist. You sighed as Floyd and Jade appeared next to Azul, flanking his sides. "Even if you three almost drowned me just now."

Azul had a hard time resisting from just ensnaring you in his arms again, especially with how your smile seemed so forgiving. Before he could imprison you again, Floyd and Jade had already wrapped themselves around your torso as if they were dancing a little dance.

Laughter spilt from your lips as you felt the fins on the back of their bodies graze your skin. "Ah— Floyd and Jade," you cried out once they finally stopped moving. "Your fins really tickle me—" Not sure where their body began and where it ended, you simply patted random parts of their tails.

A jealous Azul, demanding attention, too, poked your cheek with the tip of his tentacle.

"Wait, Azul—" Your laughter grew louder as you let your fingers curl around the tentacle that just had prodded your cheek. He playfully removed his tentacle from your grasp, wanting you to catch it again. Amused, you decided to play his little game with him.

Two eels wrapped around your torso and an octopus playing with your hand — that's not what you thought would happen when you had received Floyd's message earlier. As fun as it was, the water in the tank was a little bit too cold for you to be comfortable in. Although it pained you to end this little play-date, you stopped responding to Azul's tentacles and attempted to unwrap Floyd and Jade from your torso.

Signing when the eels wouldn't budge even a centimetre, you muttered, "I should get out of here before I catch a cold—" Instead of letting go of you, they tightened their hold on you — so much that you found it hard to breathe. "Floyd, Jade... please, let me go." They wouldn't let go — that much was clear. So, despite your circumstances, you tried your best to swim to the edge of the tank.

Azul would have none of that and let his tentacles wrap around your ankles. He tugged you back whenever you were just in the reach of grabbing onto the glass edge — oh, he was a sadistic little octopus.

Finally giving up, you turned around to glare at them playfully. "You sea-creatures are quite persistent, aren't you?"

You shook your head in amusement when finally, after you admitted defeat, Floyd and Jade unwrapped themselves from around your torso and began circling you like sharks. Azul, like the gentleman he was, extended a tentacle for you to hold onto. You grasped it and shot him a grateful wink.

"But oh well, how about you show me all the pretty corals and colourful fish while I'm in here already?"

The three grew excited at your words, and their movements became more erratic. You laughed as you watched them with fondness in your eyes.

"Just please, don't accidentally drown me again."

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More Posts from Mowochii

1 year ago

You, Grim and a baby octo-mer (Azul)

a/n: so originally I wasn't gonna write this but since my random thought dump gained some traction I've decided I need to get it out of my head already. G/n reader ofc, the tweels are little shits.

You, Grim And A Baby Octo-mer (Azul)

Honestly no one really knows what exactly went wrong, not even Crewel or Azul himself. But you shake your own thoughts and look down into the dark pot that was in your lap, well dark and the bright baby blue eyes staring at you from the inky black water inside.

"So... Let me get this straight.. Azul is now essentially a baby and.. Me and Grim have to take care of him until Crewel makes a reversible solution..?" You muttered, glancing at the headmage before looking back into the pot.

"Precisely." The headmage responded, smiling back at you and your cat like companion from across the table.

Rising from his seat he ushered the three of you out, thanking you in advance. Hearing the door shut behind you Grim started complaining as you headed back to ramshackle.

"Why do we have to take care of this guy!? Better get some good tuna after all this."

You rolled your eyes as Grim went on about his ranting, commenting here and there.

"Well I don't expect anyone on campus is exactly willing or even a good care taker.. Besides what's the worst that can happen?" Grim huffed as you pushed open the door to the creaky and forgotten dorm, greeting the ghosts. Leaving Azul in the pot as you and Grim settled for the night.

Apperantly, multiple things could go wrong. Like right now. You shot the twins standing infront of your door a disapproving frown. It's way to early to deal with this, you still need to feed Azul and Grim and you haven't even gotten dressed for school yet.

"Shrimpyyy~ It'll be quick!! We just wanna see our housewarden..!!" Floyd drawled, pushing against the doorway and leaning into the abandoned dorm.

"I already said no, you can wait until we at least have eaten." Pushing against the eel was a weak attempt to get him out of the doorway. You were groggy, hungry and frankly seeing Jade off too the side snickering at you and his brother agrue was annoying you.

Floyd gave you a lopsided grin before picking you up and giving you a constricting hug which you didn't appreciate. At all. You beat against him while you struggled to breath, watching him enter Ramshackle as Jade followed behind him. After the door closed Floyd put you down to which your knees buckled and you toppled over. Sitting on the floor you glared at the twins.

Azul's pot sat on the table which Jade proceeded to pick up and shake a little before he slowly turned towards you as Floyd grabbed onto it looking in as well.

"What..?" You uttered as he gave you an eerie smile.

"Shrimpyyy... Where are you hiding Azul??" Floyd whined sliding you the pot, letting the water spill as it collided with your foot.

Picking up the pot you look in to see it's empty. ...well fuck.

Scrambling to your feet you rushed upstairs as the two figures trailed you.

"I seriously don't know!! He WAS in there last time I looked!!"

Floyd's pout morphed into an alarmingly wide smile as he looked at you. Clearly about to say something before Jade pulled him back by the shoulder.

"We need to get going. We'll come back later, hopefully you find Azul by then, yeah?" Jade smiled down at you as he pulled his brother along with him, Floyd protested and whined about Jade not being fun.

Letting out a sigh of relief you then jumped feeling a small tendril wrap around your ankle, followed by a pair of small hands hugging your leg. Looking down you saw the octo-mer slowly emerging from under your bed, trying to hide behind your leg. Followed by an inky tear stained trail you noticed Grim following suit as he looked around the place.

