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1 year ago

Red Dead takes place in states that never existed, so theres definitely a market here.

we should set more tv shows in fake US states the way we make up fake european countries for disney channel originals and hallmark movies

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1 year ago

Not sure who needs to see this, but I know there's someone that does. Here's hoping it finds them.

whats cool about being trans is my parents are totally right. i did kill their beautiful son. im the thing that animates his corpse in an ever more convincing parody of a happy girl. i devoured him from the inside out and now there is nothing left of him and he is dead dead dead and there is only me, with my hollow eyes and dark eyeliner and long hair, and my big smile. my limp, effeminate gestures belie the marionetting of the boy they loved. my fagginess is his death. already his body becomes a fitter home for my parasitism in full; the tits, the hips, the thighs. sorry about your kid. thanks for the biomass <3

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1 year ago

Who ever you pray to, pray. This... I can't even begin...

Oh my god I’ll keep an eye out for fundraisers but my hometown is in flames.. they think it might all be gone.

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1 year ago

Oh hey, this feels familiar!

Champion Of Overthinking
Champion Of Overthinking
Champion Of Overthinking
Champion Of Overthinking

champion of overthinking

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1 year ago

I find the presence of Florida on this map hilarious, considering it will be gone in the next 50-100 years, let alone the thousands between now and Lancer's Present Day.

Looking At The Time Frame Of Lancer, It Is Unlikely That The People Of Union Speak Living Languages That

Looking at the time frame of Lancer, it is unlikely that the people of Union speak living languages that look anything like our languages today. Take a look at the oldest writings we have of humanity on Earth, and it's probably closer to us than Union, even at its founding date, let alone five thousand years later. For playing the game, this is irrelevant, unless you want to conlang with your friends. It makes sense to import today's language, mapping today's slang on those people who would use slang in Union. However, place names, which are (mostly, nowadays) independent from languages itself (everyone calls New York some version of New York), are more difficult to justify for some people. To me, it would break my immersion of the names of locations in Union solely reflected contemporary inspirations. At the same time, coming up with nonsensical names is harder and also less inspiring. Therefore, it makes sense that the names of planets and cities on those planets are still informed by English meanings, or old Earth myths and inspirations.

With Cradle, the problem is a bit more difficult, because it is after all the old Earth. There are plenty of towns that have had the same name for thousands of years, but what if a climate apocalypse happens? Aren't most of our oldest cities located on coasts, vulnerable flood plains, or at least reliant on steady agriculture? This is what happens in the Lancer timeline. When Union finally picks up the pieces, they spend more than a thousand years on Earth before they take to the stars. What are they doing?

I like to imagine from the way that Cradle is described, that Union went for a fresh start. Cradle has 2 billion people, but most of the planet is left to nature (and presumably communities living in harmony with nature). 2 billion does not sound like a lot, coming from today's 8 billion, but that was the Earth's population around 1910. Nature had taken a pretty severe beating by then. To avoid a world like our 20th century, I imagine most Terrans live in big metropolises, densely-packed and well-connected. Efficient use of space for living allows for maximum space for both Earth's nature and long human history. Carefully planned cities follow, clustered around the equator where space ports are located, built on top of pre-existing population densities, or close to Massif Vaults, which have likely remained as centres of cultural significance if not population centres outright. Mentioned in the old Field Guide to Harrison Armory is Dharamsala, the cultural capital of Cradle - a city that mostly survived the fall. Struggling with the concept of names, I'll permit the authors at least one name that survived ten thousand years, but I'll leave the rest of the planet unnamed for now.

(original image credit CC BY-SA 4.0 Maulucioni)

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1 year ago

Like an ancient leviathan, the salted flats of the Floridian Steppe rose from the waves. Time will tell if it's for better or worse.

Looking At The Time Frame Of Lancer, It Is Unlikely That The People Of Union Speak Living Languages That

Looking at the time frame of Lancer, it is unlikely that the people of Union speak living languages that look anything like our languages today. Take a look at the oldest writings we have of humanity on Earth, and it's probably closer to us than Union, even at its founding date, let alone five thousand years later. For playing the game, this is irrelevant, unless you want to conlang with your friends. It makes sense to import today's language, mapping today's slang on those people who would use slang in Union. However, place names, which are (mostly, nowadays) independent from languages itself (everyone calls New York some version of New York), are more difficult to justify for some people. To me, it would break my immersion of the names of locations in Union solely reflected contemporary inspirations. At the same time, coming up with nonsensical names is harder and also less inspiring. Therefore, it makes sense that the names of planets and cities on those planets are still informed by English meanings, or old Earth myths and inspirations.

With Cradle, the problem is a bit more difficult, because it is after all the old Earth. There are plenty of towns that have had the same name for thousands of years, but what if a climate apocalypse happens? Aren't most of our oldest cities located on coasts, vulnerable flood plains, or at least reliant on steady agriculture? This is what happens in the Lancer timeline. When Union finally picks up the pieces, they spend more than a thousand years on Earth before they take to the stars. What are they doing?

I like to imagine from the way that Cradle is described, that Union went for a fresh start. Cradle has 2 billion people, but most of the planet is left to nature (and presumably communities living in harmony with nature). 2 billion does not sound like a lot, coming from today's 8 billion, but that was the Earth's population around 1910. Nature had taken a pretty severe beating by then. To avoid a world like our 20th century, I imagine most Terrans live in big metropolises, densely-packed and well-connected. Efficient use of space for living allows for maximum space for both Earth's nature and long human history. Carefully planned cities follow, clustered around the equator where space ports are located, built on top of pre-existing population densities, or close to Massif Vaults, which have likely remained as centres of cultural significance if not population centres outright. Mentioned in the old Field Guide to Harrison Armory is Dharamsala, the cultural capital of Cradle - a city that mostly survived the fall. Struggling with the concept of names, I'll permit the authors at least one name that survived ten thousand years, but I'll leave the rest of the planet unnamed for now.

