Urban Jungle - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

I wonder if clowns are predators to mimes cause they blend in with them color wise to them cause mimes can't see color? Like it's the same reason tigers are orange cause deer can't see that color so in their colorblindness it just makes it look green?

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6 months ago

Mimes don't make noise to probably try to weed out which one is a clown or a true mime cause we all know how loud clowns are. Clown laughing isn't actually a thing of humor, it's a breath reflex to let out excess carbon like how some fish need to stay moving?

I wonder if clowns are predators to mimes cause they blend in with them color wise to them cause mimes can't see color? Like it's the same reason tigers are orange cause deer can't see that color so in their colorblindness it just makes it look green?

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6 months ago

Mimes don't actually make "invisible objects" all of their "constructs" are actually just hardened mucus structures made from the organs at their palms which is different from the structures clowns have at their fingertips which they use to dispense a helium like chemical to make prey takedown easier but it also works wonders in domestic clowns for inflating balloons at an affordable price. The chemical clowns produce from their fingertips acts to enduce their prey into a sort of high so they can be easily moved into the digestive chamber that clowns posess easier.

I wonder if clowns are predators to mimes cause they blend in with them color wise to them cause mimes can't see color? Like it's the same reason tigers are orange cause deer can't see that color so in their colorblindness it just makes it look green?

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6 months ago

Unlike mimes who when they eat have to unfold their bodies similar to starfish to digest their food which usually consist of carbohydrates like baguettes, coffee and sometimes rats. Clowns noses are also actually their reproductive organs being essentially a smaller pseudo embryotic pregnancy which although is wonderful to utilize in regeneration in falled hunts or in healing injuries from territorial desputes. Clowns noses often can bud off into their own individual with the nose eventually rupturing and out coming a clone of the first individual. All clowns are technically clones from the first primordial clown.

I wonder if clowns are predators to mimes cause they blend in with them color wise to them cause mimes can't see color? Like it's the same reason tigers are orange cause deer can't see that color so in their colorblindness it just makes it look green?

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6 months ago

This is different from mimes who are more or less all originally male, but can turn female as female hierarchy is the way mimes orientate their groups, similar to hyenas, but also similar to clownfish in an aspect too. Lastly the domestic clowns is different from the undomesticated clown due to its domestication with the advent of the traveling circuses allowing for their population to be much more widespread and accessible than before. Modern day descendants of clowns are all around us, you just need to know where to look. For example anyone who uses tiktok is actually a domestic clown. Mimes are sadly becoming more endangered due to habitat loss, noise pollution and closure of coffee shops and book club meetings. If you see a mime in your local area, you can support them and their hurdles by leaving authentic French coffee inside of the bird feeders that people use for hummingbirds.

I wonder if clowns are predators to mimes cause they blend in with them color wise to them cause mimes can't see color? Like it's the same reason tigers are orange cause deer can't see that color so in their colorblindness it just makes it look green?

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6 months ago

On the other note, join us tommorow when we discuss the next topic of the concrete jungle. Cheerleaders and their until recently unknown ancestors from across the sea, Scottish People. You would be surprised by the evolutionary trip, but it all links back to the kilt and skirt common ancestor.

I wonder if clowns are predators to mimes cause they blend in with them color wise to them cause mimes can't see color? Like it's the same reason tigers are orange cause deer can't see that color so in their colorblindness it just makes it look green?

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