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{171027} VAV Busking @ Sri KL, Malaysia.
Preview Performance “She’s Mine”
Official Release 2nd November 2017 00:00 KST
AS MOST OF YOU KNOW…..I’M A MULTI-FANDOM FAN. Recently, I’ve discovered this group of 7 wonderful boys, by the name VAV, and I SWEAR….. their songs are just addictive af! They have a really amazing fandom called VAMPZ, and they’re trying to get VAV’s latest single “She’s Mine” MV to 1 MILLION VIEWS BY THE END OF THIS WEEK. Due to their lack of popularity, VAMPZ need your help to achieve their goal!Not trying to top charts or win any daesangs, VAMPZ only motive is to make VAV proud of who they are and what they’ve already achieved. I hope as a K-POP fan yourself, you could help us, Vampz, by just viewing this MV. Just once will do. Give these boys a change. We humbly thank you in advance