Venluc - Tumblr Posts

Platonic Jeanluc and Thomaluc soloing still-a-spy-you-blind-fuckers(/LH) Kaeya. (A man doesn't try to kill kids in a dark alley without being a lil bit evil)

Diluc's love language is carrying people. Sometimes, when they were younger, you'd see Jean wrapped around his waist (a very huggable waist) picking fruit off of nearby trees as if she isn't already climbing a fruity tree (I'm also gay and tallish so I can say that lol)

More recently, you see him carrying Venti, because what's more adorable than a mass murderer carrying god through a field of grapes?

EDIT: I am a Kaeya main, I love that man to death, don't get me wrong.

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1 year ago
You Conjure Such A Beautiful World - 2

You Conjure Such A Beautiful World - 2

Diluven | 1.3k Words | Rated T | Canon Divergent/Different First Meeting | No Reposts

The first time Diluc crosses paths with Venti after his return to Mondstadt.

Part 1 | Part 2 (final / you're here.)

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Credits: Title Banner: Me. | Divider Credit

You Conjure Such A Beautiful World - 2

The Archon of Mondstadt was always around. Always watching.

He was the one Diluc saw playing his lyre in the square, the one who’s actions he could not read (and the reason now is clear as the waters of Cider Lake) and the one that acted as a mere human in a nation that he himself presides over. There were clergy in the square that prayed to him faithfully. There were Church services dedicated to him, the very same ones he’s attended as a child with his father. He’s heard pleas from Adventurers at his Statues of the Seven for safe passage in their explorations. The shocking reality of the situation had Diluc locked up inside his own Winery and dare he admit it, afraid to approach the Archon about all of his concerns and feelings.

Being targeted by the Fatui Harbingers was less of a fright.

His feelings about everything are conflicting and confusing. He’d much rather stay at the Winery to sort them out lest he say anything offensive. Even his staff are conflicted, as he has not requested any services, instead insisting he wished to remain in solitude and that he would request anything should he need it. This was fine, as he would also take the time to ensure there were no viable threats to Mondstadt.

He loves Mondstadt like no other and loves all who dwell in it… and takes special care to those that protect Mondstadt under the cover of night.

He’s reminded of that night and the Archon’s words. They were oddly specific, but now…

Of course he would know who goes out of their way to protect his lands and would know his identity.

I shouldn’t be surprised.

Interrupting his throughts, his eagle flies into his study with a caw and a rolled up paper that drops in his hands. This was a nightly occurrence. In a better attempt to scour the lands of Mondstadt, he sent his eagle out to search for any threats. Members of his Intelligence Network were always available, always watching—ironically enough, just like Barbatos. If a member came across his eagle, they would call out to it and leave a note.

There were two codes. Attn: It’s Sunny. That was reserved for no threats. A peaceful outcome. The best outcome.

Then there was the other code.

Attn: It’s Snowing.

Cape Oath.

Diluc burned the letter as per usual and left quietly. Good. Whether it be the Fatui, foolish Treasure Hoarders or Abyss Mages, his claymore was ready and held tightly in his hand. Handling this little issue would do wonders to clear his mind. Diluc makes his trip as quickly as possible and of course, unseen. He’d take a couple of short rests until he made his way to Cape Oath.

It was silent when he arrived, but ominous. Diluc knew something was amiss, especially since the winds blew harshly. A Mondstadter always knew when something was wrong by feeling the winds, even if they weren’t devout to Barbatos or magically adept. The winds never blew harshly. The winds were always calm. Mondstadt was the prime location for a retreat because of this well known fact. His hair blows violently, it’s hard to walk, but Diluc makes his way towards the edge of Cape Oath.

Only to see a Fatuus fall to the ground, groaning.

In fact, there are many of them wriething in pain, clutching their sides. He can’t say he cares, for he would have been harsher in his attacks.

But he flinches once he realizes who exactly is responsible for this.

He is before Barbatos, who holds his divine lyre in his hands. It gradually disappears and strangely enough, turns back into the faux Anemo Vision he wore on his waist. His eyes are filled with contempt. There were sayings that the winds reflected Barbatos’ mood—calm when pleased, violent when angered or melancholy, but seeing it in person is different from the books.

“Oh,” he says, nonchalant. “Hello, Master Diluc.”

He bows to no man, but this is his Archon displaying his power. It would be foolish not to.


“I don’t ask for anyone to submit to me.” he responded. “So, there is no need to stand on ceremony.”

Barbatos looked around. He flicked his wrist and the members of the Fatui on the ground were binded with Anemo.

“I’d called the Ordo Favonius, but…”

That was your first mistake, My Lord.

“…Dealing with them myself was more… enjoyable, I guess? Der Frühling, my trusty lyre. It was a long while since it tasted blood.”

Diluc shivered as he stood.

“I would not have minded taking care of the problem for you.”

“I’m aware of that,” Barbatos smiled. “The very lovely member of your Intelligence Network was nice enough to give me your calling codes. But, we’ll talk more later.”

He gestured behind him. Several members of the Ordo Favonius arrived on scene to access the situation. They were thanked for their hard work and the Fatui taken away. In those moments, Barbatos credited Diluc with the apprehension of them and it bewildered him.

