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¡Una maravillosa Traviata!
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Psst, OP.
I think you'd really like this (if you don't already know about it).

Okay, I wanna talk about the Green Tree Python

They don't start out green!
They can be yellow

Or a red to redish brown color

As they get older, the characteristic green pigment starts to come through

When I first learned about this, they were described to me as reverse bananas.
They start out yellow or red or brownish

And then, in an inverse of how a banana turns from green to yellow as it ripens, these bad boys start turning green (the red and brown ones turn yellow first!)

Until we get that full green color they're so well known for

The reverse banana of the snake world

Concert à Saint-Pétersbourg, au Palais Chérémétevsky, le 17.01.2018. Jean-François Gonzales-Hamilton dirige le Jeune Orchestre Symphonique de Saint-Pétersbourg (Молодёжный Симфонический Оркестр Санкт-Петербурга).
Concert in Saint-Petersburg, Sheremetevsky Palace, January 17th 2018. Jean-François Gonzales-Hamilton conducts the Young Symphony Orchestra of Saint-Petersburg (Молодёжный Симфонический Оркестр Санкт-Петербурга).
violon solo / concertmaster / Konzertmeisterin / концертмейстер : Василиса Диминенко (Vasilisa Diminenko)
violoncelle solo / first 'cello / первый виолончелист : Роман Киселёв (Roman Kisséliov)
harpe / harp / Harfe / арфа : Дарья Ерофеева (Daria Erofeeva)
Verdi ouverture de la Force du destin (la Forza del Destino) Saint-Pétersbourg 01 07 2015 Orchestre Tavritchesky direction Jean-François Gonzales-Hamilton

verdi at glastonbury
Beautiful Opera arias to start your classical music Journey
Below i made a little list for poeple who want to get into Opera (with Links)

1. Nessun Dorma - Giacomo Puccini
~ A total classic for a reason
2. Lascia ch'io pianga - Georg Friedrich Händel
~ "let me weep my cruel fate" - it's breathtakingly beautiful
3. L'ho perduta - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
~ a short musical masterpiece

4. Je crois entendre encore - George Bizet
~ one of the most heartfelt melodies ever written
5. La Habanera - George Bizet
~ almost everyone heard this sassy classic once
6. Un bel di vedremo - Giacomo Puccini
~ another tearjerker by the master of romantic operas
7. Una furtiva lagrima - Geatano Donizetti
~ one of the most romantic arias out there

8. Addio del passato - Giuseppe Verdi
~ a musical farewell
9. Largo al Factotum - Giachino Rossini
~ This is a fun one and a real show off
10. Pourquoi me reveiller - Jules Massenet
~ this is the one for you if you like it dark and dramatic