(original image credit CC BY-SA 4.0 Maulucioni)

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1 year ago

Read all of these. Not a request.

vidarrsomething - I seem to exist...
vidarrsomething - I seem to exist...
vidarrsomething - I seem to exist...
vidarrsomething - I seem to exist...
vidarrsomething - I seem to exist...
vidarrsomething - I seem to exist...
vidarrsomething - I seem to exist...

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1 year ago

Triggered the prerequisites for a wandering boss fight...

vidarrsomething - I seem to exist...

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1 year ago

The rapture in three images

BWAAAAHHHHH Wake The Fuck Up Everyone On Earth

BWAAAAHHHHH wake the fuck up everyone on earth

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1 year ago

I'd rock it.

Personal Fix It, Don't Worry About It.

Personal fix it, don't worry about it.

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1 year ago

Something similar happened to Americans after the great depression. Surviving children and people born post Depression retained the food they ate more efficiently, as their bodies were expecting to have to go for extended periods of time without another meal. This paired with the sudden abundance of food that followed led to the obesity epidemic.

Scientist Voice: Today I Will Be A Dick To This Cricket

scientist voice: today i will be a dick to this cricket 

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1 year ago

Conversely, how would you go about amplifying that uncanny feel? Like, "This is not a place of Honor" type beats...

*stares At You With Wide Eyes*

*stares at you with wide eyes*

how do you do that?

Do the what ?

The rooms ?

You want me to teach you how to do level editing and custom regions ?

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1 year ago

More along the first, like something vile happened here, and now life itself avoids it.

*stares At You With Wide Eyes*

*stares at you with wide eyes*

how do you do that?

Do the what ?

The rooms ?

You want me to teach you how to do level editing and custom regions ?

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1 year ago


*stares At You With Wide Eyes*

*stares at you with wide eyes*

how do you do that?

Do the what ?

The rooms ?

You want me to teach you how to do level editing and custom regions ?

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1 year ago

My fixation as of the last three months, as well as several other periods of my life.

I've Noticed That I Really Enjoy This Aesthetic.

I've noticed that I really enjoy this aesthetic.

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1 year ago

This is a call-out. Im the one being called.

vidarrsomething - I seem to exist...

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1 year ago

Nah, but the fact that his dad is the owner of an airplane factory, and all the antagonists are birds.

Here we see a foul deceiver, tortured devourers, and militant hordes.

All of them birds, beasts of the sky.

And what's that the workers are bringing to Mahito's home?

Airplane parts, pieces of the device that puts man among these beasts of the sky, and our bloodshed with us.

Ghibli in Porco Rosso and the Wind Rises: flight is a wondrous thing soured and despoiled by mankind's lust for war

The Boy and the Heron: birds are the fucking worst

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1 year ago

Glad to see I'm not the only one who caught Alive in Wonderland parallels.

Like Alice, Mahito found his way in through a hole in the Earth, led by a grinning beast with habits of disappearing, and was having little to no patience for the arbitrary rules and methods of the world he found himself in.

"We're all mad here" even seems to be echoed in the line "All herons lie". It's an assumption made by the forces claiming to be higher then the child in question, but come the end, both Alice and Mahito are revealed to be linchpins in their respective fantasy lands.

Did the Boy and the Heron just hit the theaters in the Western world? Is that why I suddenly have so many ghibli stuff on my dash? Because I like it.

Now, can you please tell the Japanese people that this story isn't difficult to understand, because I don't know what happened, but here, when the movie went out this summer, it was all "it's hard to understand" "it's for people with brain". My friend said that she didn't go to see it because she wouldn't understand it. She didn't even try to go.

I went to see it in Japanese with no subtitles. It was just a story! A coming of age, Alice in wonderland type of story. I loved it, it wasn't difficult. Why do people find it difficult to understand?

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1 year ago

Hhhhhhhhnnnnmm viking tech wear cult type beats fuck yeah...

New Release: Princess Chronicles -Future Knight's Ultimate Battle- Series
New Release: Princess Chronicles -Future Knight's Ultimate Battle- Series
New Release: Princess Chronicles -Future Knight's Ultimate Battle- Series
New Release: Princess Chronicles -Future Knight's Ultimate Battle- Series
New Release: Princess Chronicles -Future Knight's Ultimate Battle- Series
New Release: Princess Chronicles -Future Knight's Ultimate Battle- Series
New Release: Princess Chronicles -Future Knight's Ultimate Battle- Series
New Release: Princess Chronicles -Future Knight's Ultimate Battle- Series
New Release: Princess Chronicles -Future Knight's Ultimate Battle- Series

New Release: Princess Chronicles 【-Future Knight's Ultimate Battle-】 Series

◆ Shopping Link >>> https://lolitawardrobe.com/princess-chronicles-future-knights-ultimate-battle-ouji-lolita-shirt-cape-and-jumper-dress_p8177.html

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1 year ago

I hope your favorite anime gets a Netflix live action movie.

"Kill yourself" is basic. "I hope your fandom gets a new installment that is objectively a great work but also tonally dissonant from the previous ones in a way that generates a huge newbie boom of people uninterested and hostile towards the history of the franchise" is smart. It's possible. It's terrifying. It's happening right now.

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