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5 months ago
4fter-hours - 4fter-Hours


She'd never admit it but her favorite past time is sneaking photos of him whenever she can. She thinks the best ones are the ones where he's not looking.

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5 months ago
"Well," She Frowned A Little As He Nuzzled Against Her. Not At The Action But At The Reasoning For This

"Well," she frowned a little as he nuzzled against her. Not at the action but at the reasoning for this research. "That'll teach you to be right about something." It upset her that the one person who tried to do things the right way, was right about things, was always being passed over for not buying into the boys club, the power trippers, and their ways of things. "Whoever is doing this wants the notoriety of it all, I mean isn't this one of the most popular horror movies in the last couple of years? I mean, that doesn't say childhood trauma, but it does say lonely adult. Maybe someone who watches these movies a little too much, most likely is an outsider. Do the victims look like the movie victims? Share names with them?" Her brain began to spew ideas out nervously to keep from being on edge about the music playing on the screen, no doubt a scare around the corner that she was bracing herself for. "People are complicated, they probably just want some sort of validation from somewhere. Maybe someone important to them left or died, and they have no one but these movies. They see the fans; if you want weird, they are weird! Have you seen people who they post calling the killers in these movies sexy? And daddy? What does that even mean?" That was a tangent that she couldn't get into right now. "I don't think they would want to do this to get off, per say, they just want acceptance somewhere." And the fans of these movies...." Then it came, a small flinch, but a flinch none the less, at the loud sound, the yell and the scare that she saw coming but somehow still caught her off guard. "Farðu til helvítis!" Was muttered under her breath, disappointed at herself.

"Well," She Frowned A Little As He Nuzzled Against Her. Not At The Action But At The Reasoning For This

Shoving the pillow aside, she rolled her eyes, teasing. "Anything to keep from giving me the real thing, I see." Not that she wanted it, all that rain? It was always freezing cold. The possibility of getting sick. Wet clothes, the wind making it worse. Who found rain romantic? But she wouldn't pass up the opportunity to tease him. Walking away from him, she shrugged as she said over her shoulder. "Maybe, you don't know what other things I keep from you. I might be a master at it but you don't know it." Nothing. That was the real answer, she never kept anything from him now. Besides presents or surprises but that was different, that was innocent little things There didn't seem to be anything that he didn't know about her or her day now. An open book for him to peruse and read when he wanted. "Incentives?" A giggle laced her voice as she began to line up the small cakes on the counter, making sure they were cool enough to ice now. "What kind of incentives do you think you can offer up for a secret thing?" Purposely choosing the word thing, instead of the p-word that would most likely give away the dessert she had made for him.

Getting the ingredients ready to make the icing now that the cakes were sufficiently cooled, she stopped as he wrapped his arms around her. Body leaning back against him, hands landing on top of his, a small smile to her face. "If that's your incentive," she turned in his arms, hooked an arm around his neck. "You need to work on your incentives." Nuzzling the tip of her nose against his, she chuckled before kissing his cheek and taking a step back. " Are we handing out candy or joining the littles out for their hunt of treats?" She turned her attention back to making her icing, deciding to let him squirm for a little while longer about what she made, a tiny bit of her wanting to get back at him for the horror movie thing.

"Well," She Frowned A Little As He Nuzzled Against Her. Not At The Action But At The Reasoning For This

He was about to ask if she was invested but one look at her and he knew. The way her eyes were glued to the screen, she wanted to know how this thing ended. So he saved his comments for later. Instead he continued to stare at her, the movie long forgotten as he was content on just watching her. "Hmm." Was the only comment he had on that and sighed. "Apparently to some people it is."

It was hard not to look at her like she was his entire world when she went off on a tangent. His eyes sparkled with amusement the minute she went off and that smile couldn't be helped. That enamored smile that truly only came out everytime she walked into the room. This wasn't what he expected when he put the movie on for the hell of it while she was baking away but it had caught his attention the moment one of the leads went outside and opened the door to find the source of the noise. A huge mistake he always thought was stupid. Going toward the noise instead of away. So when Liz talked his teeth chewed on his bottom lip to keep from laughing.

He laughed and shook his head and nuzzled her warm skin. "No, it's this case that has been coined the Halloween Spree. This guy gets ideas from these films. They were going to put Johannas on this but gave it to me when I called bullshit on their childhood trauma idea." He was of the mind that not every kid who went through childhood abuse turned out to be psychos. "I'm just trying to figure out what about these movies get him off. People are weird."

