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The Falsies' upcoming livestreamed performance on WTJU!
It's the one year anniversary of WTJU Rock’s Third Rail music series and The Falsies are thrilled to celebrate it with WTJU! In just two days, this free performance on June 15, 8-9pm EST, will open to an audience at the Belmont Arts Collaborative on 221 Carlton Rd, near Belmont Pizza. You can also listen live on 91.1 FM, stream via www.wtju.net, and video stream on WTJU’s Facebook and YouTube channels.
Video filmed at the Ting Pavilion, footage by Elizabeth Cassell!
TWO DAYS, Y'ALL! Be there if you can!

I NEED thia shirt!!!
Uva rosada
La uva Koshu, también conocida como la uva rosada de Japón, es una fruta con miles de años de antigüedad. En Japón, se utiliza para crear bebidas frutales.
Mas aquí 👇

🇮🇹 Questi muffin sono una squisita combinazione di frutta fresca e frutta secca: per l'esattezza sto parlando di uva e mandorle! In meno di mezz'ora creerete un saporito dolce da colazione, ideale anche come merenda da portare a scuola! 😋👇
🇬🇧 These muffins are a delicious combination of fresh fruit and dried fruit: I'm talking about grapes and almonds! In less than half an hour you will create a tasty breakfast dessert, it's perfect for a snack as well!😋👇