“It’s been a while since I fought. I’m a bit rusty.”

He said he was the weakest. I knew that was a load of nonsense when he said it.

The winds calm. The moon peaks through the clouds and gives off a glow that surrounds Barbatos, making him look as the divine being he is. Then he ascended slightly, extending his hand towards Diluc and beckoned him to approach.

“I wouldn’t be such a cruel Archon as to make you walk back so deep into the midnight hours.”

Without question, Diluc takes his hand. It happens in seconds. They’re back at the Dawn Winery and entering quietly.

“We have not seen each other since we helped Dvalin. I’m that scary, that you would avoid me?”

“I—I wasn’t avoiding—”

“You are a man of many skills, Diluc Ragnvindr. Lying isn’t one of them.”

“My apologies,” he conceded. “I was troubled.”

“Now that is the truth. Good.”

Diluc took a deep breath and  sat down.

“I am the source of your troubles,” Barbatos sighed, sitting next to him. “Sorry.”

“I could never fault you. Even when I felt abandoned, I could never truly blame anyone but myself. It was my choice to go on the path I did, no one else’s.”

“Still,” Barbatos responded. “I have many sins to bear and I am not short on those hateful prayers from those that felt abandoned by me and felt as if I did not care.”

“I…” Diluc didn’t know what to say.

“I don’t desire to rule over anyone, but as you mortals say, it is a “double-edged sword.” The reason why Mondstadt is peaceful is because of the people. Because of you. It was never my efforts.”

Diluc snapped, “With all due given respect, Barbatos, that’s a load of bullshit. It’s unbecoming of you to dismiss your contributions so easily.”

Barbatos gasped. Diluc took this as initiative to continue. In fact, he stood.

“Do you want to know why Mondstadt still stands, Lord Barbatos? It is the people’s faith in you. That desire you have for Mondstadt to prosper without a ruler was embedded into the people’s minds and it is that wish that drives us to protect your city without fail. If you did not provide, they would be no faith in you! There would be no recognition!”

Remaining silent, Barbatos looked at him, wishing him to continue.

“Those hateful “prayers” you spoke of earlier are from those that want their wishes handed to them on a silver platter and are not worth your time. Even now, look at yourself. You are afraid even to give yourself credit for stopping the Fatui. That is where your weakness lies. It was never your strength, but your heart.”

“You and I share a weakness, then.”

Realizing what he said, Diluc’s passionate  resolve breaks.

Barbatos continued, “I guess that makes us more alike?”

“…You wanted me to say this. This was your plan, wasn’t it?”

A smile forms on the Archon’s face.

“If this was years prior, you would have never had the strength to say what you did now. You were lost, as I told you during our unofficial meeting. You thought everything was your fault, your burden to carry and you still hold yourself in contempt.”

“I don’t understand you, Barbatos,” Diluc sighed with frustration. “Why are you doing this?”

“Do you want to understand me?”

“Yes! Celestia above, I want to understand you! I know each and every person in Mondstadt! I know everyone’s routines, I know who is a threat and who is not! But you—You I can’t have a handle on! Ever since that first night, I wanted to speak with you. You did eventually come again but it wasn’t satisfying at all! You acted as if we did not meet. Tell me, do you play these games with everyone?!”

“Oh, Diluc,” Barbatos stood up and approached him. Grasping his hands, he shook his head. “I’m here. I have always been here even when I have made it seem like I am not. I am a very contradictory Archon. That is no game. It simply has to be. I can’t explain my actions for this is how I am.”

“I gather the many years of having to refer to yourself as a different entity has finally confused you.”

“Perhaps,” Barbatos laughed. “This is what I get for choosing to watch over Mondstadt in my own way.”

Diluc notices that he’s still holding his hands. He pulls them away softly and crosses his arms.

“Remember when we first met? You talked about yourself so confidently then. You already knew of my feats, and you told me, ‘You love your home  and protect your home and in turn, the Archon who watches over your home loves you.’  You meant that, right?”

“Yes. Of course I did.”

“That night, you moved me to tears. I still have those flowers you gave me. They’re dried out, but I still have them.”

Barbatos fiddled with his hands timidly.

“I bet that was the first night you allowed yourself to be genuine,” Diluc continued. “ You gave yourself credit. Even though you left me with more questions than answers, you were genuine. That part of you is something I will unravel.”

He kneeled, grasping Barbatos’ hand again.

“If lying truly isn’t my strong suit as you said, then it is certainly not yours either. That makes us even more alike. You wouldn’t speak of your feats in such a way if you did not want any recognition.”

“Diluc,” Barbatos replied breathlessly. “What is it that you want, exactly?”

“I told you. To unravel you. I will decipher your secrets behind the many façades you put on and reveal your true self.”

Barbatos averted his eyes, as if wondering what exactly he got himself into. He finally looked at Diluc with fire in his eyes.

“I take it as a challenge,” he replied softly. “I want to see what you can do.”

Diluc couldn’t utter a response quickly enough before Barbatos disappeared in a flurry of feathers. He stood again, now in the empty room and captured one of those feathers in his hands.


If it were a challenge he wanted, it would be a challenge he would get.

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