He Was About To Ask If She Was Invested But One Look At Her And He Knew. The Way Her Eyes Were Glued

"How could I forget it? You show me every single day." He smiled at her and caressed her cheek. "This would totally count as that Spiderman kiss." He let out a surprised gasp as he watched her stretch and walked away. 'You wouldn't keep that from me?!" As he followed her to the kitchen and leaned against the frame. "What if I offer up incentives?" He asked as he moved over to wait for further instructions to ice the cakes. He knew he couldn't wait to find out what else she made so he pressed himself against her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Nuzzling her shoulder he whispered. "What did you make?" His fingertips rubbing against her stomach softly.

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5 months ago
It Felt Like A Strange Question But It Was Also Something She Never Truly Considered. To Her, It Had

It felt like a strange question but it was also something she never truly considered. To her, it had seemed that favorites were something that was always available, never denied to someone when they wanted it. "I guess I never really thought about it. Having a favorite of anything wherever we went meant knowing that I wouldn't have it again unless we went back. which we didn't so I think I kept myself from having favorites. We never lived in one place so I didn't really develop what I thought were favorites until now." Perhaps she always had favorites and never knew it. Never let herself have them because she wasn't allowed. Then as she kept traveling she just felt safer not having any, having favorites means ways for people to find you faster, do you want to be found? Jennifer's words always reverberated in her brain. A subconscious she would never escape.

"Yeah," a sad sigh came to her at the thought of that first Diwali, a bittersweet memory but a smile came to her face when she thought about Mexico. A place that held more good than bad memories. "Of course! And chocomil and licuados. I remember the first time I was handed one I was a little confused as to why it was in a bag but for some reason, it just seemed to make sense," she chuckled. "But by the time we left, I missed them. Besides New York, that's the place where I spent the most time. When was the last time you went? Did you know that the central library at UNAM has the biggest collection in all of Mexico?"

It Felt Like A Strange Question But It Was Also Something She Never Truly Considered. To Her, It Had

"That sounds amazing. I can't say that I've had the honor of trying these sno cones out. Will have to take an adventure out there sometime. Hopefully, they have a tamarind one." The thought of sno cones made her think of raspados, which were all too wonderful. It being ice and flavors, it was the only thing that Jennifer let her indulge in during their time in Mexico, not wanting her to get too big for what she needed her to do. The story that he shared with her added to the new happiness that sno cones would bring her, a perfect treat to end a perfect day. " Reading in the park, museums, sno cones. Sounds like a perfect day What's your favorite?" She asked Jack. "Maybe it might be my new favorite."

It Felt Like A Strange Question But It Was Also Something She Never Truly Considered. To Her, It Had

"How would you classify it as then, if not a favorite?" It seemed Liz had lived an interesting life. He leaned his back against the counter on the other side as he held his son in his arms and made sure he didn't choke on the chip. It was nice to be back with family. Things had gotten back to a semi normal territory and for that he was grateful. Having Liz was a nice addition and kept him from crawling back into his own head, a place he'd lived in for a few weeks.

"Diwali at thirteen? Wow." He had to smile as he remembered how in Mexico there were a million types of way to eat one type of dessert. "Did you ever have the soda in baggies when you were in Mexico?" His culture was one that still fascinated him and was truly proud of. Even if his only tie to it was from his mother.

"How Would You Classify It As Then, If Not A Favorite?" It Seemed Liz Had Lived An Interesting Life.

Jack giggled and hid his face against his father's neck becoming shy once more. "Sno cones," Jan said as he knew that was an answer his own son would share. "We still go get some when we're sad or happy or need a pick me up. It was the first thing we as kids craved when our mom died. Our dad would take us out every Sunday as a group. It was his day off from work and he'd do whatever we wanted. My sister took the first activity. That was usually reading at the park, my brother took taking tours around the architectural areas and I chose museums. After that we'd get sno cones to end the day. Have you tried the ones on Kauai Island?"

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5 months ago
All The Anxiety And Fear That She Had About Meeting The Matriarch Of The Bordeaux Family She Heard So

All the anxiety and fear that she had about meeting the matriarch of the Bordeaux family she heard so much about began to dissipate as the conversation began. The many stories and memories that she heard had made her nervous, a pressure to be liked, that she honestly had placed on herself, had built up when Wally had invited her. But right now, she wasn't worried about being liked at the moment, rather letting her curiosity take over. Stories were one thing, having the mythical mother before her was another ball game entirely.

