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End of UtH fix-it where the bomb at the warehouse teleports Jason into the Adam West Batman show from the 60's. Jason's bleeding out when Robin finds him and fixes him with anti-hemorraghia spray and therapeutical fluting, and the general state of this universe is so absurd that it shocks him straight out of his episode. In the end they offer to adopt him and he decides he likes it better there and stays forever the one straight man in that universe, who comes to solve a situation with a really judgemental face like "you guys got tangled into a human knot of death? Again?". He also keeps shooting at people but it's fine because if he tells Bruce it was a "special technology fake death bullet" to trick the villains into surrendering Bruce just goes "okay makes sense" and doesn't investigate further.
I have a question for y'all, because I keep seeing that mentioned in posts and my sense of morality is spotty as best, so I'm curious. Allow me to start by establishing that I do not support beheading. Got it? Got it. Beheadings are, generally, a bad idea.
The incident with the Duffle Bag of Doom, as we know it, is iconic, and pretty emblematic of Jason's villain era. Like, using the heads as a prop + the element of surprise when you open the bag is an iconic move. But when I see arguments about Jason's morality, or really just talk about Jason's violent era, the wording is often something like "this is the guy who decapitated a bunch of people and put their heads into a duffle bag", which. I... The wording is a little confusing is what I'm saying. Are you saying "this is the guy who severed a bunch of heads and they just so happened to be kept in a duffle bag" or are you saying "this is the guy who severed a bunch of heads and ON TOP OF THAT he put them in a duffle bag". Like, is the duffle bag really the part we should be focusing on? Am I missing something?
Because sure, when you're from the pov of the people opening the bag, the duffle bag matters because there's this element of shock and surprise, but from the pov of the most concerned, they're already dead. Like they were beheaded by the time the duffle bag happened. And as for traumatic value, sure people must have been grossed out by the bag but who did get to see the contents: policemen and crime bosses! People whose job literally requires them to see murder victims everyday! (not to mention that the Robins were exposed to murder victims as children and I haven't seen Bruce antis talk about that, so it feels like in comics with suspention of disbelief that seems to matter less?) so it can't possibly be that the sight was a little bloody, can it?
Why is this bag important?! What am I missing?!!