Vesania Was Perceived - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Tagging @blueberrymffn @mentallyinvernation @sleepsonfutons @thranduilland @msgeekstyle

tagging @blueberrymffn @mentallyinvernation @sleepsonfutons @thranduilland @msgeekstyle

I Was Tagged By @callumnova To Create Myself Using This Picrew! Thank You, Darling Doll.

I was tagged by @callumnova to create myself using this picrew! Thank you, darling doll.

I tig-tag: @filmnoiress, @conradrasputin, @mariamariquinha, @sturridges, @marlowe-zara

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1 year ago
Tagging @blueberrymffn @sleepsonfutons @seiya-starsniper
Tagging @blueberrymffn @sleepsonfutons @seiya-starsniper
Tagging @blueberrymffn @sleepsonfutons @seiya-starsniper
Tagging @blueberrymffn @sleepsonfutons @seiya-starsniper

Tagging @blueberrymffn @sleepsonfutons @seiya-starsniper

If you’ve done it before… do it again. High pressure to do this.



Tag your friends, followers, family, pets.. idk No pressure!! 💋

@manjibunny @nanamikentoseyebags @chronic-claire-universe @softshuji @deskaisers @scaramood @hoeshi4444 @kenuis @k1sakis @ranscutedoll @satocidal @moonartemisia @ask-the-insect-hashira @strawberrystepmom AND EVERYONE WHO WANTS TO

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1 year ago

Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals. 💌💜 >:>

the literal "Favourite Songs" automated playlist: 1. False God 2. Dress 3. I Know Places 4. I Wish You Would 5. ...Ready For It?

My fav playlist: 1. Look What You Made Me Do 2. London Boy 3. So It Goes... 4. I Don't Wanna Live Forever 5. Don't Blame Me all by taylor cuz duh

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1 year ago

Ten Characters Tag

rules: give 10 different characters from 10 different fandoms, and then tag 10 people to do the same

Perceived by: @sleepsonfutons


The Sandman: Dream of the Endless

Pjato: Percy Jackson

Arcane: Viktor

Red, white and royal blue: Henry

DC: Dick Grayson

DC (since there’s a billion properties and timelines I’m double dipping fuck you): Jason Todd

Like minds/murderous intent: Nigel Colbie

Shadow and bone: the Darkling

Six of Crows: Kaz Brekker

Queen's Gambit: Beth Harmon

@mentallyinvernation @bisexualhobgadling @hellfridge @thranduilland @my-brain-needs-a-spring-cleaning @serenailith @msgeekstyle @spockandthings @aquabluejay @seiya-starsniper

this was so hard like 90% of my friends dont tumblr. yall are gonna get a BUNCH tonite

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1 year ago

Perceived by @sleepsonfutons again

current time: wouldn't you like to know, weather boy

current mood: exhilarated

current activity: clearing out the drafts

currently thinking about: the ridiculousness of this question

current favourite song: You're losing me

currently reading: Stiff: The curious lives of human cadavers

currently watching: Indian Matchmaking. It's horrible. I hate everyone in it.

current favourite character: Dream of the Endless

current WIPs: oh so many. ive also been tagged in that new wip list one so you're gonna see it there

@msgeekstyle @spockandthings @aquabluejay @seiya-starsniper

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1 year ago

Tag Game

Tag 9 people you want to get to know better. Or however many. Whatever.

Perceived by @sleepsonfutons as usual

Three ships: hobrintheus, sladick, jayvick

First ever ship: magicbird

Last song: nails hair hips heels by todrick hall

Last movie: Do Revenge

Currently reading: Stiff: the curious lives of human cadavers

Currently watching: indian matchmaking

Currently consuming: twix

Currently craving: a break

@mentallyinvernation @bisexualhobgadling @hellfridge @thranduilland @my-brain-needs-a-spring-cleaning @serenailith

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1 year ago

Tag game!

