Verdi - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

¡Una maravillosa Traviata!

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1 year ago

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7 months ago

Psst, OP.

I think you'd really like this (if you don't already know about it).

Psst, OP.

Okay, I wanna talk about the Green Tree Python

Okay, I Wanna Talk About The Green Tree Python

They don't start out green!

They can be yellow

Okay, I Wanna Talk About The Green Tree Python

Or a red to redish brown color

Okay, I Wanna Talk About The Green Tree Python

As they get older, the characteristic green pigment starts to come through

Okay, I Wanna Talk About The Green Tree Python

When I first learned about this, they were described to me as reverse bananas.

They start out yellow or red or brownish

Okay, I Wanna Talk About The Green Tree Python

And then, in an inverse of how a banana turns from green to yellow as it ripens, these bad boys start turning green (the red and brown ones turn yellow first!)

Okay, I Wanna Talk About The Green Tree Python

Until we get that full green color they're so well known for

Okay, I Wanna Talk About The Green Tree Python

The reverse banana of the snake world

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7 years ago
Verdi ouverture de la Force du destin, JF Gonzales-Hamilton conductor
Concert à Saint-Pétersbourg, au Palais Chérémétevsky, le 17.01.2018. Jean-François Gonzales-Hamilton dirige le Jeune Orchestre Symphonique de Saint-Pétersbou...

Concert à Saint-Pétersbourg, au Palais Chérémétevsky, le 17.01.2018. Jean-François Gonzales-Hamilton dirige le Jeune Orchestre Symphonique de Saint-Pétersbourg (Молодёжный Симфонический  Оркестр Санкт-Петербурга).

 Concert in Saint-Petersburg, Sheremetevsky Palace, January 17th 2018. Jean-François Gonzales-Hamilton conducts the Young Symphony Orchestra  of Saint-Petersburg (Молодёжный Симфонический  Оркестр Санкт-Петербурга).

violon solo / concertmaster / Konzertmeisterin / концертмейстер : Василиса Диминенко (Vasilisa Diminenko)

violoncelle solo / first 'cello / первый виолончелист : Роман Киселёв (Roman Kisséliov)

harpe / harp / Harfe / арфа : Дарья Ерофеева (Daria Erofeeva)

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3 years ago

Verdi ouverture de la Force du destin (la Forza del Destino) Saint-Pétersbourg 01 07 2015 Orchestre Tavritchesky direction Jean-François Gonzales-Hamilton

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11 years ago

You may have the universe if I may have Italy.

Giuseppe Verdi

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3 years ago

Beautiful Opera arias to start your classical music Journey

Below i made a little list for poeple who want to get into Opera (with Links)

Beautiful Opera Arias To Start Your Classical Music Journey

1. Nessun Dorma - Giacomo Puccini

~ A total classic for a reason

2. Lascia ch'io pianga - Georg Friedrich Händel

~ "let me weep my cruel fate" - it's breathtakingly beautiful

3. L'ho perduta - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

~ a short musical masterpiece

Beautiful Opera Arias To Start Your Classical Music Journey

4. Je crois entendre encore - George Bizet

~ one of the most heartfelt melodies ever written

5. La Habanera - George Bizet

~ almost everyone heard this sassy classic once

6. Un bel di vedremo - Giacomo Puccini

~ another tearjerker by the master of romantic operas

7. Una furtiva lagrima - Geatano Donizetti

~ one of the most romantic arias out there

Beautiful Opera Arias To Start Your Classical Music Journey

8. Addio del passato - Giuseppe Verdi

~ a musical farewell

9. Largo al Factotum - Giachino Rossini

~ This is a fun one and a real show off

10. Pourquoi me reveiller - Jules Massenet

~ this is the one for you if you like it dark and dramatic

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