"...are they gone?" Grim mumbled quietly.

"Yeah. Thankfully." You answered back, gently reaching down to pick up the mer. Letting him tuck himself into your neck, wrapping his tentacles around you fingers and upper arm you sighed and walked back down stairs to refill his pot.

You, Grim And A Baby Octo-mer (Azul)

a/n: part 2?? maybe?? also this isnt proof read ty if you read thisss

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1 year ago

i saw someone ask for a headcanon for jamil with an s/o with big ole titankas and i went running for it. and normally i don’t ask for headcanons like this, i feel like its being mean to people who may be small in the upstairs region. but imma put my big girl bra on and request azul, riddle and lilia with a big chested s/o. if you don’t wanna do all three that’s fine, obvi. hell if you don’t wanna do this at all that’s fine too. it’s your blog and im just mere horny anon looking for crumbs. anyway peace and love✨

I also have big boobs and am inflicted with the horny dw anon 😩

Big Breasted Fem!S/O Headcanons NSFW 🔞

Jamil & Ace's can be found here

Includes: Azul, Riddle, and Lilia (separately)

I Saw Someone Ask For A Headcanon For Jamil With An S/o With Big Ole Titankas And I Went Running For

Please don't point it out if you catch him looking 🥺

He will go back into his Octopot 😔

Thinks of ways that he could trick you into a contract where he gets paid with very soft hugs

"Yes, a contract!... Why are you laughing at me, Y/N? Do you not see the benefits of this opportunity? I'll list them. First of all,-" you stand over Azul as you push his head into your chest and gently wrap your arms around his figure. It takes a while for Azul to stop short-circuiting from being smothered in love and hug you back.

I Saw Someone Ask For A Headcanon For Jamil With An S/o With Big Ole Titankas And I Went Running For

Mad embarassed when his eyes accidentally drifts down towards your chest

Will explode and stutter if you ever point it out

Thinks about being smothered in your breasts time to time but catchs himself mid-thought

You're always making the first move 😞✊️ #girlboss

"Hm? You want me to what?..... I supposed I could relax for a little while." You had finally coaxed Riddle into taking a small break with you from his housewarden duties. As he sat down next to you, you gently placed a hand on his head and led him to lay on your breasts as a small blush dusted his features.

I Saw Someone Ask For A Headcanon For Jamil With An S/o With Big Ole Titankas And I Went Running For

Shameless #2

Old af so he does not give af

Will jumpscare you from the ceiling and accidentally get a faceful of your boobs

Ends up motorboating your chest half the time 🧍‍♀️

"Y/N, where are you~"

You peeked around a corner when you heard that familiar yet annoying voice. Yet there was no one there and you were about to turn around and leave when-


You shrieked as Lilia giggled while hanging upside-down from the ceiling. Your ass landed on the floor with a loud thump, while Lilia landed on you with an even louder thump right with his face in your breasts, as always.

1 year ago

Zero thoughts, only papa Malmal unconsciously happy purring while snuggling with a pregnant Yuu's♀️belly.

Malleus: Are you alright? Do you not need to rest? If you do not wish to work until you give birth, it shall be granted.

Yuu: Honey, the baby is probably 5 days old at best.

Mal: But--

Yuu: This 1 millimeter dragon can do a breakdance all day and it wouldn't even hit a single muscle in my womb. Don't worry too much and let's just get back to work, okay?

Mal: Wait, it's the staircase. Let me carry you so you wouldn't overexert yourself.

Yuu: 😮‍💨

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1 year ago

Jade looks so fucking squishy

So does ruggie

And I'm just in love rn

Ghost Wedding~ Alternative Outfits K-imagination
Ghost Wedding~ Alternative Outfits K-imagination
Ghost Wedding~ Alternative Outfits K-imagination
Ghost Wedding~ Alternative Outfits K-imagination
Ghost Wedding~ Alternative Outfits K-imagination
Ghost Wedding~ Alternative Outfits K-imagination
Ghost Wedding~ Alternative Outfits K-imagination
Ghost Wedding~ Alternative Outfits K-imagination
Ghost Wedding~ Alternative Outfits K-imagination
Ghost Wedding~ Alternative Outfits K-imagination
Ghost Wedding~ Alternative Outfits K-imagination
Ghost Wedding~ Alternative Outfits K-imagination
Ghost Wedding~ Alternative Outfits K-imagination
Ghost Wedding~ Alternative Outfits K-imagination
Ghost Wedding~ Alternative Outfits K-imagination
Ghost Wedding~ Alternative Outfits K-imagination
Ghost Wedding~ Alternative Outfits K-imagination
Ghost Wedding~ Alternative Outfits K-imagination
Ghost Wedding~ Alternative Outfits K-imagination

Ghost wedding~ Alternative outfits k-imagination

More discount destock edit!!!!! Wouhou lol

Description edit lol:

Except for Ortho, Sam and Divus as being potential extra canon in the ghost wedding's story.

Everyone is just a wild imagination of mine with the help of @twiwoncrackpopcorn ~

Because.... Yay because xD that's the best argument !!

Oh my, some are wearing real outfits from "Balanciaga, Dior, YSL, Versace" yep !

At least big inspiration.

But yay just imagine that when Crewel's not here, K the rabbit is taxing Crowley's money against outfits.... Yes.... That's my job..... Robbing every madols from Crowley lol.


Asset game extract from @alchemivich and twst game

“Twisted Wonderland” concept belongs to Yana Toboso

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