The laugh couldn't be helped as she called her patient. "En fait," her hazel eyes looked over at her boyfriend for a moment. Thinking about how when she met him, she couldn't wait to get him out of her office every time he seemed to appear. Looking back at his mother, she smiled. "Votre bébé débraillé est le patient de nous deux. Sans sa patience, je ne serais pas ici en ce moment. Il a été très patient quand il s’agissait de moi. Franchement, quand nous nous sommes rencontrés, je ne voulais rien avoir à faire avec lui." She didn't know how much he might have told her about how they met or how long he had waited for her to finally wake up but she wasn't scared to admit it now with all they had gone through, he was right. "Mais il est devenu mon ami et lentement au fil du temps plus que cela. Il a été très patient. Honnêtement, comme un saint."

All The Anxiety And Fear That She Had About Meeting The Matriarch Of The Bordeaux Family She Heard So

Something clicked in her when she realized that they both didn't know their moms. Did she have more in common with his mother than she realized? "Uh," she shook away whatever new emotion was beginning to take root in her. "J’aime ça. Je ne dirais pas forcé, mais j’ai dû l’apprendre car je passais beaucoup de temps seule pendant que ma belle-mère travaillait. Je pense que nous avons tellement voyagé qu'apprendre les langues n'était pas une chose forcée mais plutôt quelque chose que je devais faire si je voulais faire quelque chose. Surtout si je voulais être dans les bibliothèques." There was a moment where she wanted to tell her everything, her whole life, the woman radiated an aura of safety and love and it was easy to see where Wally got it from but she didn't want to scare her away either.

Enraptured in everything that Victoria willingly shared, her eyes shone with joy and happiness as she watched the two interact. Smiling at how she easily went from one thing to the other and when she laughed it made her smile. "Vos enfants ne sont pas des clowns, ils ont leurs moments, mais pas des clowns. J'avoue que j'étais nerveux à l'idée de te rencontrer mais c'était plus de ma faute." Feeling more relaxed now, she let her truth just flow. " Je dois t'admettre que c'est ma première vraie tentative de relation et après avoir tant entendu parler de toi, je pense que je viens de me stresser. Je n'avais pas une grande figure maternelle et entendre parler de toi m'a donné envie que tu m'comme et je suppose que je me suis juste rendu nerveux. Je suis curieux de savoir ce que vous savez de moi et ce que je peux remplir pour toi."

All The Anxiety And Fear That She Had About Meeting The Matriarch Of The Bordeaux Family She Heard So

He squeezed her hand and smiled. One of his that told her he was happy. Content. "I am. I've got everything I need right here." Another gentle squeeze of her hand and he felt more confident in the choices he had. He had a chance to climb up the ladder so to speak.

"Ils proposent un grand nombre de saveurs uniques. C'est l'une des choses que je préfère, mais c'est peut-être juste un parti pris de ma part." Vic winked and looked up at her son with a loving smile. "Il a raison. Vous êtes très gentille. Je devrais aussi dire patient puisque vous sortez avec lui." Her arm reached up to his chin and sighed. "Mon enfant débraillé".

Wally knew better than to roll his eyes in front of his mother but he did give his girlfriend a smirk and chewed his cheek. A clear sign he so wanted to tease her back so bad. He stayed quiet letting his mom touch his face. There was no point in denying her that. She always did it and it was where his sisters got that habit of squeezing his cheeks together. Seeing the interaction between his mom and girlfriend was funny. Something he was so sure that would never happen. Only thinking he'd be the single man in the family. He was fine with it until Liz crash landed in his orbit.

He Squeezed Her Hand And Smiled. One Of His That Told Her He Was Happy. Content. "I Am. I've Got Everything

"Intéressant melting-pot que celui dont vous êtes issu. Nous avons cela en commun. Je n'ai connu ma mère qu'à travers des photos. Celle qu'il appelle grand-mère est en fait ma grand-tante. Une deuxième chose que nous avons en commun. La langue française. Aimes-tu cette langue ou as-tu été forcée de l'apprendre?Je sais qu'il n'est pas toujours agréable d'être forcé d'apprendre une langue".

Tori loved hearing Liz talk. She smiled at her as an encouraging way to let her know she should continue. "La flatterie ne vous mènera peut-être nulle part avec d'autres personnes, mais avec moi, elle vous mènera partout." She winked being playful. "Je meurs d'envie de vous rencontrer depuis la première fois que mon fils m'a dit qu'il vous avait rencontrée. Je pense que les mots qu'il a utilisés étaient "un ange sur terre," she looked up at her son who she could clock in a blush. 'Il semble que vous ayez attiré plus que son attention la première fois." Wally sighed hearing his mom letting out all his secrets. "I said sarcastic charmer not an angel," though he tried he couldn't help the smile knowing that he had indeed told his mom that the first time he had met Liz. Under wild circumstances.