Perceived by @mentallyinvernation​

Currently reading: Cs textbook

Favorite color: PURPLE

Last Song: is it over now (Taylor)

Last Movie: the starving games

Sweet/spicy/savoury: sweet OR spicy

Currently working on: uhhh my Cs homework

Tag 5 mutuals you want to get to know better!: @seiya-starsniper @fleabagoftheendless @honeyteacakes @spockandthings @bisexualhobgadling

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1 year ago

Music Tag Game

Perceived by @thranduilland and @spockandthings i think

Rules: Put your playlist on shuffle. For each of the 10 interview questions, select a lyric from the random song that comes up. (Skip if there aren’t any lyrics and make sure to drop the name of the song in your interview answer!) <3

1. First off, how would you describe yourself in one sentence?

I'm perfectly fine, I live on my own, I made up my mind, I'm better off being alone. KOMH - TS

2. What kind of [Sign] are you?

Today is never too late to be brand new Innocent (TV) - TS

3. You’re visiting your favourite spot. What are you thinking about?

Flashbacks to my mistakes, my rebounds, my earthquakes Dress - TS

4. If your life was a movie, what do you think the first review would say about it?

Home is where the heart is, but that's not where mine lives. London Boy - TS

5. Say you get a book deal. What are you titling the memoir?

Just another thing for you to roll your eyes at, honey BTR (TV) - TS

6. What would you say about your best friends?

Flash forward and we're taking on the world together Mine (TV) - TS

7. Think back to when you had everything all figured out in highschool. What was your life motto as a teenager?

I don't start shit but I can tell you how it ends Vigilante Shit - TS

8. Describe your aesthetic now

Remember the footsteps, remember the words said Never grow up (TV) - TS

9. What’s a lyric that they’ll quote in your eulogy?

We gather here, we line up, weeping in a sunlit room My tears ricochet - TS TBH the whole song

10. And for our final question, say you believe in soulmates. What do you think their first impression of meeting you would be?

Toned, tan, fit and ready California Gurls - Katy Perry & Snoop Dogg

surprised? @mentallyinvernation @bisexualhobgadling @hellfridge @thranduilland @my-brain-needs-a-spring-cleaning @msgeekstyle

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1 year ago

Last 10 fics meme

Rules: Post the first lines of your last ten fics posted to AO3. (Sort by date posted.) If you have fewer than ten, post what you have. 

Perceived by @seiya-starsniper

Rainy Days - Human AU (Sports commentator Dream, Sportsball Fan Hob) Hob had been drowning his sorrows at the White Horse.

Hitting Critical Mass - Dream splits himself into Dream and Nightmare “Okay, so what's the matter?”

1689 - What if Dream stuck around to help Hob “Don't touch me! Fսcking dungwit. Get out of my way!” Hob pushes against the bouncer trying to throw him out of the tavern.

The Chandrasekhar Limit - Interstellar war AU (Healer Dream, Opposite side Hob) "Gadling." "Endless."

Turn over a new leaf (turn the world upside down) - MEAN Hob cont of ep6 Hob looks up when a shadow falls across the essays he is grading. It is a dark clad man, hell bent on secrecy and enigma, filled to the brim with pride and arrogance.

The Immortal's Book Club - Good omens crossover "Apparently, Dream has a whole ass library which includes every creative work made or unmade. AND HE WON'T LET ME BRING ANY OVER TO THE WAKING WORLD." Hob is pacing across his living room, no doubt wearing a path into his brand new carpet. He feels a pang of guilt, after all, it’s only twenty seven years old, he intends to make it last.

Sweet Dreams are made of this - Dream Trying to work through the issues with Desire. Dreamling and surprise guest “Oh Sweet Dream? I stand in my gallery and hold your sigil. Won’t you visit your favourite younger sibling?”

Flying in a dream, Stars by the pocketful - Dream's self image issues and Complicated Relationship with Night Dream let out a content sigh as the last pieces of rubble slotted back into place. He had spent the past week travelling the Dreaming, and repairing everything he could.

I'll be the actor starring in your bad dreams - Organised crime AU (detective hob mob boss dream) “Greetings, Mr. Gadling. How may I assist you today?” Hob groaned internally. While he knew that checking out a crime scene at an Endless property would mean that he’d run into his beloathed, he hoped that he might have a break for once. “It’s Detective Gadling, Mr. Endless.”

Grey Matter(s) - Hob character study “You colour your hair?” Dream had popped into the Waking for the evening, only to find Hob standing in his bathroom, mixing a bowl of dark gunk to put in his hair.

All sandman except the one crossover

perceiving @sleepsonfutons @seiya-starsniper (yes tag back) @serenailith

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