"Je suis née à Lafayette la veille de Noël. J'étais ce bébém," she laughed rolling her eyes. "Mais j'ai passé mon enfance à Montpellier. J'ai été élevée par ma grand-tante. J'y suis restée jusqu'à mes quatorze ans. Puis j'ai déménagé à Bâton Rouge avant mon seizième anniversaire et j'ai eu mon premier enfant. Je ne peux pas vous dire pourquoi j'ai choisi Bâton Rouge, je déteste la chaleur. J'étais enceinte de mon petit ange et j'étais malheureuse de m'être installée dans l'endroit le plus chaud de la planète. Je vous dis que j'étais clairement en train de délirer". Mama B felt her son move without looking at him and pointed a finger at him. "Hey, pas d'appels pour le travail".

Then went back to her conversation seamlessly. "Cela donne l'impression que j'ai été gâtée, mais je vous jure que je ne suis pas du tout comme ça. Je suis juste un être humain normal."

Wally sighed loudly for her to hear and whispered it wasn't even his work phone. He didn't have it. She had confiscated it before he even stepped foot inside the house. She then laughed and remembered she had done that. "La revanche était d'avoir un mini-moi dans ma personnalité". She started to laugh uncontrollably watching the reaction from her son. "J'espère que je ne vous terrifie pas. Je ne voudrais pas que tu te sentes obligée d'être quelqu'un d'autre que ce que tu veux être à mes côtés. J'ai des clowns pour enfants, cela devrait vous dire quelque chose."

He Squeezed Her Hand And Smiled. One Of His That Told Her He Was Happy. Content. "I Am. I've Got Everything

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5 months ago
Since Wally Came Into Her Life, She Seemed To Sleep Better When He Was Near. Would Find Herself Waiting

Since Wally came into her life, she seemed to sleep better when he was near. Would find herself waiting for him to crawl into bed before being able to peacefully doze off to the sound of his heart against his ribcage under her ear. A steady drumbeat, warmth, and scent that told her she was safe, lulled her mind. A sign she should have paid attention to long ago. Sure, she could just doze off and stir when he came to bed, but her mind wandered too much this time.

Sitting in her chair by the window, curled up so her book balanced on one knee and Dolly's head on her other to pet, she did the next best thing, lost herself in a book. She had no idea how much time had passed as she followed the characters on their journeys, listening to the waves outside the window, absentmindedly scratching behind Dolly's ears and petting her head. It wasn't until Antares sauntered in to curl up on the bed as she usually did when he was home at the end of the day, that she realized how late it was. She continued to read as she waited for him to make his way to bed on his own time.

When she found that she had finished the chapter and he still had not appeared, she frowned and sighed. "Come on, girl, lets go see how he's doing." Petting Dolly's head one more time, she moved and so did Dolly, tail wagging ready. "You too." She said as she reached across the bed with a smile and cuddled up Antares in her arms. With the cat purring in her arms and Dolly at her side, they padded though the halls together to go see him. He would be wrapped up in work again no doubt. It concerned her that he would burn out, over work himself, but her worry dissipated at the sight of him. Shaking her head no at his question, she made her way over to him. "Reading and we always miss you." Too tired to play coy as she settled on his lap, placing a kiss on his cheek. "Are you going to be up late? I can go get my book and keep you company."

Since Wally Came Into Her Life, She Seemed To Sleep Better When He Was Near. Would Find Herself Waiting
Since Wally Came Into Her Life, She Seemed To Sleep Better When He Was Near. Would Find Herself Waiting

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"Hey," he whispered softly as he made room for her to come sit on his lap. "I didn't wake you did I?" Wally always worried over keeping her up, even if he knew she was a light sleeper, tonight was one of those days that he had come home later than usual and hadn't gone into the bedroom yet. His emails had been calling to him and he knew if he didn't tend to them that he'd keep himself up all night just thinking about them. "Or were you reading? I was going to get in there to greet you but emails got my attention first." he took notice of her outfit and smirked. "Missed me that much huh?" Even tired he still had time to tease. This time he wasn't up for fun. It was the only night he had gotten an onslaught of work to carry home that he didn't get a chance to go back to his project he was working on for Liz's birthday.

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